Current Date/Time: 3/9/2025 6:18:13 PM
Linked Consumer Comments
Consumer Comment No. | Date Filed | Consumer Comments |
P202100068 | 8/15/2020 2:50 PM | Water system needs alot of upgrading. |
P202100073 | 8/21/2020 3:40 PM | I have heard the Mike Tilley and Hayden Tilley have been offered management positions for proposed owner. WHY WOULD YOU HIRE THE PEOPLE THAT RAN THE UTILITY IN THE GROUND? August 12, 2020 letter to customers must be erroneous. Many properties without sewer; yet letter from Confluence states an equal number of water & sewer customers. Either statement is false or buyer has not done good due diligence; neither is good. Customers deserve to know what plan Conflluence has. |
P202100075 | 8/25/2020 3:38 PM | WM-2020-0403 Please consider the application for Confluence Rivers to purchase the Terre du Lac Utilities Company. We feel this would be good for our community. |
P202100083 | 9/8/2020 10:46 AM | I feel the sale should be researched more carefully. Future rates should be established now. Approximately 10 yrs ago, PSC granted increases to bring the system up to date. Present management has not done so. Future updates should be priced into sale price. Many residents are on fixed income Additional price increases would be a burden on them. Also price increases may be detrimental to property values. |
P202100109 | 9/28/2020 9:59 AM | this is regarding TDL Utilities and Mr. Tilley. We as residents have received no notification of actions being taken. Mr. Tilley for years had allowed the Utility Company get into disrepair. Many times I have gone without water for extended periods of time with no notification of the same. I feel it is very important to have a public meeting to allow us to know what is the current status and our future. |
P202100111 | 9/29/2020 10:18 AM | I think TDL Property Owners have been “left in the dark” and have waited for TDL Association or the State to provide a public opportunity to be informed or speak. Even though TDL Association does not own the utilities it is a vital part of the community and the infrastructure. The Public needs an opportunity to be informed on what has transpired, where we are currently, and how this will affect us going forward. |
P202100113 | 9/30/2020 12:11 PM | The utility company is in the process of being sold. It's my understanding that dividends were provided to the owner to be put back into the system, and it was never done. The system is now being considered as nonviable. Why were the owners not penalized for noncompliance by the PSC or DNR? Building is still taking place in Terre Du Lac which is placing an extra impact on an already broken system. The community should not be responsible for higher costs for repair when taken over by Confluence. |
P202100115 | 10/8/2020 9:00 AM | I am a Terre Du Lac resident and have received a letter in the mail about the sale and purchase of the Terre Du Lac Utility Company. It states we have 1,294 water/sewer customers. It also states they have proposed the rates to stay the same. I am assuming that is for the purchase and as it states in the letter, when improvement are made they will ask for a rate case increase then. |
P202100117 | 10/9/2020 9:17 AM | To Whom it may concern: This residence has received a letter in the mail about the sale and purchase of the Terre Du Lac Utility Company. It states they have proposed the rates to stay the same. |
P202100118 | 10/9/2020 3:32 PM | My residence also has received a letter in the mail about the sale and purchase of the Terre Du Lac Utility Company. It states they have proposed the rates to stay the same. It is understandable that as improvements are made rate changes may be considered. |
P202100119 | 10/9/2020 8:57 PM | Our residence received the letter as well along with several social media notices from many of the residents of Terre Du Lac. There has been no one left in the dark with this sale. There was also a write up in the Daily Journal newspaper as well. Plenty of notice and many opportunities to call either the current owners with concern or confluence rivers. |
P202100120 | 10/10/2020 2:22 PM | We received the letter regarding pending sale and appreciate being informed. |
P202100121 | 10/10/2020 8:38 PM | The utility is in terrible shape and very little has been done to take care of it and keep things going right. There have been problems with it for a long time. They also are hard to get and respond to phone calls for service. The government should have stepped in long before now to really do something. If there are fines for violations, have the owners pay what they owe or do what they need to do to make things right. |
P202100122 | 10/11/2020 3:05 PM | The owners of this company do not deserve to walk away with a dime. They should be made to pay every fine they have incurred. Negligence states it lightly. They have no idea where lines are for our water. If this company is sold is the buyer receiving money from the state. ARE RATE INCREASES GOING TO BE ASSESSED TO CUSTOMERS BECAUSE OF THE DISREPAIR IF SO THAT IS NOT OUR FAULT AND SHOULD NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR UPDATING |
P202100123 | 10/11/2020 6:09 PM | As a TDL resident for 25 years, I would like to have a detailed explanation of what has happened. I did read comments about people getting a letter and I do not remember receiving a letter in the mail from anyone. On one occasion I had a sewer problem and it took 2 months for the utility company to come and fix it. Service in TDL needs a lot of improvement and so does the system. The state needs to inform people better and the owners should be held accountable for any negligence. |
P202100127 | 10/13/2020 7:22 AM | We have been Told of sale about Terre Du Lac Sewer Co |
P202100142 | 11/3/2020 9:05 AM | (co) Customer stated the MPSC should not do anything to stop this sell. The current ownership is not going to do anything. The only improvement was a new well. If you know any of the history, then you will think this is a good thing. He does not want this delayed. |
P202100146 | 11/10/2020 4:03 PM | After years of neglect and disregard for public health (ie: sewage draining in our lake for days before a call response) we feel Mike and Paul Tilley should be held responsible for the cost of bringing the utility into code compliance--or Confluence will pass it on to us. New construction should be put on hold until the situation is resolved. (Is this information being disclosed to new home buyers?) |
P202100157 | 11/23/2020 4:21 PM | Case # WM-2020-0403 Our water/sewer system has been reliable and we are happy with the current ownership, however, it is time for upgrade and improvements and we feel Confluence Rivers is the right choice to handle the future of Terre du Lac’s water/sewer system. We hope the PSC will quickly approve and proceed with authorization of this change. |
P202100162 | 12/3/2020 6:32 PM | Regarding case No. WM-2020-0403. I own the property located a 208 Rue Orleans, Bonne Terre, Missouri. As such, my wife and I would be affected by the purchase of the TDL Utilities. I appreciate the review the OPC has done with respect to this pending matter. I concur with the comments of the OPC that there is no need to allow an incentive requested by Confluence. I urge the MPSC to deny the request of the Confluence Rivers for the reasoning set forth in the filing of the OPC. |
P202100184 | 12/12/2020 1:59 PM | I agree with the OPC's position on the acquisition premium but would add that in a period of low interest rates and a scarcity of investment opportunities, this request seem inappropriate. Financing the improvements would be easier if the buyer doesn't overpay. Ratepayers shouldn't pay for the buyers lack of negotiating skill. |
P202100185 | 12/13/2020 9:53 PM | I agree with the PSC’s request to deny an acquisition premium for the purchase of the Terre Du Lac Utility Co. Due to substandard management and neglect, the TDL Utility Company has fallen into complete disrepair and is considered not viable. The owners are being forced to sell the company after over a decade of ongoing lawsuits by the DNR. There is no other competition for this sale, and there is no reason why Confluence would be willing to pay far above TDL’s book value for the assets. |