Closed (2/14/2005)
Utility Type
Telephone - Payphone
Type of Case
Discontinuance of Certificate of Service
Subject Companies
Style of Case
In the Matter of the Cancellation of the Certificates of Service Authority of: Christopher Vaughan; Gerald Wells; James Fennelly; Roger Kean; Steve Winkley; Anthony Johnson; Michael Scarry; Andino Gray; Anthony Plescia; Brian Koenig; Dennis Thomas; Gaines Fort; Jamie Rounds; Sam Graefe; Shaun Crooker; Sherry Thomson; Rebecca Gatto; Paul Becherer; Mohammed Uppal; Joe Eubanks; Tyson Becker; Matthew Cavanaugh; Won Kim; Eileen Hartman; Michael Labombard; and Kenneth Cox.
Assigned Judge
  • Pridgin, Ron (Lead Judge)
Assigned Attorney
  • Weston, Mary
Related Submission No.
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