Current Date/Time: 3/16/2025 5:52:27 AM
Linked Consumer Comments
Consumer Comment No. | Date Filed | Consumer Comments |
P202100014 | 7/9/2020 12:06 PM | See attached - OPC th |
P202100018 | 7/12/2020 7:20 PM | I am opposed to the devastating proposed rate increase for several reasons: there was no input on the improvement plan, there was no pressing problem with the system prior to the "improvements", it is unaffordable to the community homeowner, and they will be recouping their costs within a 3 year period. this proposal has costs me the sale of my property. |
P202100019 | 7/12/2020 7:35 PM | The proposed increase of $175.00 monthly for water and sewer is unaffordable and excessive. The properties this will mostly affect are fourplexes with single or double person occupancy. This proposed increase has made the value of our home decrease. Not only has it cost us the sale of our home but also make it unaffordable to rent. |
P202100022 | 7/13/2020 2:14 PM | Comments concerning the projected rates for Elm Hills Utility Co. for the Rainbow Acres housing area. I believe that these rates are excessive to single family households and this housing area. Our lagoon is an already and just required and upgrade and maintenance. However, I recommend a sort of metering system be established indicating how much usage is done by each house. A 2 person household uses less than a 5 person house example. Rates should be accordingly. I wouldn't mind $50-$60. |
P202100029 | 7/15/2020 8:25 AM | Concerning WR-2020-0275: I participated in the video meeting on July 14th for this rate review case. I do have a comment or two following the live discussion. 1. Did Elm Hills receive govt grant money for a portion of the upgrade projects they provided at Rainbow Acres subdivision? Residents have never seen a financial statement of complete costs from the company and I am curious if grant money is trying to be recouped. I will send one more comment in a separate file. |
P202100030 | 7/15/2020 8:32 AM | WR-2020-0275: continued from 1st comment...2. Rainbow Acres subdivision sold our lagoon to Elm Hills during a period of strict EPA and DNR requirements. There was no way a small housing area could complete over a million dollars in required updates. Now that work is done and rate to be increased, what guarantee do users have that service will be maintained and repairs rendered when needed? Can/will Elm Hills sell lagoon to a third party causing even more confusion and rate increases? Please help |
P202100036 | 7/20/2020 10:22 AM | I want to stress that our property is ONE FOURTH OF A FOUR-PLEX as are many residents on Elm Hills Blvd. There are few residential homes. No property that would justify a $200 water and sewer bill. This unjust increase has decreased the value of our unit and we are unble to sell it. P202100019 |
P202100046 | 7/30/2020 2:13 PM | (co) Him and his wife purchased a town house November 2019. His wife works in assisted loving making minimum wage. He is disabled. Their shopping around was based on a lot of factors utilities being one of them. The rates were why they chose this place. If it raises that much their going to be without water. They have thought about selling and doing something different. No one would want to buy something. |
P202100631 | 3/11/2021 8:23 AM | (JB) Mr. Cargile says they're raising their bill from $44/month to $99/month which is over 50%. We had hearing on it over a year ago & never heard anything about it but now a year later they're raising the rates during a pandemic. Anything more than 10% is pretty much price gouging. There have been no improvements in 5 years & now we are paying for their mistakes. That's bad management and the consumers shouldn't have to pay for it. I would like someone to contact me regarding this. |
P202100645 | 4/5/2021 2:30 PM | (JE) Douglas Schindler submitted a public comment regarding Elm Hill rate case & tariff changes related to the case. Douglas does not agree with the tariff changes. (SEE ATTACHED COMMENTS) |
P202100655 | 4/16/2021 9:34 AM | (co) Customer called indicating his bill has tripled from $56.10-$160.00 flat rate. He called the company and they refused to provide any information. Also, they refused to provide a supervisor. He stated he cannot afford this. It is absurd right now, especially going through all of this. |
P202100660 | 4/19/2021 12:54 PM | See Attached |
P202100670 | 5/17/2021 10:48 AM | See Attached |
P202100904 | 6/17/2021 11:56 AM | (co) Customer called stating the flat sewer rate is really high now. $99.00 is over double what used to pay. It's kinda really hard to pay every month now. |
P202200042 | 8/25/2021 12:15 PM | (co) Customer called stating his mother has lived here over 15 years. She was paying $30.00 for sewer and water, and it's now up to $160.00. His mom is a single person living in the house. His home has five members and pays $11.00-$50.00. This is outrageous how much she has to pay. She's not working, and depending on her retirement check. It's not fair for the neighborhood. |
P202200605 | 5/10/2022 8:18 AM | Katelyn McMullen doesn't believe the MINIMUM CUSTOMER CHARGE based on meter size is a fair rate as there are some consumers who have meter and others who don't, as well as those who have larger meters and the consumers don't have a choice in what meter they use. |