Current Date/Time: 3/18/2025 5:06:32 AM
Linked Consumer Comments
Consumer Comment No. | Date Filed | Consumer Comments |
P202100228 | 1/6/2021 9:14 PM | I wish to intervene in the rate case of the Utility named below. They violated the PSC Order WA-2018-0370as follows: (I) of the order that requires the testing and providing customers with the results of the tests which they did not. (k) (l) and (m) of the order that required an independent management of the system and notification if changed and if contract ceased then a filing of a rate case which they did not. |
P202100229 | 1/7/2021 11:23 AM | The water service violated the commission order "Mills shall take water samples for laboratory analysis at least twice per year at approximately six-month intervals for bacterial contamination, chlorine residual and iron content, such sample to begin within 30 days of the effective date of this Report and Order." This did not occur and the system was operated unsafely with storage in a vented tank without chorine addition or measurement reporting to the users. |