Current Date/Time: 3/10/2025 12:30:10 PM
Linked Consumer Comments
Consumer Comment No. | Date Filed | Consumer Comments |
P202300102 | 8/2/2022 12:56 PM | (co) Customer called stating the water company is regulated. Information is going from the water company to MSD. They have to have some type of regulation. If there isn't a law, we need to move forward. |
P202300178 | 8/8/2022 8:57 AM | I recently received my water bill for the month of July 2022. In it was a flyer informing us of their intent to file a rate review request. I urge you not to grant said request. On average, our water bill is already around $50 each month (sewer bill to MSD is almost as much. (See attached for full comment) |
P202300329 | 8/15/2022 10:37 AM | See Attached |
P202300335 | 8/16/2022 11:45 AM | (co) Customer called stating the fees are ridiculous. $17 added to her bill. She's on a fixed income. This isn't right. |
P202300423 | 9/7/2022 9:48 AM | See Attached |
P202300984 | 10/17/2022 12:54 PM | (JP) "Their rates are very high and I did not vote for them to be our new provider. The rates are a lot higher than what they told us they would be a few years ago when they first started talking about this. I would like to know if their rates are comparable to other water providers in Missouri. I am opposed to this increase." |
P202301101 | 11/4/2022 10:45 AM | (co) Customer called stating they're asking for increases that are much beyond our increases. Having to scale down and move into a condominium. |
P202301203 | 1/3/2023 3:25 PM | (tb) Michael is opposed to any proposed rate increase. Says last increase was 4-5 yrs ago. He is paying more water than any other utilities |
P202301204 | 1/3/2023 7:07 PM | I think that the PSC should start to consider senior citizens when looking for rate increase. We are on a fixed income |
P202301207 | 1/4/2023 9:51 AM | I will not be able to attend any of the meetings as they are to far to travel. A virtual meeting is possible but I like to have things in writing for accountability reasons. I am 100% against the requested proposal of raising its base rates and would prefer the committee votes against this proposal. |
P202301209 | 1/4/2023 10:21 AM | I will not be able to attend any of the meetings as they are to far to travel. See attached for full comments. |
P202301211 | 1/4/2023 11:00 AM | This increase is not a good thing. I am disabled and on behalf of the disabled, we can't afford this. I only get approx $1000/month. I have a mortgage, car, insurance, all the other utility bills. After all that there's nothing left. I barely have food. Do not allow this increase. |
P202301212 | 1/4/2023 11:40 AM | (JP) Totally opposed to MAWC getting an increase due to their unscrupulous behaviors. They are not a reparable organization. If I had another choice for water provider I would gladly switch. |
P202301213 | 1/4/2023 12:53 PM | We are opposing another rate increase for our present sewer system charges that seem to increase every few years. Our household members are both retired now on fixed income, with the economy increasing daily food fuel etc. another non-budgeted increase is unfair. Our property is and has always been on a septic system since constructed in 1994 only allowing mostly liquid to discharge. Living outside the city limits we are deemed a user fee for our monthly service, much higher than those JC |
P202301216 | 1/4/2023 2:09 PM | (co) Customer called stating she doesn't want them to go up on the water. The time has got too hard for all of this extra stuff on the water bills now. |
P202301219 | 1/5/2023 11:11 AM | I just received notification of the extreme rate increase proposed by Missouri American Water. As you are probably aware, we have some of the highest water rates in the United States. See attached for full comments. |
P202301221 | 1/5/2023 2:11 PM | Missouri American Water's parent company American Water (AWK) more than doubled its profit from 2019 to 2021 from $621m to $1,263m. The company is on track to further increase its profits in 2022. Yet consumers, with no ability of choice in water providers, are being forced to undergo a permanent 25% rate increase because of "system improvements." This is corporate greed extorting citizens. Commissioners and Judge, deny this unreasonable request. |
