Current Date/Time: 3/10/2025 12:14:49 PM
Linked Consumer Comments
Consumer Comment No. | Date Filed | Consumer Comments |
P202100008 | 7/8/2020 8:54 AM | Mr. Collins would like the commission to know that he is totally against any rate increase, either now or in the future that MAWC is or would be proposing. He does not believe that they should be asking the customers to pay for any upgrades the company needs. He does not get a pay increase every time he needs one and does not feel MAWC should either. |
P202100010 | 7/8/2020 3:54 PM | (co) Customer is against the proposed rate increase. He is currently paying $19.00/month for water service and $34.27/month for sewer service. He lives alone and doesn't use much water or sewer. He is a senior citizen on a fixed income. He feels it's unfair and a bonus should be included for senior citizens. |
P202100230 | 1/7/2021 1:34 PM | Regarding case WR-2020-0344, where Missouri Water is once again asking for a huge increase in water and sewer. We were just notified of the hearings less than one month away. Under COVID we cannot gather. This is not prudent and needs to be reconsidered to give the public more time to process and provide feedback to this ridiculous rate increase. Last rate increase the PSC totally disregarded all public input. I hope we do not see this happen again. Also don't insult us as the PSC did. |
P202100231 | 1/7/2021 1:59 PM | Ref Case # WR-2020-0344. The latest wall street analysis shows that American Water Works Company, parent of MAWC, has a higher ROE than the average (7.7%) in the Water Utilities industry. They have an ROE of 10% which is amazing for a utility company. Their stock has gone from $92 to $152. They promise a dividend increase of 7-10% per year. This is not a company that needs to have a rate increase during an pandemic when people are hurting for income. |
P202100235 | 1/8/2021 1:04 PM | I oppose another rate increase of my sewer bill. My sewer bill should not be three and a half times more than my water bill. It is outrageous that this increase has even been requested by Missouri American Water due to the financial impacts that we've had to overcome during COVID. I currently pay almost $60 dollars a month while my water bill is never more than $17. I think Missouri American Water should do what we've all done this year, tighten our belts and make do with what they have. |
P202100236 | 1/8/2021 1:23 PM | (DF)Mr. Schilling states that he received notice that PSC staff is recommending decrease to rates although an increase to sewer rates. In St. Louis MSD takes care of sewer, they already got a rate increase. He does not see how PSC regulating "monopolies" on competition Companies, can allow a rate increase after already reviewing information/data collected. Per direct comments from Mr. Schilling. |
P202100237 | 1/8/2021 1:47 PM | The cost of water is already exorbitant. Why is the price not being lowered? The cost of the raw material (water from the Missouri/Mississippi) is not going up. Modernization of equipment should mean more efficient production and a better product. These statements are true for any production/distribution facility. Why not water? |
P202100238 | 1/8/2021 1:55 PM | (DF)Ms. Berry would like the commission to know, she does not believe MAWC should be allowed to raise their rates. She believes their rates are already too high. |
P202100239 | 1/8/2021 2:34 PM | I recently received in the mail a notice to increase water rates for Mo American Water from $48.40 to $60.55 due to their expenses of water and waste water system improvements . First here in Rankin Acres in Republic MO we have no waste water . Also back in 2010 our rates were increased by 89% for such improvements when it has only been this past year 2020 that they laid new water lines down West Wade and down Westfield only. Do not concur with another increase! |
P202100240 | 1/8/2021 2:44 PM | Proposed rate increase is way too high at 22-25% !!!! We pay a high enough rate already. |
P202100241 | 1/8/2021 4:00 PM | (DF)Ms. Hamilton would like the commission to know that she believes the MAWC proposed rate increase is not slight in nature as they project it to be. She calculates the rate increase will be between a 22% - 24% increase. She believes the mailer she received to be misleading. She is completely against this proposed rate increase. She states that it is already a struggle to pay her water bill with current rates let alone with a rate increase. |
P202100242 | 1/9/2021 8:56 AM | Please do not raise rates on our water file no. WR-2020-0344. American water is asking for also 20 percent increase. This is ridiculous. We are in a pandemic. People are having trouble paying bills. Be realistic. Thank you. |
P202100244 | 1/9/2021 10:49 AM | With regard to the 'Proposed Rate Changes and Public Hearing' announcement I received on 1/8/2021, I would like to say that although I am satisfied with the service from MO AM Water, I do feel the rate increase imposes hardship to lower income level customers. Any consideration that can be given to lower, fixed income seniors would be greatly appreciated. |
P202100246 | 1/9/2021 12:32 PM | Hello. My wife and I have retired to Reeds Spring on fixed incomes. My 2021 social security check will increase $30/month. Missouri American Water is proposing an increase upwards of 20%, potentially increasing our bill around $20/month. I will be left with $10/month to offset the rest of the cost of living expenses. This is an unrealistic and unfair proposal! Who's income increases at that rate to offset these increases? Please reconsider this ridiculous proposal. Thank you. |
P202100247 | 1/9/2021 1:16 PM | Sewer and water are essential services. People are struggling enough to make payments at the current rates, raising these rates harms poor and working families. Your inability to drive waste and expensive out of the business to fund the maintenance of your own infrastructure reflects on the competency of your management. |
P202100248 | 1/9/2021 4:09 PM | Our notice says they have requested an increase from $58.13 to $69.98. That is a 20.4% increase in rates. The economy is sluggish, so what constitutes the need for an over 20% price increase. Seniors like my self are getting a 1.3% increase in Social Security and expected to pay 20% more for waste water treatment. That is ridiculous !!! Taxes, fees, and pricing grow in leaps and bounds while income is stagnate or barely creeps along. We need to take a serious look at income growth. |
P202100249 | 1/9/2021 4:19 PM | Notice of intent to increase our fees by 23%-24% for water service is ridiculous. It appears that these improvements began in 2018. Common sense dictates that funding should have been in place before beginning such costly improvements. This extremely high rate increase could likely have been avoided by better preparation. A reasonable increase would be understandable, but a 23-24% increase is NOT reasonable. |
P202100252 | 1/10/2021 2:40 PM | Why does the water company need an increase of an average 23%?. This seems to be excessive.. I can't afford this kind of increase to my water bill because I'm on a fixed income and with the price of gas and food going up in single digits, why is this increase in double digits? |
P202100255 | 1/11/2021 8:19 AM | (DF)The following are Mr. Maddox's thoughts on MAWC's proposed rate increase. 16% increase is excessive |
P202100256 | 1/11/2021 8:24 AM | (jaye) I want you to know I am opposed to any increases in the water rates. The rates are through the roof now and are at the hardship level. Seniors are having a difficult time and should be exempt from any increases. I will oppose this measure and contact friends so they can air there grievances as well. |
P202100257 | 1/11/2021 8:42 AM | (tb) Barry is opposed to the rate increased. He asked if they have considered pandemic, unemployment, seniors, disabled? People aren't made of money |
P202100258 | 1/11/2021 8:48 AM | (DF)See attached Public Comment. |
P202100259 | 1/11/2021 8:53 AM | (DF)Ms. Brown would like the commission to know that she is against MAWC's proposed rate increase. She is on a fixed income and already has a hard time makin ends meet. She believes MAWC's current rates are excessive as is. |
P202100260 | 1/11/2021 9:30 AM | The proposed increases are 1) way too much and 2) ill-advised at this time. Increases of 15%, 17% and 19% are astronomical. Who got that kind of raise? Many people are unemployed or underemployed through no fault of their own, struggling to pay rent, utilities, food, clothes. This is ridiculous! There should be NO increase in our utilities now. |
P202100261 | 1/11/2021 9:58 AM | I cannot attend a public hearing due to safety concerns & do not have internet access. I think oppose this rate increase. I am 80 years old and live alone; I should not have to pay $60/month for water which is what my bill would be if this increase is approved. Commission, please consider this. |
P202100264 | 1/11/2021 10:41 AM | "I live alone. My water bill shouldn't be increasing. I barely use anything as it is. They just raised their rights. I don't understand why they need to raise them again." |
P202100265 | 1/11/2021 10:45 AM | (DF)Mr. Wray believes that it is a bad move on MAWC's part to propose a rate increase during a pandemic. People are already struggling to pay their utility bills with rates as is. He states that he received a 1% raise in his social security this year and a rate increase would take away from any benefit the raise provided. |
P202100266 | 1/11/2021 11:26 AM | Please see comments on attached document |
P202100267 | 1/11/2021 11:39 AM | I agree with what many others have said about the sewer increase proposed by Missouri American Water. I'm only paying about $5.00/mo for water, but paying $58.13 to dispose of that water. This is way out of proportion. And, considering the current situation with Covid-19 and the hardships many are facing, I think a rate increase at this time will be just an additional hardship on many of the customers. Please do not approve this increase. |
P202100268 | 1/11/2021 11:53 AM | From Missouri American Water Company's Notice of Public Hearing(s) "The rate review includes $920 million in water system improvements and $30 million in wastewater system improvements..." Since I pay for wastewater collection and treatment to Duckett Creek Sanitary District for what wastewater system improvements will I be paying Missouri American Water Company? |
