Current Date/Time: 3/4/2025 10:33:47 PM
Linked Consumer Comments
Consumer Comment No. | Date Filed | Consumer Comments |
P202100827 | 6/4/2021 7:28 AM | (DF)We wish to protest the proposed rate for Liberty Utilities. My husband lost his job of 39 years because of Covid, and we are getting by on one income. While we are not in trouble, we have had to make smarter spending decisions. And we realize we are not alone. Most organizations have to work smarter, or decrease their expenses, when faced with a reduction in income, or a need to increase revenue. This concept has never applied to public utilities. See attached for complete P.C. |
P202100831 | 6/4/2021 7:52 AM | (DF)I'm sure this email won't make a difference, but I just wanted to say that I think it is in poor taste to ask for a rate increase in the middle of a pandemic. My husband lost his job of 18 years. He was luckily able to find another job after searching for 6 months. However, he only makes 2/3 of what he made before. I know he is not alone. See attached for entire P.C. |
P202100833 | 6/4/2021 8:36 AM | I don’t understand how to find where to place my comment, but I strenuously object to the proposed rate increase for Liberty Utilities Empire District. This corporation is already making enough to pay quarterly dividends to it’s shareholders. That means the rate increase is NOT needed for continuing operations, but rather to further enrich the shareholders. Since I am one of the many customers trying to live on a fixed retirement income (Social Security) I simply can not afford a higher rate! |
P202100834 | 6/4/2021 8:42 AM | (JB) "I am against this raise increase. I don't think they need an additional $80 mil in revenue. They need to operate within their own budget and make do with what they already get." |
P202100837 | 6/4/2021 10:00 AM | see attached for full comment |
P202100838 | 6/4/2021 10:04 AM | Rates are high now as it is. Why are they raising with the windmills being built. With the economy the past year we can't make it with an increase. Roads got torn up putting in the windmills and ruined the landscape and view. |
P202100845 | 6/4/2021 2:49 PM | Empire Electric District should not be allowed to raise rates this year. This company or their affiliates have bought not only our electric but also our water. They have increased the rates on both. Our water rate has nearly tripled. They are adding electronic self reading meters to both utilities. When they actually finish fully installing the technology it will save the company money and cut jobs. Rural Mo is still fighitng from the impact of COVID-10 economically. |
P202100846 | 6/4/2021 2:52 PM | Our water rate has nearly tripled since the company was purchased by Liberty. We can not afford for our electric also owned by Liberty to increase anymore this year. Especially after the cold winter we just had. They are adding electronic self reading meters to both utilities. When they actually finish fully installing the technology it will save the company money and cut jobs. Rural Mo is still fighting and recovering from the impact of COVID-19 economically. |
P202100860 | 6/7/2021 11:25 AM | see attached for full comment |
P202100870 | 6/8/2021 12:23 PM | Rates have gone up & up, enough is enough. Liberty is raping all of us on social security. I am angry. Feel like we're all being taken advantage of. Can't afford increase with having the expenses of prescriptions, etc. Dead set against it! |
P202100879 | 6/10/2021 7:55 AM | (DF)Liberty Utilities (previously Empire) continually raises our rates. It is ridiculous! Why are the cities allowing this to happen and not protecting us? We have no choice as to our electric service therefore, Liberty knows it can keep raising its rates. I keep having surges where the electricity keeps going off and on, so they are not even that secure of a service. We have other options in the area........ |
P202100882 | 6/11/2021 8:38 AM | (DF)Unfortunately, Liberty Utilities' time-of-use plan is rather hilariously inadequate--there's a 2-cent-per-kwh surcharge during peak hours and only a 1-cent-per-kwh discount during off-peak hours. How is that supposed to reward me for shifting my electric usage to the overnight hours. See attached for entire P.C. |
P202100903 | 6/16/2021 1:47 PM | 74 years old on social security & a small pension, disabled with COPD and diabetes. I can't afford an increase. This is infuriating what are we supposed to do? I am unable to work for supplemental income. We are captive customers. There is no competition. They have a monopoly. We just got out of COVID and this is the worst case scenario to start increasing rates. |
