Current Date/Time: 3/10/2025 9:06:35 PM
Linked Consumer Comments
Consumer Comment No. | Date Filed | Consumer Comments |
P202200430 | 1/21/2022 2:17 PM | I received a letter regarding a proposed rate increase of 9.9%. I would like to request that MO decline the proposed rate change. I understand it is just business but in these trying time I and I others (the fixed income) do not have the extra funding for a utilities increase. If it is absolutely necessary in order for the gas company to continue operations so be it but otherwise I think waiting until the economy has settled down would be better for all in our communities. Thank you,Dennis King |
P202200438 | 1/26/2022 8:49 AM | (JE) Greg submitted public comment via Email (SEE ATTACHED). Greg is opposed to the increase & wants PSC to deny rate increase |
P202200482 | 2/16/2022 10:38 PM | I am asking the Missouri Public Service Commission to reject the GR-2021-0320, Empire Gas Company requested increase in the fixed residential customer charge. Please see the attachment below for the full text of my request. |
P202200483 | 2/17/2022 9:16 AM | The Missouri PSC has recently approved a rate increase in the Empire Gas South System, which includes Marshall, Lexington, and Sedalia Missouri residential customers. This rate increase is effective December 1st, 2021...This rate increase is a 248% increase in the cost of gas, to residential customers, from $.3904 to $.9672 per hundred cubic feet. This $1.60 alone would not be a concern, but coupled to the recent 248% rate increase, this just adds insult to the injury. (See Attached) |
P202200487 | 2/22/2022 11:57 AM | I leave in Marshall, MO. My gas bill almost tripled in price in one month without notice. From a little over $100 to $400. I did not change my thermostat from the previous month or use the hot water anymore then usual. This is just price gouging and inflation crap. This is not right! One lady told me her bill went from $250 to over $600 in the same time period. This needs to be stopped now before people go without heat because of the high rate. |
P202200488 | 2/22/2022 1:06 PM | Increased 156.9% in one month. There is no reason for this and there should be a public advocate for us, the payers. Inflation is at an all time high, yet salaries are not increasing to meet the cost of goods and services. They do not understand fixed income persons nor the struggle to decide what can be afforded every month. Utilities are costing a car payment and in some cases a mortgage/rent payment. A scripted answer by the utility company is not helpful. We the people need representation. |
P202200492 | 2/22/2022 8:37 PM | When we were notified that the gas bill was going to increase, it was accurate. Please do anything possible to reject the price increase so that our gas bill is more affordable. |
P202200493 | 2/22/2022 8:43 PM | I don't think it's really necessary for a increase of that amount of money with all the other things that are already high we will all have trouble paying the bill then shut off notices will be sent out we all are struggling now with other stuff. Our light bills are already a small fortune |
P202200498 | 2/22/2022 10:25 PM | After the 200% increase that was just thrown on us this month we cannot afford an additional rate increase. I live in Marshall and work for the state in Jeff City. The cost of living increase has gotten so bad that I’m probably going to have to leave my job with the state to go to the private sector. We simply cannot take anymore price nor tax increases. Liberty can afford not having the additional profit margins. We cannot afford the increase. |
P202200518 | 3/27/2022 10:12 AM | Can you explain to me how Empire Gas can triple the cost of nat gas in one billing cycle? Are they that inept and completely clueless about buying futures and contracts to control costs or is the commission not paying attention !? Missourians are tired of the over spending and lack of fiscal responsibility of both Evergy and Empire Gas. |
P202200519 | 3/27/2022 12:42 PM | I received the letter regarding the Liberty gas rate request. It does not tell us how the money will be used. They want us to just blindly go along with this request. We should be informed of how they plan to use the money. We are expected to take the request without asking how it is to be used. Please do not approve this rate hike! |
P202200611 | 5/19/2022 9:46 AM | Liberty's rate increases have caused so much harm to small rural communities. Especially the ones who's citizens are largely retired. This winter when Gas is used for heat will cause these towns to go under. These rates need to be looked at again and lowered to accommodate those on fixed incomes. People will not be able to heat their homes. Yet these large companies are making huge profits and this company isn't even an American Company. |
P202400714 | 5/1/2024 10:02 AM | Consumer was overcharged and then credited. .... "I'm now worried the issue will happen again, as dozens of people in our subdivision say they have been overcharged, with the meter readings being incorrect. Our entire subdivision, those homes that use gas did not receive a bill for those 5 months, and then received huge bills, many of them with errors. You should have received many complaints. Liberty needs to be looked into for fraudulent billing and overcharging customers. Also, customers should not be penalized because they cannot figure out their billing system. No warning was given, we just stopped receiving bills. After a couple months, I finally called them and was told we would receive bills "at some point". |