P202100269 | 1/11/2021 12:08 PM | I agree. Increase from $58.13 to $69.98 is a 20.4% increase in rates. The economy is sluggish, so what constitutes the need for an over 20% price increase? Seniors like myself are getting a 1.3% increase in Social Security and expected to pay 20% more for waste water treatment. Who are we paying for? I ask for honesty and fairness. |
P202100270 | 1/11/2021 12:17 PM | ref file WR-2020-0344 A baseline increase of 18% to the lowest water usage customers, funding a 1B improvement project. As this is project is over, will rates go down by 18% or a similar amount in May 2022 upon completion? |
P202100271 | 1/11/2021 12:41 PM | A rate increase of 21 to 25% in this environment is totally unacceptable. The current hardships going on due to the COVID should have you be more cognizant of this type of huge increase. |
P202100272 | 1/11/2021 12:45 PM | Regarding file #WR-2020-0344 I am strongly opposed to an increase of more than 15%. please note people on SS got a very small raise and were struggling to make ends meet before I am requesting that the MO American Water find another way to obtain their money, maybe try selling bonds.. But no way an increase of this size. |
P202100273 | 1/11/2021 1:04 PM | (co) My wife and I are on fixed incomes and I am personally opposed to any rate increase especially when it is to be used for capital improvements. I don't feel it is the right thing to do right now and any requests should be postponed for another 2 years. Although we currently are billed by the City of St. Joseph for sewer use ( a sore topic), MAWC has not provided any type of solution in this area for anyone having to use irrigation systems that meet HOA requirements. |
P202100275 | 1/11/2021 1:24 PM | (co) Customer called indicating this is bizarre in the shape of this economy. How are we going to feed kids? The government is closing the country down. This is so unbelievable to even comprehend in these times. I'm totally at a loss for words. |
P202100276 | 1/11/2021 1:29 PM | Chairman Silvey and Commissioners: It is appalling that Missouri-American Water Company requested a rate increase at the worst time since the 1930s. Missourians are struggling. Those that use the least amount will be burdened with the highest rate increase (18.78%). Low income households, persons with disabilities and the elderly will be hard hit. Please DECREASE the rates and reject their request. |
P202100277 | 1/11/2021 2:04 PM | (co) Customer called indicating the rates now are hard enough to pay, especially during COVID-19. It has not been easy. I had to borrow money to continue to make payments and now they want to make them larger. If the rates are larger and still have a problem with COVID-19, I will not be able to make the payment. If they did this 2-3 years ago, it would not be a problem. Everybody would have regular jobs, not on partial unemployment, and the whole system would be different. |
P202100278 | 1/11/2021 2:18 PM | (DF)Mr. May would like the commission to be aware that he does not believe MAWC should be granted rate increase. He believes there is nothing wrong with his water therefore no upgrades are needed. He believes rates are high enough. One months bill for usage is as high as what one quarter of a years usage would have cost not that many years ago. |
P202100279 | 1/11/2021 2:20 PM | (DF)See attached Public Comment. |
P202100280 | 1/11/2021 3:14 PM | Rate notice from MAWC is misleading. Current rates incl. ISRS but proposed do not. So rate incr is 36% rather than 24%. Covid at home orders will incr. residential revenues substantially. Has this been factored into the rate need? Why combining from 2 to 1 District. What is impact on customers in each District? This greedy rate increase is an insult to Customers. Please address these issues during hearings. Thanks |
P202100282 | 1/11/2021 3:35 PM | (DF)Ms. Miller would like the commission to be aware that she is against MAWC's proposed rate increase. |
P202100284 | 1/11/2021 3:53 PM | (DF)Mr. Boeke would like the commission to know, he is completely against MAWC's proposed rate increase. He states there are a lot of people just like him who cannot afford a rate increase. |
P202100285 | 1/11/2021 5:08 PM | Addressing the proposed rate hike, I live in Incline Village, Warren County. Our wastewater rate is $58.13 plus a $9.00 service charge. That is a total of $805.56 sewer charge alone aside from water charges. I am on a fixed income This computes to about a 20% increase our COLA this year is1.5%. How can this be justified. I lived in St Louis County with MSD and rates were approx $15.00/ mth. |
P202100286 | 1/11/2021 9:26 PM | Yes water/wastewater- Missouri American Water Company |
P202100288 | 1/12/2021 7:52 AM | I am yet again opposed to an increase. They say improvements must be made, work with what you have and not gouge the public any longer. Every time an improvement needs to be made the rates go up. I wish I could increase my paycheck when I needed to do repairs at my house. I OPPOSE!!! These never get declined, I strongly urge this one to be the first. |
P202100289 | 1/12/2021 11:24 AM | See attachment. |
P202100290 | 1/12/2021 11:59 AM | (DF)See attached Public Comment. |
P202100291 | 1/12/2021 12:15 PM | See Attached |
P202100292 | 1/12/2021 12:17 PM | See Attached |
P202100293 | 1/12/2021 12:18 PM | See Attached |
P202100294 | 1/12/2021 2:58 PM | I am complaining about the elevated proposed rates. We as the "lower class" people seem to be getting hit the most with the cost of living in taxes, and cost of living. Our water is not the best of standard. We have frequently water main bust, Numerous times our city has been placed on a boil mandate due to the fact, and we wasn't informed until after several hours after the break.How are the weight of the water being weighed per pound to come up with the suggested rate increase? No Increase!! |
P202100297 | 1/12/2021 4:15 PM | (DF)Mr. Sinclair is against the proposed MAWC rate increase. See attached Public Comment below. |
P202100301 | 1/13/2021 9:27 AM | Robert is opposed to the rate increase, thinks this should be held off on increase until after the pandemic is over. MAWC is not laying off any workers, nor is St. Louis County so they want this to continue to pay their employees. Other businesses are hurting and/or closing, some people just don't have the money, looking to loose their homes, cars, children's education. This seems cruel to increase rates. |
P202100302 | 1/13/2021 9:35 AM | File No. WR-2020-0344 I am appalled that Missouri American Water is requesting a rate increase during this time of the pandemic! Businesses and residents are hurting as jobs have been lost, businesses shutdown and/or limited in their capacity to conduct business. Please, do not allow a rate increase at this time....THIS IS NOT THE TIME. Rate increases will only continue to hurt residents and businesses!! |
P202100303 | 1/13/2021 9:40 AM | We are appalled and disappointed in Missouri American Water for requesting a rate increase during this time of a global pandemic. Businesses and residents have already been hurt financially by job losses and business shutdowns and limitations and this will only serve to compound the hurt. Please, do not allow this rate increase at this time!!!!!!!!! IMAGE MANAGEMENT GROUP, INC. |
P202100305 | 1/13/2021 10:00 AM | Mo Amer Water rate increase of 22% to 24% is ridiculous right now when everyone is struggling during a pandemic. I dont suggest that the improvements are not needed and rate increases may be necessary to supprt any improvements.. but the timing and amount of this increase is crazy. |
P202100306 | 1/13/2021 10:51 AM | See Attached |
P202100307 | 1/13/2021 10:53 AM | See Attached |
P202100308 | 1/13/2021 10:55 AM | See Attached |
P202100309 | 1/13/2021 11:14 AM | (DF)Ms. Dossey is against MAWC's proposed rate increase. She is already on a tight budget. She survives on her Social Security check each month and will have to sacrifice other essentials such as medication if they raise her rates. |
P202100310 | 1/13/2021 11:19 AM | (DF)See attached Public Comment. Mr. Hashley is against MAWC's proposed rate increase. |
P202100312 | 1/13/2021 2:14 PM | (DF)Mr. Rojas would like the commission to know that he is against MAWC's proposed rate increase. He owns a fourplex in St. Joseph, MO. He has family members living in each unit. He pays for the water and sewer for the entire fourplex. He believes the rates are fair as is but with a rate increase it will make it tough on him to continue to pay for those utilities. |
P202100313 | 1/14/2021 9:49 AM | Referring to the card I received in the mail yesterday with proposed pricing I would like to know what people are going to be charged that does not use 3,000 gallons of water a month. Sometimes I rarely go over 2,000 gallons a months. You cannot charge me for what I am not using so there should be a breakdown of a lower amount for under 3,000 gallons. |
P202100314 | 1/14/2021 10:32 AM | I am staunchly opposed to raising rates, especially when they are 3 years in to a roughly 4.5 year project. The projections on rate impacts should've been done at the BEGINNING of the investment and baselined then. Asking to up the rates again is a sign of poor estimation, back project management and the findings of the audit and review should be open to the public. The investment will do more for Missouri American Water and less its customers. |
P202100315 | 1/14/2021 10:35 AM | Ref. File No. WR-2020-0344. I strongly disagree with a rate increase in excess of 20 percent in our water bill. According to the table published by American Water, the monthly rates would be increased in a range of 22-24% based on three monthly usage numbers. I find it very hard to believe that operating costs have risen that much in the past year or two. American Water has already changed their billing to monthly from quarterly so that people don't notice the high cost of water. Reject proposal |
P202100316 | 1/14/2021 10:51 AM | See Attached |
P202100317 | 1/14/2021 10:53 AM | See Attached |
P202100318 | 1/14/2021 10:55 AM | See Attached |