P202100905 | 6/17/2021 12:41 PM | I am against Liberty Electric (Empire Electric) raising rates. My electric bill went up 50% when they put the new meters in. There excuse was the old meters were slow, and one might say ok for one month to catch up, but that was not the case. I feel sorry for those on a fixed income who could barely pay for the utilities before the hike. Now they want to buy the city of Bolivar's water/sewer system, I am against that also, can only imagine how much that bill will go up. |
P202100918 | 6/22/2021 10:33 AM | (DF)Linda is does not believe Liberty should be granted a rate increase. She believes Liberty's justification for rate increase does not make sense. She is also against Liberty offering stock as part of their benefit package. |
P202100919 | 6/22/2021 11:27 AM | (DF)Customer does not believe Liberty Utilities should be granted a rate increase. She believes they are asking for too much. |
P202100922 | 6/22/2021 12:07 PM | I am objecting to the proposed rate increase of Liberty Utilities. They are unreasonable and will affect EVERYONE who must use their service...the poor, specifically, and we middle class users. They have a monopoly & we are captive customers. |
P202100923 | 6/22/2021 1:12 PM | (DF)Per the up coming hearing on the requested rate increase for Liberty Utilities: I am objecting to the proposed rate increase of Liberty Utilities. They are unreasonable and will affect EVERYONE who must use their service...the poor (specifically) retirees, and the middle class users. Liberty Utilities is a monopoly & we are captive customers. |
P202100925 | 6/22/2021 1:57 PM | Feel the increase is to pay for the green energy but it doesn't produce enough for the increase in rate and we will be paying for other states' green energy. |
P202200056 | 8/30/2021 1:10 PM | I strongly disagree with Liberty's request to raise rates to cover their own failings in dealing with Winter Storm Uri. Liberty has consistently refused to implement tariffs and technology that could have mitigated their exposure to an event like this, and it is unfair to penalize consumers for this behavior--or consumers like me who *did* severely curtail their usage during the event. For more details, please see the attached letter. |
P202200082 | 9/7/2021 4:09 PM | Liberty Utilities is out of control raising prices continuously for its customers . I am fed up and do not support anymore rate increases |
P202200083 | 9/8/2021 9:28 AM | Hello I live in the city limits of Aurora. I, along with many others in town, am very concerned with how liberty utilities is sky rocketing everyones bill out of nowhere and then when people call to complain or get answers they tell them its their usage and its "normal" for their home even though a lot of people are experiencing the same issue and have made several posts on the community facebook page about how its not normal. see attached for full comments |
P202200296 | 10/14/2021 1:22 PM | (DF)It was brought to my attention that Liberty is seeking another rate increase that would be as large as 9.3% for residential customers. I live and pastor in Republic. As a customer I do not like the idea of an increase, but as a pastor I believe this increase could be detrimental to local families. Families are already struggling to keep up with Liberty's excessive rates as is, with a nearly 10% increase this would push many families over the edge. See attached entire P.C. |
P202200298 | 10/14/2021 3:29 PM | see attached for comment |
P202200303 | 10/18/2021 8:44 AM | (DF)Mr. Goodman is against Liberty's proposed rate increase. He believes Liberty is just wanting a rate increase to pad their pockets. He doesn't think Liberty needs a new facility, and should sell existing property to cut expenses. |
P202200321 | 10/25/2021 9:12 AM | (co) Customer called stating he's rather strongly opposed. This bothers him that they want to raise their hook up just to be their customer. |
P202200326 | 10/26/2021 9:51 AM | (DF)I am against this increase, and, suggest that the commission only allow an increase of only 5%, to moderate the effects of an increase at this time. Or, an an alternative, no rate increase to those over the age of 65 or living on disability income. See attached for entire P.C. |
P202200332 | 10/29/2021 11:01 AM | (DF)As a resident of Christian County in Missouri I wanted to express my support of Liberty Electrics proposed EV incentives and programs, specifically their 'Residential Smart Charge Program'. This program will provide owners of Electric Vehicles with incentives to charge during off-peak hours, saving money for all parties involved. See attached for entire P.C. |
