Current Date/Time: 3/31/2025 5:43:11 PM
Linked Consumer Comments
Consumer Comment No. | Date Filed | Consumer Comments |
P202400728 | 5/9/2024 12:27 PM | Travis is upset over Evergy's service reliability. He constantly loses power. Was previously on a nearby cooperative and never had power issues with them but has had numerous outages with Evergy. Would like Evergy to do more trimming and upgrading of equipment to prevent so many outages. |
P202400731 | 5/16/2024 8:11 AM | "I am unhappy with the rates of my electricity. Please consider the retired and fixed income population. Jennifer bradfield 8017 n.woodland ave kcmo 64118." |
P202400734 | 5/16/2024 2:06 PM | "This is ridiculous and should not be allowed. 300% increase during the hottest part of the year is disgusting behavior. " |
P202400735 | 5/20/2024 7:56 AM | "Wow, Evergy will raise the summer rates 100% and 300% in peak hours! That seems excessive. Sadly the economy is going down the toilet, nice restaurants like On The Border are closing, areas seem to be going downhill. Is there anything we can do to cut the increase in half? People are struggling. Thank you, Carmen Dunn" |
P202400736 | 5/20/2024 8:14 AM | "not that this will do any good, but i am on social security,that's ALL i have my ss doesn't go up like all my utilities do, how is that right? and you are charging more for Peak times when people get home from work, want to cook a meal, watch some tv and people are getting penalized for is that right? " |
P202400754 | 6/3/2024 2:44 PM | Please see attached |
P202400756 | 6/4/2024 2:58 PM | Any kind of fee decrease would be greatly appreciated. Not many companies would be willing to help customers out during times like we are dealing with now. If you have the ability to cut some cost for your customers without effect business, I think more highly of Evergy for trying to take care of the people they serve. Thank you for your service. |
P202400765 | 6/11/2024 3:40 PM | 1-Abolish the PSC and stop the fraudulent misleading rate increase requests which include items submitted in previous requests. And which do not present adequate capital expenditure analysis, payback, cash flow, ROI, etc over minimum 10 year period. 2-Divest KCP&L to bring back lower prices, more efficient operations and local control. Dale Eshelman |
P202400778 | 6/27/2024 10:04 AM | Please see attachment. |
P202400780 | 6/27/2024 2:27 PM | See Attached. |
P202500005 | 7/2/2024 8:03 AM | Evergy states that about half of the average amount (i.e half of the 17%) is due to a rise in fuel cost. To me, this indicates that 9 or 10% would be a more just amount to consider for the increase, perhaps less if fuel forecasts might so show. I would ask that you reject Evergy's request and take whatever measures are necessary to stop our electrical costs from being raised by such a dramatic amount |
P202500007 | 7/2/2024 8:21 AM | Please see attached for comments |
P202500009 | 7/2/2024 9:37 AM | "Bill has increased 77%-when asked to choose a rate plan, we chose the avg. standard plan which was then dropped and we were placed into another plan. We adhere to the time guidelines when running electricity in our house during the week, but feel penalized on the weekends for trying to live life. Evergy is taking advantage by making us pay .10 more per kWh. What good is a rate plan if it penalizes you on the weekends? MPC has done consumers a disservice by approving this rate structure. Evergy is a wasteful company in the way they conduct themselves. This is going to cause a dwindling population in areas where Evergy is the only choice. They need to review the rate plans and expand the grid." |
P202500017 | 7/8/2024 4:29 PM | "I am writing in opposition to a rate increase for Evergy MO West. My current bill just rose from $69 to $144. We are being charged 10 times more for electric use between 4 pm to 8 pm. Unfortunately the temperature is often not cooler until after 8 pm, but that doesn't mean much more comfortable in MO. Electricity users can try to control our electric use, but we also need to control unreasonable charges. Let's allow fewer large users to locate or build in our use area. Thanks, Jim and Janie Robinson" |
P202500024 | 7/10/2024 10:26 AM | See attached for comments |
P202500025 | 7/10/2024 1:58 PM | My name is Harrison- as an Evergy customer, it is becoming increasingly difficult to afford my electricity bills. Living in the Kansas City metro area, many people have no choice of electricity company- as Evergy has an electricity monopoly on a portion of the Kansas City metro area and much of the eastern half of Kansas. I am writing to let you know that myself and many other Evergy customers I have spoken with are upset at the perpetual rate increases allowed by the Missouri Public Service Commission, and that we believe Evergy is not transitioning fast enough to a mix of clean energy sources- we would also like to see laws proposed to regulate what Evergy can recoup in costs from customers. In addition, it is unacc ...SEE ATTACHED |
P202500026 | 7/11/2024 3:17 PM | The customer called and said, "Please do not do that." It does not make sense to her. The fuel cost is 4.7, but the requested increase would cost 109 million. Where are all those millions going? It does not appear to be a logical increase given what they claim is an increase in their costs. |
P202500030 | 7/16/2024 7:59 AM | Can you all please consider residents of Missouri that will be affected by these increases. I’m a retired person on a fixed income. I pay my bills every month. I can’t afford another increase for electricity. My last bill was 398.00 from Evergy. My thermostat is set on 78 degrees. I have budgeted 250.00 for the summer months. This don’t allow this increase. I don’t like to beg but I will. Senior citizens will be affected the most. Feel free to reach out to me. My info is attached. |
P202500031 | 7/16/2024 8:04 AM | "To The MPSC Can you all please consider residents of Missouri that will be affected by these increases. I’m a retired person on a fixed income. I pay my bills every month. I can’t afford another increase for electricity. My last bill was 398.00 from Evergy. My thermostat is set on 78 degrees. I have budgeted 250.00 for the summer months. This close to not allow this increase. I don’t like to beg but I will. Senior citizens will be affected the most. Feel free to reach out to me. My info is attached." |
P202500032 | 7/16/2024 9:30 AM | "I am very much opposed to Evergy's 17.5% rate increase. We are on Social Security and have already been hit with higher grocery and insurance rates. We cannot afford an increase like that. It would increase our bill $50 a month. Roger & Cheryl Ebling" |
P202500033 | 7/16/2024 11:16 AM | "I would like to tell the Board that a 17% raise is way too much; especially when they've had multiple raises in the past couple of years. I am 77 years old and retired and cannot afford these increases. I've got medical issues that my money needs to go to. These people need to be stopped. |
P202500035 | 7/16/2024 1:07 PM | With everything going up it's really hard for people to make it right now. This rate case really stresses me out. I'm paying more for insurance, taxes, groceries -- everything. When is it going to be so that I can't afford my house anymore. Please don't raise our electric rates. |
P202500037 | 7/17/2024 11:34 AM | I am writing to express my strong opposition to Evergy's proposed rate increase of 17.5%. This increase is simply not justified. Of the proposed increase, only 0.54% is attributed to fuel costs. This means a staggering nearly 17% increase has no clear justification provided by Evergy. In the absence of a clear explanation, I can only assume this increase serves nothing more than corporate greed. This rate increase will have a significant negative impact on Missouri families. Many of us are already struggling to make ends meet, and a 17.5% increase in electricity bills could be devastating. Particularly during the summer months, this increase could translate to nearly $60 extra on our bills. This money could be used for..* SEE Attached |
P202500038 | 7/18/2024 8:18 AM | am writing to express my strong opposition to the proposed utility rate increase filed by Evergy Missouri West (“Evergy”) currently under consideration. I am unable to attend the public hearings, but, as a resident of Missouri, I am deeply concerned about the impact this increase will have on my household budget and the financial well-being of our community. Despite facing rising energy costs and a fee structure that makes using energy while I am home much more expensive, I have been taking significant steps to conserve electricity. I have replaced old appliances with energy-efficient models and no longer use my dryer or dishwasher at all. I have adopted energy-saving habits, and even invested in a new thermostat to auto.*SEE ATTACHED |
P202500039 | 7/18/2024 9:06 AM | I am unable to attend the public hearings pertaining to the proposed rate increase by Evergy, but would like to submit the attached feedback. I hope that you will consider the input and welfare of Missouri citizens when making your decision. |
P202500040 | 7/18/2024 3:20 PM | "Evergy wants a rate increase. You already this year put us all on a rate structure that if you use more electricity during 4 PM to 8 PM you pay more. That works great for families that are getting home from work to cook, do a load of laundry etc. Yes you could choose a couple of different options but I am betting Evergy is the one that came out on top. That change was supposed to have increased your revenue and profits. I understand this may be reflective of the current economy. You state in your brochure it will ONLY be $17.52 a month for the increase which is a 17% increase. That is $210.24 more a year. Those of us on Social Security have never had a 17% increase. This year they are stating it will most likely b..*See Attached |
P202500041 | 7/19/2024 9:02 AM | We are on social security. We have a very very tight income. We can't afford this increase. it is either pay our bills or eat. |
P202500046 | 7/22/2024 8:05 AM | I am writing to let you know that myself and many other Evergy customers I have spoken with are upset at the perpetual rate increases allowed by the Missouri Public Service Commission, and that we believe Evergy is not transitioning fast enough to a mix of clean energy sources- we would also like to see laws proposed to regulate what Evergy can recoup in costs from customers. In addition, it is unacceptable that Evergy is allowed to pile new infrastructure costs directly onto the backs of residential customers. (see attached pdf) |
P202500047 | 7/22/2024 11:39 AM | “They don’t need anymore fuel charges. We are already paying high enough fuel charges as it is. Also, this new rate plans they have is the stupidest thing I’ve ever seen. Why would you allow them to have peak hours during the summer during the hottest part of the day. That’s the stupidest thing. There is no such thing as climate change.” |
P202500048 | 7/22/2024 11:51 AM | Evergy does not need an increase. My fuel charge is already $20. This whole TOU plan is the stupidest thing I have ever seen. It's just a way to get more money, charging the most during the hottest part of the day. Climate change is BS and not a reason for the increase. You all need to wise up. |
P202500049 | 7/22/2024 2:37 PM | See attached. |
P202500051 | 7/24/2024 11:05 AM | For Evergy to file for a 17% increase is unreasonable. The average senior on a fixed income received the Cost of Living Adjustment on Social Security for 2024 of 3.2%. The COLA estimate for 2024 is 2.6%. Evergy recently set up new hour options which had a higher rate from 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm that generates more revenue for Evergy. Seniors and lower income families should not have to choose between their housing, utilities, eating and medicine. Please reject this ridiculous high-percent increase. |
P202500052 | 7/24/2024 11:32 AM | See attached for comments |
P202500053 | 7/24/2024 11:35 AM | For Evergy to file for a 17% increase is unreasonable. The average senior on a fixed income received the Cost of Living Adjustment on Social Security for 2024 of 3.2%. The COLA estimate for 2024 is 2.6%. Evergy recently setup new hour options which had a higher rate from 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm that generates more revenue for Evergy. Seniors and lower income families should not have to choose between their housing, utilities, eating and medicine. Please reject this ridiculous high percent increase. |
P202500058 | 7/26/2024 8:00 AM | "NO to the 17% increase. I am opposed to the 17% increase plus the 2 price adjustments to customers bills. My social security income is projected to increase 2.2% in 2025. Does the blue collar worker get a 17% increase in their paycheck? According to U.S. Dept. of Heath and Human Services 9.3% of the people in Nodaway County live in poverty. Every year our cost of living increases. Evergy states of this 17% or $17.52 a month increase .57% is for changes in fuel costs. I wonder where the other .43% is going? Last year you passed letting Evergy go to a 4 Tier program. You put stress on families by increasing their rates between 4 and 8 p.m.. Most working families have to put food on the table, do laundry so families.. *See Attached |
P202500061 | 7/29/2024 8:56 AM | Please Don't raise my rates. We can't afford to have any more increases. Times are already hard on senior citizens |
P202500062 | 7/29/2024 10:48 AM | See attached. |
P202500063 | 7/29/2024 11:24 AM | Leslie and her subdivision have had numerous service outages and even more so this year. She wanted to file a consumer comment to let the PSC know that the service reliability is really bad and would like the Commission to be made aware as part of the current rate case. Evergy does not trim trees as often as they should, and when they do it is not done well enough to avoid issues. Evergy is also not concerned with resolving this issue even though the entire subdivision has made numerous calls to Evergy. |
P202500066 | 7/29/2024 2:40 PM | "I am opposed to this rate increase. We have recently had to re-do our billing structure with no explanation. According to inflation figures, this adds to inflation. People on a fixed income are having to make very hard decisions on whether to pay rent, utilities or buy food or medicine. People cannot afford this much of a rate increase. If you are lucky enough to receive a pay increase, it is about 3%, no where near the 14-17% Evergy is asking for. Why can't they ask for a more reasonable increase. |
P202500067 | 7/29/2024 4:56 PM | "Please make it known that as a customer of Evergy in Missouri who has experienced increased rates due to the time-based (time-of-use) rate changes implemented in 2023 for energy consumption, I oppose Evergy's rate increase request. I also request the Fuel Adjustment Clause be discontinued, because Evergy is the only option as an electricity provider and therefore in charge of market volatility in our area. " |
P202500068 | 7/30/2024 8:23 AM | "Not happy with Evergy and all of the power outages I consistently endure. It is causing me to have to fix my blinking clocks and reset my appliances all throughout my home all the time. Why is this happening and why isn't Evergy fixing the issue?" |
P202500069 | 7/30/2024 8:40 AM | "I am writing to complain about numerous weekly power surges/outages with Evergy that have been going on since approximately April 1. These outages have been occurring at least 3 to 4 times weekly. Yesterday, Sunday, July 28, we had three power surges. As a result of these ongoing power issues, I have had to replace my upright freezer. My address is 2545 NW. Bent Tree Circle, Lees Summit, Missouri. Your assistance in this ongoing problem is greatly appreciated. This issue not only affects my home but our entire subdivision, Bent Tree Bluffs. " |
P202500070 | 7/30/2024 9:20 AM | ...I am writing to let you know that myself and many other Evergy customers I have spoken with are upset at the perpetual rate increases allowed by the Missouri Public Service Commission, and that we believe Evergy is closing power plants and spending money in a way that does help a majority of their customers. In fact, Evergy should be encouraged to use their advertising and sponsorship budgets before asking for new rate increases. It is the purpose of the Missouri Public Service Commission to regulate utility companies and to ensure consumers have access to reasonably priced utility services. It does not help residents of the state of Missouri to impose a 14% rate increase during these hard economic times...See Attached |
P202500071 | 7/30/2024 10:40 AM | NO TO rate increase, We are paying higher bills for electricity due to these time based plans no electricity from 4pm to 8pm or you pay more on electric. It don't matter what you select your still paying high bill. That money should well compensate for this increase. Families are already struggling as is. I have two kids & I work til 5pm i feel i am getting punished for using electricity from that 4pm to 8pm which is when i make dinner for my family. i dont have time to cook at lunch break during work hours. not quiet fair i have to not cook til after 8pm to avoid high bills. Also those with limited income struggle too. Make something more reasonable for all us not double dip make us pay high bill time based plus $17mo. |
P202500072 | 7/30/2024 11:01 AM | Below is my comment for ER-2024-0189. Please make it known that as a customer of Evergy in Missouri who has experienced increased rates due to the time-based (time-of-use) rate changes implemented in 2023 for energy consumption, I oppose Evergy's rate increase request. I also request the Fuel Adjustment Clause be discontinued, because Evergy is the only option as an electricity provider and therefore in charge of market volatility in our area. |
P202500073 | 7/30/2024 11:04 AM | I am e-mailing to express our disapproval of Evergy's proposed energy rate increase. We would all love to have a 17% increase in our income. Will the state of Missouri pay the difference in our monthly Evergy increase? I think not! Evergy has already put us on peak usage schedules - we feel like we are obeying a third world country. Obviously none of the monies they have collected over the years has not gone to their infrastructure but more likely to lavish trips for their board of directors' meetings and salaries. Please do the reasonable and deny this request. |
P202500074 | 7/30/2024 3:11 PM | "Evergy west does not need another rate increase under there e new plans offered I am paying more than I have ever paid for electricity at the residence I have resided at for 10 years it is ridiculous to ask Missourians to pay more when we already are!!!! " |
P202500075 | 7/30/2024 3:17 PM | "I don't think this is the time for a rate increase. People are struggling and on a fixed income, their income isn't going up 14% to compensate for all of these increases. Utility bills are already astronomical and it is taking its toll on people. There needs to be a better way. I am willing to cooperate with the TOU rates in place, but I oppose this rate increase. Can it be post-poned 1 to 1.5 years? " |
P202500076 | 7/30/2024 3:26 PM | To whom it may concern; I would like to voice my disapproval of the proposed rate increase from Evergy. Electric costs are already way too high and they keep asking for more. Last time it was an infrastructure upgrade and this time it’s something else. I do not feel the citizens in Evergy’s footprint should have to suffer for their ineptitude in how to run a business. Please do not allow them to keep taking advantage of us. Sincerely, PJ Hartzell |
P202500077 | 7/29/2024 | Kim decided to file a comment versus complaint/inquiry regarding service reliability in her area. Her circuit continues to have numerous outages without Evergy resolving the issues. Tree trimming is not done enough or how it should help prevent outages. Would like Evergy to do more than what they have and to address the problem. Kim wants PSC to be aware that Evergy does not provide reliable service. She also has appliances that reset with a power outage & with TOU rates that can make them pay more during peak outages |