P202100319 | 1/14/2021 10:57 AM | See Attached |
P202100320 | 1/14/2021 10:59 AM | See Attached |
P202100321 | 1/14/2021 11:11 AM | (JB) "Last year our rates increased by 43%; our neighborhood had one of the largest increases in the entire St. Louis area during a pandemic. It is unconscionable that they are proposing an additional rate increase when they just received a 43% increase last year. Thank you." |
P202100323 | 1/14/2021 12:41 PM | Regarding the proposed Water rate changes to be discussed publicly in St. Louis County later this month: The proposed rate increases are in the range of 20-25% for the various monthly usage categories. These increases seem excessive given that inflation has been in the 2% range for several years. 1) How are these increases justified? 2) Who audits these proposed increases and evaluates the reasonableness of the proposed requests? |
P202100324 | 1/14/2021 1:24 PM | Why would we permit MO American Water to increase the water rates by almost 22% whereas the PSC Staff is recommending a slight decrease to water rates and an increase to sewer rates. The requested increase is out of line with general inflation. What is MO American Water doing to run more efficiently as a company to offset increases in cost. Are they running zero based budgeting and are reviewing unnecessary spending? |
P202100325 | 1/14/2021 1:28 PM | This proposed rate increase should be denied. They have taken 3 years to upgrade waterline in front of my house. roughly 1 mile. This is incompetent. a project that should have taken 6 months. Until they prove they can eliminate waste in this utility, no rate hike should be considered. |
P202100326 | 1/14/2021 1:32 PM | Reference File No. WR-2020-0344 While I am not opposed to a rate increase, the increase currently proposed is 24% increase over the current rate based on the monthly usage of 3000 gallons, which is close to my average usage. I don't know of anyone, especially a Senior like me, who receives a 24% increase in my monthly paychecks. How about phasing in an increase over a period of years vs all at once. Hoping you will reconsider this high of an increase. Thank you! |
P202100327 | 1/14/2021 1:58 PM | Re: WR-2020-0344 I support the proposal of the PSC staff's recommendation of a slight decrease in the water rates and increasing the sewer rates. I trust the PSC staff to recommend what is fair to both the service provider and consumer. |
P202100328 | 1/14/2021 2:33 PM | Amid a pandemic, when millions of Americans have lost their jobs, and when only 6 in 10 Americans cannot afford a $1000 emergency (USA Today), this is a TERRIBLE time for a rate increase. Please live up to your name and serve the public by delaying any increases until the pandemic subsides and the economy is healthy again. |
P202100329 | 1/14/2021 3:27 PM | (tb) Maggie wants to say she is opposed to the rate increase. |
P202100332 | 1/14/2021 4:09 PM | File No. WR-2020-0344 I agree with the 2021 proposed water rate changes. Constance Williams |
P202100334 | 1/14/2021 5:41 PM | Hi My name is Jimmy and I just have one question for my fellow Saint Louisans...what are we going to do about all of this flooding from climate change affecting our river..shout out BIGGG RIVVERRR, because people died from driving off road into the vast drainage problems we family has a steel business, Barnes pipe and steel supply, in Dupo Il. I say we start building better drainage and even further I would hire a scientific team to analyze how much extra water we have flowing through. |
P202100335 | 1/14/2021 5:57 PM | Just received notice of a proposed rate increase for our monthly sewer service. My husband and I are retired and on a fixed income. I just got a $9 increase on my social security. Congratulations! Your increase will take it all. Are you certain that you don’t want my husband’s social security too? |
P202100336 | 1/14/2021 9:30 PM | MSD has 6 income streams from each customer. Which one is increasing and why? 1. monthly bill 2. Property tax sewer lateral 3. Property tax MSD 4. Property tax Sewr-Sugar Creek 5. Personal Property tax MSD 6. Personal Property tax Sewr-Sugar Creek. So if the monthly rate does not go up will the other taxes go up? Shell game as we have no control over property tax rates. SIX revenue streams. |
P202100337 | 1/15/2021 5:58 AM | File wr-2020-0344 Past Company history revealed profits made in Missouri did not result in infrastructure improvement in Missouri. Any grant of a rate change charged to Missouri customers must be tied to conditions defining only Missouri customers benefit from any increase in rates charged. |
P202100338 | 1/15/2021 9:26 AM | (DF)See attached Public Comment. Mr. Hartenstein is against MAWC's proposed rate increase. |
P202100339 | 1/15/2021 10:17 AM | See Attached |
P202100340 | 1/15/2021 10:20 AM | See Attached |
P202100341 | 1/15/2021 10:23 AM | See Attached |
P202100342 | 1/15/2021 10:24 AM | See Attached |
P202100343 | 1/15/2021 10:26 AM | See Attached |
P202100344 | 1/15/2021 10:28 AM | See Attached |
P202100345 | 1/15/2021 10:30 AM | See Attached |
P202100346 | 1/15/2021 10:36 AM | I am against any water rate increase. People are out of work due to COVID and are struggling to pay their bills as is. Many are on fixed incomes if they are retired. This is not the time. |
P202100347 | 1/15/2021 10:51 AM | WR-2020-0344 I oppose the proposed rate increases by Missouri American Water. I do not believe enough actual improvements have been made to the water system to justify a rate increase. In my work with another utility company, I have witnessed the poor construction quality and inefficient practices of Missouri American. Spending capital is not sufficient to merit rate increases, it must be spent wisely. |
P202100349 | 1/15/2021 1:00 PM | I oppose any water or sewer increase, and a ~$5 a month increase is outrageous! I'm currently surviving on a part-time job income. It's unconscionable to think of a rate increase at this time when people are budget-crunching due to the pandemic. If I have to make my existing budget work, then MO American Water should have to, as well. |
P202100351 | 1/15/2021 2:22 PM | The rate increase that Mo. American Water is seeking is excessive. If my math is correct, the request is for more than a 20% increase. I can't believe the utility's cost have gone up at a 20% rate. While increased rates are a fact of life, this is too much. |
P202100352 | 1/15/2021 3:22 PM | This company wants to raise their rates again. They already have the highest rates in water and sewer . Just say no . Their water is so bad in our hood that u cannot drink it . It is brown and taste like chlorine. Vote no ..Vote no ..Vote No .. |
P202100353 | 1/15/2021 3:47 PM | See attachment. |
P202100354 | 1/15/2021 5:17 PM | To propose a rate increase on Missourians, and a Nation, who have been shut down and unemployed for up to 11 months so far with no relief is, at best insensitive and completely out of touch with reality, and at worse, borderline criminal. Perhaps a better use of funds would be an outside investigator (Missouri Auditor?) to determine waste and possible misuse of funds. Just so everyone is clear that monies are used appropriately by this public utility. |
P202100355 | 1/15/2021 5:17 PM | WR-2020-0344 I do not believe Missouri American Water Company should get the proposed rate increase. I believe the improvements that they made should be done as part of the existing rate structure. I do not get to raise my rates as a musician just because I bought a new guitar, microphone or sound system. I budget and save for this as part of my cost of doing business. |
P202100357 | 1/16/2021 7:01 AM | Every time that there is an increase, Sewer goes up. My Sewer bill is TWICE that of my water bill. It is now over $40.00, and I see no better water, no better sewage and waste services. I don't get a raise every year. Why should EITHER of these conglomerants receive one? And I know that there are thousands more like me, not even squeaking by, during this COVID pandemic. REALLY? Tell them "NO!" |
P202100358 | 1/16/2021 9:54 AM | Regarding File No. WR-2020-0344 Our home does not agree to additional price hikes. I find it sad that just across the river in St Charles, they pay a small fraction of what we pay for water and sewer. I would much rather gauge interest in a public utility instead of lining the pockets of the CEO who makes almost $5mil a year and execs who make over $1mil, off a natural and necessary resource. It should not be for profit. I will be taking this into consideration as we move in the next few years |
P202100359 | 1/16/2021 11:35 AM | RE: File No. WR-2020-0344 I have suffered a 25% decrease in my personal income since last year. I am outraged that you would even think about increasing water rates at all much less by the huge percentages being requested. It will take years for recovery. Public utilities must find other ways to finance themselves rather than digging into pockets that are already sorely depleted. |
P202100360 | 1/16/2021 1:19 PM | I object to the rate increase on the basis that my sewer bill is tied to the amount of water used by our household. Last year the water bill increased substantially in the months I ran my irrigation system. This water does not go into the sewer system but my sewer bill increases when I run my irrigation system.This should be compensated in my sewer bill. |
P202100365 | 1/16/2021 5:54 PM | I am not commenting about the merits of this rate increase, but rather to point out that at the current rates, my last residential water bill was $19.92 for 1496 gallons. This is 1.33 cents per gallon. I get tired of seeing Missouri American Water advertising on their trucks and elsewhere that their water costs less than a penny per gallon. Please direct Missouri American Water to remove this deceptive and false advertising wherever it exists. |
P202100368 | 1/16/2021 9:47 PM | I believe, during this unprecedented time of a Global Pandemic due to Covid-19, any increase in rates at this time would be wrong. Too many people are suffering right now! The responsible thing to do is wait until the pandemic is over. |
P202100369 | 1/17/2021 1:15 PM | Rate increases of over 20%. Seriously. With the state of the the Economy like it is. Not to mention Covid 19. Need to go way down from that. |