P202200333 | 10/29/2021 11:45 AM | (tb) Conrad & Joanne are opposed to the flat rate increase (23%) from $13 to $16.00. They do not like the principal of this because they can not control this based on their usage by adjusting their thermostat. |
P202200335 | 10/29/2021 3:47 PM | (DF)Mr. Creel does not believe Liberty should be approved for a rate increase. He claims his electric bills have increased drastically since Liberty took over. |
P202200338 | 11/1/2021 8:25 AM | Ref Case ER-2021-0312 Will have a detrimental effect on seniors on a fixed income. This fixed residential customer charge should be added to those who use the most electricity. |
P202200339 | 11/2/2021 7:33 AM | (DF)Since I moved to my residence in 2015, Empire/Liberty has had an increase almost every year. Now they are asking for nearly a 13% increase, including an increase in the base rate, which those of us on a fixed income can’t conserve on our usage to make up for the increase. I urge you to deny Liberty’s increase, and make them manage smarter instead of passing the cost down to consumers. |
P202200341 | 11/2/2021 8:21 PM | I would like to submit my dissatisfaction on the request by Liberty Utilities in regard to the company proposing a rate increase. I have not received adequate proof that this rate increase is necessary nor do I believe such rate increase will help with the services rendered. If such can be more convincing otherwise, they should make this aware to their customers with the services they provide. |
P202200342 | 11/3/2021 2:36 PM | (DF)Ms. Croston is against Liberty's proposed rate increase. She thinks their rates are already too high. |
P202200343 | 11/4/2021 1:32 PM | Liberty is wanting to charge us more to take care of their expenses for the winter storm. I'd like to respond in by saying "NO". We incurred losses by their rolling outages. Why is their inability to provide power and perform rolling outages our problem. Their profits for the past 4 quarters was over $667M. They need to build better, not penalize us the consumer. Not to mention the loss of life and loss of farm animals. So why should we pay money for their inept service on top of our costs |
P202200344 | 11/4/2021 2:39 PM | (co) Customer called stating y'all understand and stay on top of that pretty well. Rates pretty good here. On disability and now on social security, don't get average amount. Got enough trouble going on. |
P202200346 | 11/5/2021 11:38 AM | (tb)Linda is opposed to the rate increase, The commission needs to consider we are coming out of a pandemic & this may go on for several more years. People are stressed and still not working. The commission is being hypocritical. She is on a fixed income |
P202200348 | 11/8/2021 10:15 AM | See Attached |
P202200349 | 11/8/2021 1:59 PM | (DF)I would like to voice my opposition to the electric rate hike. When I look at Liberty Utility I see new vehicles, highest paid wages, workers spending time goofing off and Capital Electric doing alot of the electric work. See attached for entire P.C. |
P202200350 | 11/9/2021 8:48 AM | (DF)I’m requesting that libertys request be denied. For obvious reasons due to Covid 19 much of the 4 states has been impacted financially already. To increase our electric rates would be devastating for so many already struggling to make each months bills on time. See attached for entire P.C. |
P202200353 | 11/9/2021 10:30 AM | See Attached |
P202200355 | 11/9/2021 12:46 PM | I am against Liberty Utilities, Elec. Rate Increase...See attached for full comments |
P202200356 | 11/9/2021 12:49 PM | I am against Liberty's request for rate increase. They have the highest rates in the state. Why do they keep asking for increases? |
P202200359 | 11/15/2021 8:28 AM | I work for Economic Security Corporation of S W Area and we are your local Community Action Agency, serving Jasper, Barton, Newton, and McDonald Counties. Our agency has a good working relationship with Liberty Utilities. We collaborate with them to provide Weatherization services to low income families. |
P202200363 | 11/16/2021 8:57 AM | I don't concur with Liberty Electric's proposed rate increase, because the price is too high. Liberty's proposal seems to provide no factual information for their increase, and residents may not be able to afford to pay bills for normal living. I have concerns about people who are needy with children. Please consider only raising rates about 25 cents. |