P202301222 | 1/5/2023 2:23 PM | Inflation is up around 8-9% but MAWC wants and increase of over 25%. This is absurd. I just reviewed the company earnings reports and note that their earnings have increased each year for many years and have been decreasing their debt load. I see no reason for increasing rate beyond the current inflation rate. I will be out of town and unable to attend the Public Hearings. |
P202301225 | 1/5/2023 2:45 PM | How much of this price hike will go to Employees wages, and bonuses to CEO's or COO's, owners or whoever's pockets? If proposed hike is granted, when will the price go back down? If these system improvements started Jan. 1 of 2021, how long will it be before completion? Why can't MO AM Water bite the bullet like the rest of us with rising costs of everything else? We the public have to survive also. Why should you recieve more money from us? |
P202301226 | 1/5/2023 4:48 PM | RE: File #WR-2022-0303 Missouri American Water proposed increase of water and wastewater rates. Hunters Creek Subdiv., Holts Summit, MO with a flat wastewater rate of $65.06 mo. H2O bill from Callaway County H2O District #1 for my wife & I averages $18.16 mo. Obviously we are being severely over charged by Missouri American Water. Wastewater rate should be based on water used. I.E. Family household of 4 uses more water, and creates more wastewater than just me & my wife. See attached letter |
P202301231 | 1/6/2023 9:26 AM | The water rate increase is a smoke n mirrors job as a water rate increase will increase my sewer rate. This is because sewer rates are based on water useage. My sewer rate is 2-3 times my water rate so where is the cutoff for the Comsumer? I am retired and SSN does not increase as fast as American Water rates increase. what are they doing to cut costs? Besides laying off the workers? |
P202301233 | 1/6/2023 9:29 AM | The request for the increase should be denied based on the request being three times the 2022 annual rate of inflation, which is currently at 7.1% Missourians cannot sustain utility rate increases of 25.7%. The utility company is a business; if infrastructure costs are needed, they should rely on their budget allocated to such purposes. Relying on rate increases is an unsustainable business practice |
P202301235 | 1/6/2023 9:31 AM | The request for the increase should be denied based on the request being three times the 2022 annual rate of inflation, which is currently at 7.1% Missourians cannot sustain utility rate increases of 25.7%. The utility company is a business; if infrastructure costs are needed, they should rely on their budget allocated to such purposes. Relying on rate increases is an unsustainable business practice. (See attached) |
P202301236 | 1/6/2023 9:36 AM | I received a notice that the above monopoly is in the process of requesting a rate hike which they refer to as a "rate change" in order to soften the blow to their customers. We know better. This is an outrage in this time of inflation. It simply will help to "pour gasoline on the fire" for our economy. No doubt they will play the union sham of asking for more than they "need" and then accepting an amount that is less but represents the ACTUAL amount they want in the first place. |
P202301238 | 1/6/2023 9:41 AM | I present my rejection of a rate increase for your service, at this time. Due to the current, excessive, inflationary rate increases to the public, for all other goods and services, I do not agree to compound the problem, with an additional cost of living expense. Thank you for your cooperation. |
P202301239 | 1/6/2023 10:11 AM | This rate increase is over 33% which is excessive even in todays inflation. Our bill for December was $36.83 for 4100 gallons and their example rate increase for 4200 gallons is $12 to $13 increase. This is about a 33% increase!!! This is excessive especially for some maintenance that may be only imagined. Just because something is old, doesn’t mean it needs to be dug up and replaced. Shouldn’t this be on an as needed basis? (See attached) |
P202301240 | 1/6/2023 10:18 AM | To whom it may concern, we are on a limited income, and American water is talking about raising the rates 25%. Our bills never exceeded $90 a month. Afraid the bills will be overpriced! Please help on this matter |
P202301242 | 1/6/2023 12:10 PM | Please accept these comments in opposition of the attempt to consolidate water rates in Missouri by American Water to a single rate. Implementing a rate structure for each stand alone system as well as systems that interconnect and act as one is the only fair approach to consumers. Any other rate design builds in cross subsidization. Missouri utility rates should reflect the cost of doing business locally, not state wide. |