P202500079 | 7/30/2024 3:56 PM | "I can't see how it is feasible for an increase at this time. Inflation is at an all time high along with cost of living. An increase is not logical at this time. Incomes are limited people have to give up meds to pay bills." |
P202500080 | 7/30/2024 4:30 PM | "I would like to voice my disapproval of the proposed rate increase from Evergy. Electric costs are already way too high and they keep asking for more. Last time it was an infrastructure upgrade and this time it’s something else. I do not feel the citizens in Evergy’s footprint should have to suffer for their ineptitude in how to run a business. Please do not allow them to keep taking advantage of us. " |
P202500081 | 7/30/2024 7:05 PM | Absolutely opposed to the potential rate increase for Saint Joseph, MO residents. Year after year we see our bill increasing no matter what we do to bring it down. A few weeks ago I received an email from Evergy about how hard they are working to cut costs and lower our bills, yet they go up nearly every year. Switching us to time based plans was already a big enough hit for families who use the most electricity during peak hours. A rate increase is the last thing Evergy customers need when we're already struggling to make ends meet. When does it stop? Saint Joseph is not a high income area. Families, including my own, work VERY hard to avoid using electricity during peak hours. This is disrupting our lives! |
P202500082 | 7/30/2024 9:27 PM | Evergy has asked for a rate increase of 13.99%. I’m against this as the last increase was 2022. I implore the PSC to change the time of rate use plans before any increase is discussed. The new rate plan was to save consumers money, however mine alone has increased. I can’t afford my bill now, let alone another rate increase. I fear this is going to do low income households no favors. Corporate greed has to stop and let the consumers breathe and catch up to the changes already made that aren’t working. It’s really sad utilities go up but the paychecks of those making these absurd payments don’t. |
P202500083 | 7/30/2024 9:31 PM | Our electric bill is already 300 bucks a month. When we don't run the air 150. No one can afford a higher bill. The price of food and housing and basic needs are out of this world! We are in poverty and you guys are part of the problem do better! Be better! This is crazy and you already get so much money when we have to use our electric from certain times! You aren't going bankrupt leave the rate alone! |
P202500084 | 7/31/2024 7:43 AM | I believe I have received the correct contacts. I live in Blue Springs Missouri and I’m concerned about the rate increase that Evergy is asking for. I think that it’s way to much for what people are dealing with right now Sent from my iPhone. I have included a couple of screen shots regarding Evergy’s executives pay. Please consider these numbers when you make your decisions. See attached for full comments. |
P202500085 | 7/31/2024 8:16 AM | We paid $300 for July payment and they want to increase the rate over 13%. NO ONE can afford these bills. |
P202500086 | 7/31/2024 8:53 AM | An Evergy rate increase of 13.99% could do extreme harm to consumers. Currently, Most families are living paycheck to paycheck, therefore approving a 13.99% increase could force a family to choose food over utilities. Our economy is in a serious depression with inflation at record numbers & citizens paying the price to merely survive. A 13.99% increase for a home during the summer using 2000+ kWh a month could be upwards of $50+ added to their already high bill. Extreme heat waves make homes harder to cool, therefore using more power & costing the family more even without an increase. Evergy employees are paid well, however consumers shouldn't have to suffer with rate increases while employees are paid well and equipment is not replaced |
P202500088 | 7/31/2024 10:12 AM | I am writing to express my strong opposition to Evergy’s proposed 13.42% rate increase for Missouri West customers, set to take effect Jan. 1, 2025, if approved. This increase, equating to approximately $17 more per month or $204 annually for each household, poses a significant financial burden on many residents, including myself. During the recent public hearing Missouri State Rep. Dean VanSchoiack, highlighted the hardships we are already facing. Residents are struggling to manage their expenses, particularly those living alone, who find it increasingly difficult to afford basic utilities. (see attached pdf) |
P202500089 | 7/31/2024 10:51 AM | "I am writing to express my strong opposition to the proposed rate increase requested by Evergy. As a Missouri resident and Evergy customer, I believe this increase is excessive and will impose undue financial hardship on consumers. The proposed rate hike is disproportionate to the current economic climate and will place an unnecessary burden on households and businesses alike. Given the rising cost of living, this increase is particularly concerning and will have a negative impact on the community. Instead of passing increased costs onto consumers, Evergy should prioritize investments in renewable energy sources. Not only would this help mitigate the environmental impact of energy production, but it could also lead to..*SEE ATTACHED |
P202500090 | 7/31/2024 11:27 AM | After having a billing increase after being taken off of all electric, in order to keep from having a rate increase and then proposing a rate increase, it shouldn't be allowed. We're already paying more for electrical usage than we were. Maybe they should be looking at internal cuts to save money. |
P202500091 | 7/31/2024 11:55 AM | I am tired of having to pay more for electricity and now Evergy wants to charge us a lot more. My husband and I are retired and on a fixed income. We cannot meet the demands of everything else going up, let alone higher electric bills. (See attached pdf) |
P202500092 | 7/31/2024 1:35 PM | Raising rates is ridiculous when they make millions. They just had a rate increase with the TOU plans. Summer rates are high and then the rates for the hottest parts of the day is extremely high. All they are doing is killing people who are on social security. We can't afford to pay our bills. Please do NOT approve this rate increase it is NOT in the best interest of the consumers. |
P202500093 | 7/31/2024 2:02 PM | > I’m one of those people that live in the area where Evergy wants to increase our utility rates by more than 13%. I find this to be very unsettling. We live in a world where we’re supposed to budget, and live within our means. I live on a fixed income, and I have always been energy conscious. I unplug those items that I am not using on a regular basis. I usually don’t even turn my air conditioner on until almost July and. I keep my thermostat at 82° and do my best to still remain cool. I try to do all of my high energy chores at a time when it’s going to be the least amount of usage, and I feel like the increase should not be passed on to the public . > When has it become OK for a utility company to not live within *See attached |
P202500095 | 7/31/2024 3:42 PM | Customer called to say they had increased enough since taking over from the prior electric company. |
P202500096 | 7/31/2024 4:07 PM | "This rate increase is not justified after increasing rates by certain hours already has put a strain on my family!!! I'm on a set income and I barely make it a month with all the increases on food, insurance and housing! Case number: ER-2024-0189" |
P202500097 | 7/31/2024 4:30 PM | "My name is Kate Vanbuskirk and I live at ---------. I live in a small ranch house and my energy costs are out of control. I keep lights off, have my Thermostat programmed to turn off from 4 to 8 every day, run my laundry and dishwasher overnight, everything I can do to lower costs. I am still getting bills over $300 a month. This is not sustainable. The monopoly evergy has on the kc metro area is criminal, and needs to be rectified. There needs to be alternative energy sources and companies available to us. Even solar is unattainable as many HOAs do not allow them, not to mention the incredible cost with a guarantee to not see a return on investment unless you live there for 20+ years. This issue needs to be addressed." |
P202500098 | 7/31/2024 6:20 PM | We as consumers cannot afford the rate increase. We're already faced with economical hardships and barely making ends meet. Adding this 13.99% rate hike will make our bills even more unaffordable. For some that's an extra $40 plus on their monthly bills. Every little bit adds up and we simply can't afford the extra. Not to mention the many power outages some face beyond our control. |
P202500099 | 7/31/2024 6:29 PM | This rate hike is not necessary!!! |
P202500100 | 7/31/2024 6:45 PM | Please do your job and do not let Evergy take advantage of their customers anymore than they already do! We cannot afford this. Missourians are STRUGGLING!!! Someone in a 1000 square ft house should not be paying $300 for electricity!!! Evergy is horrible. Passing this will show that you cannot do your job for Missourians. |
P202500101 | 7/31/2024 8:17 PM | Evergy rates are already way to high. They just received a huge rate increase with their disaster time of use rate increase. This will crush consumers which they have no choice in providers since Missouri allowed the merger. We suffer power loss on a regular basis which is not acceptable. |
P202500102 | 7/31/2024 8:49 PM | Given the current economic climate, an increase in electric bills poses a significant challenge for many individuals. Inflation is affecting all aspects of life, while wage growth has not kept pace. Utilities are fundamental necessities rather than discretionary expenditures, and it is crucial that they remain affordable to prevent increasing financial strain and ensure that individuals do not face undue hardship in meeting their basic needs. |
P202500103 | 7/31/2024 9:47 PM | They have already increased their rates with the time based rates system. We have changed the way we do things at home to try and reduce the effect but are still constantly paying more than ever before. They already make hundreds of millions in profits each year according to their own website. This is needless price gouging that is going to get someone injured or killed when they have to decide between running there air conditioner in the heat of summer or paying for food or medicine. |
P202500104 | 7/31/2024 10:04 PM | It’s absolutely ridiculous for this company to keep hiking up our prices. This company not any if its leaders are hurting for money. Draining us dry do you can shut us off is not ok. |
P202500105 | 7/31/2024 10:22 PM | Please do not allow a 13.99% rate increase for Evergy services. Evergy already enacted a time based plan that increases a consumers electric bill simply by using appliances after they get home from work and before they go to bed. This requested increase comes at a time of extremely high inflation when families are already struggling to make ends meet. With no alternative providers available to keep prices competitive, this is price gouging to customers who have no choice but to submit. This is outrageous and will prove detrimental to thousands of families at a time when the economy is already squeezing every cent they make out of their pockets. Thank you. |
P202500106 | 8/1/2024 12:10 AM | This is ridiculous. People can't pay their electric bills a it is. Also, with the peak times between 4-8pm make it even worse because that is when individuals get off work and cook supper and do their laundry. You are punishing working Americans. |
P202500107 | 8/1/2024 7:05 AM | Absolutely disgusting that you are even considering raising rates after this “rationing” mind set of peak hour prices while also have record incomes by your CEO’s and I’m sure everyone else involved. People who already make what is considered good money are struggling to pay your ridiculous bills. Greedy doesn’t even begin to describe this company. |
P202500109 | 8/1/2024 7:44 AM | I am writing to complain about the lack of reasonable time concerning notice of public hearings about the proposed rate increase. I live in Lee's Summit. My bill was dated July 23rd. The local meeting was held on July 30th. Even if I had received my bill the next day (which I did not), there would have been less than a week to plan. It seems that for something as significant as a proposed 13.99% rate increase, we should have been notified significantly earlier. (I can't help but think that the timing of the notice might have been intentional). (see attached PDF) |
P202500111 | 8/1/2024 7:54 AM | I am contacting you to express my opposition to the Evergy request for a 13.42% rate hike and encourage you to take action and not approve their request. (see attached PDF) |
P202500112 | 8/1/2024 8:02 AM | I don't support the rate increase. It's not going to be good for anyone. With inflation and everything else I can't afford the rates now, since they crammed that peak hour crap down our throats. Charging 10x between 4pm-8pm for electricity is ludicrous. They are making plenty of money from us. Check into how much the CEO makes then tell me they need to increase our rates. Evergy is the worst. Bad thing is we have no other option, so they have a monopoly, which is also unconstitutional. It's all about corporate greed. |
P202500113 | 8/1/2024 8:04 AM | We are Strongly against another rate hike by Evergy. This is not about fixing infrastructure it's about profits for their shareholders like Blackrock. I have read their future business forecast. 2023 they had over 700 million in profits. They are expecting well over a billion in profits in their business model. This is about breaking the middle class. the MPSC already forced Evergy into the time based rates which directly impacts the working class on purpose. the MPSC is supposed to work for MISSOURI not the rich Shareholders or the 2030 plan. We ask you to do the right thing for the people of Missouri and DENY the request of Evergy. ER-2024-0189 |
P202500115 | 8/1/2024 8:14 AM | Please don't increase our electricity costs anymore. We cannot eat and pay bills as it is. Everything is so high that our income don't go far enough. I ask you again, please don't increase evergy electricity rates. Thank you |
P202500116 | 8/1/2024 8:19 AM | Corporate greed. Rate increase is unnecessary and excessive. |
P202500117 | 8/1/2024 8:50 AM | An Evergy rate increase of 13.99% will do extreme harm to ALL customers. This economy is already nearly impossible to make ends meet and increasing utilities at this rate, a utility that is a NECESSITY, is completely unethical. EVERYTHING is increasing at rates that are nearly impossible for middle class families, like mine, to keep up with. Companies like Evergy are more concerned about lining the pockets of their CEOs and higher ups than keeping rates fair for their hardworking customers. This is sickening and outrageous. |
P202500119 | 8/1/2024 11:15 AM | Evergy has recently changed the rate structure. From 4:00-8:00pm, our rates have considerably increased. And now, they are asking for a ~13% increase? It seems like the CEO, who makes a very large salary should take a pay cut. All Missourians are struggling because of the new rate structure and now they want an increase in rates starting in January 2025? Please do not approve this rate increase! |
P202500120 | 8/1/2024 12:10 PM | In regards to the rate increase Evergy is requesting, OMG! (see attached pdf) |
P202500121 | 8/1/2024 12:20 PM | I'm I am opposed to another electricity rate increase when my bill is already almost $350 a month with the new hours that you can run your electricity without getting billed even more. Instead of constantly increasing consumers bills, why don't we find a solution as into solar panels and help make that affordable for everyone. There are people that are struggling that I know that can't afford this. Let's think of solutions instead of putting people out or going without because they can't afford it. Let's do better. America! |
P202500122 | 8/1/2024 12:30 PM | Enough is Enough! Currently, Evergy leaders each make millions of dollars while the consumers pay their outlandish salaries through high rates and now they want even more. When will it stop? With the changes made in rate structures, we're all afraid of using electricity from 4:00 pm to 8 pm each evening. We're trapped in hot, dark homes in an effort to try to afford the current bills; we can't cook, we can't do laundry. Evergy wants to make that even worse by increasing our rates. PSC, please stop this from happening and causing more hardship on the citizens of Missouri or give us an alternative electric company that won't keep gouging us. |
P202500125 | 8/1/2024 3:12 PM | Jerry did not attend the LPH's but wanted to file comments. He is on a fixed income and already cannot afford rates. Rates are already high enough. He would like the PSC to deny Evergy's request for a rate increase. They already make enough money with current rates. |
P202500126 | 8/1/2024 3:16 PM | Raising our rates again is just too much! We are frequently without power for 3 - 24 hours sometimes. We are on a fixed income. This will mean cutting out necessary food or medical items to accomplish the rate increase! |
P202500127 | 8/1/2024 3:18 PM | This rate increase is for the birds. I'm on a fixed income and can't afford it. Let the CEO take a cut in pay. Evergy doesn't need a percentage increase of any kind. |
P202500128 | 8/1/2024 3:30 PM | I am writing to express my strong opposition to the proposed rate increase requested by Evergy. As a Missouri resident and Evergy customer, I believe this increase is excessive and will impose undue financial hardship on consumers. (see attached PDF) |
P202500129 | 8/1/2024 3:40 PM | Customer contacted and said she didn't see how it could work for everyone. She lives in a 1000-square-foot house. Her bill was $300.00. She is mostly on gas. She attempts to work around peak times. She begs you to please reconsider allowing this to happen. |
P202500130 | 8/1/2024 4:05 PM | The consistent rate hikes and changes over the past few years to the Missouri utilities have been overwhelming. Approving additional rate hikes will continue to cripple the everyday consumers. I am strongly against this proposed increase. |
P202500131 | 8/1/2024 4:34 PM | I am writing to state my opinion as an Evergy customer, that we need our leaders to search for ways to cut costs within the company. There must be many dollars spent unnecessarily. Your customers cannot afford higher rates. Please reconsider the rate increase. |
P202500132 | 8/1/2024 4:54 PM | As it is I already can not cook dinner and run my dishes when I get home from work. My kids can't get laundry done as we are all at work and school throughout the day. The rate hikes at the time of day that are supposed to be family time cause us to worry more about electricity usage than time together. At times, it's a struggle to pay our bills and adding more onto them literally will have people deciding between electricity and food for their family. Our rates are through the roof as it is. I feel that even with try he current rates we can't all thrive in a family setting just due to trying to conserve energy so we don't get gouged by this ridiculous monopoly. I love 8 blocks from united electric but can not use them or I would. |
P202500134 | 8/1/2024 5:56 PM | No more rate increases!!! |
P202500135 | 8/1/2024 7:38 PM | You cannot compare the increases (lack of - whatever) in other states to us. Cost of living varies, job opportunities vary. Our residents, citizens of NWMO, are largely blue collar working families, single parent families. Families who are struggling to pay their rent, groceries, school supplies, let alone have to worry when their electricity might be shut off because they can't pay it after the last hike, after the most used times, (after work, school for MOST people) took the hit. THE INCREASES HAVE TO STOP. YOU have no competition, which honestly sucks, and should not be legal. You cannot keep letting CORPORATE GREED ruin the lives of hard NWMO workers. That IS what is happening. Your CEO has a salary of OVER 7 MILLION. STOP! |