P202200366 | 11/16/2021 9:52 AM | This rate hike is excessive, and will hurt the middle and lower class the most. A 9% increase is absurd. Using it for a wind farm that we didn’t even want. Telling us that renewable energy will keep rates low, all while raising them in the first place. How about use the money we already give you monthly to pay for your shiny new lawn ornaments, I’m sure they were government subsidized anyways. Inflation is killing us, we don’t need this. Thank you. |
P202200367 | 11/16/2021 9:57 AM | The Consumer Price Index is drastically increased right now. The Labor Department reported Nov. 10 that consumer prices were 6.2% higher in October 2021 than October last year. That's the sharpest increase since November 1990. Everything costs more. There are more fixed incomes in this region of SW Missouri due to more seniors on social security, and this increase would be a tremendous burden on them as well as on people who are low-wage earners unable to pay for the increases. |
P202200368 | 11/16/2021 10:07 AM | Liberty charges more per kilowatt hour than other utility companies in SW Missouri. My mother is on Southwest Electric Cooperative and her utility bill is consistently less than ours and she keeps her house comfortable while we are extremely cautious with heating and air conditioning and lighting to keep our monthly bill within manageable limits. |
P202200369 | 11/16/2021 10:08 AM | See Attached |
P202200371 | 11/17/2021 10:05 AM | (JB) "This cost should not be put on the customers. It is on the utility to make sure they have funds set aside for storms and other issues just like myself and regular people have to have." |
P202200372 | 11/17/2021 1:11 PM | I am opposed to Liberty Utilities' proposed rate increase. Liberty has provided a number of explanations for what this rate increase would be used to accomplish, including, paradoxically, providing information for customers struggling to pay their bills. In none of their literature, however, has Liberty provided information about hos this rate increase would be used to increase its horrific problem with customer service that is endemic in their organization. (See attached PDF) |
P202200373 | 11/17/2021 2:30 PM | (tb) Opposed rate increase - seeking rate in bills to pay for natural gas that was used a long time ago, promised rates would be better because of the new meters & getting rid of the meter readers, building windmills and want the customers to pay for them (this area doesn't support them). |
P202200378 | 11/18/2021 12:56 PM | WOW! Liberty Utilities Central sends all the revenue for these projects to companies outside the Joplin area and in many times even outside the state ! We did not choose for them to upgrade meters or put the wind turbines up or the solar farm. Even more, Their EV mobility head Robin McCallister just sent a large order of EV chargers for their new fleet of F150’s out of state when a local Joplin company offered the same exact product. |
P202200379 | 11/18/2021 2:32 PM | (DF) WOW! Liberty Utilities Central sends all the revenue for these projects to companies outside the Joplin area and in many times even outside the state ! We did not choose for them to upgrade meters or put the wind turbines up or the solar farm. Even more, Their EV mobility head Robin McCallister just sent a large order of EV chargers for their new fleet of F150’s out of state when a local Joplin company offered the same exact product. |
P202200380 | 11/18/2021 3:30 PM | see attached for public comments |
P202200381 | 11/19/2021 8:38 AM | (DF)Ms. Atkinson would like the Commission to vote no on Liberty's proposed rate increase. She is on a fixed income and is unable to afford a rate increase. She is also concerned that the Commission will not take her thoughts on this matter into consideration. |
P202200410 | 12/13/2021 1:51 PM | (co) Customer called stating she pays quite a bit for things now here. Can't afford to pay $304 a month for utilities. Can try to be more conservative to cut it down a little bit. That is a lot of money for a 2 room apartment. Something wrong somewhere. Never had this big of a utility bill. Don't have money to move out. |
P202200617 | 6/1/2022 3:45 PM | (JP) "Something has to be done about these rate increases because it is getting outrageous. What are elderly people on fixed incomes supposed to do? Prices of everything is going up but our checks aren't going up. For Liberty to get a $9 raise is outrageous." |
P202200619 | 6/1/2022 4:02 PM | (JE) Donna called upset that the PSC granted another rate increase to Liberty. Also upset over the amount of the increase. She is on a fixed income and with inflation cannot afford things already and now has to deal with an electric rate increase |
