Current Date/Time: 3/8/2025 7:05:16 PM
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Submission No.
Style of Case
In the Matter of the Application for Certificate of Service Authority to Provide Interexchange Service and for Approval of Tariffs of New London Telephone Company d/b/a Missouricom, Orchard Farm Telephone Company d/b/a Missouricom, Stoutland Telephone Company d/b/a Missouricom, and New Florence Telephone Company d/b/a Missouricom
Subject Company
Missouricom (New Florence) (Telephone - ILEC)
...See All Subject Companies
- Missouricom (New Florence) (Telephone - ILEC)
- Missouricom (New London) (Telephone - ILEC) (Closed)
- Missouricom (Orchard Farm) (Telephone - ILEC) (Closed)
- Missouricom (Stoutland) (Telephone - ILEC) (Closed)
- New Florence Telephone Company (Telephone - ILEC) (Closed)
- New London Telephone Company (Telephone - ILEC)
- Orchard Farm Telephone Company (Telephone - ILEC)
- Stoutland Telephone Company (Telephone - ILEC)
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