P202500136 | 8/1/2024 7:38 PM | A 13+% rate increase is not financially doable for most consumers. This proposal from Evergy comes on the heels of of a 14.8% salary increase for its CEO, 85.2% bonuses including company stock and options. and shares worth 5.06 Million. A rate increase for the average consumer seems greedy and unnecessary. |
P202500137 | 8/1/2024 8:57 PM | This is outrageous. I have a family of 4, one of which is only at home every other weekend during the school year, & my bill was $300. How can anyone possibly think that it would be beneficial to ANYONE to raise the rates even higher?! I really hope you reconsider this. This change will put many families without power. It's hard enough to survive as it is in our current economy. Don't you think the last 3 or 4 rate increases have been enough? |
P202500138 | 8/1/2024 9:56 PM | We have already been hit with higher rates over the past few years from Evergy and now they want to increase rates again. I plead with you all to not do this to the residents of Missouri. There are many who already struggle to pay their bills and this willl make things even harder than they already are. Its imperative that you leave rates alone, at least until the pain of inflation fades away. |
P202500139 | 8/1/2024 10:12 PM | I oppose the proposed rate increase. |
P202500140 | 8/1/2024 10:13 PM | We oppose the proposed rate increase. |
P202500141 | 8/2/2024 7:24 AM | I'm concerned that not only did each customer of Evergy have to select a plan effective October 2023, but now we are in pursuit of a 13.99% increase. I don't think you all think we have enough to pay with everything else that this gets brought up. Shame on each of you for this. I hope this makes everyone happy. |
P202500142 | 8/2/2024 7:28 AM | Please do not allow Evergy to raise rates. They should explore operational efficiencies before asking customers for more. Use a consultant for expense reductions and save the customers from paying for more. Use other resources to keep costs manageable. Customers cannot be forced to pay for the company’s carbon reduction goals. |
P202500143 | 8/2/2024 7:30 AM | We need to stop this ridiculous rate hike. You are driving good customers out of their homes and deeper into poverty. Take some of the CEO’s $7 million a year salary or whatever it is. We’re against this atrocity. |
P202500144 | 8/2/2024 7:35 AM | We are writing to express our opposition to the proposed rate increase requested by Evergy. We live in MO and our only option for electric is with Evergy. (see attached PDF) |
P202500146 | 8/2/2024 10:27 AM | Evergy just raised rates then they charge higher rates at different times of day. If we could go back to a co-op we would. The rates should not go up. Please STOP this from increasing. 17% per month may not seem a lot, but that is over $200 more a year. Cost of everything is up, except wages or raises. Do Not Allow This!!!! |
P202500147 | 8/2/2024 10:29 AM | Lucas filed an informal complaint and also wanted to file a comment in the rate case. He along with others in the Lee's Summit area continue to have constant short-term electric outages. They have made several calls to Evergy and Evergy is not doing anything to resolve this issue. Had 3 outages already before 10:00 a.m. on 8/2/24. Would like the PSC to address this in the rate case because they are not getting reliable service. |
P202500148 | 8/2/2024 11:38 AM | Ervergy just raised rates then they charge higher rates at different times of day. If we could go back to a co-op we would. The rates should not go up. Please STOP this from increasing. 17% per month may not seem alot, but that is over $200 more a year. Cost of everything is up, but wages or raises. Do Not Allow This!!!! |
P202500149 | 8/2/2024 12:10 PM | Deborah lives in the Lee's Summit area and is having constant short-term outages. She along with others have made several calls to Evergy related to these outages and Evergy is doing nothing to fix the issue. Has been going on for months. Today alone she has had 3 outages (8/2/24). She would like the PSC to address this matter in the current rate case because they are not getting reliable service. |
P202500150 | 8/2/2024 1:26 PM | Good afternoon My name is Tiffany Drummer and I wanted to submit a statement regarding Evergy's request for a rate increase. I'm against it. We are already being charged additional charges that we see on the bill and don't really understand what they are for. I also feel it's ludicrous to charge us for having a meter when we didn't ask to have it. Having a meter is not an option and we shouldn't be charged for this. Anyway, back on track, the increase excuse is to update grid, etc. Has Evergy ever been audited to make sure what they ask for in additional funding is ever put in place? There needs to be accountability because the only change I see is higher gas bills. Please say no to an increase. Thank you |
P202500151 | 8/2/2024 3:42 PM | Our neighborhood Bent Tree Bluffs is experiencing frequent power outages-sometimes as many as four in a day. The outages/blips are often short (10 seconds) but annoying and electronics have to be reset. The social media page of our neighborhood has documented the responses of Evergy customer service representatives. Frequent calls to Energy do not yield any positive results. (see attached PDF) |
P202500152 | 8/2/2024 3:44 PM | I am writing today to oppose the rate increase for Evergy. We are already juggling our energy usage to avoid the 4-8 time period so as not to pay the higher rates. For those of us on a fixed income, there is only so far that the money will go. Perhaps Evergy should review the pay structure at the top of the company and make some big cuts there before they try to ding their customers anymore. We know how much their CEO makes in salary and bonuses. We’re watching!! Best regards, Linda McNeiley |
P202500153 | 8/2/2024 4:31 PM | I am writing to voice my concerns with the proposed rate increase. When Evergy switched to peak and off-peak times, our electricity has been out more times than not. I reside in one of the counties where this rate increase may occur. I, along with my neighbors try to help conserve energy usage during the peak times and try to do laundry etc. after 8pm, instead of right after work. A lot of the time, the power is out or off and on during the day prior to 4pm, so we cannot use electricity during the daytime if we do not have power. I am also concerned with the functioning of Evergy's electricity, since we have outages quite regularly. I find it hard to think they want to increase our rates, when we do not have great service to begin with. |
P202500154 | 8/2/2024 6:12 PM | I am writing to voice my concerns with the proposed rate increase. Evergy has always had a problem with keeping the electricity going. Today, we took a day off to clean a house and to do laundry. Of course the electricity went off and can always come back during peak hours. This is ridiculous as the laundry in the dryer needed rewashed which increases the water bill. I cannot imagine raising rates again when Evergy already charges more during hours when most people are off work!!!! If people had a choice of what electric company to use Evergy would be out of business. They constantly have power surges as well as brown power which made us have to buy a new TV, air conditioner, and it took out the control for a hot tub. No increase! |
P202500155 | 8/2/2024 7:44 PM | Evergy should not be allowed to raise it's rates. The cost of electricity is already high. Their recent massaging of their rate plans should have already supplied them with more income as I am certainly paying more now, and I would not be surprised if most of the rest of their customers are paying more too. None of the rate plans would really save me any money. The only real option is to turn things off. I think I'm ashamed that I made the choice for all electric when we built our home. |
P202500156 | 8/2/2024 10:59 PM | Evergy doesn’t need to impose another rate increase!!! Customers are already exhausted just from buying a few groceries and getting gas in their vehicles. Everyone had to pick a new plan and that was a mess!!! The peak hours are when “most” people are just getting home from work or school. Which makes it expensive for everyone. No baking for dinner, dessert or main course. It’s time for customers to get a break!!! |
P202500157 | 8/3/2024 4:10 PM | It is absolutely ridiculous to impose a rate increase at that amount at this time. We are already moving times for laundry and dinner due to the time of use rates. The amount we pay for electric is already high enough. Pay is not increasing for families and it certainly is not raising for seniors and disabled on fixed incomes. With the price of food, housing, gas, Americans are being priced out of life! |
P202500158 | 8/4/2024 7:00 AM | NO, to a rate hike! The top 10% of the investors of this company have more than enough money. Live simply, so that others may simply live! |
P202500159 | 8/4/2024 8:59 AM | Please do not allow Evergy a rate increase at this time. |
P202500160 | 8/5/2024 8:49 AM | We are facing a huge electric rate increase!! The utility companies have a complete monopoly and know there is nothing we can do. Something needs to be done! There needs to be a commission to regulate these crooks. |
P202500161 | 8/5/2024 8:58 AM | "I am 1000% against any rate increase for Evergy. You need to help the citizens for a change. Evergy was given a rate increase that now cost us 4x the amount for energy if we use any energy between 4pm & 8pm. Guess when the average family needs to use energy! We have been forced into rate plans. We have been forced to change the way we live because of the cost of energy. When Evergy's C-suite staff reduces their bloated salaries & bonuses then talk to me about the need for Evergy to deserve a rate increase. Here are some salaries for Evergy's C-suite executives:• David Campbell, CEO Campbell's total yearly compensation is $7.14 million, which includes a salary of 14.8% and bonuses of 85.2%. His bonuses include company ..*See Attached |
P202500162 | 8/5/2024 9:04 AM | "I would like to know why customers are being charged in August 2024 using July 2024 kWh for SUTC 2021 Winter Storm? It is bad enough that Evergy asked for a raise in rates of 17% this year. A few years ago they asked for a rate raise and were mainly using the raise to provide support in their name for contributions to support whatever cause they chose. I'm sure this allows them a tax write off. Cost of living keeps going up and people can't afford food, medication, rent that are needed. Let the users determine where their money should voluntarily go. Stop allowing back pedaling for 3 year old storms." Jeanne Beas |
P202500164 | 8/5/2024 9:24 AM | Please deny Evergy's incredible 17% residential rate increase. I am a retired Missouri state employee (35 years for the State Tax Commission) living on a fixed income and barely scraping by. Such a tremendous increase will break me. Please see attached for full comment. |
P202500165 | 8/5/2024 9:57 AM | "Please deny Evergy's incredible 17% residential rate increase. I am a retired Missouri state employee (35 years for the State Tax Commission) living on a fixed income and barely scraping by. Such a tremendous increase will break me. They say in their own mailing that only 0.57% is for fuel cost increases. What is the rest for? Useless "green energy" junk that is crippling other Heartland electric grids? I would have attended the Sedalia PSC hearing, but Evergy's notification of the hearing arrived in the mail August 1, the day after the hearing was held. An accident? I implore you. Reject any Evergy rate increases other than for fuel costs. KCP&L's money drunk new green identity is killing us. I hear that in Texas, Texans ..*See Attach |
P202500167 | 8/5/2024 10:29 AM | TOU plans is not saving any money at all. Evergy is telling people to set their temps to 78, which is not comfortable an not good for elderly. The bills are more expensive than prior especially with the winter storm Uri charge that should not have been passed to the consumers. |
P202500168 | 8/5/2024 1:13 PM | Consumer is opposed to any rate increase at this time. |
P202500169 | 8/5/2024 2:03 PM | My husband and I are very much against the raising of our electric rates! We already adjusted to a time of use plan. Now an increase in rates? We already set the AC higher in the day, close curtains, everything we can to cut energy costs. We can not afford this increase. It is hard enough as it is to make ends meet. |
P202500170 | 8/5/2024 2:36 PM | "Evergy just switched to TOU and made that sound like it wasn't going to be an increase but it has been. We've seen two different percentages that they are wanting to increase. We also heard that it is going to be an increase of $100 per month for the average customer. We are working class people and we cannot afford this. Especially since they just increased with the TOUs." |
P202500171 | 8/5/2024 3:02 PM | See attached. |
P202500172 | 8/5/2024 4:14 PM | When Evergy ask for their increase of 14%, can you ask them why their Street lights are turned on at 9:30 in the morning & 4:30pm In the afternoon in the middle of summer? This is less than a mile from there Northland service Center on N. Purchase Dr. in Kansas City, Missouri. Was that from one of EVERGY’s “upgrades” they are asking us to pay for? Maybe if they didn’t waste electricity like this, they wouldn’t have to ask for a rate increase. Just a thought. And yes, I have pictures to verify what I’m saying. Respectfully a Concerned consumer." |
P202500173 | 8/5/2024 4:21 PM | "Please vote against thee increase David A. Campbell is the CEO of Evergy, Inc. His total yearly compensation is $6.89M, comprised of 14.9% salary and 85.1% bonuses, including company stock and options2. His salary is $2,570,000.00 per year. He makes $2,570,000.00 per year salary plus perks. As residents of Jackson county MO, we ask that you vote against the increase that will be a hardship for many in the area who depend upon electricity from Evergy. " |
P202500174 | 8/6/2024 8:22 AM | "We as citizens feel the Evergy rate increase is wrong. Please don't let this happen. Just in case anyone was still on the fence about calling the Public Service Community Commission at 1-800-392-4211 in regards to your Evergy bill. I saw this on their page from one of the consumers who was against the price increase. I’m not 100% on the accuracy on the whole statement but I did find some of the information to verify the validity to be true. So again I ask why are they asking us for more money when their head honcho is making this kind of money? So I ask you again.. PLEASE CALL THE # ABOVE OR EMAIL THEM TO VOICE YOUR OPINION AND BE THE CHANGE!!! We can’t complain if we don’t try to fight for ourselves and our rights! |
P202500175 | 8/6/2024 9:14 AM | I strongly oppose this increase. As a resident of Missouri dealing with the financial implications of Evergy's time-based rates since their approval in 2023, the prospect of another 13% rate increase is deeply disheartening. Families across our great state, particularly those living on a fixed income, are already finding it challenging to keep up and this would again impact working class families and elderly on fixed income. |
P202500176 | 8/6/2024 9:26 AM | "We have a frequently recurring issue concerning power spikes/blips that have damaged our home wifi routers and the electronics of our major appliances. We are now forced to 1) Purchase a whole house power surge protector 2)Replace our expensive Fisher & Paykel dishwasher. Our neighborhood is plagued by these spikes, and many - like us- have lost appliances to these frequent power spikes. " |
P202500177 | 8/6/2024 10:23 AM | My Evergy bill for July 2024 is more than 50% of my mortgage payment! That is $320.00. My mortgage is $580.00! THAT IS HIGHWAY ROBBERY! I am curious to know how much profit Evergy has made off the backs of hardworking people when they changed the "rate plans" last year! Knowing that everyone cooks dinner and functions as a family at home between 4 to 8 seemed really convenient for Evergy to target! Most people have not received a 13% wage increase over the last 5 years and Evergy wants 13% this year? ABSOLUTLET NOT! It's absolutely sickening that a family uses an entire week's paycheck to keep power in their homes and even more sickening that Evergy is contributing to POVERTY by asking for this type of rate hike. This should be illegal! |
P202500179 | 8/6/2024 12:07 PM | "I, Tayton L. Stagner, Missouri citizen and Evergy user, (not by choice I may add), vehemently oppose the Evergy rate increase. The MO PSC should be ashamed, as this increase greatly harms the backbone of our state, families and working people. There’s obviously a profit motive from Evergy, and I’m embarrassed to be from a state where we care more about corporate profits than helping our families and citizens save money. Please consider vetoing this increase! Obviously you will not, but please, try and find some semblance of love and kindness for your fellow citizen in your hearts! |
P202500180 | 8/6/2024 12:20 PM | See Attached |
P202500181 | 8/6/2024 3:38 PM | "I am very much against the proposed rate increase. Cut the CEOs pay instead. My future votes will reflect the outcome of this rate increase." |
P202500182 | 8/6/2024 3:58 PM | "Utility bills are unaffordable as it is; I feel like I'm working just to pay my electric bill. I'm already struggling as it is and my electric bill is already higher than it's ever been and they want to increase it even more? People cannot afford this." |
P202500183 | 8/7/2024 8:05 AM | "In simple terms NO!!!! I just chose the recent rate plan "4 pm kk to 9 pm", and I remain on a level payment plan ( the ONLY way I can afford electric use. ) As it stands, I have several property repairs to save for ( New driveway, New roof & indoor restoration due to leak and a sewer line replacement ). All of this on $16.32 / hour. So IF I have to cut expenses to fix these items then, Evergy can do the same. Starting at the "C" positions ( the 1% ). They are paid way too much to NOT be planning 1, 5, 10 years in the future vs. Emergency "stick it to the customers". Please DO NOT approve the rate increase & freeze it for 10 years. Plus, ever since Evergy took over for MOPub they have experienced more outages then the prior yrs |
P202500184 | 8/7/2024 2:47 PM | See attached. |
P202500185 | 8/7/2024 2:47 PM | See attached. |
P202500186 | 8/7/2024 4:10 PM | We moved here and had the all electric plan. We have already raised rates with the TOU plans. If there is another rate increase then the TOU will be too expensive and we will have to go back to the standard plan and that will defeat the purpose of the AMI meters. We also have worse service and frequent outages, on buried lines. Which no one at Evergy can ever explain. It can't be storms or vegetation as the lines are buried. Hopefully MO will be like KS and deny the rate increase or at least chop it down. Hopefully the MO regulators will look out for Missourians. Seems like KS's regulators are looking out for them. KS denied the TOU rate plans as well. |
P202500187 | 8/8/2024 7:43 AM | "Our entire neighborhood has had issues with the electricity going off and then coming right back on. It has ruined neighbors' appliances. So far, we have not had any damage but every time this occurs, Everything goes off and resets causing some issues. This is a reoccurring problem: July 14 - 1 time, July 29- 3 times, Aug. 2- 2 times so far. |
P202500188 | 8/8/2024 7:58 AM | My husband and I are on fixed incomes. We are not in favor of a rate increase with Evergy. Your information shows that Evergy is wanting a 17% increase-yet only 0.57% is for changes in fuel costs. That leaves a big chunk unaccounted for, which means Evergy wants to pad their own pockets and not think about their customers. |
P202500189 | 8/8/2024 7:40 PM | Evergy has had rate increases far too recently to warranty another. We should be demanding they show they have put the most recent rate increase to use in improving their grid and generating resources and not into profits. |