P202200633 | 6/22/2022 9:34 AM | See Attached |
P202300004 | 7/11/2022 10:26 AM | See attached |
P202300067 | 7/25/2022 1:10 PM | See Attached |
P202300366 | 8/24/2022 12:26 PM | (JE) Gentleman called (did not want to provide name) upset over Liberty rates continuing to go up. Lived in home 10 years & rates have doubled. Also claims Liberty has highest rates by far in the area. |
P202300395 | 8/29/2022 10:31 AM | (JP) "We live in Aurora, MO and think that these constant requests for rate increases are ridiculous and need to stop. Our electric bill has increased by 100% since Liberty took over and it needs to stop." |
P202300397 | 8/29/2022 4:31 PM | See Attached |
P202300413 | 9/1/2022 1:54 PM | Liberty Utilities rates are far higher than rates of any other utility companies in Missouri, and they continue to go higher. See attached PDF |
P202300414 | 9/1/2022 1:57 PM | Liberty Electric rates are far higher than other utilities in the sate (investor owned or cooperatives), and they continue to go higher still. Please see attached pdf. |
P202300415 | 9/1/2022 2:17 PM | The rates at Liberty are outrageous compared to the other utility companies in the area. Their rates are way higher than Ozark Electric, for example, and now you have authorized them to pass on even more cost to us, the consumer. Please see attached pdf. |
P202300439 | 9/12/2022 11:20 AM | Rates keep going up and service keeps going down. The day I pay my bill (early)which was almost tripled from the past month, my power goes out again for hours. No weather issues, completely sunny and the power constantly goes out. If I’m paying a premium price, I expect premium service. Liberty is raping their customers in this area. Their rates in no way reflect the very low average income in this area. Someone needs to hold them accountable. We need a better option. |
P202300453 | 9/15/2022 12:24 PM | (JE) Lady called upset over Liberty increase in rates. Her bills have almost doubled and she now has a higher electric bill than she does a mortgage payment. Did not want to provide her name or address but wanted the PSC to know that the increases need to stop getting approved because they are too high already. |
P202301480 | 2/3/2023 3:38 PM | I'm retired and taking care of my elderly mother. The last two rate increases by Liberty have been extremely difficult to manage on a fixed income. During the summer my bills ran between $350-$400. December's bill was $550, and this last month (Jan. 2023) was $850. They spent too much money on their new building in Joplin, and we can't even go in there to pay a bill or talk to someone. They have no public relations. Please don't give this company another rate increase. |
P202301515 | 2/6/2023 2:17 PM | (tb) Aaron is opposed to any rate increases, doesn't feel any rate increases are needed. HIs electric bill is 1/2 of his mortgage payment. |
P202400078 | 8/1/2023 8:13 AM | (jae)We're dissatisfied with the time it has taken Liberty Electric to restore power after Sunday night's storms. It's now Tuesday morning, and we still don't have power. We've had to throw out all our food and we still don't know when the electricity is going to be restored. People on the other side of the street have power. It's frustrating. |
P202400384 | 3/18/2024 12:00 PM | Please see the attached document mailed in by Hunter Smith. |
P202400711 | 4/29/2024 12:37 PM | Amy would like competition and to not have to pay TOU rates. She would also not like to have to pay for cost recovery from storms. Customers should not have to pay for increase in costs due to storms & she feels like that should be part of Liberty's responsibility. Storms happen and Liberty should include costs as part of doing business they are in. |
P202400715 | 5/1/2024 11:41 AM | Liberty has some of the highest rates in the state, and we can't afford these electric bills. When I tried to call to figure out the best time-based plan for my usage, when I got through to Joplin's call center they were real helpful. But when I called a second time I talked with someone who was in a different city and couldn't get my information. The PSC needs to take a look at cutting back on some of these rate increases. |
P202400723 | 5/9/2024 12:15 PM | I am writing to express my concern and to seek the Commission’s intervention regarding the electric utility pricing practices that significantly impact our community, particularly those related to peak hour pricing by providers such as Empire District Electric Co., d/b/a Liberty. In Stockton, as in other part of Missouri, residents have little choice but to accept the terms set by their electric utility provider. This lack of choice becomes particularly problematic when it comes to the pricing of electricity during peak usage hours. Many of us have noticed an alarming increase in our monthly bills, with my most recent bill reaching $650, a figure that is becoming increasingly difficult to afford. (see attached PDF) |