P202100370 | 1/17/2021 1:47 PM | On the MO American Water increase, take into account general inflation of 2%. Most people receive annual increases of 2% in their jobs. This increase appears to be in the 22% to 24% range. This would take someone 10-11 years to catch up to this increase. Need more proactive programs / automation to help end consumers determine if they have any leaks on their property. |
P202100371 | 1/17/2021 2:13 PM | Re:File No. WR-2020-0344. MO American Water's rate increase requests of 20%+ for water and wastewater charges are outrageous, unreasonable, irresponsible, and demonstrate a disregard for fiscal management. MoAmWater rates here are by far higher than rates in Orange County FL and Cape Cod MA, where we resided in the immediate previous 5 years. MoAmWater also needs to begin using reclaimed water for residential irrigation. This rate request is unconscionable. Please deny this rate increase. |
P202100372 | 1/17/2021 9:55 PM | My notice from M-A-Water Co. received on Friday 16 Jan gave notice about a proposed 24% rate increase. It claims to host a 'virtual' Q&A meeting Thurs 21st and participants must register by 20 Jan (3 working days). Seems suspiciously rushed. Given the pandemic this should be delayed until after majority have had vaccinations and honest and open public hearings can be held on this matter. |
P202100373 | 1/18/2021 8:33 AM | Rate increases for water service of nearly 25% is unacceptable, especially now. I recommend that the Missouri PSC disallow with drastic increase. |
P202100374 | 1/18/2021 10:28 AM | A 22 percent rate increase seems excessive and will be burdensome. |
P202100377 | 1/18/2021 10:55 AM | My household is against lowering the water rates and increasing the sewer rate. My sewer bill is already twice what our water bill is and the sewer bill adds a hefty late fee if not paid on time unlike the water company. I looked up most of the areas concerning this case and to no surprise the sewer is maintained by the city works. I believe this is a corrupt move to take care of local governments and take away from a public.service company. This should be investegated! |
P202100380 | 1/18/2021 11:17 AM | File # WR-2020-0344. My household is against lowering the water rates and increasing the sewer rate. My sewer bill is already twice what our water bill is and the sewer bill adds a hefty late fee if not paid on time unlike the water company. I looked up most of the areas concerning this case and to no surprise the sewer is maintained by the city works. I believe this is a corrupt move to take care of local governments and take away from a public.service company. This should be investegated! |
P202100381 | 1/18/2021 11:23 AM | I do not believe the proposed increases are appropriate. I moved from a jurisdiction 3 years ago where the rate that I paid was half of what it is with MOAW (St. Peters). Increasing those already out of line rates seems to be egregious when rates are half just a mile or two away. |
P202100382 | 1/18/2021 11:30 AM | Proposed rate increases are excessive at 22 to 24%. Funds apparently cover about a BILLION dollars in improvements! ARE THESE IMPROVEMENTS NECESSARY? Improvements of this magnitude should have been anticipated and budgetted in previous years, with a moderate increase spread over a long period of time. CUSTOMERS SHOULDN'T HAVE TO BEAR THE BRUNT OF INADEQUATE MANAGEMENT ON THE PART OF MoAmWater. Also, ANY INCREASES SHOULD ONLY BE TEMPORATY to cover the short term cost of the "improvements". |
P202100383 | 1/18/2021 12:11 PM | I am commenting on the Missouri American Water rate increase proposal (ref file no. WR-2020-0344. The proposal is for, for me at least) a nearly 25% increase. This is unacceptable. I can’t afford this as I am on a fixed income. Cut some of those high salaries/ bonuses, etc instead. |
P202100385 | 1/18/2021 6:05 PM | File No. WR-2020-0344 The proposed water rate increase ranges from 21% to 24%. Given the current rate of inflation and COVID-19 employment adversities, such an increase is grotesquely excessive and insensitive. |
P202100387 | 1/19/2021 8:43 AM | (DF)Ms. Price is against MAWC's proposed rate increase. She believes the current rates are already inflated, as she pays around $150.00 a month for water. She does not think MAWC needs more "maintenance" and therefore does not need a rate increase. She has several family members and neighbors on a fixed income that along with her cannot handle the increase. |
P202100388 | 1/19/2021 8:57 AM | Missouri American Water executives are totally irresponsible to propose a rate increase of 23%. It's time for this monopoly to be dissolved and taken over by the government. This proposal is just unbelievable in this traumatic economic time. |
P202100390 | 1/19/2021 9:32 AM | WR-2020-0344. I am against the proposed rate increase of Missouri-American Water. I am a senior citizen who only received a 1.3% SSN increase and other expenses are increasing as well. This proposed increase would be a burden. Thank you. |
P202100391 | 1/19/2021 9:50 AM | (tb) John is totally against the rate increase, both water & sewer, they don't need it. They just had a rate increase a couple & rates are already too high. |
P202100392 | 1/19/2021 9:57 AM | (DF)Consumer who wishes to be anonymous, would like the commission to be aware that he is against MAWC's proposed rate increase. See attached Public Comment. |
P202100393 | 1/19/2021 11:17 AM | The management and trustees of the West Grove Condominiums object to the rate increase proposed by Missouri American Water. Please see attached document. |
P202100394 | 1/19/2021 11:59 AM | No on the water increase I am on a fixed income. |
P202100395 | 1/19/2021 12:31 PM | JB “The rate increase is outrageous. It is 24%; inflation is not that high. No one is getting an 24% increase, why should they get an increase? If they’re looking to increase their profits, how about they cut their executive offices salaries. That would be more productive. Also, there is a minimum charge of $24month. There should be a lower rate for those who don’t use a lot of water. We should have a lower rate or they should have a senior citizen rate.” |
P202100396 | 1/19/2021 2:13 PM | See Attached |
P202100397 | 1/19/2021 2:15 PM | See Attached |
P202100398 | 1/19/2021 2:17 PM | See Attached |
P202100399 | 1/19/2021 2:19 PM | See Attached |
P202100400 | 1/19/2021 2:21 PM | See Attached |
P202100401 | 1/19/2021 2:23 PM | See Attached |
P202100402 | 1/19/2021 2:26 PM | See Attached |
P202100403 | 1/19/2021 2:30 PM | It is my personal experience that MO American Water has failed to meet the obligations of previously agreed to tariffs: specifically the promise to take a more active role in maintaining water supply equipment located on consumer premises. They made this agreement as part of a rate increase they had requested and were granted. While I a an advocate for clean water practices, I would not be inclined to grant them a rate increase until the demonstrated a better commitment to prior promises. |
P202100404 | 1/19/2021 2:50 PM | Although Missouri-American has made it into an increasingly profitable commodity, access to water is a human right, as noted recently by the Mayor of Chicago . Missouri American Water should set aside it’s ill-timed massive rate increase, and work with StL Co. to develop a system to insure that all residents have reasonable access to this essential community resource. |
P202100406 | 1/19/2021 4:49 PM | (JB) "I am against the rate change." |
P202100407 | 1/20/2021 | Oppose Missouri American Water rate increase |
P202100408 | 1/20/2021 12:01 AM | Oppose Missouri American Water rate increase |
P202100410 | 1/20/2021 12:21 PM | (DF)Mr. Boyer would like the commission to be aware, that he does not believe MAWC should be allowed to raise their rates. He is on Social Security and with any yearly raise he is afforded, the rate increase instantly takes that away and then some. He thinks the MPSC should consider senior citizens on fixed incomes when making these types of decisions. |
P202100411 | 1/20/2021 1:50 PM | regarding the proposed water rate increase. To expect people to take a 18% increase in a water bill in one year is outrageous. Most people would expect a 1-3% increase, this is not appropriate. I would like to ask what has Missouri American water done to improve their efficiency in operations for the alleged $30 million they spent on improvements. While millions have lost their job this past year it is completely out of line and tone deaf to the financial realities of the customer. Decrease rate |
P202100412 | 1/20/2021 3:34 PM | (tb) Linda is opposed to the rate increase, you don't do this during covid when people can't work. 23.6% is way to big, if you have to do an increase. Says this is crazy & greedy. |
P202100413 | 1/20/2021 3:50 PM | Reference File No. WR-2020-0344 The requesterd rate increase of 21%>24% is excessive as compaired to American Water Works Net Profit Margin of 17.2% (2019), and 16.5% for 2018. Mo. American Water had rate increases of 15.5% in June 2018 and 20% in June 2016. They are extremely PROFITABLE with margin near drug companies. I have been retired for 6 years as many in St. Louis county, we cannot keep paying absorbitent increses to American Water Works. We strongly object. |
P202100414 | 1/20/2021 4:13 PM | This comment is in regards to the request by MO American Water to modify their rates, in particular to the increase in sewer rates. The company currently bills a fix rate every month, independent of actual use. In most cases, comparing the actual use, reported by the parent company as water use, the sewer is overbilling. I strongly encourage the Commission to request the company to do their due diligence and bill consumers for their actual use before requesting a rate increase. |
P202100420 | 1/21/2021 7:32 AM | Regarding File No. WR-2020-0344 I am opposed to the new water rates. Rates should not be regressive. The rate should be flat, the same for ALL. Better yet, they should increase with higher use, to encourage conservation. Also, if you use the highest proposed rate of 32.95 for 3000 gallons, Missouri American will have to change the graphics on the trucks, as they will be charging MORE than a penny per gallon. |