P202500190 | 8/8/2024 7:45 PM | I opposed the rate increase Evergy is asking for. They are a monopoly, we the people have no choice, and we cannot take these random price increases. |
P202500191 | 8/8/2024 8:21 PM | I oppose the rate increase. |
P202500192 | 8/8/2024 8:23 PM | I STRONGLY oppose the rate increase (case# ER-2024-0189). The people of this city already pay hand over fist to the monopoly that is evergy. Imposing a rate increase on the already struggling citizens is morally reprehensible, especially with how much the top level executive and board members are paid each year. Their should be no reason evergy needs a permanent increase for a one time upgrade to a system that fails every time it lightly rains. |
P202500193 | 8/8/2024 8:24 PM | Evergy’s move to hike rates is clear price gouging by a monopoly. Public utilities do not and should not exist to maximize profits. |
P202500194 | 8/8/2024 8:24 PM | I oppose the rate increase. |
P202500195 | 8/8/2024 8:38 PM | I oppose the rate increase. |
P202500196 | 8/8/2024 8:46 PM | Given the large inflationary pressures most Missouri residents have suffered recently and the already profitable financials of Energy, it would be disgraceful to allow rate increases. |
P202500197 | 8/8/2024 8:48 PM | I strongly oppose the new rate hike "Monopoly Evergy" is forcing down consumers. They already had a rate hike in 2022, then again in 2023 with their ridiculous time based plan they FORCED everyone to be on. Now they want a 3rd rate hike? 3 hikes in 3 years, plus this one is to help fund the investements made to support generation capacity and improve the grid, but if they already made these investements why do they need a continuous 13%+ rate hike that will continue EVERY YEAR? 1 investment in the grid equals a continous rate hike? Sounds like excuses to me. |
P202500198 | 8/8/2024 8:50 PM | unhappy that profits arent used to either lower prices or make efficiency improvements for consumers. All price hikes seem to have investors or CEO in mind. Not providing an economical necessity to your consumers |
P202500199 | 8/8/2024 9:01 PM | I oppose the rate increase. |
P202500200 | 8/8/2024 9:21 PM | I oppose the proposed rate increase for Evergy. They should look internally for ways to find money. |
P202500201 | 8/8/2024 9:27 PM | I strongly oppose a rate increase on Evergy's part. Their monopolistic practices in no way justify charging customers even more for sub-standard service. |
P202500202 | 8/8/2024 9:46 PM | I oppose the proposed rate hikes. Electricity prices are already barely affordable, further increases are unsustainable for many Misaouri families. A state-sanctioned monopoly should not have the ability to bleed hardworking families dry to generate additional profit for their shareholders. |
P202500203 | 8/8/2024 10:04 PM | You have got to be kidding me with Evergy requesting another rate hike. I'm sure whomever is reading this knows how terrible Evergy is as a utility company. They've been thrust upon the KC community and we have not choice. Power outages are frequent and occur from a light rain shower and a small breeze. They give zero back to the community and have increased our power rates at an outrageous rate. I STRONGLY oppose a rate hike. I have zero goodwill for Evergy, and I hope their company crumbles to dust. Greedy corporate pigs. Their CEO, David Campbell is the worst of them all. Nothing but fluff and lies every time he speaks. Shame on David and shame on Evergy, and shame on the MO Public Service Commision if they agree to the rate hike. |
P202500204 | 8/8/2024 10:16 PM | I oppose the rate increase |
P202500205 | 8/8/2024 10:20 PM | Service is unacceptable and rate increases are unfounded. Service has declined and availability is poor. No one has any choice of provider and consumer is being monopolized by company. |
P202500206 | 8/8/2024 10:30 PM | Another rate increase? They have record profits and money on hand but want ti take more from my wallet that is already spread thin. I’m on level pay but I spend MONTHS paying off my already high electric bill. NO MORE RATE INCREASES. THEY NEED TO USE THEIR OWN MONEY. My wallet can’t take anymore. I make $13 an hour. Spire has already had 3 rate increases in less than a year and Evergy (the only choice of have) is wanting more. GREEDY GREEDY GREEDY. Enough gouging the working class and those who are one emergency away from being homeless. Seriously. ENOUGH. I OPPOSE THIS RATE INCREASE. How am I supposed to keep up with bills when all they want is blood from a stone. |
P202500207 | 8/8/2024 10:36 PM | I strongly oppose the proposed rate increase. Please consider the negative impact another increase will have on Missouri families, businesses, and municipalities. |
P202500208 | 8/8/2024 10:42 PM | I oppose the rate hikes proposed by Evergy. |
P202500209 | 8/8/2024 10:44 PM | Evergy already has higher rates than any electric company I've ever dealt with. They seriously need to raise them again? I don't understand. The cost of living and the cost of electric in Missouri should it be that high. Seems like a corrupt company to me. Even in high cost of living places such as Seattle WA I didn't pay such high rates for electric. This is a monopoly that needs to be told no on rare increases that it only intends to use to increase the pay of it's corporate executives. |
P202500210 | 8/8/2024 10:48 PM | I oppose the evergy rate increase |
P202500211 | 8/8/2024 11:05 PM | I am writing to express my opposition to any rate increase by Evergy to recoup money already spent. The customers of a monopoly utility should not be required to be on the hook for rate hikes, especially when the company has come after rate increases as recently and frequently as evergy. |
P202500212 | 8/8/2024 11:07 PM | I oppose the rate hike. Evergy already profits from an essential resource hand over fist. To allow further rate hikes would be lining evergy's pockets with the hard earned dollars of Missouri residents. |
P202500213 | 8/8/2024 11:31 PM | I oppose the rate increase, after just recently granting this company an increase with an increase during peak hours of service. And now they wanting another after just getting one is just absurd. |
P202500214 | 8/8/2024 11:41 PM | I oppose the rate increase |
P202500215 | 8/9/2024 12:52 AM | I oppose the rate increase. |
P202500216 | 8/9/2024 1:00 AM | It is insanely greedy to push for a permanent rate increase to recover money already spent, especially when we as "customers" have no other option but to use Evergy. I very strongly oppose this rate increase, especially after Evergy already had an increase in 2022 and introduced a new pricing plan in 2023 that increased rates for many. |
P202500217 | 8/9/2024 1:07 AM | I absolutely oppose Evergy's request to hike rates even further. They have already been approved for a rate hike in the past year, which we are all paying dearly for already. A further rate hike, especially so soon, would put significant and unwarranted strain on many families in the area, including my own. Costs are skyrocketing everywhere, and this rate hike puts too many people in danger of being unable to keep up with the electric bills. Evergy has no business making this request AGAIN. They're beyond greedy and need to be put back in their place. |
P202500219 | 8/9/2024 1:33 AM | No rate increase. They can't keep the power on as it is. |
P202500220 | 8/9/2024 3:58 AM | I oppose any rate hikes. |
P202500221 | 8/9/2024 6:23 AM | I oppose the proposed Evergy rate hike of 13.2%. They're making enough money off the backs of civilians who are already struggling financially |
P202500222 | 8/9/2024 6:29 AM | I don’t support the rate hike and think it’s complete B.S. that Evergy is even asking for one. How are we not allowed to have a choice in who we get our electricity from? This is a complete monopoly and totally uncalled for and I feel like I’m being held hostage by an electric company. A company that provides a required service shouldn’t even be allowed to have shareholders. |
P202500223 | 8/9/2024 6:38 AM | I oppose the Evergy rate increase. This is price gouging by a monopoly. I think this rate hike is egregious. |
P202500224 | 8/9/2024 7:03 AM | Evergy has had 11 outages at my address since the beginning of 2023 and it seems I am not the only one who has experienced a significant number of outages. There is absolutely no reason Evergy needs a rate increase when they are posting healthy profits and paying out their shareholders hundreds of millions of dollars. They absolutely do not deserve it until they invest meaningfully into the reliability of their infrastructure. |
P202500225 | 8/9/2024 7:24 AM | I strongly oppose the rate increase. |
P202500226 | 8/9/2024 7:34 AM | I strongly oppose this rate increase of what is essentially a monopoly on a utility. |
P202500227 | 8/9/2024 7:46 AM | I oppose this rate increase. Every is our only option and shouldn’t be allowed to continue to increase rates when we have no other alternatives. |
P202500228 | 8/9/2024 8:05 AM | I oppose the rate increase. I own an efficient home and take care to keep my energy use low and yet I have watched my rates grow over the last couple of years without any change in my use. When the consumer has no option to find a lower rate I would hope the state of Missouri would do more to protect the consumer. My life as a parent becomes more expensive every day. Where does it end? Whats more, each rate increase makes housing more expensive and exacerbates a well-documented societal problem. At what point do we as Missourians put our foot down and say, we have to make housing less expensive. We cannot let utility companies arbitrarily raise prices if we want to fight the affordable housing crisis. It's the poor who will hurt the most. |
P202500229 | 8/9/2024 8:28 AM | I oppose the rate increase |
P202500230 | 8/9/2024 8:34 AM | I vehemently oppose the rate increase. Every should not get a permanent rate increase to reimburse themselves for one time upgrades that were needed. |
P202500231 | 8/9/2024 8:37 AM | I oppose the rate increase. Evergy is consistently raising prices year over year to pad their profits. Last year they introduced peak hours, the year before there was another rate hike. When will it ever stop? There’s no need for this rate hike. Stop exploiting essential energy costs to make an even bigger profit. |
P202500232 | 8/9/2024 8:38 AM | I oppose the rate increase from Evergy has they have shown they are continually making a profit and are still able to afford the maintenance and upgrades that they doing. |
P202500233 | 8/9/2024 8:39 AM | I am submitting a comment to voice my opposition to the recent proposed rate hike of 13.4%. Other avenues should be explored to make up for any percieved loss in profits, such as salary reductions or more streamlined, cost effective procedures. Rates have been increased several times in the past couple years and the average citizen cannot continue to support this failing monopoly. |
P202500234 | 8/9/2024 8:50 AM | I oppose the rate increase, this is a monopoly |
P202500235 | 8/9/2024 8:50 AM | Case #: ER-2024-0189. I oppose this rate increase. How dare Evergy take money from the people to pay the shareholders. This is a con. Electricity is a basic necessity, and Evergy is oppressing the hardworking people of Kansas City by expecting them to pay their greedy billionaires and millionaires. |
P202500236 | 8/9/2024 8:57 AM | I oppose the rate increase. |
P202500238 | 8/9/2024 9:09 AM | I oppose this rate increase. |
P202500239 | 8/9/2024 9:09 AM | Case # ER-2024-0189. This is a complaint to oppose the new rate increase as an Evergy customer in Kansas city, mo. Rates are already very high and there have been recent increases. They function as a monopoly and consumers have no other choice but to pay more. Evergy is making record profits while consumers suffer and receive poor service. |
P202500240 | 8/9/2024 9:37 AM | I heavily oppose the rate increase. This is essentially a monopoly being forced upon the community and an increase would be further price gouging. |
P202500241 | 8/9/2024 9:41 AM | Beyond profits and corporate greed, there is no justification for rate hikes. Especially when there was one that was recently approved within the last few years. This is clear price gouging. Most recent reported profit margin was 9.22% (March 2024). Why do they need more? |
P202500242 | 8/9/2024 9:49 AM | I oppose the rate increase as Evergy is a monopoly and has millions of dollars on hand. |
P202500243 | 8/9/2024 9:51 AM | I oppose the rate hike. Service is worse than ever |
P202500244 | 8/9/2024 9:54 AM | I oppose any rate increase |
P202500245 | 8/9/2024 9:59 AM | I am commenting here to state that I oppose the rate increase proposed by Evergy. All they've done is increase rates over and over, yet they never improve things. Outages are getting worse and more frequent, they are clearly not using the money they are already making effectively. |
P202500246 | 8/9/2024 10:04 AM | I oppose the rate hike of 13.4% . Please stop price gouging. Your job is to provide electricity services to people, not shareholders! This is becoming a monopoly. I do not approve this financial move. |
P202500247 | 8/9/2024 10:12 AM | I oppose the rate increase. |
P202500248 | 8/9/2024 10:17 AM | I oppose the proposed rate hike for Evergy on consumers. A monopolized for-profit corporation raising rates regularly to appease their share holders without any improvements for consumers is not in our best interest. |
P202500249 | 8/9/2024 10:40 AM | I vehemently oppose rate increase. Evergy is wanting to be reimbursed for money already spent. They are asking for a permanent (in perpetuity) rate increase for one-time upgrades they made over the past few years. There is no reason the people of KC should be spending more on electric than food. This monopoly should not get to increase prices for a service that we have no alternative to. |
P202500250 | 8/9/2024 10:51 AM | Considering this is the only option for electricity, I oppose this increase. I'm already paying for peak hours and the company has cash on hand. Infrastructure upgrades are a cost of doing business and it is already built into the cost. The company already has millions in cash to reinvest in their company without bleeding consumers without other options. |
P202500251 | 8/9/2024 10:53 AM | I oppose the rate increase. |
P202500252 | 8/9/2024 10:57 AM | The proposed rate increases from Evergy will continue to put unsustainable strain on the middle and lower income households and force more people into homelessness. Price gouging from a company with a monopoly on a public utility cannot and should not be normalized. |
P202500253 | 8/9/2024 11:00 AM | I strongly oppose a rate increase. It's been going for the 3 years (including peak hours introduction last year as well). This is exactly what happens when we only have one option for energy utilities. That is called a monopoly and they're using that monopoly power to engage in anti-competitive practices—like price-fixing, exclusionary tactics, or predatory pricing. This violates US antitrust laws such as the Sherman Act, the Clayton Act, and the Federal Trade Commission Act. |
P202500254 | 8/9/2024 11:07 AM | I oppose the 13.4% rate increase. These are getting out of control, especially with the dividends share holders receive, and the salaries of the people at the top (many of whom are the same people). |
P202500255 | 8/9/2024 11:13 AM | I am vehemently opposed to a rate hike when this company sits on piles of cash and we sit in the dark (literally). They are asking for us to subsidize their executives' salaries and their shareholders' dividend payments. Literally leeching off of those who are not as greedy as them. |
P202500256 | 8/9/2024 11:17 AM | I oppose the proposed rate increase. The executive salaries are too high as is for a utility service. It's not fair to the community they are supposed to serve. |
P202500257 | 8/9/2024 11:26 AM | I highly oppose the proposed rate increase of 13.4%. It's ridiculous that we as consumers/customers have no other options, yet our rates have increased substantially in the past several years for the same use of energy. This is a monopoly and we're being taken advantage of. It's hard enough to pay all bills and buy food for the family, now I have to worry about basic necessity price increases for standard energy consumption? Evergy should be ashamed of taking advantage of us in such a way. |
P202500258 | 8/9/2024 11:35 AM | I oppose the rate increase - this can't continue on an annual basis. Please reject the utility company's request which appears to be nothing more than a way to subsidize dividends to shareholders. |
P202500259 | 8/9/2024 11:36 AM | I oppose the rate increase. We are barely Making it as is!!!! |
P202500260 | 8/9/2024 12:12 PM | Evergy is making record profits. They need to invest in themselves and make upgrades before asking for more rate increases. My power goes out any time it even looks like it's going to rain. Also, they JUST got a rate increase and the CEO makes $7mil a year. They need to make do like the rest of us for a bit. Maybe when they actually start doing work we can benefit from they can have an increase. Right now, my energy bill is my largest bill aside from my mortgage. It's ridiculous. |
P202500261 | 8/9/2024 12:19 PM | I oppose the rate increase. Families are struggling and can't handle the increase on a necessary utility. |
P202500262 | 8/9/2024 12:21 PM | I strongly oppose the rate increase. Evergy has left us without power this August for more than two weeks including when it was 100 degrees outside, all due to their lack of communication and refusal to answer their phone. should not be rewarded for their monopoly on electricity. |
P202500263 | 8/9/2024 12:34 PM | I oppose the rate increase. |
P202500264 | 8/9/2024 12:45 PM | I fully oppose the rate hike for Evergy. They have raised prices year after year, and enough is enough. There is absolutely no reason to allow yet another rate hike for a company that has a full monopoly on our electric grid. Please deny the rate hike. |
P202500265 | 8/9/2024 12:56 PM | I strongly oppose this rate hike. We have lost power at least 10 times in 2024 already, Evergy takes weeks to respond to calls about fallen branches and yet their executives make millions of dollars a year? This is nothing but a monopoly price gouging so that execs can line their pockets because we have no other options. |
P202500266 | 8/9/2024 1:01 PM | I DO NOT SUPPORT THIS RATE INCREASE. Consumers are already having a hard enough time and this CEO makes 7 million dollars a year. We just got a rate increase THIS YEAR via peak hour plans. This is so greedy and unsustainable. |
P202500267 | 8/9/2024 1:15 PM | Evergy holds a monopoly. It is literally impossible to choose a different utility company, therefore it is anticonsumer and unethical for them to increase rates for no reason. |
P202500268 | 8/9/2024 2:16 PM | I oppose the rate increase. |
P202500269 | 8/9/2024 2:18 PM | I oppose the rate increase for case #ER-2024-0189. |
P202500270 | 8/9/2024 2:36 PM | I am writing in opposition of the proposed rate hike by Evergy. This would be several consecutive years of rate hikes. In the time I have lived in MO (6 years), our rates have soared while the quality of our electrical service has fallen. We are constantly losing our electrical service during mild storms. Why Evergy feels they deserve raises for their subpar service is beyond me. This is clear extortion of a utility monopoly. |
P202500272 | 8/9/2024 3:38 PM | Opposing ANOTHER rate increase. Enough is enough. |
P202500273 | 8/9/2024 3:46 PM | I oppose the rate increase |
P202500274 | 8/9/2024 4:00 PM | I oppose this rate increase for a company that just continues to raise rates while continuing to pay its c-suite exorbitantly. Middle class consumers cannot afford another rate hike. |
P202500275 | 8/9/2024 5:00 PM | I oppose the rate increase. |
P202500276 | 8/9/2024 6:10 PM | I oppose any rate increase |
P202500277 | 8/9/2024 7:11 PM | Oppose rate increase. |
P202500278 | 8/9/2024 7:53 PM | I greatly oppose a rate increase from Evergy. We spend a considerable amount for energy and there have already been increases recently. Evergy should not increase rates for their consumers. |