P202400724 | 5/9/2024 12:18 PM | I am writing to express my concern and to seek the Commission’s intervention regarding the electric utility pricing practices that significantly impact our community, particularly those related to peak hour pricing by providers such as Empire District Electric Co., d/b/a Liberty. In Stockton, as in other part of Missouri, residents have little choice but to accept the terms set by their electric utility provider. This lack of choice becomes particularly problematic when it comes to the pricing of electricity during peak usage hours. Many of us have noticed an alarming increase in our monthly bills, with my most recent bill reaching $404, a figure that is increasingly difficult to afford. (see attached PDF) |
P202400725 | 5/9/2024 12:20 PM | . I am writing to express my concern and to seek the Commission’s intervention regarding the electric utility pricing practices that significantly impact our community, particularly those related to peak hour pricing by providers such as Empire District Electric Co., d/b/a Liberty. In Stockton, as in other part of Missouri, residents have little choice but to accept the terms set by their electric utility provider. This lack of choice becomes particularly problematic when it comes to the pricing of electricity during peak usage hours. Many of us have noticed an alarming increase in our monthly bills, with my most recent bill reaching about $300 or more a month, a figure that is becoming increasingly difficult to afford. (See attached PDF) |
P202400726 | 5/9/2024 12:22 PM | I am writing to express my concern and to seek the Commission’s intervention regarding the electric utility pricing practices that significantly impact our community, particularly those related to peak hour pricing by providers such as Empire District Electric Co., d/b/a Liberty. In Stockton, as in other part of Missouri, residents have little choice but to accept the terms set by their electric utility provider. This lack of choice becomes particularly problematic when it comes to the pricing of electricity during peak usage hours. Many of us have noticed an alarming increase in our monthly bills, with my most recent bill reaching $332.12, a figure that is becoming increasingly difficult to afford. (see attached PDF) |
P202400773 | 6/20/2024 11:16 AM | Liberty needs to be audited. They double bill and charge for services already paid for. It happened to me, I am sure it is happening across the board and affecting many other consumers who may not pay attention. |
P202500002 | 7/1/2024 10:22 AM | Since Liberty Utilities acquired Empire District Electric, rate increases have been substantial. As I understand, Liberty Utilities in Missouri are already the highest in the State. I believe the company's main objective is to increase profits and higher than the income increase percentage. For my area, average income is not very high. $50,996. We need to keep this at the forefront on rate increases, not Liberty Utilities somewhat experimental projects. Just ask about the renewable energies like the their Wind Farms, which I understand are to be sold off. WE as utilities customers can't afford this. And when Liberty sells some of their resources, shouldn't there be a rate decrease? Sounds fair to me. |
P202500029 | 7/15/2024 3:38 PM | Liberty's rates are too high. Previous house was 3000 sq all electric- used Nemec as utility provider and the bill was HALF the amt it is now in his 3200 sq gas/electric home using Liberty. He only uses the AC from 3pm-10pm because if he runs it any more his bill goes up more than $200.00! Consumer feels the rate and the securitization cases that Liberty asked for and the PSC approved is Fraudulent and a form of price gouging. The consumer poses the question -Why isn't Liberty taking the cost of Winter storm Uri and the Asbury plant closing costs out of the huge profit the business makes off of the consumers instead of making the consumers pay for them by increasing their already high bills? |
P202500044 | 7/19/2024 12:55 PM | Customer is opposed to the securitization line item on her bill for Winter Storm Uri and Asbury plant closure costs. She has a convenience store and this charge is costing adding more than $100 to her electric bill each month. |