P202301244 | 1/6/2023 2:17 PM | I want to say, this increase is a scam. Electric, water and gas companies and so on. All are throwing away money every year. You see these people driving around slow or just playing on the phones parked. My bill went from $31 a month to $62. there are no improvements to me. Only reason for an increase is to pay out bonuses and give themselves raises. (See attached) |
P202301245 | 1/6/2023 3:16 PM | I disagree with any rate increase due to fact they don't maintain equipment until it fails. A poorly run company. |
P202301246 | 1/6/2023 3:17 PM | Missouri American Water, I present my rejection of a rate increase for your service, at this time. Due to the current, excessive, inflationary rate increases to the public, for all other goods and services, I do not agree to compound the problem, with an additional cost of living expense. Thank you for your cooperation. Brian Alwell |
P202301247 | 1/6/2023 3:22 PM | This rate increase is over 33% which is excessive even in todays inflation. See attached for full comment. |
P202301252 | 1/7/2023 8:02 AM | Yesterday I received a Missouri American Water (MOAM) notice about a 25.7% rate change for water. It was a lie. I reviewed the proposed tariff on PCS's website (MOAM either did not post it or buried it on their website) and St. Louis County no longer has a rate reflective of denser population (more revenue per mile of pipe). The proposed Missouri-wide tariff raises my rate 58%. Inflation over the past 5 years since the last rate hike is only 21%. Fix MOAM's planned gouging of customers! |
P202301256 | 1/7/2023 12:56 PM | I am extremely concerned that another public utility is asking for an incredible monthly increase in order to repair or replace existing conditions that should be paid for by past escrow or savings. These increases have serious negative effects of lower income families and those of retirement ages. This must not happen@ |
P202301262 | 1/8/2023 10:19 PM | I agree with improving our infrastructure and removing old piping as quickly as required for the safe consumption of water, but a 25.7% increase is substantial and needs to be thoroughly reviewed by the commission. I'm not an expert, but that's a far larger increase than the last two years of inflation. Missouri American Water did not publish any statistics on how many lead and/or aging pipes remain and how many have been removed, this information should be required before rates are increased. |
P202301263 | 1/9/2023 7:51 AM | Missouri American Water Company is asking for yet another increase with no apparent efforts to reduces their costs, like the synergies available. It is way too expensive for the poor, old and disabled. |
P202301264 | 1/9/2023 8:31 AM | The request for the increase should be denied based on the request being three times the 2022 annual rate of inflation, which is currently at 7.1% Missourians cannot sustain utility rate increases of 25.7%. The utility company is a business; if infrastructure costs are needed, they should rely on their budget allocated to such purposes. (See attached) |
P202301265 | 1/9/2023 8:40 AM | Please do not raise my rates, between the raise in rent, Liberty Electric's massive rate hike, Spire's rate hike and grocery prices I can no longer afford to be the self sufficient man I was brought up to be. Government assistance and company handouts are not an option for my morals and work has been slow therefore no raise. Please stop, the cost of living in this area is getting ridiculous for the median income. |
P202301266 | 1/9/2023 9:01 AM | As a resident of St. Louis County, former shareholder and customer of American Missouri Water I am outraged at the lack of concern the Missouri Public Service Commission is showing toward those residents it is empowered to protect. The amount of rate increases being GRANTED by the MoPSC in the past 2 years is disturbing and infuriating. Those of us that are on fixed income are having to take drastic measures to make ends meet. |
