Docket Sheet
ER-2021-0312 - Item 6
Item No.
Date Filed
5/28/2021 2:09 PM
Type of Filing
Testimony Issue
Rate of Return
Testimony Sub-Issue
Testimony Sub-Issue 2
Capital Structure
Title of Filing
Direct Testimony of Todd Mooney (Public, Confidential and Highly Confidential)
This filing is to meet a scheduled deadline for today
Response to Previous Filings
Name Size Security
mooney direct testimony-highly confidential.pdf 563.73 KB Highly Confidential
mooney direct testimony-confidential.pdf 499.83 KB Confidential
mooney direct testimony-public.pdf 501.2 KB Public
schedule tm-1 highly confidential.pdf 213.92 KB Highly Confidential
schedule tm-1 public.pdf 185.46 KB Public
schedule tm-2 highly confidential.pdf 3,720.73 KB Highly Confidential
schedule tm-2 public.pdf 1,089.4 KB Public
schedule tm-3.pdf 738.24 KB Public
schedule tm-4.pdf 742.57 KB Public
schedule tm-5.pdf 732.22 KB Public
Total: 10 file(s), 8,987.3 KB