P202500279 | 8/9/2024 8:01 PM | I oppose the rate increase. I'm tired of spending more money on electricity than I do on food. CEO of Evergy David Kinsley does not need any more salary increases. David Kinsley makes $7 million dollars a year, my debit card is declining at the checkout counter at Aldi. We have experienced at least 3 power outages a year since beginning to use Evergy. I'm tired of Evergy and their blatant price gouging. Evergy has raised prices for the past two years and I can't do a third one; Evergy's business is doing better than ever and there's no reason to increase prices other than corporate greed and gouging us customers as much as possible. We don't have any more money left to give and at some point we will simply go without electricity. |
P202500281 | 8/9/2024 8:07 PM | I oppose this rate increase. Living is already expensive as it is and an extra $17 a month is way too much. |
P202500282 | 8/9/2024 8:09 PM | I oppose another rate hike and monopolies are illegal. Utilities should not be for profit and should not have shareholders |
P202500283 | 8/9/2024 10:25 PM | I oppose the rate increase to an already profitable company with a healthy profit margin which does not need to extort consumers to line its own and investor profits when they are already competitive and reasonable. There is no need to increase rates for consumers after two previous years of rate increases. |
P202500284 | 8/10/2024 1:57 AM | This is disgusting price gouging from a company that shouldn’t even exist. A utility that literally everyone needs, asking for a 200% increase during peak hours? Are you kidding me? Our utility company, which everyone is forced to use, made nearly a billion in PROFIT year. If a public utility is going to be ran by a private company, at least control their price gouging. Insane that both electric and gas are privatized in the first place but the kind of rampant corporate greed that’s allowed to take place in this city is disgusting. |
P202500285 | 8/10/2024 6:17 AM | I am opposed to the rate increase. Missourians cannot afford an increase of this size to pad the profits of a massive corporation. |
P202500286 | 8/10/2024 8:24 AM | I oppose the rate increase. Evergy is costing Kansas Citian's a significant amount of money, with ever increasing profits. No permanent or temporary rate increases should be approved. |
P202500287 | 8/10/2024 8:30 AM | I oppose the rate increase. |
P202500289 | 8/10/2024 12:18 PM | I adamantly oppose the proposed rate increase! This is getting out of hand. The public is struggling to survive as it is, while profit-hungry corporations continue to squeeze the community for all they can. It's disgusting, and should not be tolerated! |
P202500290 | 8/10/2024 3:36 PM | I oppose a rate increase. I can not afford to pay more for my electric bill with how expensive it is and buy groceries. My electric has become extremely expensive, yet the power constantly goes out with a little bit of rain. I oppose a rate increase. |
P202500291 | 8/10/2024 6:47 PM | Consumers cannot afford any more rate increases. Rate increase estimates are artificially low. When evergy requested a rate hike last year, they estimated it would be about $6 for the average customer. Well, it's sure been a lot more than that for everyone I know! This company needs to quite putting MILLIONS of dollars in the pockets of the C Suite execs and using the extra money to pay for the repairs instead. |
P202500292 | 8/10/2024 8:14 PM | I oppose the rate increase. We have had essentially double digit rate increases the last 3-4 years. This is price gouging by a monopoly. It feels dystopian and you all should be ashamed. |
P202500293 | 8/10/2024 8:14 PM | I oppose the rate increase. We have had essentially double digit rate increases the last 3-4 years. This is price gouging by a monopoly. It feels dystopian and you all should be ashamed. |
P202500294 | 8/10/2024 9:38 PM | I was unaware the a public hearing was held, but wanted to comment as soon as I found out about the proposed rate increase. Evergy already recently raised their rates recently and forced everyone to switch over to a time of use plan. The attempt to raise rates again is nothing short of corporate greed that will devastate households in western Missouri. Evergy paid $534 million dollars in dividends to shareholders last year alone and has $38 million dollars of cash on hand despite their claim they need to raise rates by over 13% to ‘make up for’ the costs of recent improvements to the infrastructure. Since they have a monopoly on electricity, it is the public service commission’s job to protect Missourians from their greed and say NO. |
P202500295 | 8/10/2024 9:39 PM | I strongly oppose an additional rate increase from Evergy. Our rates have jumped tremendously after their time of use change, even though we were told it wouldn't. We cannot afford to keep giving Evergy increases year after year, all while they continue to take in record profits. Evergy makes massive profits already, far too much for a regulated monopoly. They should not get another increase. |
P202500296 | 8/11/2024 9:40 AM | I oppose the proposed Evergy rate increase. |
P202500299 | 8/11/2024 9:45 PM | I oppose the rate hike under ER-2024-0189. Evergy is already a profitable company, and does not need another rate increase. We already had a rate increase in 2022 and there was the introduction of peak hours in 2023 (which is essentially a rate hike for most customers). |
P202500300 | 8/11/2024 9:47 PM | I oppose the rate increase under ER-2024-0189. Evergy currently has about $38 million cash on hand. It does not need to increase rates for its mediocre services. We already had a rate increase in 2022 and the introduction of peak hours last year (which is essentially a rate increase for most customers). |
P202500301 | 8/12/2024 2:30 AM | I oppose the rate hike. Missourians’ pocketbooks are already stretched thin, causing us to choose between lights or life-saving medical care. Don’t we already pay enough for this basic and necessary service? |
P202500302 | 8/12/2024 8:08 AM | I oppose the rate increase associated with ER-2024-0189. We continue to have repeated outages and should not be paying more to a company that is already extremely profitable. This email was sent from a notification-only address that cannot accept incoming emails. |
P202500303 | 8/12/2024 8:28 AM | Rate hike is insane. Consumers oppose this. |
P202500304 | 8/12/2024 9:10 AM | The customer stated that she lived in a 1200 square foot home. Her bill is never just $100. She received the local public hearing notification on a Saturday, and the first hearing was held on Monday. She thinks that's a joke. This is consistent with Evergy's notifications. She believes they purposely fail to send orders to the PSC on time. Is it feasible to receive two bill inserts? |
P202500307 | 8/12/2024 12:57 PM | I oppose another rate increase. Consumers cannot continue to afford these increases in addition to the cost of living increases we’re already seeing. Furthermore, these rate increases are not benefiting consumers at all, but rather feeding the profits of those within Evergy. It’s absurd and unethical to continue to increase rates for struggling Americans all for financial gain |
P202500308 | 8/12/2024 1:01 PM | I, and a good majority of Evergy customers in the KC area, am appalled at Evergy's annual rate increases implemented to benefit the company's salaries ($7 million for the CEO and an avg. of $1.4 million for the top 17 directors & executives at the company) at the expense of its customers. Please do not increase the rates AGAIN by the projected 13.4%, as many residents cannot afford the cost of living, let alone their utility bills as EVERY utility company keeps increasing its rates. It seems Evergy is wanting to be reimbursed on money already spent. They have $38 million cash on hand, and showed a 10% profit in the last quarter, and have no major expenditures on the horizon. This rate increase is not fair to any resident and customer. |
P202500309 | 8/12/2024 1:19 PM | See attached. |
P202500311 | 8/12/2024 3:56 PM | I oppose the rate increase there is no good reason to increase, except to appease the greed of the shareholders. Evergy is seeing good profits they are not losing money. Electricity is considered an critical infrastructure and a necessary utility for the citizens of this country, it should then be affordable for the citizens of Missouri to have Electricity. |
P202500312 | 8/12/2024 4:53 PM | I oppose the new 13.4% increase and think it is poor management of Evergy and its funds after all the past rate increases in the last year. If your goal is to put people out of their houses due to the asinine rate increases then you’re accomplishing it! |
P202500313 | 8/13/2024 7:21 AM | I oppose another rate increase! Customers cannot continue to afford these increases. In addition, these rate hikes do not benefit customers but are actually just being imposed on the customers to increase the profits of those within Evergy. It is immoral and unethical to impose this rate increase on customers who are already struggling financially- please reconsider!! |
P202500314 | 8/13/2024 11:27 AM | "The rate hikes are ridiculous. The rates increase. Fees increase. Need consumer protection " |
P202500315 | 8/13/2024 11:36 AM | As you are aware, I have filed many complaints in the past for continued power outages at our address in Liberty, MO at 1327 Amesbury Ave Liberty, MO 64068. I have been dismayed by the public hearings that have been held with the outrageous rate increase that Evergy West is proposing. It was my hope that the Missouri Public Commission would not even entertain these increases. I grew tired of emailing Evergy and the Missouri Public Commission regarding our continued power outages. Nothing has been done to resolve the issue. It is the same area of outage over and over again. Last night was a peaceful evening until 7:45pm until once again the power went out. I am done, evergy says they want this rate increase to ...See Attached |
P202500316 | 8/13/2024 12:24 PM | Opposing the Evergy rate increase. This is ridiculous at this point. |
P202500317 | 8/13/2024 12:55 PM | I OPPOSE THE RATE INCREASE!!! |
P202500320 | 8/13/2024 5:53 PM | I believe that proposed rate increase information should have been provided to the customers with more notice. I also believe that additional information in an easily understandable format should be provided to allow all customers to have an opportunity to understand the proposal and provide comment. Due to these concerns, I would like to see the proposed rate increase delayed until Evergy can address these shortcomings. |
P202500321 | 8/14/2024 8:41 AM | I am a resident in Belton, MO with Evergy as my electric utility. I would like to provide my comments in hopes they will be represented by the office. See attached for full comments. |
P202500322 | 8/14/2024 10:59 AM | We can't afford light service now. How are we going to afford it after they raise it? I am 80 years old and live alone and am afraid to use electricity. No air at night; thermostat set at 81 in the daytime. It's hard to have to live that way. I never had to before. |
P202500323 | 8/14/2024 11:02 AM | I agree with a reduced electric rate increase for Evergy Mo West as recommended by the (PSC) staff. Electric rates are too high for seniors on fixed incomes and non-residential users should pay the same time of use rate as residential customers. 9.74 percent ROE is plenty. Thank you for your consideration. |
P202500324 | 8/14/2024 4:32 PM | I am an Evergy customer who residents in Raytown, Mo., and as a result of the approval of higher rate increases you gave Evergy,I pay higher utility bills. However, my service has not gotten any better during the time from October 2023 when the new (time of use) rate regime went into effect until the present. Is is only a matter of time before Evergy goes back to the well of requesting another rate increase. Before you approve any future rate increases, these are some important questions to consider. (see attached PDF) |
P202500326 | 8/15/2024 9:36 AM | Customer called and stated that he pays $150 more every month. We are killing him. The new pricing model does not work. We need to do something about it. |
P202500328 | 8/16/2024 12:09 AM | I oppose the rate increase being proposed. It is completely unnecessary and the company has had many increases over the years, they don’t need more from us. |
P202500329 | 8/16/2024 8:54 AM | In view of the outrageous salary the CEO receives annually ($7.14 million) I do not believe Evergy is entitled to the proposed rate hike. Another waste of their resources are the constant mailings comparing our individual usage with neighbors. The usage is prompted by the WEATHER not frivolous use by the customers. To chid us because we used more electricity during the 4pm to 8pm period this week than last is ridiculous! If it was hotter, we used more air conditioning. Whatever people or resources dedicated to this stupid accounting could be used more efficiently. In today's world, no one is deliberately using exorbitant amounts of electricity for no purpose. We're senior citizens on a fixed income. Health considerations..*See Attached |
P202500332 | 8/19/2024 10:24 AM | I was able to attend the public hearing on July 30, in Lee’s Summit. I was not planning to speak, but felt compelled to add my voice, after hearing some of the concerns of other citizens. Since speaking at the public hearing, I have been in various settings with other family/friends over a wider area that has encouraged me to submit additional written comments regarding my opposition to the proposed 13.9% rate increase. See attached for full comments. |
P202500333 | 8/19/2024 12:22 PM | My name is Laura Hutcherson - as an Evergy customer, it is becoming increasingly difficult to afford my electricity bills. Living in Northwest Missouri, Maryville specifically, many people have no choice of electricity company- as Evergy has an electricity monopoly on a portion of the Missouri and much of the eastern half of Kansas. They were also bought by a private company, which should not be allowed. We're facing a monopoly that is being run by a for-profit company for our basic needs. That should not be allowed. I am writing to let you know that myself and many other Evergy customers I have spoken with are upset at the perpetual rate increases allowed by the Missouri Public Service Commission, and that we ..*See Attached |
P202500334 | 8/19/2024 12:29 PM | The purpose of this message is to protest the Evergy rate increase with the Missouri Public Service Commission. The approximate $17.52 increase, in conjunction with the peak usage penalties, is yet another "green" policy scheme, and contributes to the storm of inflation. Coal fired energy facilities is a reasonable and environmentally safe source that must be utilized. One active volcano far exceeds the emission of all the coal fired plants in the United States. Coal fired plant emission with all the EPA mandated "scrubbers'" lower emissions to an acceptable limit. |
P202500336 | 8/20/2024 12:15 PM | The purpose of this message is to protest the Evergy rate increase with the Missouri Public Service Commission. The approximate $17.52 increase, in conjunction with the peak usage penalties, is yet another "green" policy scheme, and contributes to the storm of inflation. Coal fired energy facilities is a reasonable and environmentally safe source that must be utilized. One active volcano far exceeds the emission of all the coal fired plants in the United States. Coal fired plant emission with all the EPA mandated "scrubbers'" lower emissions to an acceptable limit. |
P202500340 | 8/23/2024 7:43 AM | I wish to express my opposition to the Evergy request for a 13.42% rate hike and encourage you to take action and not approve their request. Evergy received a rate hike in 2022 and forced all customers to convert to their time based rate plans in 2023 which also raised everyone's rates. They discontinued their total electric rate plan for those customers that met the criteria for that discount, not offering any savings for households that are total electric. Their Time Base Rate Plans, which were supposed to save consumers money, has done nothing but raise our electric bills and generate more money for Evergy. There is no savings with this plan for the customer. Their requested rate hike will put a burden on those ..*See Attached |
P202500341 | 8/23/2024 8:36 AM | Dear Missouri Public Service Commission, I am supporting a petition called "Oppose Evergy's Outrageous Utility Rate Increase" started by Megan Whitten: Here is why I care about this petition: "Inflation of both goods and services are hard enough without energy companies deciding they need even more of our money. Evergy made something like $730 MILLION dollars last year. They do NOT need ANY more of our money!!! Continued rate increases are going to financially cripple my family who already is struggling to even put food on the table.” Thanks for reading. |
P202500342 | 8/23/2024 8:40 AM | I work for and wanted to share that a petition is gaining momentum in your district, with 1,018 signatures. Here is the petition: Thanks for reading, Meg. |
P202500343 | 8/23/2024 10:33 AM | Evergy has had 11 outages at my address since the beginning of 2023 and it seems I am not the only one who has experienced a significant number of outages. There is absolutely no reason Evergy needs a rate increase when they are posting healthy profits and paying out their shareholders hundreds of millions of dollars. They absolutely do not deserve it until they invest meaningfully into the reliability of their infrastructure. |
P202500344 | 8/23/2024 1:33 PM | Customer contacted and stated that they had just implemented a new program that required them to reduce their electricity consumption and save money this month. She did it. Now they're going to raise her rates back to where they were. That makes no sense. She uses online billing. She did not receive any notification. She had seen it on the news. |
P202500345 | 8/23/2024 3:37 PM | Linda opposes the rate increase and would like the PSC to deny Evergy's rate increase. Already have high rates, and Evergy West just got a rate increase last year. |
P202500346 | 8/24/2024 7:00 PM | I highly oppose ANY rate increase for Energy as we just went very recently through an extremely high increase due to the Time of Use plan! Please consider those on FIXED INCOMES! |
P202500347 | 8/24/2024 7:29 PM | I oppose the proposed rate hike. Public utilities should not be run by private companies who only want to make continued profits rather than provide an affordable service to their customers who have no other option for electricity suppliers. |
P202500350 | 8/26/2024 10:06 AM | Perhaps instead of adding to inflation, which has decreased, it is time to tell corporations, including "public" ones, that increasing the corporate executives' pay and bonuses is no longer an option as well as telling them that they can have lower profits from time to time without the end of the world happening! It is time for Evergy (and the so called and misnamed Public Service Commission to do both by actually serving the public by not raising rates. Evergy should still improve the infrastructure, in the long run they would could to make money. Evergy can afford $104 million non-increase to their $3.7 BILLION gross profit each of the last 3 years. |
P202500351 | 8/26/2024 1:25 PM | I strongly disagree with Evergy's request to increase rates. Rates have gone up multiple times in this past year, and I don't think it should go up again even though it will take effect January 2025. My job has not provided raises to compensate for inflation, and I cannot afford bills that will be an increase upwards of twenty dollars or more Electricity is a necessity, I realize. Evergy needs to look at where else with within their vast company that they can find money to pay the difference instead of padding their executives and investors packets. |