P202301267 | 1/9/2023 9:07 AM | My husband and I oppose the huge rate increase from the Missouri American Water Company. We understand that improvements cost money, and they are necessary, but that would increase our annual water bill by at least $160, probably more. That is not huge by itself, but it is on top of major increases in the personal property and real estate taxes, and the cost of everything else! We are retired, and our retirement savings have grown smaller. (See attached) |
P202301268 | 1/9/2023 9:13 AM | Please review this because I will be bringing it up at the hearings. Tell the commissioners "Thanks for helping make this company and their stockholders rich at the Missouri consumer's expense. The commission's investments should be investigated. It is absolutely disgusting what the PSC commision is doing to us. |
P202301269 | 1/9/2023 11:41 AM | See Attached |
P202301272 | 1/9/2023 11:48 AM | See Attached |
P202301275 | 1/9/2023 12:01 PM | (JP) "Their rates are already the highest I have heard of across the U.S. since they bought out our City water, the rates have already tripled and now they're wanting even more? The trash pickup was included with City service but now it's a separate bill. I use very little water and it's still $59/month plus trash. It's just unbelievable for water to be this amount. I don't understand it." |
P202301276 | 1/9/2023 12:31 PM | (JP) The water company should be responsible for all of their lines no matter where they are and all the way up until it enters the house. This should be considered when there is a rate case. |
P202301277 | 1/9/2023 1:31 PM | I would like to know when PSC will discontinue approving rate increases on customers for Sewer where MO American only gets the effluent....not full sewer. Our entire subdivision has to have septic tanks and require them to be pumped every 3-5 years at the cost of $300-400 per addition to the current rate of $65/month for "sewer treatment" and then to increase another $3-10 on top of that. We already had a $6/month hike in the past 2 years. MO American should pay the pumping! |
P202301278 | 1/9/2023 1:35 PM | See Attached |
P202301280 | 1/9/2023 2:00 PM | I feel the 25.7% rate hike is excessive. The long range planning of American Water should do better than this. A 5 to 10% hike once in a while is understandable but a hike as large as 25.7% is inexcusable. Please taper this hike back to a more reasonable increase and insure that the American Water does better financial planning for the future. |
P202301283 | 1/9/2023 4:24 PM | All our utilities continue to increase. This is a major concern for those that live on a fixed budget. We never seem to get ahead, our Social Security checks don't increase as fast our utilities continue to escalate. I give each month to $1.00 HELP. but would like to know if you have any discount rates for those on fixed incomes. I may have to give up the $ HELP, to help me. |
P202301284 | 1/9/2023 4:53 PM | Please contact me at (314) 478-4265 for discussion. Currently, only incoming calls can be received. 1.) Of $770 million, what has been completed since Jan. 2021, and what still needs completion, and at what additional cost? 2.) What will be the rate change in zip code 63119? 3.) What is the breakdown of costs for each upgrade? 4.) Under upgrades, what is included in "more across the state," the cost analysis with monetary details?" THERE'RE MORE Q. BUT NO ROOM TO ADD THEM HERE. |
P202301288 | 1/10/2023 8:59 AM | As a Missouri Citizen for 63 years, I have grown very tired of the process in which Ameren Water and American Electric raise rates. It should not be a 6 pm meeting with an hours worth of drive time, for 2 minutes explaining why it should not or should be raised, at a podium. (See attached) |
P202301290 | 1/10/2023 9:25 AM | I oppose the proposed Missouri American increase in water/sewer charges. See attached for full comment. |
P202301291 | 1/10/2023 9:29 AM | To whom it may concern, I’m writing concerning the rate changes. With everything going up, people are already struggling as it is. There should be no rate changes unless it is a decrease in charges. Families and seniors alike cannot afford anymore price increases. I can’t believe this would even be a consideration. Keep this in mind during the hearings. |
P202301294 | 1/10/2023 10:59 AM | See Attached |
P202301295 | 1/10/2023 11:02 AM | See Attached |
P202301299 | 1/10/2023 4:02 PM | (co) Customer called stating they ought to simplify things. It would just work better if they did it the way a long time ago. She just needs a piece of paper the size of a check with names, amount, addresses, and phone numbers. She doesn't think they need too much else. She wishes things weren't so complicated. The last thing she wants is extra mail in the mailbox. It's not fair to old people. |