P202100421 | 1/21/2021 8:52 AM | (tb) Kurt called to oppose the increase based on the compensation numbers he saw. |
P202100422 | 1/21/2021 8:59 AM | Please do not increase our water bill. Many people are stretched far beyond the limit now with job loss and pandemic. Now is a bad time to make people pay more on their bills. |
P202100423 | 1/21/2021 9:15 AM | (DF)Ms. Cameron does not believe during these tough times MAWC should be requesting a 23% rate increase. Due to the pandemic and job loss attributed to it, she believes it couldn't be a worse time for the rate increase. She has also heard the rate increase would go towards executive pay raises. |
P202100424 | 1/21/2021 9:37 AM | I object to the rate increases listed in the notice received from Missouri American Water. I have a 2 bedroom condo unit with 1 person living in it and in 2018 my wastewater fee increased from $21.07 per month to $38.75 per month. I am being charged the same as a 3-4 bedroom home in the area. At that time that was the biggest hike in fees of all the areas in the water district. Now they are asking for a rate increase in fees to $55.98. I cannot afford that much of an increase. |
P202100425 | 1/21/2021 10:11 AM | (DF)Mr. Davis does not agree with the structure of the proposed rate increase. He believes that the sewer rate structure should be on a graduated scale as opposed to a flat rate. He and his wife are almost eighty years old and a rate increase of 44.3 % will make it tough on their budget. |
P202100426 | 1/21/2021 10:51 AM | (DF)Ms. Minor is against MAWC's proposed rate increase. She is unable to afford a rate increase. She is on disability and just received a raise in benefits. Any increase in rates will take away that benefit she just received with that raise. |
P202100427 | 1/21/2021 11:02 AM | We have received the notice for a proposed roughly 20% rate increase for Missouri American Water. It’s understandable to need improvements, however that rate increase is both absurd and irresponsible. We are now into a second year of lockdown, many have lost job or not had raises. Like the rest of us, the company needs to learn how to put money away for their work |
P202100429 | 1/21/2021 1:16 PM | Reference #WR-2020-0344 We dispute the increase in rates of our water and wastewater. Many people, including myself, has been laid off due to Covid and after several months still having issues with gainful employment and the last thing we need is to worry about an increase in rates. I thought that American Water put their customers first but now that there is a proposal to increase rates at such a despairing time shows me they aren't. |
P202100430 | 1/21/2021 1:54 PM | My husband and I am very much against raising the water rates. St. Louis County has raised them significantly in the past few years and they should not be passing another increase. It is unacceptable. Water is a necessary item and we should not be forced to pay more. The increase last time was hundreds of $ but we took the hit anyway. Another increase will put the majority of families in dire need for funds to pay. Please DO NOT passing the increase and make it a further burden. Thank you. |
P202100431 | 1/21/2021 2:06 PM | (DF)Ms. Neff is against MAWC's proposed rate increase, she believes rates are too high as is. |
P202100432 | 1/21/2021 2:12 PM | (DF)Ms. Pettey states the cost of living in St. Louis county is $1632.42 and the average income is $35387. That being said, a MAWC rate increase puts your average household in obvious worse financial shape than already in. She believes MAWC is taking advantage of consumerism. She also believes it to be horrible economic timing for a rate increase, residents/consumers are already having to cut back. |
P202100434 | 1/21/2021 2:51 PM | In regards to the Rate Increase in Water and Sewer to the community of Condo's at West Grove Condo Community - Is way out of line - we are on a limited income in a small 800sq foot condo - We already suffered a substantial hit in 2018 - now you are going to take advantage of us during NO WORK - Covid 19 Epidemic - Why are you trying to get the highest rate - because we are all home / out of work etc. - This will be devastating to us all - Please STOP this Rate Increase due to greed. |
P202100435 | 1/21/2021 3:06 PM | (DF)Ms. Scharff believes that water is a scarce resource and non-renewable in some ways. She is ok with a small rate increase but believes is should be scaled towards higher rates for higher usage. Proposed rate is 3000 gal. = .010983 per gallon. 7000 gal. = .008697. She believes that should be reversed. She would also like MAWC to consider adding a water conservation program. |
P202100436 | 1/21/2021 4:09 PM | Missouri American Water should NOT be granted any rate increases. Last time a 10% increase was proposed, our rates ended up doubling. It is ridiculous for them to be AGAIN requesting this increase during the COVID19 pandemic, considering that they seam to be doing pretty well for themselves in the stock market. Even if we didn't have the pandemic going on right now, it would still be ridiculous. My family's water/sewer bill is already at an average of $100+ per month! |
P202100437 | 1/21/2021 4:32 PM | Can you please wait until the pandemic is over to request an increase in water rates? There are large numbers of people at home all of the time right now using record amounts of water in their houses trying to follow health guidelines by frequent hand washing, cooking and dining at home, etc. |
P202100439 | 1/21/2021 6:45 PM | No to raise for file no WR-2020-0344 |
P202100441 | 1/22/2021 9:47 AM | The request for rate increase for water service is precisely the wrong direction. When we talk about making healthcare and undergraduate education free to all Americans, what is more essential than clean water? Please reduce the cost of water to each family by including in general fund and make excess users pay their share. |
P202100442 | 1/22/2021 9:47 AM | I am opposed to a rate increase. Communication about water safety and billing is unacceptable. Multiple issues with both my home and several properties owned in a trust that took multiple phone calls over several months. 1 Ex: billed on 2 accounts for the same meter, same time period, same water on a four family building. Resulted in months of sewer bill overcharge. Multiple days on phone. MOWAC employees paid for that time. Should have never happened. |
P202100443 | 1/22/2021 10:01 AM | My comments regarding the proposed MO-American Water Co rate increase are attached to this submittal. In summary, it is too significant of an increase for a necessity, the rates are unfair to smaller households, and it is being proposed at an inopportune time for the company's customers. |
P202100444 | 1/22/2021 10:32 AM | See Attached |
P202100445 | 1/22/2021 10:34 AM | See Attached |
P202100446 | 1/22/2021 10:35 AM | See Attached |
P202100447 | 1/22/2021 10:37 AM | See Attached |
P202100448 | 1/22/2021 10:38 AM | See Attached |
P202100449 | 1/22/2021 10:41 AM | See Attached |
P202100451 | 1/22/2021 11:18 AM | WR-2020-0344 For 3,000 gals.------>24% (6.40/26.55) For 5,000 gals.------>23% (8.66/38.25) For 7,000 gals.------>22% (10.93/49.95) These increases are absurd. most people cannot afford this. It will mean cutting back on things like needed showers/baths, flushing of commodes, washing clothes, etc. |
P202100452 | 1/22/2021 1:10 PM | (DF)Ms. Niles has just moved back to the mid-Missouri area after being away for 30 years. Her intention was to retire and move back to Missouri. She believes MAWC couldn't have picked a worse time to propose a rate increase. |
P202100453 | 1/22/2021 1:22 PM | We are not in favor of the price hike. We are both low paying state employees so our salaries are low and we do not get pay raises. We would appreciate just paying the same amount. It is budgeted. Thank you for your consideration. |
P202100455 | 1/22/2021 2:23 PM | (DF)Linda would like the commission to know,that she is against MAWC's proposed rate increase. She does not believe it to be fair. |
P202100456 | 1/22/2021 3:07 PM | JB "I understand that labor costs go up but I have been a resident of MO for 75 years & us elderly people deserve a bit of a rebate or discount b/c we have been paying for this infrastructure all these years. I understand they have to pay their employees but we deserve a break." |
P202100457 | 1/22/2021 4:59 PM | Reference File Number WR-2020-0344. We appreciate the advance notice of the proposed rate changes under consideration. We would also appreciate some communications about the status and trajectory of our water services, but I don't recall hearing anything. We do not appreciate the apparent insensitivity of the MAW management to the strife of their entire customer base who are struggling with the economic impacts of a pandemic. Household incomes are down and MAW wants a 24% rate hike. Hostile! |
P202100460 | 1/23/2021 11:32 AM | in regards to WR-2020-0344, the water company does not need to raise their rates. why is it that the utility companies constantly want to raise their rates and the psc seems to always take their side. your called the public service commission, so give the public a helping hand do the right thing and stop these ridiculous rate increases. i am already being overcharged on my sewer bill and it has been happening for months. i'm on a fixed income and it is tough enough to pay bills as it is |
P202100461 | 1/23/2021 12:10 PM | Regarding mo American water’s proposed rate increase. It seems these public utilities have no regard for old folks on a fixed income. Why don’t they establish a reasonable and affordable rate for people 65 and older and freeze that rate. |
P202100464 | 1/23/2021 3:43 PM | See attached |
P202100466 | 1/23/2021 8:40 PM | My Comment is water Bills are high enough for St. Louis County, specially for people on fixed incomes Mo. water Company switch from once a quarter billing to every order to ease up rayes just as MSD did years ago. The sewer bill now are $40.00 plus dollars a month and now they want water bills to go a whole lot also. It is just to high. Thanks |
