2/17/2021 10:15 AM - AGND-2021-0030

Telephone/Internet audio conference (see other discussion for call in information)
Minutes Approved By
2/24/2021 10:15 AM ( AGND-2021-0031 )
WD - Withdrawn
- Good Cause
Y - Yea
N - Nay
A - Absent
X - Non-Participating
Ryan Silvey (RS) Bill Kenney (WK) Scott Rupp (SR) Maida Coleman (MC) Jason Holsman (JH) Staff
Present Present Present Present Present Present
Approval of Minutes of Last Agenda Meeting
Agenda Date/Time RS WK SR MC JH Action
2/10/2021 10:15 AM Y Y Y Y Y Approved as submitted.
Tariff & New Orders
Case Discussion
Other Discussion
Tariff Tracking
No items listed.
Additional Item(s)
Ryan Silvey's signature'
The Sunshine Law requires advance notice of items that may be closed.See sec.610.022.2.
  • Litigation (may be closed under sec.610.021(1) RSMo)
  • Other - contracts (may be closed under sec.610.021(12) RSMo)
  • Personnel (may be closed under sec.610.021(3) and/or (13) RSMo)
  • Other - closed records (may be closed under sec.610.021(14) RSMo)
  • Other - security systems (may be closed under sec.610.021(19) RSMo)