P202301303 | 1/11/2023 8:22 AM | I oppose the proposed Missouri American increase in water/sewer charges. It is unnecessary. Our rates, especially in the Taney County area where I live, have jumped incredibly in just a few years. My rates now exceed $100/month on average which have a significant impact on me as a retiree. American Water had a great profit this past year. (See attached) |
P202301310 | 1/11/2023 2:19 PM | see attached |
P202301311 | 1/11/2023 2:25 PM | See attached |
P202301313 | 1/11/2023 2:31 PM | see attached |
P202301319 | 1/12/2023 10:53 AM | See Attached |
P202301323 | 1/13/2023 8:12 AM | I’m going to attempt to Dial In to hear the information about our Water Increase, but please put this on record…. I DO NOT WANT MY WATER BILL TO INCREASE !!! I just moved to Jefferson City and I don’t know yet if my bill is a flat rate or based on what I use. But even if it’s a flat rate, - $3-10 is a lot especially with all of the other increases Joe has caused – gas, food, electric, etc. |
P202301324 | 1/13/2023 8:24 AM | This is an expression of our concern regarding the Missouri American Water Company's imminent request for another raise in their water rates for 2023. Our recent increase in water rates went into effect in mid 2021, raising our rates from 26.55/3000 gallons to 32.95/3000 gallons, a 25% increase. (See attached) |
P202301325 | 1/13/2023 10:29 AM | See Attcahed |
P202301327 | 1/13/2023 11:53 AM | I live in Parkville, MO and have never paid more for water. I pay a BASE RATE for WATER ONLY of $112.80/month. I am strongly opposed to this current rate increase --Inflation rate is ~9% Missouri customers are paying more across the board and able to purchase less. --A26% rate increase is beyond ludicrous. How could this possibly be justified? I am strongly opposed to this current rate increase. Sincerely, Greg Cummins |
P202301329 | 1/13/2023 1:32 PM | I have lived in Parkville, MO for over 18 years, and have never paid more for water anywhere in my life than here. I pay a BASE RATE, lowest every month, of $112.80/month, and higher in summer dry months if more water is used. (See attached) |
P202301330 | 1/13/2023 1:35 PM | regarding Ameren's electric rate increase request. I am a residential customer who used 3,625 kWH of electricity last month for only (2) people household. Why would Ameren need $275.24 mil. rate increase for "non" fuel reasons? Total increase request is for $318 mil., but only $40.76 mil is for increased fuel costs. (See attached) |
P202301331 | 1/14/2023 2:04 PM | I own a second home in Branson West Missouri. Our water bills from this property, which is vacant a majority of the year are billed approximately $75/month with ZERO water usage. Conversely, for property that I occupy as my primary residence elsewhere (not an AM Water customer) my water bill is approximately $87 every three (3) months. Clearly American Water is mismanaged if the current monthly base rate does not provide the needed resources. Increase? Absolutely Not! Rates should be cut! |
P202301338 | 1/17/2023 11:21 AM | I’m going to attempt to Dial In to hear the information about our Water Increase, but please put this on record…. I DO NOT WANT MY WATER BILL TO INCREASE !!! I just moved to Jefferson City and I don’t know yet if my bill is a flat rate or based on what I use. But even if it’s a flat rate, - $3-10 is a lot especially with all of the other increases Joe has caused – gas, food, electric, etc. |
P202301339 | 1/17/2023 11:24 AM | Gentlemen, Attached please find six pages of our inquiry regarding: WR-2022-0303. Thank you, Harry Bradley |
P202301343 | 1/17/2023 11:36 AM | I have lived in Parkville, MO for over 18 years, and have never paid more for water anywhere in my life than here. I pay a BASE RATE, lowest every month, of $112.80/month, and higher in summer dry months if more water is used. See attached for full comments. |
P202301344 | 1/17/2023 11:41 AM | No rate hike for Missouri American Water. The price gouging of consumers must stop. |
P202301347 | 1/17/2023 11:52 AM | I am begging you to deny the rate increase request from Duckett Creek, MO American Water and Ameren electric. I have received notices from ALL 3 wanting to increase rates. When is it going to stop. See attached for full comments. |