P202500352 | 8/26/2024 3:13 PM | Evergy just recently forced the implementation of higher-priced, time-based plans onto its customers. This led to an increase in profits to investors, forcing customers to pay higher prices to use energy at certain times of the day. Personally, my bill has increased across the board every single month since this plan was implemented. Regulators should not allow Evergy to once again increase its prices simply to line the pockets of investors. This would be a terrible move considering our current economic crisis and high rates of unemployment in Missouri. If Evergy investors want to make more money, they should add more renewable energy to lower their costs, instead of stealing from low-income and middle class consumers. |
P202500354 | 8/26/2024 10:20 PM | I am an Evergy customer in the Western area with proposed 13-17% rate increases. I STRONGLY oppose this - our rates are already significantly higher due to the TOU plans enacted last year. Evergy holds a monopoly on power in our city and continues to take advantage of that by price gouging without taking steps towards cleaner, more efficient energy sources. The improvements renters can do on their appliances/etc are limited. Many people live on fixed incomes and cannot afford these constant increases - and those on fixed incomes are more likely to live in rentals or old properties that aren't energy efficient. People are having to choose electric bills over groceries in the middle of dangerous heat. Evergy should NOT be raising costs. |
P202500355 | 8/26/2024 11:46 PM | I ask that Evergy not increase our rates again, not after the recent changes which have obliged us to use less electricity during "peak hours." I have done what I can to adapt to that - I cannot keep jumping through hoops. Many of my fellow Evergy users cannot afford this proposed increase; Evergy itself can afford not to implement it. |
P202500356 | 8/27/2024 6:14 AM | I oppose the rate hike submitted by Evergy under this proposal |
P202500357 | 8/27/2024 6:20 AM | Please do not raise my rates. They are already too high every month, it is simply unaffordable. Listen to the people. |
P202500358 | 8/27/2024 7:36 AM | I’m writing regarding Evergy’s proposed 13.99% rate increase that would take effect January 2025. While I understand some increase may be necessary to maintain operations, a price increase of almost 14% at once, or even over a short period of time, is too much for consumers to take on at once. Due to inflation and other economical factors, people here in Kansas City do not have the ability to absorb that increase. Many of us are still feeling the effects of massive property tax increases from last year and figuring out how to absorb the effects of inflation on our day to day necessities, like groceries. We cannot absorb additional price or rate increases such as the one proposed by Evergy. |
P202500359 | 8/27/2024 7:55 AM | If we can’t afford to better insulate our homes now, the rate increase will make that goal impossible. The projected rate is irresponsible and in the name of profit. How much is enough? |
P202500360 | 8/27/2024 8:06 AM | My home and auto insurance went up 28%. My food costs went up 14%. Everything is inflating except my fixed income. Every, with its new pricing schedule, already is getting an increase. Please don't allow this increase to occur. I have no way to increase my income. I'm 77 and retired. |
P202500361 | 8/27/2024 8:29 AM | I would like to register my objection to this request for a rate increase from Evergy. The percent requested is far too high. Reasonable investments in infrastructure can be accommodated but not when they are showing such a sizeable profit. Utilities should not be operated as money making businesses, they are required for basic life services for everyone. Please do not approve this rate increase. |
P202500362 | 8/27/2024 8:31 AM | I am already unhappy with Evergy’s rates. Continuing to raise rates will be a financial burden to myself and my community. Please prevent this increase. |
P202500363 | 8/27/2024 8:38 AM | I am already paying enough in my Evergy bill. I have kids at home and cannot afford another bill increase. Please don’t allow this!!!!! |
P202500364 | 8/27/2024 8:52 AM | I am 51 years old my 78 year mother lives with me due to the already difficult financial situations. This country is presenting us and I was 14% raise in the already exorbitant expense of electricity is just ridiculous. This seems to be a process to force everyone out of their home and Jackson County we have just had legal tax which is still being bought, I hope that you take into consideration that is already making a profit a large profit and that you would take this into consideration and see that the request for another rate hike is just a greedy grab for money. Please take him to consideration that my job does not give me a 15% increase in pay . This is neither reasonable nor fair. |
P202500365 | 8/27/2024 9:00 AM | You have got to be kidding me that you want to raise electricity rates again. This is madness. With the timed usage there has already been an increase to my electrical bills even with changing my usage times. And truthfully the service has become so much more sporadic since Evergy took over from KCPL. We have never had more outages since the transition occurred. And trying to get tree limbs trimmed off the power lines has become increasingly difficult. I just do not understand how public utilities have just become so expensive. I really feel sorry for the customers out there who are unable to keep up with all these increasing costs. |
P202500366 | 8/27/2024 9:00 AM | After the change in the rate system last year, users saw an increase in electricity bills that left so many of us having to choose which bills to pay. The thought of our bill increasing by 14% is incredible. I understand that Evergy is a business and has to make money, but please, I'm begging you, don't let them cripple Missourians to increase their profits. |
P202500367 | 8/27/2024 9:03 AM | You guys sure have some gall pulling this crap and making it extremely difficult to make a consumer comment as I'm doing now. You have seemingly raised rates every single year since the pandemic, and service has consistently gone out when the wind is above 10 mph in Kansas City. You're going to have a revolt on your hands if this is allowed to continue. Greed, pure and simple. This state already sucks compared to almost any other state in the United States and your greed continues to drive us even lower. I'm ashamed to be from this state. Since I live a few blocks from State Line, I will heavily consider moving over into Kansas if the horrible and irresponsible management of our utility system like this is allowed to continue. |
P202500368 | 8/27/2024 9:23 AM | This recurrent, blatant greed on display by Evergy in the face of the cost of living crisis that average Americans are facing makes my blood boil. Perhaps if Evergy is so concerned with its financial well-being and the financial well-being of its shareholders, they should cut down on David Campbell's disgusting $1,056,000 per year salary rather than increasingly bleeding its customers dry. Who will pay these bills when we have no money left? Restricting access to electricity that we use to cook our food, wash our clothes, and cool our homes in an increasingly hot climate should not be used as a means to further enrich the already disgustingly rich. |
P202500369 | 8/27/2024 9:33 AM | In a time where utility bills are sky high and people are having trouble affording them, a 14% increase on the consumers while the upper brass of this company/monopoly are raking in millions is absurd. Please don't dig the hole deeper for the working class who has no say in which utility company they use. |
P202500370 | 8/27/2024 9:35 AM | Utilities should not be allowed to increase by a rate this high. Please have David Campbell consider declining his 1M+ bonus each year to cover Evergy expenses |
P202500371 | 8/27/2024 9:35 AM | Evergy made over 700 million last year. Evergy is a regulated monopoly for most of their service area. Evergy received a significant raise for peak service (of which the commission is also responsible) Evergy's merger consent decree froze rates for 5 years...which they agreed too. I am for a quasi private/public business to provide reliable electric service. It's a public good. I am against a market with very little competition being allowed to profit excessively off that model. My summer electric bills even with upward adjustments to programmable thermostats are up 20+ percent in just the last year. Please say no to this ill formed request and strongly encourage them to be smarter with the significant resources they have available. |
P202500372 | 8/27/2024 9:41 AM | DO NOT LET EVERGY STEAL MORE OF OUR MONEY!! THEY NEED TO BE REPLACED! Evergy is a corrupt corporate THIEF who should frankly be barred from doing business in this region. DO NOT LET THEM TAKE MORE OF OUR MONEY |
P202500373 | 8/27/2024 9:53 AM | Fraudulent price increases due to Evergy holding a monopoly over us. The new time system already increased our prices and now they want even more while they don’t help prevent outages until they happen, this is ridiculous and needs to be stopped. Very jealous of our Kansas friends who don’t have to deal with this predatory behavior. |
P202500374 | 8/27/2024 9:54 AM | The rate increases are too much for the average Kansas Citian to afford. It's only going to get hotter and people will need air conditioning to survive. It's no longer a luxury. The privatization of a public utility is capitalism at its worst benefitting a few at the expense of the many. I understand needing to bring in funds to fix and strengthen the power grid but this proposed increase is far and above anything reasonable. Please reconsider this and look into ways to make sure people have the electric resources they need. Shame on Evergy! |
P202500375 | 8/27/2024 9:59 AM | "I oppose the Evergy rate hike as proposed in submission ER-2024-0189." |
P202500376 | 8/27/2024 10:03 AM | I oppose the Evergy rate hike as proposed in submission ER-2024-0189 |
P202500377 | 8/27/2024 10:09 AM | Another example of corporate greed which will eventually impact lower/middle income and seniors. As a senior my COLA is going up by only 3-4%. Please consider not allowing this. |
P202500378 | 8/27/2024 10:15 AM | The proposed 14% increase in rate is unfair. Evergy has already raised this recently and uses typical usage hours to charge more as well. Please block this change from happening |
P202500379 | 8/27/2024 10:16 AM | I am writing to voice my disapproval of the proposed 13.99$ rate hike to the Missouri Public Service Commission. At a time when inflation is hitting Missouri families across the state, the last thing we need is to pay more for basic necessities like electricity. Evergy is constantly asking Missouri customers to alter their power-using habits in order to conserve energy and save money. I would suggest that Evergy examine its own operation and find ways to work more efficiently if they believe their monetary sources are deficient. This kind of greed is what happens when public utilities, whose primary concern should be effectively serving the citizens, are turned over to private corporations, whose only concern is to see profit margins rise. |
P202500380 | 8/27/2024 10:20 AM | I am opposed to additional changes and increases to the current power rates. Missourians have not choice in this. It is a effective monopoly. I am opposed to any private entity controlling a utility such as this. Evergy should be dismantled and the electric supply should be put back into public hands. |
P202500381 | 8/27/2024 10:22 AM | My electric bills are unsustainable. From the rate based plans, my summer electric bills went from ~$325/mo to $450+/mo. Increasing from here will only exacerbate the issue. At a time when groceries are costing an all time high, increasing the electric rate is crazy. This is a public utility, where consumers have zero choice and cannot shop around. This should be state owned and regulated to ensure that Missourians can afford to live here. Please consider finding a way to help the many instead of lining the pockets of the few at the expense of the many. |
P202500382 | 8/27/2024 10:22 AM | My family of 5 cannot reduce our electric bill any further than we already have. , in recognizing that we already offload most other large appliances and rarely even use the AC during this window, has suggested that I cook a week’s worth of meals for FIVE people on Sunday in lieu of using my kitchen to cook during the dinner hour. Are we really expected to live out of the microwave? We already dont use our oven unless it’s after midnight. A 14% increase to the cost of electricity will financially devastate my family. If Evergy cannot provide reasonably priced electricity to its customers as promised, raising rates this much isn’t the answer. Other electric companies haven’t done this. Evergy is just bad at business. |
P202500383 | 8/27/2024 10:24 AM | The rate increases without detailed public information on how Evergy has exhausted all other possible options to keep their costs low and efficiencies high, is very concerning. It's common knowledge inflation and high costs of living have limited many families financially. This rate increase outpaces reasonable consideration for inflation and is downright shameful. Utilities that the public have no other alternatives, require bold and strong government leadership to protect their constituents in which they serve from corporate greed. While a rate increase is a logical step, to this extent, is excessive and unreasonable. The public deserves proof on how this has to be the option. |
P202500384 | 8/27/2024 10:33 AM | Dear Missouri Public Service Commission, I am supporting a petition called "Oppose Evergy's Outrageous Utility Rate Increase" started by Megan Whitten:;!!EErPFA7f--AJOw!CuSctoTt6UZ-JzyuSLShq_XfVmP9j0yFbNa9QFLAUaBkM1VE-HfLyL_DbEdbeCKYFtciTC93nM09JmsyncTWR8Nw$ You have been identified as a decision maker on this petition so I am reaching out to you for a response. What is your opinion about this petition? You can respond by replying to this email. Thanks for reading, |
P202500385 | 8/27/2024 10:40 AM | I am writing to voice my disapproval of the proposed 13.99% rate hike to the Missouri Public Service Commission. At a time when inflation is hitting Missouri families across the state, the last thing we need is to pay more for basic necessities like electricity. Evergy is constantly asking Missouri customers to alter their power-using habits in order to conserve energy and save money. I would suggest that Evergy examine its own operation and find ways to work more efficiently if they believe their monetary sources are deficient. This kind of greed is what happens when public utilities, whose primary concern should be effectively serving the citizens, are turned over to private corporations, whose only concern is to see profit margins rise. |
P202500386 | 8/27/2024 10:55 AM | Evergy can go kick rocks. My bills are already consistently 50% higher this year than they were last year, even when I do things like set my dishwasher to run in the middle of the night during "Super Saver Off-Peak Hours" or whatever BS term they've come up with. Now they want to raise our rates again, even when their equipment is so faulty that my side of the street lost power for four hours in the middle of the night a couple of weeks ago while my neighbors across the street and on the street behind us were just fine. Until they can start providing a consistent, valuable service, the only price adjustments they should be talking about is rolling back the ones you already let them implement. |
P202500387 | 8/27/2024 11:03 AM | I oppose the Evergy rate hike as proposed in submission ER-2024-0189 |
P202500388 | 8/27/2024 11:14 AM | The proposed rate hike is wrong for consumers (especially seniors). My rates have gone up by $60.00 since the rate plan went into effect. Now you want me to pay 13.99% more? Why hasn't this been investigated? There is a cost of doing business and we shouldn't subsidize Evergy's investors. They have an activist investor that is pushing this and it's wrong. I vote and as you can see I also reach out to my elected representatives who can regulate the commission via pressure on the Governor. |
P202500389 | 8/27/2024 11:18 AM | Evergy should not increase prices for customers it doesn't service well and is a monopoly for a utility. We’ve had consistent power outages due to evergy’s lack of contined maintenance on the power grid. Evergy waited until a storm knocked out power for days to then make necessary updates. No repercussions for their lack of continued stewardship. Our July bill for a 1,500 sqft house set at 70 degrees is $479 for a basic utility. Evergy does not deserve an additional 14.5% price hike as they are already overcharging. Evergy’s CEO’s 2023 annual compensation package is $7.1m. Instead of bleeding customers dry Evergy could pay their CEO less for additional profits and upkeep with maintenance. |
P202500390 | 8/27/2024 11:21 AM | We, the consumer are already getting the butt end of the deal by being forced into the time of use plan. As well as there being a monopoly on our energy provider options. We cannot afford a rate hike increase, if Evergy needs money they should seek out government subsidy. Which I'm sure they already do. We call that double dipping! Look at Evergys profit margin, does 730millon sound like they're hurting? Do the right thing and protect the consumers from abuse by a monopoly. Do NOT pass a rate hike increase. |
P202500391 | 8/27/2024 11:24 AM | It's not right that the average American has to continue with rate increases and price hikes in every facet of the economy and now we have to fight to de-monopolize our utilities. I HAVE NOT had good experiences with Evergy Missouri West and the infrastructure that they refuse to update/maintain. Every time the wind blows one way or the other the power goes out completely! And the nerve to push for a rate increase? How does this help the average working American? It DOESN'T.... full stop! |
P202500392 | 8/27/2024 11:28 AM | I am writing to express my strong opposition to the proposed rate increase for electricity. With the cost of living rising steadily, many households are already struggling to manage their budgets. Increasing electricity rates will place an additional financial burden on consumers and disproportionately affect those who are already economically vulnerable. Instead of raising rates, I urge the company to explore alternative solutions for managing operational costs or finding efficiencies that do not involve putting more pressure on your customers. |
P202500393 | 8/27/2024 11:31 AM | Understand inflation & business cost however 2 increases thru misleading plan changes & rate increase requests must be stopped. Reasonable rate increase for cost of doing business is acceptable but Evergy's starting to gouge us. 1-Abolish the PSC & stop the fraudulent misleading rate increase requests including items submitted in previous requests. Do not present adequate capital expenditure analysis, payback, cash flow, ROI, etc over minimum 10 year period. 2-Divest KCP&L to bring back lower prices, more efficient operations & local control |
P202500394 | 8/27/2024 11:46 AM | All customers were required to join a rate plan. One that ALWAYS had a peak price from 4-8pm knowing full well that kids needed to do online homework, meals made, dishes done-even just coming home and warm bodies kicking in the a/c or furnace in the winter. As a monopoly they already had us in a hostage situation. We changed our habits as much as possible- kids still need to eat, take their baths, get sleep. Parents stayed up later to accommodate the dishes, meal prep for the next day etc. Monthly bills in the hundreds still came pouring in. Their solution: do laundry and dishes overnight instead of sleeping. That was it. As far as most of us care, the monopoly can pay for their own infrastructure updates this round. |
