Current Date/Time: 3/10/2025 3:08:56 AM
Linked Consumer Comments
Consumer Comment No. | Date Filed | Consumer Comments |
P202301429 | 1/26/2023 2:19 PM | (co) Customer called stating gas prices are going down. Heating bill is going up. The CEO salary is over a million dollars. The rate is the highest in the area. |
P202301953 | 2/10/2023 2:12 PM | (co) Customer called stating people on social security can't afford to pay utilities and buy medicine. Everyone is raising their rates. These people are getting 4.5 million. |
P202301999 | 2/21/2023 9:27 AM | (co) Customer called stating an increase of 35% yet the price of natural gas is at the lowest that it's been in the last 20 years. Something doesn't make sense. The Commissioners aren't paying attention to what's going on in the world. The Commission is just a rubber stamp. |
P202302027 | 2/27/2023 10:25 AM | (co) Customer called stating her bill has now gone up $20 a month. Everything in this world is so expensive. It just surprised her. How come they weren't told this? It's the end of the year and they're struggling just to get groceries and gas. It's hard. Something's got to give. People can't keep paying this. |
P202302084 | 3/20/2023 4:14 PM | (co) Customer called stating he's disabled and on disability. He lives by himself now for the last at least 2-3 years. The rates are astronomical. He had a 2 month payment for almost $500. He's a single person. He doesn't use that much gas. He has a hot water heater and gas dryer. Everything else is electric. There should be competition. It's a life sustaining type of energy that you need. |
P202302090 | 3/21/2023 4:14 PM | (JP) My gas bill has almost doubled in almost a year. I am a senior citizen on a limited income. How do you expect people to afford this? I can go without food which is kind of what I do. I am 70 years old and may have to go back to work to pay these bills. |
P202302094 | 3/24/2023 11:22 AM | (co) Customer called stating she's retired. On a fixed income. On level pay. Raised to $105. How does the state expect people to live with inflation and everything that's happening? $40 an increase a month for gas. Senior citizens aren't going to be able to survive. No consideration to the residents. |
P202400576 | 4/3/2024 7:53 AM | The average price of natural gas, as listed on government website:, was 14.38 per thousand cubic feet. On my last bill, Spire charged me $1.01 per CCF for "natural gas cost" which is supposed to be the "at cost" price of the gas and storage with no markup, as explained by their bill. Additionally, they charge a "winter usage fee" of an additional $0.37404 per CCF. Then $23.90 in additional charges. Then an additional $15.74 in taxes, including a "franchise tax". In 2023, I moved away from the city for a year and then returned, having bought my first home, to a staggering increase in gas prices. Last I checked, utility services had a duty to uphold the public good, not bleed us dry. |