P202301348 | 1/17/2023 11:54 AM | I'm like others, tired of getting these hearings about increases. This is menarche. Why can't the county have a flat water rate like the city, instead increasing water bills when you have not run a lot of water. I'm sure it can be done. |
P202301354 | 1/18/2023 11:10 AM | See Attached |
P202301359 | 1/18/2023 12:34 PM | WR-2022-0303. A 25.7% increase is extreme and will be a hardship on everyone on fixed income. That is nearly three times the 8.7% Social Security increase. I have seen virtually no construction and find it hard to believe Mo American can justify this hugh increase. Please scrutinize it carefully and trim it to a reasonable amount. |
P202301361 | 1/18/2023 4:48 PM | I don't think my neighborhood should have rates raised or even pay what we are currently. I moved 3 years ago from a house across town and paid the same rate (at the time) and had full sewer service. I now pay $65 per month (raising again soon) but MO AM Water does not provide me sewer service. All houses in this neighborhood must pay to maintain/replace septic tanks on our own as well. We should not be paying the same rates as customers with actual sewer service. |
P202301363 | 1/19/2023 10:54 AM | I would hate to be without water. I don't begrudge oversight but encourage NO wasteful spending. |
P202301366 | 1/19/2023 1:35 PM | In regards to the rate increase request of MAWC. The water quality is very poor. It is cloudy and smells of rotten eggs. |
P202301370 | 1/20/2023 8:36 PM | They should not be approved to raise flat rate sewer fees. I am a single person, average use 500 gallons a month, and with the flat rate I am paying way too much. I pay the same as a large family using thousands of gallons a month. Completely unfair and should not be approved to charge even more. In my opinion, flat rate sewer shouldn't even be allowed. I shouldn't have to pay so much more than my fair share. |
P202301372 | 1/21/2023 8:39 PM | My attached comments are related to File No. WR-2022-0303 |
P202301375 | 1/23/2023 8:18 AM | My sewer bill has gone up consistently since the City of Arnold turned us over to MO American Water Company. I don't recall being given a vote to turn our sewers to MO American Water but we were told if we did not, the rates would soar. In addition, we pay a yearly storm water fee to the City of Arnold. It is not a high amount but still money out of pocket. (See attached) |
P202301378 | 1/23/2023 8:56 AM | I am affected in two ways with Missouri American Water. First, I have two rental units in one area of their sewer services and another unit in another sewer service territory. Secondly, I am on the Board of Directors for a water district that purchases water from Missouri American Water. On all of these accounts the WSIRA charge has been going up and can fluctuate according to the infrastructure upgrades they have done in each area. |
P202301395 | 1/24/2023 10:11 AM | See Attached |
P202301397 | 1/24/2023 6:01 PM | The proposed rate increase by Missouri American Water must be REJECTED. There is no justification for the Missouri public to pay for management's failure to reserve revenue and cut expenses, such as +40% pay raises for executives throughout the pandemic (22% in 2019!), shareholder dividends (14% return), and tripling the stock price since 2015! It's pure greed, price gouging, and mismanagement. The public and ratepayers should not be forced to pay for it! Src: AMW SEC filings, |
P202301398 | 1/25/2023 7:55 AM | As a taxpayer and citizen who uses public utilities I know regular maintenance, repairs, replacements, upgrades, new construction are a necessary and ongoing expense to provide adequate and uninterrupted service for all. I totally support the rate hike to ensure that our infrastructure is kept in top working condition. I appreciate and am grateful to have the convenience of clean, running water in my home. |
P202301400 | 1/25/2023 9:16 AM | see attached |
P202301405 | 1/25/2023 9:28 AM | see attached |
P202301406 | 1/25/2023 9:33 AM | see attached |
P202301407 | 1/25/2023 9:35 AM | Please do not raise price on Our Water and Sewer Bills. Many like myself are Seniors on the minimum Social Security and with Inflation from Government spending on a lot of non-essentials across the board, this is not the best of times to make everyone poorer ! We are already paying the City of St. Joseph $50/mo for Sewer bill. My water is already $15./mo. --DRS |