P202500395 | 8/27/2024 11:54 AM | I am deeply disappointed and frustrated by Evergy's decision to propose yet another rate increase of 14%, especially so soon after a recent price hike. This move appears to be an unjustified burden on consumers who are already feeling the strain of rising costs. Furthermore, the introduction of the new pricing structure raises serious concerns about potential price gouging, leaving many to question the fairness and transparency of these changes. It is unacceptable for Evergy to continuously pass on these escalating costs to its customers without offering clear, substantial justification. This approach shows a lack of consideration for the financial challenges faced by consumers, and I strongly urge PSC to not let this pass at all. |
P202500396 | 8/27/2024 11:59 AM | There is no need to increase prices for consumers. According to reports, Evergy revenue for the quarter ending June 30, 2024 was $1.448B, a 6.89% increase year-over-year. They are making enough money on the backs of those paying for electricity. This would make many not able to afford housing and utilities in areas provided to by evergy, forcing them to consider moving to a different area. This would be overall bad for the local economy, and only good for evergy. They are already making more than enough money for something that should be a public entity, rather than a private corporation. |
P202500397 | 8/27/2024 12:12 PM | Another rate hike after we were just sold on time of use as a way to save seems excessive. Evergy profits keep increasing on the backs of taxpayers. Enough is enough. |
P202500398 | 8/27/2024 12:22 PM | Evergy is paying dividends amounting to 20% of their earnings per share, how in the world can anyone justify a price hike when Evergy is already paying dividends at this rate? This is predatory behavior and frankly disgusting at the *current* rates. The proposed rate hike would do nothing but line shareholders pockets. The PSC has a duty to act in the interest of the *public* not in the interest of Evergy shareholders. No, a resounding no! |
P202500399 | 8/27/2024 12:43 PM | Electricity should be a public utility service, NOT for shareholders to profit. Evergy needs to pay their CEO less, or pay the shareholders less, or both. They should NOT be making a profit off of us regular people who are trapped in a monopoly. Necessary utilities should not be a for-profit monopoly, and they should NOT be raising our rates by double-digit amounts in back to back years. It's absurd. Evergy needs to stop wasting millions on shareholders and executives, and actually trim the trees and fix the infrastructure without further exploiting Kansas City residents who have no other option for power. |
P202500400 | 8/27/2024 12:48 PM | The cost of living is already more then most can afford. Why and how would a 14% increase make sense right now? My retired parents on social security already struggle with the new peak energy hours. Raising the cost would be devastating to so many people. What is the justified reason to do this? Will you really end up making more money if people are out in the streets instead of in a home? |
P202500401 | 8/27/2024 12:56 PM | This company is destroying the finances of thousands of people all over Missouri. While their CEO makes over $7 million per year. This raise is wildly out of line with inflation and fuel costs and is little more than sheer greed. Don't fail your constituents again, even if you're getting kickbacks from Evergy. |
P202500402 | 8/27/2024 1:00 PM | These rates are outrageous. We agreed to the plan where from 4-8PM we limit our usage. This has already been an inconvenience but we do abide. Now this company wants to raise rates again, when everything else is so expensive? Is there proof people are using more power to justify this? I demand an investigation be done into this company as soon as possible. Our utilities are expensive as it is and we take many measures to ensure our bill won't be too high. Utilities are essential to a home, and I thank Evergy workers for repairing down lines quickly. This though seems like a money grab. Find out how much their investors are making. Investigate this place for fraud. No more price gouging the working class. |
P202500403 | 8/27/2024 1:19 PM | Regarding the proposed rate increase: No. ER-2024-0189. I am vehemently opposed to this. Energy prices are already sky high and this company is profiting plenty. Please do not pass a rate increase! Myself and others will struggle even more to pay our bills. How dare they. Please protect us. |
P202500404 | 8/27/2024 1:22 PM | i strongly oppose this proposed rate hike, and urge missouri law makers to not pass this. this is energy for citizens of missouri and should not be a profit machine. |
P202500405 | 8/27/2024 1:29 PM | Evergy has reported profits in excess of projections for the past year, and a corporation that has a monopoly on a public good should never be in pursuit of shareholder value over serving the members of the community. Increasing rates is a ridiculous proposition, and local municipalities should consider revoking Evergy's monopoly of the region and introduce true competition--or take over service. Evergy has decreased reliability and increased cost over the past few years, and there should be NO CONSIDERATION to increase funding while they prioritize profits over consumers. |
P202500406 | 8/27/2024 1:35 PM | I am extremely against Evergy's request for a rate increase of nearly 14%. Evergy has gone out of its way to limit the ability for person solar generation to hook up to the grid thereby ensuring no other option but to buy power from them. They have no investment for the future and the rate increase is nothing more than a money grab. |
P202500407 | 8/27/2024 1:39 PM | There should be no rate hikes while Evergy is making record profits. The Public Service Commission should instead enact a rate decrease. Evergy should not be making profit off of the basic needs of citizens. Power should be provided to citizens at cost. |
P202500408 | 8/27/2024 1:40 PM | This is an absolutely terrible time to increase rates as the cost of literally everything else is high, Jackson county property taxes just went up, and consumers cannot afford this. Fees were just restructured in a way that helps level out energy demand and penalize those who use during peak times - this feels like nothing more than a money grab. Said as someone who is both a consumer and a stockholder. |
P202500409 | 8/27/2024 2:01 PM | I am incredibly disappointed in Evergy for even requesting a 14.99% increase to our rates at a time when financial struggle is so real. There are NO alternatives for residents to switch to, and this is EXACTLY why monopolies should not exist. If this was a free market and people could decide they would not support Evergy anymore then this would be a personal choice but this is an absolutely insane amount to request and frankly they are charging more than any other area I have lived to begin with. I am steadfastly AGAINST this price hike at the expense of EVERY SINGLE PERSON in the area. Nobody will be left unaffected by this price hike and it will hurt far more people than it would help (who are not the people that need the $$ anyway). |
P202500410 | 8/27/2024 2:07 PM | My name is Nathan and I live in Kansas City, MO. As a customer of Evergy I want to express my disappointment and concern about this rate hike! I have not had a raise at my job in 3 years, so each summer I need to keep my thermostat set higher and higher to keep up and pay my bills. I have no other choice but to use Evergy so I feel like this is a monopoly pricing that is taking advantage of regular Missourians who can’t afford to keep paying so much for so little in return! |
P202500411 | 8/27/2024 2:14 PM | This rate increase should be considered inhumane because each member of the board of directors earned about $500k a year, not including bonuses and stock awards, and the CEO made millions. Ratepayers have spent $8.6 million in direct salaries and cash bonuses for the board of directors alone. How is it that we, as citizens, can barely survive on our low to middle-income salaries and are expected to pay the CEO and board of directors millions? Why are we being punished and squeezed for more when these people make more than any of us? Why don't we have each board member and the CEO cut their salaries to reinvest in their company to make each consumer happy? |
P202500413 | 8/27/2024 2:25 PM | I am writing to formally oppose Evergy's proposed 13.99% rate hike. This increase, coupled with the recently implemented time-of-use plan, is already burdening Missourian with higher costs. The long-term effects of this time-of-use plan still remain uncertain, yet Evergy continues to prioritize earnings per share growth, paying out dividends and bonuses to its board and investors. It's also concerning that when they asked the state of Kansas for a rate hike, they reviewed the numbers and made them lower their rates. At a time when many households are already financially strained, this rate hike is unjustifiable. I urge the commission to reject Evergy's proposal and prioritize the well-being of Missourians. |
P202500414 | 8/27/2024 2:27 PM | As a new resident to Jackson Co. and a new Evergy customer, I am dumbfounded that they think their customer base can support an additional rate increase on top of exorbitant rates as it is. I've lived in Washington, Virginia, Oklahoma, Kentucky, and Kansas and have never paid rates as high as I am with Evergy. Asking people to conserve the maximum energy during the time of day everyone is coming home from work and trying to cook dinner, do their chores after working a hard day at work is just wild to me. We try our best, but we wind up paying HUNDREDS every month despite our best conservation efforts, and it's not because we're using wild amounts of energy, it's because the rates are so extremely high. I do not support a rate increase. |
P202500415 | 8/27/2024 2:43 PM | This should be illegal considering the lack of competition in the area, and what is essentially a monopoly over utilities in the KC area. A rate increase of 14% will take from the retired, the needy, and even children - with the increase cost of living through KC, there is a kid somewhere that cant eat lunch at school. The CEO looks to be doing just fine, with a $7.2 million compensation in May, lets take this 14% from his income. Basic utilities are a RIGHT; NOT a privilege. My bills have increase YEARLY with evergy. Im sure they've been raising for long before then. SOMETHING CAN BE A SERVICE, AND NOT A PRIVELAGE. ELECTRICITY SHOULD BE CONSIDERED A BASIC HUMAN RIGHT IN 2024. |
P202500416 | 8/27/2024 2:54 PM | While I understand that inflation has hit everything from groceries, to rent, to other basic needs, the proposed 14% increase is going to hurt already very meager budgets. While the time of use change did not personally make too much difference in my electrical budget, a 14% increase will make it very difficult to afford this very basic necessity, and I can't even imagine what it would be like for those on fixed income like the elderly or other people like me living paycheck to paycheck. This goes well beyond a cost of living increase and well into price gouging, and because there is no competition due to the monopoly on energy services, we will have virtually no say on the matter. This is a ludicrous ask. |
P202500417 | 8/27/2024 3:04 PM | "I am opposed to the rate increase that Evergy is asking for. They have already increased prices during Peak Usage hours. The proposed almost 14% increase is ridiculous and outlandish when Missourians are already struggling financially to keep up with the rising costs of living. This is irresponsible of Evergy. " |
P202500418 | 8/27/2024 3:25 PM | I stand firmly opposed to Evergy's proposed increase of 14% on electrical utility pricing. Evergy has consistently delivered subpar service ranging to numerous outages to leaving trimmed trees in my powerlines for me to deal with. Their move to peak usage has already increased their revenues and we should not reward companies (in this case a monopoly) with increased revenues for continuing to providing low quality service. |
P202500419 | 8/27/2024 3:59 PM | Evergy is a monopoly and is my sole option of energy provider. For them to do a rate increase and for you as our elected representatives to allow that is unconstitutional, immoral, and wrong. I consistently have service outages for multiple hours at a time and have no control over who my energy provider is. For a residential 2 story, 3-bedroom home, my electricity bill is already in the $250-350 per month range during the summer. Evergy's stock price has increased by 16.83% over the past 6 months, which is an indication that the company is successful enough without needing to price gouge its forced consumer base. I will be tracking any elected official who votes yes on this and refusing to vote for them to be re-elected next election. |
P202500420 | 8/27/2024 4:12 PM | "Increase of 14% cannot afford this" |
P202500421 | 8/27/2024 4:37 PM | You just raised everyone's prices less than 2 years ago. You're a monopoly in the area. For you to raise rates is immoral and wrong, but you don't care about morals, just your bottom line. Put the working people in your head for a single second. Evergy's stock price has increased nearly 17 percent over the past 6 months which is a good indicator that the company is FINE. You're Fine. Your investors are fine, they can take a hike into the river. You're successful enough without price gouging the public for money. I hope this is struck down in the harshest way possible. |
P202500422 | 8/27/2024 4:39 PM | I'm against the proposed Evergy Rate increase for January 2025. |
P202500423 | 8/27/2024 4:40 PM | Inflation is impacting consumers in all areas of commerce. Increasing rates by 14% in one action is too high. Please look for the $104m elsewhere and do more proactive planning to increase rates by smaller increments so as not to shock already stretched consumers. I am looking forward to the day I can self-generate my own power - this accelerates that consideration. |
P202500424 | 8/27/2024 4:41 PM | My electricity bill has basically doubled in the last couple years, and now they are going to enforce a 14% increase. My currently electricity bill is $260 a month, for a 700 square foot apartment. I spend less on a food. It’s unsustainable. I have asked Evergy for help, and they set me up on a payment plan for $250 a month. When I asked for further help, they sent me an automatic message containing information for mental health services. I make decent money and even I am struggling, I truly can’t imagine being poor and forced to pay them so much money. I’m not sure how people afford to live. Their business model is outrageous and meant to harm the public, something needs to change. |
P202500425 | 8/27/2024 4:57 PM | There have been rate hikes in the last 5 years and now the time based energy use. I dont think there is any justification for them to cause even more inflation to our local economys. We are all struggling because of profiteering in ever sector. Can you require them to show data on how much this benefits their stock holders in comparison to customers? Is this the highest rate hike proposed in recent history? What ratios of profit are put into upkeep and infrastructure in comparison to stock dividends? What are their corporate growth goals and how is that affecting this seemingly unneeded rate hike? Is this rate hike going to raising employee compensation? At the top level? At the low level? Why do they need more money from us? Unjustified. |
P202500426 | 8/27/2024 5:17 PM | An increase in energy rates would be a terrible financial hardship on millions of Missouri residents. For those of us who are students without incomes, any increase to the energy rates we currently pay would be a hardship. As medical students, we rely upon consistent and affordable electricity to learn medicine and ultimately give back to the communities we serve in. This proposed rate increase only serves to make power less affordable with no tangible benefit. |
P202500427 | 8/27/2024 6:06 PM | Another rate hike puts MO families under more pressure in an already failing economy. Food is expensive, gas is expensive, and adding another rate hike just opens the wallet of a private monopoly to take even more from the citizens trying to get by. This isn't good for families and Evergy hasn't shown how the last rate hike has improved infrastructure so why approve another one? Someone needs to protect Missouri's families from this predator. |
P202500428 | 8/27/2024 6:49 PM | Not only am I personally incredibly frustrated by this proposed rate increase (especially based on the absurd summer rates charging more during the hottest parts of the day), but I am very concerned about how this will disproportionally affect members of our community who are on fixed incomes. Many are already struggling to afford the recent increases and will likely not be able to afford to live in safe environments if this goes through. It is irresponsible to pass this when so many don’t have any choice aside from Evergy. Please choose to do better for our community. |
P202500429 | 8/27/2024 7:03 PM | I am writing to express my strong opposition to Evergy’s proposed 14% rate increase. This hike would directly impact my monthly electric bill, adding a significant financial burden to my household. As a Missouri resident, I am already facing rising costs of living. An increase in electricity rates would make it even more difficult to afford basic necessities. I urge the Commission to carefully consider the impact of this rate increase on Missourians and reject it if it is not justified. |
P202500430 | 8/27/2024 7:39 PM | I’m sending this to inform the MPSC that they already approved a quadrupling of the rates during the 4p to 8p time frame during the hottest time of the day and the hottest season of the year. This company I generated millions in dividends instead of investing in improving the grid HERE. I’m vehemently opposed to any rate increase for this entity. |
P202500431 | 8/27/2024 7:40 PM | I am opposed to Evergy’s proposed rate increase. Our electricity rates in Western Missouri are already very high. This rate increase would put undue burden on consumers, only to generate more profit for Evergy. Please do not allow Evergy to charge more to customers. |
P202500432 | 8/27/2024 8:12 PM | Are you all out of your goddamn minds? You want to raise our energy costs by 14% while the world is getting hotter to pay for upgrades to the grid? THATS WHAT EVERGY'S PROFIT IS SUPPOSED TO BE FOR YOU FUCKING LEACHES. We know no matter how many comments yall get on this you're gonna approve your buddies getting a nice raise to go to Cancun for a third time next year, and there's nothing we can do about it because for some fucking reason utilities necessary to live are controlled by private, rent seeking organizations and there's no other game in town. But yall have to know what you're doing is immoral right? Like... there's no way you don't realize you're selling us out. Fuck you |
P202500433 | 8/27/2024 8:13 PM | I am writing to express my opposition of the proposed increase. Rates have already increased with peak hours charges. They do not need an extra 100+ million dollars from the pockets of struggling middle class Missouri residents. Evergy needs to dig deeper in their own pockets, cut unnecessary positions, go on a hiring freeze, and pause annual salary increases and bonuses. That’s a great way to get started reallocating funds. We are a humble family of 3 on budget billing that was 160/mo and now increased to 170/mo and we have spire gas on top of that at a budget billing rate of 150/mo. Enough is enough. This is price gouging. |
P202500434 | 8/27/2024 8:45 PM | I am deeply disappointed by your decision to raise rates by 13.99%. This steep increase, especially during tough economic times, feels like a blatant disregard for your customers' well-being. As a for-profit company, it’s clear that profit is your priority, not the communities you serve. Families are already struggling to make ends meet, and this hike will only add more financial strain. I urge you to reconsider this rate increase and find ways to operate more efficiently without burdening your customers. This is not the way to build trust or loyalty. |
