Closed (9/24/2004)
Utility Type
Telephone - Payphone
Type of Case
Discontinuance of Certificate of Service
Style of Case
In the Matter of the Cancellation of the Certificates of Service Authority of Kenny Valek; Shirley J. Barker; Marguerite L. McGee; Gina Barker; Michael F. Loy; d/b/a Bexar Communications; Shekki Gorman; Zahari Jovcev; David H. Paxton; Chris L. Rucker; Michael Smith; Angelique Whitson d/b/a Unique Creations; Betty Cornwell; David Wood; and Laura Wood.
Assigned Judge
  • Mills, Lewis (Lead Judge)
Assigned Attorney
  • Weston, Mary (Lead Attorney)
Related Submission No.
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