P202301408 | 1/25/2023 9:45 AM | See attached for comments. |
P202301411 | 1/25/2023 10:22 AM | Case #WR-2022-0303 Seniors and many others CANNOT afford these rate increases. These companies should use their profits for improvements. Please do not approve this rate increase. |
P202301417 | 1/25/2023 1:08 PM | Please do not raise price on Our Water and Sewer Bills. Many like myself are Seniors on the minimum Social Security and with Inflation from Government spending on a lot of non-essentials across the board, this is not the best of times to make everyone poorer ! We are already paying the City of St. Joseph $50/mo for Sewer bill. My water is already $15./mo. --DRS |
P202301420 | 1/25/2023 2:07 PM | (co) Customer called stating she's a concerned citizen. They raised the rates already when they went to monthly billing. They should have to buckle down and deal with this recession because people are going to need assistance. They're not going to be able to afford water. The water is toxic anyway. It's causing cancer. What they're doing is not worth the money. |
P202301423 | 1/25/2023 4:19 PM | (co) Customer called stating the rates seem extremely high. It seems like they're over charging people out here compared to other counties. It seems ridiculous. |
P202301424 | 1/25/2023 4:40 PM | Please see attached official letter of opposition from Legal Services of Eastern Missouri. |
P202301425 | 1/25/2023 5:55 PM | I am submitting comments about the proposed American Water rate hike (WR-2022-0303). I am concerned that many of my neighbors cannot afford an increase of $150 per year. According to the Living Wage study for Missouri by MIT - - the cost of living in St. Louis City for two parents with two children is more than $78,000 annually. More than half of Missouri households make less than that annually - and I'm sure that's true for St. Louis as well. |
P202301433 | 1/27/2023 8:23 AM | Attached please find Legal Services of Eastern Missouri's formal opposition to the pending rate increase. (see attached pdf) |
P202301446 | 1/30/2023 8:16 AM | Notice received January 2023, Water customer rate increase of $12-$13 per month on average 4,200 gal. monthly usage. Please closely consider your decisions for allowing this increase by Missouri American Water. The customers continue to see rate increases on utilities in the order of yearly with typical reasoning, infrastructure improvements. (See attached) |
P202301447 | 1/30/2023 9:50 AM | See Attached |
P202301450 | 1/30/2023 11:38 AM | (tb) Ms. Singer is opposed to the rate increase senior's have lost all of the increases they received from ss due all of the utility increases & grocery cost increases |
P202301457 | 1/31/2023 12:59 PM | see attached for comments |
P202301458 | 1/31/2023 1:02 PM | See attached for comments. |
P202301463 | 2/1/2023 8:33 AM | It’s rather a moot point to even attempt to voice concerns over the increases from the above stated energy companies. However, I want to know I made an effort nonetheless-in these days when The American People are struggling due to a bastardized economy due to the utterly, dismal, corrupt Biden Admin. (See attached) |
P202301517 | 2/7/2023 7:48 AM | The information sent to customers regarding your rate increase and your interest to hear feedback is apparent to me to be a waste of time. see attached |
P202301518 | 2/7/2023 8:08 AM | Thank you for giving me an opportunity to comment via email on the proposed rate increase for MO American Water. I would like to refer to a couple of recent actions that I think reflect poor practices that affect the need for rate increases. see attached for full comments. |
P202301520 | 2/7/2023 8:18 AM | Thank you for giving me an opportunity to comment via email on the proposed rate increase for MO American Water. I would like to refer to a couple of recent actions that I think reflect poor practices that affect the need for rate increases. (See attached) |
P202301690 | 2/8/2023 10:24 AM | I would like to comment on the recent increase in the water rates proposed by Missouri American Water. The information sent in the mail indicates that for an average household would be $12 to $13. I calculated that a bill for my home would increase from $43 to $53, which is in line with the increase in the communication. (see attached) |
P202301909 | 2/9/2023 9:56 AM | See attached for comments. |