P202100467 | 1/24/2021 6:40 AM | When you were meeting with us to purchase our system it was ask what is a typical increase you told use $5.00 was typical. Why a 44% increase. I would also like to know when you were buying these system over the last two plus years were you tryng to pad your numbers to get a larger increase. Is the increase just for the improvements our is part of it for higher wages. What is the length of time it will take to payoff the improvements and will the 44% increase come back off our bill. |
P202100469 | 1/24/2021 11:37 AM | Please see attachment |
P202100470 | 1/24/2021 12:03 PM | My comments are directed to MO. American Water, and I hope MO. Public Service Commision will share my thoughts: I can not believe the callousness of your rate increase! You must be in LaLa Land!! Must your executives and investors get increases on the backs of their customers who are now and will be struggling for years to come. How dare you be so arrogant! You just had an increase less than 2 years ago! What was $50 $ every 3 months is now $50/month. Stop your greed! |
P202100471 | 1/24/2021 12:50 PM | I oppose the rate increase by Missouri American Water for sewers specifically since flat rates do not equitably charge customers. I have attached my comments. |
P202100472 | 1/24/2021 12:58 PM | This is a large increase for elderly people who are on fixed incomes like myself. WHAT THEY ARE ASKING IS ALMOST A 25% INCREASE. . |
P202100473 | 1/24/2021 1:00 PM | The proposed increase is a lot, over 20% closer to 25 These are hard times. Please reconsider a smaller increase if necessary. |
P202100474 | 1/24/2021 3:06 PM | After 15 years of living here and sewer rates that have almost quadrupled within that time period, when is it going to be enough? Here again, we're being asked to pay the bill for these companies, who come in to rescue another, who had been negligence in upgrading their system. Again, were not being asked for just a small increment, but a large one. First Aqua Missouri and now Missouri American Water tries to increase rates. When is it going to be enough? |
P202100475 | 1/24/2021 5:51 PM | Has the PSC determined the amount of additional income MOWAC received when billing was changed from quarterly to monthly in September 2020? Now customers are 'tiered' 12 times annually rather than the previous 4 times annually. That most likely resulted in a revenue increase for MOWAC without an actual rate hike!! |
P202100476 | 1/24/2021 7:38 PM | All of my comments and concerns are in the attached letter which is against the Water and Sewer rate increase. |
P202100477 | 1/24/2021 8:38 PM | Missouri American Water's proposal to raise rates is unacceptable and shouldn't be approved. Increasing rates by 20+% not only hurts families but is highly suspect given the request comes more than halfway through the improvement project. I would expect a company this big, that has averaged $270mil revenue over the last decade, be able to set money aside for projects to improve their service. If the PSC approves this proposal, it will be clear that Missouri residents are not a top priority. |
P202100480 | 1/25/2021 2:51 AM | Please do not raise rates. Every single other thing has gone up in. Price this past year and this is a significant jump for sure. |
P202100482 | 1/25/2021 8:08 AM | (DF)See attached Public Comment. Mrs. Wells is against MAWC's proposed rate increase. See attached comment. |
P202100483 | 1/25/2021 8:20 AM | Ref. File No: WR-2020-0344 MO American Water Co. Rate Request The rate increase granted should not be greater than the Cost Of Living Index increases since the last rate increase. Many of us live on pensions and only receive increases base on the COL Index. Any greater rate increase will impart stress on senior's finances out of line with their ability to pay. |
P202100484 | 1/25/2021 8:37 AM | (DF)Ms. Benson is against MAWC's proposed rate increase. She is a widow and her only source of income is her monthly Social Security check. She believes that seniors should be given a discount towards their water utility bills. She also believes that the proposed rate increase is too big of a percentage. |
P202100485 | 1/25/2021 8:39 AM | You have raised these rates twice already for the purpose of water system improvements and waste water system improvements. Mo American water is still getting those rate increases for those improvements. As long as they are still receiving these rates I don't feel the need to raise it even more. The money should be allocated for improvements not salaries and bonuses. |
P202100486 | 1/25/2021 10:54 AM | The proposed increase is exorbitant and the method for the proposed increase penalizes anyone that uses minimum water or tries to conserve water usage. Increasing the fixed charge from $9 to $12 (for 5/8 meter size) is a 33.3% increase. Water usage rate increases from $.0047814 to $.0069827 which is a 46% increase - Very disingenuous how increase was presented in mailing - current rates including ISRS whereas proposed rates excluding ISRS to make it appear that overall increase is "ONLY" 22-24% |
P202100487 | 1/25/2021 11:21 AM | (co) Customer called indicating MAWC is proposing to raise rates for infrastructure. He is 72 years old, and has been paying for water service since he was 19 years old. He paid for all infrastructure the last 50+ years. He should get some kind of break, now. He is located in an area where he cannot do anything to increase his income. Senior citizens should be allowed a discount. |
P202100489 | 1/25/2021 11:28 AM | American Water's rate increase is ludicrous. They are many Missourians out of work and may seniors even more stressed by ever-increasing bills. Please look at this VERY carefully. It seems as if the expect us (ratepayers) to bear the entire load of their infrastructure improvements. |
P202100492 | 1/25/2021 1:19 PM | Hell no. I don't approve of any of your rate increases. People are out of jobs and in the mantle of this pandemic I cannot believe you had no immunity sensitivity! Well is this what a monopoly does? I speak for myself and family and friends to feel the same way as I do |
P202100493 | 1/25/2021 1:30 PM | Statements made by Missouri American Water representatives during the rate increase meeting stated that this increase was to help offset money that was already spent on an infrastructure work and to help increase the rate of return for investors. American Water(AWK) had a 156%rate of return over the last 5 years and 18%over the past year. I absolutely do not agree with an increase on residents when investors have already had that kind of return on investment. |
P202100494 | 1/25/2021 1:36 PM | See Attached |
P202100495 | 1/25/2021 1:37 PM | See Attached |
P202100496 | 1/25/2021 1:39 PM | See Attached |
P202100497 | 1/25/2021 1:40 PM | see attached |
P202100498 | 1/25/2021 1:41 PM | See Attached |
P202100499 | 1/25/2021 1:42 PM | See Attached |
P202100500 | 1/25/2021 1:43 PM | I would just like to say my strong opposition to the approximately 21% rate hike. It is an exorbitant amount especially while many people are experiencing economic instability because of the pandemic. While even not during a pandemic, we who use water - a fundamental human right - should not have to suffer such a high increase. Also, those of us who live in St Louis County should not have to be grouped in the same rate category as the entire state. It is ridiculous for us to be paying for |
P202100501 | 1/25/2021 1:43 PM | See Attached |
P202100502 | 1/25/2021 1:44 PM | See Attached |
P202100503 | 1/25/2021 1:45 PM | I am in opposition to the MAW bill increase. These bills are already a hardship, and an increase of 20% is ridiculous. Your executive salaries are way out of line as well. I would like to see the proof that they aren’t making any money. They should be able to make 5-6% profit like any other investor, but not more than that at our expense! |
P202100504 | 1/25/2021 1:47 PM | see attached |
P202100505 | 1/25/2021 1:50 PM | see attached |
P202100506 | 1/25/2021 1:54 PM | see attached |
P202100507 | 1/25/2021 1:57 PM | See Attached |
P202100508 | 1/25/2021 2:00 PM | see attached |
P202100509 | 1/25/2021 2:07 PM | I can barely pay my monthly water bill now. An increase (20% at that) will break me and many others I know. Shame on Missouri American Water for increasing rates in the midst of a pandemic when many have lost their jobs. Shame on you. I wholeheartedly oppose this rate increase. |
P202100512 | 1/25/2021 2:17 PM | Re: File No. WR-2020-0344 We are opposed to any rate increases by Missouri American Water Company. Their rates are already very high and my husband and I are living on a fixed income and cannot afford any more rate increases. Thank you. Philip and Pamela Gipson |
P202100515 | 1/25/2021 4:11 PM | file#wr-2020-0344 i am against the rate increase! my sewer will go up also. in addition i live in the village of riverview and whomever is working on the roads within the village at the current time are doing a very unsafe and sloppy work. NO RATE INCREASE!!! |
P202100518 | 1/25/2021 10:07 PM | There was 5 of us in our family at the address below from 1984 till 2017 and I was billed every 3 months for $55 to $70 every 3 months. Now I am widowed and live by myself and shower at the YMCA 3 times a week and you are billing me anywhere from $70 to $100 a month for 1 person. I had a certified plumber come out in 2019 to check for leaks and I had 0 leaks. American Water is asking for raise to keep there stockholders happy only. They better get real before a class action law suite happe |
P202100519 | 1/26/2021 8:15 AM | (DF)Ms. Mills is against MAWC proposed rate increase. See attached Public Comment. |
P202100520 | 1/26/2021 8:36 AM | (DF)Ms. Croft is against MAWC's proposed rate increase. She is on a fixed income and is already experiencing high, gas, light and water bills. |
P202100521 | 1/26/2021 12:46 PM | I want to formally voice my objection to the proposed increase in water and/or sewer rates. The rates are fine as-is. If an increase is approved, I would like to suggest that it be only for usage above a certain threshold (i.e., 5000 gallons). That way, the people using the majority of the service are the ones paying for it. |
