Closed (12/27/2005)
Utility Type
Telephone - Payphone
Type of Case
Discontinuance of Certificate of Service
Style of Case
In the Matter of the Cancellation of the Certificates of Service Authority of: Akilah Alford Albert Winston Andrew J. and Donna M. Irvin Anita Anderson Brent J. Reynolds Brian Hughs Charles L. Bussio Christopher Smith Clarence G. Wolf, Jr. Darla Ray De Vera David E. Stanfield David J. Tscharner David W. Zabawa Dennis A. Lewis Doug Mullins Douglas Ross Estanya Collins Frank Sellaro Gary Loyd Glen E. Hancock Jeff C. Freeze Jeff C. Warren Jeffry Faulkner d/b/a Mister Jeff`s Hair Center
Assigned Judge
  • Jones, Kennard (Lead Judge)
Assigned Attorney
  • Meyer, David (Lead Attorney)
Related Submission No.
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