P202302032 | 2/28/2023 4:26 PM | See Attached |
P202302036 | 3/3/2023 8:40 AM | Due to various economic pressures and long-term capital needs, the City of Kirkwood is currently considering a 30% rate increase for our water utility customers, justified to a large extent by Missouri American Water's requested 25% rate increase currently under consideration. (see attached) |
P202302058 | 3/13/2023 2:22 PM | I am asking the Public Service Commision to live up to its name and actually serve the public by declining Missouri American Water Company's rate increase request. These are hard times for many people and they have no choice when it comes to electricity providers. Please also serve the public by denying a rate increase to Ameren. I STRONGLY oppose any rate increase by Missouri American Water Company.Having $854 million dollars in profit last year doesn't support the need to increase rates. |
P202302250 | 6/23/2023 11:31 AM | (JP) "A 23% increase is too much and I don't understand why anyone would approve that." |
P202400045 | 7/18/2023 12:08 PM | (JP) "The issue of replacing the lead pipe and water meter should've been handled at the same time that the sidewalk & street were first opened up 2.5 months ago. It was my understanding then from the sub-contractor that that's what they were going to do but they didn't. The PSC should be aware of how the job was handled which incurred additional cost in labor & materials to re-open street & sidewalk to replace a lead line." |
P202400262 | 10/16/2023 2:05 PM | He stated that it's still outrageous. It shouldn't be $100 a month. Average water is $40. They're gouging. It's way too high and he can't afford. |
P202400354 | 2/20/2024 11:35 AM | The company used estimates of usage for several months resulting in substantial overcharging of my account. I contacted the company, and they changed my meter. The customer service department indicated the billing department would have to determine what was owed. Their lengthy review resulted in a credit on my account of $338.31. I requested the amount be refunded via electronic funds transfer (EFT). I was told it would not be possible to do an EFT credit to my bank account even though I had automatic payments enabled, and they withdraw the funds by EFT every month. I was told I would have to wait to receive a refund check in the mail, which could take a couple months. (see attached PDF) |
P202400378 | 3/8/2024 10:44 AM | I received email notices from the utility on Jan. 17 and Feb. 1 indicating that my water meter needed to be changed. Admittedly, I have not set up the meeting to change. The notices did state: As a reminder, state regulations entitle us access to the meter at all reasonable times. Failure to allow access to perform the needed meter replacement can result in your water service being discontinued. There are no deadlines in the notices. Without warning, they discontinued service. The utility has my phone number. And they discontinued services in a manner that there will be no water overnight. Water is essential. If the meter replacement was so important they could have (i) given a deadline and (ii) called me. Outrageous. |
P202400381 | 3/11/2024 8:57 AM | (Follow up to P202400378) The utility replaced the meter today. They showed up unannounced to replace the meter but refused to turn on water as promised. All of which is contrary to what the utility promised - make an appointment and they would restore water. I made an appointment - March 6 - and they said they would restore water the morning of March 8. They lied. They damaged my yard. They left a puddle of water in my basement. And left an external apparatus on the outside of my house leaving previous damage which was caused without permission. All of this is the problem with monopolies - no care for the customer because the customer has no choice. |
P202400436 | 4/1/2024 8:24 AM | I live in St. Joseph. I was at my sister's for Easter dinner when my Ring doorbell alerted me. When I looked at the Ring camera it displayed someone in a white truck working on my water meter. Mind you, this is Easter Sunday. I sent my neighbor to investigate. The person working on the meter said it was a routine water meter replacement and that he needed the overtime! What? Routine meter replacement on holiday overtime? Last I heard that's like double time and a half! No wonder our rates are so high. |