P202500055 | 7/24/2024 3:14 PM | *Please see attached. |
P202500057 | 7/26/2024 7:54 AM | *See the attached email. |
P202500094 | 7/31/2024 2:25 PM | "Since the month of March I have been trying to access Liberty Utilities web site and utilize all the features such as hourly usage, daily usage and historical usage of electricity, while the web site does come up, the only feature that works that I need is the monthly usage feature, I like to monitor the usage as I have 2 locations with Liberty electrical service, the added features such as the daily and hourly are beneficial to me in saving electricity as I can schedule operating times of air conditioning and equipment use. Multiple times Liberty has been contacted and the same excuse is given that IT is working on it .. *See Attached |
P202500319 | 8/13/2024 4:53 PM | I am responding to protest the rate increase given to Liberty Utilities by allowing Liberty to significantly increase rates during the high usage months of July, August and September. The rate increase added an additional $83.34 to my July bill. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH, STOP THE RATE INCREASES! Ted Papit |
P202500663 | 9/10/2024 4:38 PM | "I find it completely unacceptable that Liberty Utilities has not generated an electric bill for us, along with other customers, now going into the third month. Every time I call, I am told by a customer service rep that they are aware of the situation, and they will pass it along to a billing supervisor. After a couple emails and five phone calls, on the sixth call I asked to speak to that "billing supervisor" and was told basically the same thing by her. There is absolutely no reason why it should take this long to fix the problem and generate the bills from the end of July, the end of August and now pushing into the middle of September! There is NO EXCUSE for them not to have generated a utility bill at this point, even..*See attached |
P202500668 | 9/12/2024 9:27 AM | "It's my understanding Liberty is under review for billing issues. I do not recall late or missing bills; however, I'm discontent with the changes and extra charges to my bill resulting in an increase in the amount, significant increase and up to a 100 dollar difference per month. I understand rates increase and the economy has changed; however, these are drastic changes and for charges not understood or properly explained to customers. Business is business but we (customers) are trying to survive as well. It's a betrayal to customers (especially ones loyal and reliable like myself, I can't imagine the situation for those less fortunate who struggle with stable income) to adjust and accommodate to these significant increa..*See Attached |
P202500740 | 9/16/2024 2:51 PM | Consumer does not agree with being charged for Winter Storm Uri, the Asbery closure or fuel adjustment clause costs. Please see attachments. |
P202500748 | 9/17/2024 11:47 AM | "Hello, my name is Caleb Coulter. I am writing to report some issues that I have had with Liberty Electric Co. I have been a Liberty customer since February of 2023 and have experienced countless problems since then. Receiving bills is inconsistent. I have had multiple bills arrive the same day for previous, different months. I have also received 2 bills, on the same day, for the same billing cycle with amounts that varied by $332. I placed a deposit when we originally became customers that we were supposed to be refunded after 1 year and have not receive that or seen it applied to a bill. I have not received a bill in the mail for 4 months now, after having moved. My account is updated with current address, but still no bill...*See Attache |
P202500818 | 10/1/2024 9:03 AM | "I would like the Missouri Public Service Commission to deny any future rate increases proposed by Liberty electric due to the fact that you feel they are far from competitive and nearly double the rates of nearby utility companies" |
P202500874 | 10/22/2024 2:36 PM | This billing issue with Liberty is unacceptable. It has been going on entirely too long. I have worked in the field of accounting for over 44 years and if there is a problem with the software/system you get new software/systems- this feels like embezzlement. PSC please be aware and do your part to keep the Missouri public who relies on Liberty for their utilities safe from fraud. |
P202500885 | 10/25/2024 8:38 AM | "Liberty has monopolized Christian county. We are being charged exorbitant charges. #1) A $13.00 charge just for being a customer, #2) 2 Usage charges for 1 property... " *See attached for full comment |