P202100522 | 1/26/2021 12:54 PM | My wife and I own a second home in Branson MO serviced by Missour-American Water. The proposed flat rates for water and sewer far exceed what is considered normal in most areas of the country. I currently pay approx. $70/month for "0" usage, yet, my primary residence where I live full time and use water every day the water/sewer bill averages $35/month. A rate increase? Seriously? The rates should not be increased but need to be decreased to negate complete mismanagement by the provider. |
P202100523 | 1/26/2021 1:41 PM | I am offering comments on behalf of low income Missouri American Water customers. I have attached my comments in a pdf document. |
P202100524 | 1/26/2021 1:46 PM | See Attached |
P202100526 | 1/26/2021 1:50 PM | See Attached |
P202100527 | 1/26/2021 1:51 PM | See Attached |
P202100528 | 1/26/2021 1:58 PM | Please find attached comments referring to File No. WR-2020-0344. The MO-AW proposed price increase. |
P202100529 | 1/26/2021 2:18 PM | I object to the increase in water rates at this time. With the new administration we will see substantial tax increases coming, personal and real property expenses have risen, so at this point piling on with essential service increases is unethical. We have recently had digital meters installed in our area. My neighbors and I are seeing signs of water pressure changes which appears to be a rationing or slowing down of service, why pay more for less service? I'm a senior - not happy with this. |
P202100531 | 1/26/2021 5:43 PM | Peggy at american water told me that it’s not in the water companies interest to give us a properly sized water main and tried to insult my intelligence as I am a Pipefitter. Now american water wants to raise my bill? It is not in my or my neighbors interest to pay more when we can’t run 2 sinks, 2 hoses, or a sink and a shower at the same time! Peggy’s only concern was providing 35 psi water. Well our interest is paying the same bill amount! |
P202100532 | 1/26/2021 6:51 PM | This comment is in reference to File No. WR=2020-9344. Missouri American Water should not be permitted to raise their rates during this period where so many people are out of work and struggling to make ends meet. A rate increase will add to their burden. Additionally, MO American Water has not made adequate improvements to their water system around Joplin. There still continues to be numerous water leaks around the city. |
P202100534 | 1/26/2021 8:59 PM | Given the current environment in interest rates and inflation, the huge proposed rate increases are way out of bounds. Any rate increase of more than 1% - 2% is unwarranted; these proposed increases are 22% - 24%. An unconscionable abuse of power. If Mo PSC intends to protect the public, it will deny such an exorbitant increase. |
P202100535 | 1/27/2021 8:07 AM | (DF)Ms. Roberson is against MAWC's proposed rate increase. She thinks it's a terrible idea. She also believes that MAWC's rates are already too high. Ms. Roberson is on a fixed income and cannot afford a MAWC rate increase. |
P202100536 | 1/27/2021 9:33 AM | Please refer to attached comment file. Best regards, Rich |
P202100538 | 1/27/2021 11:32 AM | File No. WR-2020-0344. Your proposed rate increase is quite extravagant. Only if I could get such a pay increase by my employer. Money doesn’t grow on trees. |
P202100539 | 1/27/2021 12:57 PM | I think it is a very bad time to even think about increasing our water bills. Many people are suffering in many ways right now due the pandemic. People are ESPECIALLY FINANCIALLY!! We don’t need another stresser on top of what we are already going through. It is VERY POOR timing even to consider this rate increase. We need years to recover before this should even be considered !!! |
P202100540 | 1/27/2021 2:35 PM | I am writting about the proposed rate increase for West Grove Condos. We had a large increase in 2018 and now are being asked for another one. There is one person in my unit and I'd be paying the rates of a 6 person family in a single family home. Please reconsider this rate increase as I know it will be VERY difficult for many in our complex to pay it. |
P202100541 | 1/28/2021 6:34 AM | in reference to file no WR-2020-0344 i strongly oppose any new raise in my water or sewer bills ! |
P202100542 | 1/28/2021 12:15 PM | I oppose another rate hike for Water, regarding File No. WR-2020-0344 |
P202100543 | 1/28/2021 12:16 PM | I oppose the proposed water rate increase for File No. WR-2020-0344. |
P202100544 | 1/28/2021 1:15 PM | See Attached |
P202100545 | 1/28/2021 6:05 PM | WR-2020-0344 I appose the proposed rate increase for sewer. The PSC should consider customers who only have sewer services through Mid-American. By increasing sewer and decreasing water I only see the price increase. I have a separate water bill, as well as septic tank to maintain, PLUS the cost of sewer from Mid-American as they do not take the solids. Only recently has the bill come down and now it's going right back up. For years they were my highest utility bill just for waste water. |
P202100546 | 1/28/2021 10:12 PM | Missouri American Water purchased our subdivision private sewer system in late 2019. At no point during the purchase discussions, nor when we gave them thousands of dollars that our homeowners association had amassed to cover future expenses in connection with the sewer plan, were we told our individual rates would go up by almost 50% within less than 18 months. We should not be required to pay for upgrades to others' systems. This is clear price gouging; we were misled. Pls. make this right. |
P202100547 | 1/29/2021 10:45 AM | The proposed rate increase is absurd. There is no valid reason to do such a large increase all at once. Know the population you serve! A large percentage of residents are in poverty and extreme poverty. They cannot afford such a large rate increase. You will only hurt them more and push them further into poverty especially during a pandemic! This would be detrimental to our community and our citizens. |
P202100548 | 1/29/2021 10:48 AM | this seems like very poor timing in the light of the virus and lots of folks being evicted. your pr department is not paying attention to the issues surrounding your user base. |
P202100549 | 1/29/2021 10:57 AM | See Attached |
P202100550 | 1/29/2021 11:34 AM | I received a notice in the mail last Friday (16 Jan 21) that gave notice about a proposed 24% rate increase in water service from Missouri-American Water Company (re: File No. WR-2020-0344). This is an extraordinarily high rate increase that is suggested to be for water system improvements and waste water system improvements. This rate increase is a completely underhanded endeavor during this pandemic situation. See attachment. |
P202100551 | 1/29/2021 11:40 AM | The proposed rate increase is too sizeable for the average homeowner. If repairs are needed go out for a bond issue so the increased fees don't last forever, or make the increase lower and do the work gradually. The fees paid should only go to the area which we live (St. Louis County) not all of Mo. |
P202100552 | 1/29/2021 11:45 AM | Ref Case # WR-2020-0344. The latest wall street analysis shows that American Water Works Company, parent of MAWC, has a higher ROE than the average (7.7%) in the Water Utilities industry. They have an ROE of 10% which is amazing for a utility company. Their stock has gone from $92 to $152. They promise a dividend increase of 7-10% per year. This is not a company that needs to have a rate increase during an pandemic when people are hurting for income. |
P202100553 | 1/29/2021 12:14 PM | See attached |
P202100554 | 1/29/2021 12:19 PM | See attached |
P202100555 | 1/29/2021 1:37 PM | Letter attached |
P202100556 | 1/30/2021 12:10 AM | We are seeking that this increase proposal fail under the grounds that it puts the elderly in its sights and this excessive increase be negated. This increase would affect the Stonebridge population where it is most needed, monthly income reduction, and unnecessary burden on the elderly population. We need our income to pay for hospital, doctor, medical, and medication expenses not a 21%+ increase in our water/sewer fees. Thank you, Lisa Gilmore and David Gilmore Branson West, MO |
P202100558 | 1/30/2021 2:57 PM | File No. WR-2020-0344 The proposed 24% rate increse is grossly excessive for non-competitive utilities and excessive to it's citizen customers. The Missouri PSC maximum profit limit is 10% on Revenue, Am Water receives 9%. A 10% rate was fine in 1980, but not now! The interest rates on long-term bonds is 3%, not 10%. American Water Wortks is now borrowing at 2%>4%, and net profit is18%. Average worker salary increses are 3%. Gas utilities profit is 4%. |
P202100559 | 2/1/2021 10:27 AM | Mo American seems to have no way to collect unpaid bills Therefore those who do pay are to be penalized by having their rates increased. I was asked it provide power from my home to service a grinder pump so American Water might turn off service to neighbors home to force them to pay their bill |
P202100561 | 2/1/2021 3:07 PM | Please do not allow utilities to keep increasing. It seems like there was just an increase not too long ago. The water rate increase also impacts the MSD sewer bill as well. It may not seem like much, but when you are on a tight budget.....every cent counts. |
P202100562 | 2/1/2021 5:39 PM | This rate increase comes at a terrible time. I don't understand what could warrant such a large increase, especially during a pandemic. In addition, combining so many water systems combined into one pool makes it easy for costs tied to specific projects to get spread out and scrutinized less closely, while causing customers across the entire map to pay more. |
P202100564 | 2/2/2021 10:03 AM | I would like to comment on the proposed rate increase being requested by Missouri-American Water. With the pandemic still raging and so many people out of work, this is not the time to raise water rates, especially as much of an increase as is being requested. The PSC should definitely take this into account before approving any increases. If an increase must be approved, possibly a third of what is requested in increase would be appropriate. Thank you. |
P202100565 | 2/2/2021 1:47 PM | See Attached |
P202100566 | 2/2/2021 1:50 PM | See Attached |
P202100568 | 2/3/2021 12:59 PM | (JB) I am 79 years old & I will not be able to handle a 21-25% rate increase for water. MAWC should have requested more frequent smaller increases over the past few years instead of hitting us with such a large increase at once. The Commission should not let this pass. |
P202100570 | 2/4/2021 11:30 AM | See attached letter |
P202100571 | 2/4/2021 1:39 PM | See Attached |
P202100573 | 2/5/2021 7:11 AM | I believe that Missouri American Water should have to apply funds from any rate to projects within that local community. I am fine paying more for water to support new pipes to get that water to my house. I do not think it is fair for our rate hike to subsidize customers in other regions who may have higher costs (and should pay more) |
P202100574 | 2/5/2021 9:29 AM | I urge you not to approve Missouri American Water's rate hike request, which is estimated to work out to a 24 percent increase in St. Louis County. This is a greedy cash grab by the organization that controls the water monopoly, at a time when tens of thousands of our residents are out of work and cannot afford it. Please do the right thing and turn down this increase. |
P202100576 | 2/5/2021 1:02 PM | (DF)Mrs. Schneider is opposed to MAWC's proposed rate increase. Her and her husband are on a fixed income and will not be able to afford a rate increase at this time. She also does not believe that a family of two should be charged the same amount as a family of six, or a family that may have a pool on their property. |
P202100577 | 2/5/2021 3:52 PM | I ask that the PSC follow the recommendations of its staff regarding Mo American Water's request for increases to its water and wastewater rates re WR-2020-0344. The OPC supports the staff's recommendation. I urge the PSC to follow its staff's recommendation and that of the OPC. Thank you for your consideration. |
P202100578 | 2/5/2021 4:43 PM | I would like to share that I am against a rate increase by Missouri American Water. Given the CoVid 19 pandemic and loss of jobs this increase would only intensify the present economic a d health crisis. |
P202100579 | 2/6/2021 9:00 AM | we strongly opposed Missouri-American water's rate increase request. mo-am is easily the worst run public utility we have ever had; as an example, it took mo-am 6 days to fix a main break a few years ago which created a very icy & dangerous situation on our street, and the asphalt curb they damaged during repairs is still broken despite repeated e mails and letters requesting repairs. |
P202100580 | 2/6/2021 9:28 AM | The proposed water rate change is a 24% INCREASE on the current rate for 3000 gallons and a 22% INCREASE on 5000 & 7000 gallons. To propose such a rate during the pandemic when the average household is already strapped and inflationary increases are under 2%, this is a ridiculous request and should not be implemented. Instead, an INTERNAL look at costs and expenses should be re-evaluated and improved. Now is not the time to roll out an increase, and NEVER should an increase be anywhere near 24%. |
P202100581 | 2/6/2021 9:37 AM | A 22-24% increase in rates is completely irresponsible and out of touch with the reality of the average household income. Instead a progressive increase over future years would be more realistic. Never should a one-time increase be imposed anywhere above 5%. You are a public government company and have the fiscal responsibility to consider your people and their hardships endured during this pandemic. This is extremely untimely and an outrageous request for a 24% increase ($26.55 to $32.95). |
P202100582 | 2/6/2021 5:54 PM | This comment is in reference to WR-2020-0344. I moved from Dallas, Texas a few years ago and continue to be amazed by the cost of water and sewer. We pay more than double what we paid in Dallas. We even had a pool in Dallas which needed filling, and do not have a pool in St. Louis. Does this commission ever look into best practices in other cities to see what can be done to make things more efficient and lower cost? |
P202100583 | 2/7/2021 1:06 PM | I feel it is unfair of MO American Water to require the residents in Jeff Co MO to pay for improvements to our sewer system at $69.98/mnth - rates should be based on the water we use plus a minor rate for improvements-paying for new systems is outrageous for those of us not using a septic field. |
P202100584 | 2/7/2021 3:38 PM | I think this is an inappropriate time to be asking for an increase because: 1.) People can barely pay their rent/mortgage. 2.) People have lost their jobs. 3.) So many people are requesting food assistance. 4.) People are being asked to more fastidious in washing hands. 5.) Older people are on limited incomes, but most bills have increased at the beginning of 2021. Yes, our infrastructure needs updating, but fixing that should have been started long ago before so many pipes are falling apart. |
P202100585 | 2/8/2021 12:39 AM | WR-2020-0344 I looked over the chart of proposed rates for various usages. The first was of a monthly usage of 3,000 gallons with an increase of 24.1%. The second one was 5,000 gallons & an increase of 22.64% and the third one was 7,000 gallons with an increase of 21.88%. If anyone thinks this is reasonable & in a pandemic no less, they should be fired immediately. How about an increase of 0 for the insult and waste of the MPSC and customer's time and outrage? Now that makes sense! |
P202100586 | 2/8/2021 7:32 AM | (DF)Mr. Neumann is against MAWC's proposed rate increase. See attached comment. |
P202100588 | 2/8/2021 2:33 PM | See Attached |
P202100589 | 2/8/2021 2:35 PM | See Attached |
P202100590 | 2/8/2021 6:38 PM | I understand that Missouri American Water needs to increase rates to cover cost of doing business, but a 20+% increase at any one time is ludicrous. A series of smaller increases over several years would be more reasonable and easier to tolerate. The intent that there be a single rate across the entire state is likewise unreasonable. The cost of doing business will vary depending on location. |
P202100591 | 2/9/2021 11:32 PM | See Attached File |
P202100592 | 2/9/2021 2:04 PM | See Attached |
P202100594 | 2/13/2021 3:24 PM | I am against any more raising of rates because it is difficult as it is to maintain a house with a very fixed income that goes down all the time. My income is less than 1/3 of what it was in 2012 and it's set to go down another 1/3 more in late July. Rates went up when the water company changed the billing from quarterly to monthly. |
P202100596 | 2/16/2021 7:39 AM | see attached |
P202100597 | 2/16/2021 7:41 AM | I consider the current and proposed rates to be a bargain and favor their immediate adoption. St. Louis area has some of the best quality water at cheap cost when compared to other cities and regions. Please approve the proposed rate hike. |
P202100598 | 2/16/2021 7:44 AM | see attached |
P202100599 | 2/16/2021 7:51 AM | see attached |
P202100600 | 2/16/2021 7:54 AM | see attached |
P202100601 | 2/16/2021 8:01 AM | Water supply to homes and businesses is a simple mater of infrastructure. Profit for any reason is out of the question and borderline criminal. |
P202100602 | 2/16/2021 8:03 AM | I want to register my objection to this increase based on the fact that this represents a greater than 20% increase, which is outrageous. This would be bad any time but is especially painful for many people during the pandemic. I don’t feel there should be ANY increase, since my water bill always seems pretty high. However, given the described expenditures for water system improvements, a nominal increase may be justifiable. |
P202100603 | 2/16/2021 8:05 AM | At this time, when people are having trouble staying in their homes, buying food for their families, "making do" with less of everything due to the Pandemic, a rate increase for the basic necessity of water is OUT OF THE QUESTION |
P202100604 | 2/16/2021 8:07 AM | I would like to ask the question as to why our subdivisions sewer cost should go up. We are all required to have septic tanks and pump those septic tanks, therefore, they are only getting gray water from the Lake VanLoo subdivision. We have one station for a neighborhood established over 20 years ago and in that 20+ years the last several has had an explosion of new houses built while the station is still not at full capacity. |
P202100605 | 2/16/2021 8:16 AM | see attached |
P202100607 | 2/16/2021 11:18 AM | I'm firmly against a rate increase for water service & if there ends up being one it should not be the projected raise of over 20% for those in Webster Groves. There's no need for such a large increase. After the one time investment to upgrade the piping where is this extra money going to? Why do they want to have rates remain higher indefinitely when this is a one time capital cost? I've never seen rates go down before only up so perhaps a one time fee is a better, more equitable solution here |
P202100611 | 2/17/2021 7:20 AM | See Attached |
P202100612 | 2/17/2021 7:22 AM | See Attached |
P202100615 | 2/21/2021 10:12 PM | RE: File No. WR-2020-0344: I do not approve of the proposed rate increases! We are not being fairly evaluated in our Condo community. |
P202100616 | 2/22/2021 11:51 AM | (tb) Martha called & stated as a citizen, she feels it is most cost effective to bill every 3 months than to bill monthly, less labor intensive, processing & so forth. |
P202100617 | 2/23/2021 2:02 PM | See Attached |
P202100618 | 2/23/2021 2:05 PM | See Attached |
P202100622 | 2/28/2021 5:21 PM | I'm totally opposed to Missouri American Water being able to increase water and bill me for those who use a tremendous amount of water when I'm conservative with my water usage. |
P202100623 | 3/1/2021 7:16 AM | (DF)See attached Public Comment. Mr. Karam is against MAWC's proposed rate increase. |
P202100624 | 3/1/2021 2:37 PM | See Attached |
P202100633 | 3/16/2021 8:00 AM | (DF)See attached Public Comment. |
P202100634 | 3/16/2021 12:35 PM | I'm concerned about what seems to be excessive rate increases for water. Please minimize any increases money is tight these days for so many of us Americans. |
P202200015 | 7/27/2021 2:52 PM | (tb) Scott upset (yelling) about his sewer with MAWC going from $35/month to $40/month, says this is a joke and all the profit should be going back into the company. He pays a year in advance and now is a month short & can't get assistance, said this is just a joke. |
P202200159 | 9/27/2021 10:05 AM | See Attached |