P202500435 | 8/27/2024 9:22 PM | The proposed increases in rates of 13.99% are an outlandish proposition in an area with only one electricity service provider. You already adjusted rates to a variable plan based on time of day and this new proposition would be untenable given recent increases in the cost of living. |
P202500436 | 8/27/2024 9:43 PM | I have lived in multiple areas of the United States and have never experienced such high rates for electricity. Evergy already has pricing increases during peak hours of the summer that are hurting their consumers. Do not raise the rates even further. You're pushing your consumers to a breaking point. |
P202500437 | 8/27/2024 10:41 PM | I am writing in opposition to a rate increase for Evergy MO West. The rates are already very high and the proposed rate increase is unreasonable. |
P202500438 | 8/28/2024 12:31 AM | Raising the rates during peak times and in general during a time where most people can barely afford what is being sent out now is incredibly inconsiderate. This will affect a number of people that are senior citizens and/or disabled who do not have the ability to go out and make more income. Suggesting payment plans are not enough when it does nothing but put people in debt. My power went out today for a split second and as I type this there is no power in my room simply because it was windy during a mild thunderstorm today. This is the service that you all want to raise rates for. This is predatory on Kansas City residents |
P202500439 | 8/28/2024 2:34 AM | I am writing to convey my strong opposition to Evergy Missouri West's proposal to increase rates. As a for-profit company with a monopoly in the area, providing a required public good, the proposed rate is beyond unreasonable and should not be allowed to pass. Evergy has already increased rates with a mult-tier pricing plan that does little to actually save average consumers money, and rather penalizes their use of electricity during the time they need to use it most in the home. When reporting $731 million in earnings for 2023, it would seem Evergy is in a position to continue operating and providing a necessary service without passing on an excessive monetary burden to those who have no choice but to rely on Evergy for their power needs. |
P202500440 | 8/28/2024 2:36 AM | A 14 percent increase in January would be outrageous and devastating for many low-income, disabled, and senior citizens who are already struggling with increased costs of living that are out of their control. I have friends with severe health problems not turning on A/C because they can't afford the bills and risking their lives when it's 100 degrees. If this high rate increase is approved, many will likely die. People are already cutting back on eating because of rent increases, food costs, insurance, and property tax increases that risk losing their homes. Many cannot go out and get a second job because they are old and disabled. Some low-income people already work three jobs to keep up. What do you expect them to do? |
P202500441 | 8/28/2024 4:30 AM | I oppose the proposed rate increase of 14%. Evergy has posted nothing but massive profits quarter after quarter and their previous rate increases have more than kept up and surpassed inflation. How on earth do the consumers need to keep fattening the pockets of this company and their CEO? It’s insulting they continue to get richer while sending emails recommending I not use their service during “peak hours” which are the hours I’m home. What other business has this model? Fast food restaurants who wanted to hike prices during busy hours were publicly shamed. Evergy has no shame. Please protect your residents from this greedy monopoly as I fear their next rate increase won’t be long off as they see they can keep getting away with it. |
P202500442 | 8/28/2024 7:06 AM | My wife and I are retired Seniors on a fixed income. Our home is all electric. We were already doing everything we could do to keep electric usage down during peak hours and then we got hit with the time based rate plan. That increased our bill by a bunch. I remember when an all electric home got a better rate but now I feel like we are being penalized for being all electric. There's lots of people out there like us that are trying to enjoy their retirement but can't because of outrageous utility bills. I have yet to talk to anyone who has a cheaper bill because of the time based rate plan. That was a typical corporate lie to consumers. I hope the commission does the right thing on this matter. Thanks Gary Alexander |
P202500443 | 8/28/2024 7:07 AM | A 14% rate increase in unfair to all living Missouri residents. We’ve already had to live with the price hikes that they implemented during peak times. You’re asking people to forgo a public utility that is necessary to survive and raised it beyond the cost of living raises. This is utterly unacceptable and a disgusting (but I’m sure intended) use of a monopoly. If I had the option to go with literally ANY OTHER COMPANY I would due to the amount of black outs, price gouging, and lack of response from the company and the complete disinterest in serving their customers. |
P202500444 | 8/28/2024 7:17 AM | In a time of already sky-high inflation, a private utility company wants to institute an over 15% increase without the burden of the costs passed onto the company, the company is unfairly deferring their costs to their captive consumers without the burden of evidence to demonstrate that this utility increase will appreciably manage the increases to an acceptable level in the future at or below the rate of energy inflation. No clear plan is made to cut the price of utilities in the event of energy deflation, only a permanent, irrevocable rate increase. |
P202500445 | 8/28/2024 7:19 AM | Extremely high rates, poor quality service with even more rate increases being discussed next year. |
P202500446 | 8/28/2024 7:20 AM | a 14% increase?? go f*ck yourself. I can't even afford the rates it's at now!!! |
P202500447 | 8/28/2024 7:22 AM | The 14% increase is way more than inflation and they just raised prices. If they need money they can find it somewhere in the billion dollar company and not my teacher's salary. |
P202500448 | 8/28/2024 7:24 AM | Evergy is proposing a nearly 14% rate hike. After years of recent excess hikes that exceed inflation by a wide margin, it is incomprehensible to see how Evergy believes any level of rate hike is acceptable. At a time when many are hurting financially, the brazen goals for excess profit from Evergy make one wonder why this private organization is allowed to be the only provider to do many in the central Midwest. |
P202500449 | 8/28/2024 7:26 AM | I have concerns that Evergy is looking at raising rates, which is ridiculous. If anything, they should be lowering their rates due to renewable energy streams. This is price gouging as we have no other place to go except for Evergy. Please evaluate and investigate. Thanks. |
P202500450 | 8/28/2024 7:27 AM | Rates are already high enough and they hit us with a peak time of day usage with steep upcharge. Don't let them raise them. Seniors already have a tough time when cooling their homes to keep it affordable! |
P202500451 | 8/28/2024 7:28 AM | 14% increase is ridiculous. We already keep our home at 84-85 degrees in the summer months to keep it at a manageable rate. Please do not let them raise the rates. The rate hike (penalty) from 4-8pm is totally uncalled for as well. |
P202500452 | 8/28/2024 7:29 AM | The prices they enforce, and the upcoming 14% increase they have announced. I spend more on electricity than I do on food to feed my family at this point. My electricity bill has doubled in the last few years and now they’re asking even more. Currently I pay $260 a month in electricity for a 700 square foot apartment. I am a train conductor, I make decent money, and yet I’ve struggled this year to meet their payment demands. I’ve asked for help from them numerous times, they let me go on a “payment plan” which ended up being same payment as it is normally. I asked for further help, and they sent me an automatic response for mental health services. I can’t imagine being poor with these rates. I feel bad for the kids. |
P202500453 | 8/28/2024 7:31 AM | The proposed rate increase of 14% would mean that seniors on fixed income would be unable to maintain themselves in their homes. It could become a choice between utility cost and groceries. Continually raising Evergy rates does not occur in a vacuum. Seniors especially have had to make hard choices but this on top of a recent hike is too much. Evergys product is PUBLIC property. We own the energy we're being asked to pay for by the corporation(s) and always rubber stamped by the Missouri PUBLIC Service Commission. Taxpayer money built the dams. Private investors make money from wind power farms subsidized by taxpayers $. When, if ever, will the power of the people be respected not just that of politicians & corporations? |
P202500454 | 8/28/2024 7:34 AM | These rate increases are ridiculous. Now, Evergy is asking for more. The CEO's yearly income needs cut. Average consumer can't make ends meet. Stop increasing our electric rates to pay for the DeSoto battery plant. Also, this mo is going to time base rate is a scam. People cooking dinner after 8:00pm to now be charged 3x as much. Family's eating that late, gaining weight. Enough is enough! |
P202500455 | 8/28/2024 7:35 AM | Evergy is trying to do a 14% price increase effective Jan 2025. Rates for Evergy are already extremely high and the different rates based on time of day discriminate against people who work during the day. During the summer, my electricity bill runs over $300 per month, and eventually, I will be unable to afford paying for electricity in the hot months. |
P202500456 | 8/28/2024 7:39 AM | I strongly oppose this rate increase. Evergy is a digusting monopoly. Missourians can hardly afford the recent electric plan changes, yet Evergy wants to increase the rates even more? Many are on fixed incomes and it would be detrimental to those if this were to pass. In my personal experience, my summer bills have skyrocketed $200 despite any actions to reduce costs. For the well-being of the community, reconsider and take the time to listen to our concerns. |
P202500457 | 8/28/2024 7:43 AM | I have heard of the proposed rate increase of 14% and am upset that a billion dollar company is trying to pass the cost of upgrades onto customers instead of using their own funds. They have already raised rates so that the elderly and those on tight incomes are struggling even more. The 14% increase is well above the cost of inflation and should not even be considered as an option. I am a teacher making $43,000 a year and cannot afford to cover the bills of a billion dollar company. Please consider the people this is affecting and those that benefit from it. |
P202500464 | 8/28/2024 8:42 AM | Evergy is seeking a rate increase that will earn it a little more than $100M. See attached for full comments. |
P202500465 | 8/28/2024 8:45 AM | I am a Missouri Resident, living within the Evergy coverage map, I have been made aware of the proposed Energy rate increase and find the proposed increase insulting, given the current rate of inflation and how much above it this goes. From what I have seen, the stated reason is to make up for cost of generation, but it is not clear how much this just goes back to shareholders, which will provide zero benefit to Evergy customers. This is particularly insulting given how Evergy's reliability has continued to deteriorate since KCP&L merged with Westar to create the new mega utility, which was supposed to provide economies of scale and cost savings for customers, which I have failed to see materialize. *See attached for full comments.* |
P202500466 | 8/28/2024 8:47 AM | Energy rates are already out of control, Evergy cannot be allowed to price gouge Missourians more. |
P202500467 | 8/28/2024 10:02 AM | Are you out of your ever-loving minds?? Evergy wants to hike the rates more than twice what the inflation rate is, after JUST rolling out their confusing new 4-option payment plan which is really hard for many people to understand, and inflated rates during the time when most people have to use it. If you approve this, you are destroying the public's trust in this commission to look out for their neighbor's interests and protect us from corporate greed and unreasonable and unsafe behavior. You really think people won't die because they can't afford electricity in the summer? As our weather gets more and more extreme, this sort of price-gaufing will absolutely cost lives. Do you duty, act as honorable and trustworthy officials, and reject it |
P202500468 | 8/28/2024 10:54 AM | Please reject Evergy's push for a rate increase. My most recent Evergy bill will be $179.32. That has been below the average all of this summer as Evergy already has a predator like business model in regards to "peak hours". The people of Missouri can't afford to pay even more in the middle of summer while Evergy is already bleeding us dry. Please reject this, as it is another in the long line of Evergy's greedy moves to steal as much money as possible from the people they supply. |
P202500469 | 8/28/2024 11:54 AM | Electric bill is already ludicrously high with the time of use changes, even with a smart thermostat. Evergy is already a monopoly in the area and the amount of proposed rate increase is both inadequately justified and actively harmful to fixed income residents. |
P202500471 | 8/28/2024 1:55 PM | Before this is approved, Evergy should be required to provide more supporting evidence of price increase to its population. The lack of transparency around this increase immediately triggers red flags. Is 14% an appropriate increase? I don’t know because I can’t find any documentation to support such an inflated number. The regulators looking to approve this owe MO people the opportunity to fight back against corporate greed. Evergy needs to disclose how it’s tried to save money and improve services for western Missouri BEFORE the random 14% increase is approved and implemented. The people of Missouri are catching on to un-checked corporate greed and this won’t fly. Regulators have a duty to speak for their neighbors and regulate justly. |
P202500472 | 8/28/2024 3:28 PM | Given the recent rate increase and already high cost of electric bills here in KC, please reject Evergy's request on behalf of consumers. Evergy is a monopoly in much of the KC metro, so we do not even have the option of choosing a different provider. Even now on solar, our bill is way higher than it realistically should be for our usage (we are VERY careful about time of use, keeping reasonable temps in the home, etc). The discrepancy between Evergy's service, their revenue, and the income of their execs should frankly be illegal for a public utility company. No more $ from consumers until they can provide better service, manage outages better, and fix other rampant existing problems. |
P202500473 | 8/28/2024 3:52 PM | Our family can't afford another price increase. First, Evergy has stopped trimming trees. So we have power outages all the time, when we used to have maybe 1 a year. Second, prices were already increased with the new rate systems that we were forced into recently. No other power company that I'm aware of does this kind of rate system. It feels like it's just to make more money off of customers. Speaking of which, the CEO of Evergy David Campbell makes over $7 million a year, and takes home almost 15% of what Evergy makes. He doesn't need more. To summarize, prices keep going up, and service keeps going down. Please stop this company from gouging the average person over and over again. Please. |
P202500475 | 8/28/2024 5:34 PM | Please don't allow Evergy to hike their rates again. It is not on the public people stuck in a monopoly to fund any and all improvements to a private companies equipment, up keep and or expansion. We the people are stuck with shoddy service and a company that made $731.13 million last year forcing us to give them a raise. It's unconscionable. |
P202500476 | 8/28/2024 7:08 PM | Evergy and the (lack of) quality of its service for the price point its customers are facing are borderline criminal. The number of power outages we’ve experienced in perfectly clear weather is absurd. The time of use plan that has been forced upon us is asinine and out of touch with the reality of Evergy’s customer base at best and disgustingly and blatantly predatory at worst. What value have we as customers received from the PREVIOUS and recent rate hike that makes these fools think another is either necessary or justified? Disband this conglomerate of shameless robber barons and make them a public utility so we can stop financing their ass hat CEO’s $731M total compensation over the last four years. |
P202500477 | 8/28/2024 7:34 PM | Fun fact, we have been arguing about a $15/hr minimum wage being the “living wage” for so long it is now up to $24/hr. I hardly know anyone that makes that much, and here comes Evergy wanting more money for…? They updated a bunch of stuff and ALREADY INCREASED OUR RATES, yet I still have a power outage during every rain storm. I’ve not had a winter where we don’t lose power in the 6 years we’ve lived here. A 14% increase with nothing to show for it is theft. You all should be ashamed of yourselves. |
P202500478 | 8/28/2024 10:44 PM | Rent is already to the point we have a homeless crisis because no one can afford rent. To dare to add more cost on top of already over burdened people will just get more people on the street. People can already barely afford to eat. |
P202500479 | 8/29/2024 8:25 AM | No more rate hikes by Evergy. Can barely afford the current rates. |
P202500480 | 8/29/2024 8:27 AM | I oppose the Evergy rate hike as proposed in submission ER-2024-0189. I am a disabled senior on a fixed income. I can barely afford to keep up with my bills as it is, and every dollar that you take from me means that I am unable to pay for something else that I need. Please consider the fact that most of us are already stretched to our limits, and your rate increase will hurt people that are already suffering. Thank you. |
P202500481 | 8/29/2024 8:29 AM | I oppose the Evergy rate hike as proposed in submission ER-2024-0189.. I am a disabled senior on a fixed income. I can barely afford to keep up with my bills as it is, and every dollar that you take from me means that I am unable to pay for something else that I need. Please consider the fact that most of us are already stretched to our limits, and your rate increase will hurt people that are already suffering. Thank you. |
P202500482 | 8/29/2024 8:56 AM | "am writing to express my strong opposition to Evergy Missouri West’s proposed 14% rate increase. As a resident of Richmond, Missouri, and a small business owner, I am deeply concerned about the impact this increase will have on our community. Evergy’s request for a rate hike to generate an additional $105 million annually comes at a time when many of us are already struggling to make ends meet. The company reported $731 million in earnings last year, which raises questions about the necessity of such a significant increase. Many residents in western Missouri, including those on fixed incomes, are already facing high utility bills. An increase of this magnitude would force many to make difficult choices between essential ..*See Attache |
P202500483 | 8/29/2024 9:33 AM | With the Evergy monopoly on energy access (other states actually have a choice in who they buy their utilities from ikymi), we have no choice. This just another way to both harm low-income communities and money-grab for already grossly wealthy investors and will do nothing to assist our city/county/state become a safer and more energy efficient place. It's simple - they know that climate change=energy needs increase, therefore charge more for less=make more money. It's disgusting, shortsighted and par for the course in this state/country. This is not democracy, this is corporate owned country. |
P202500484 | 8/29/2024 9:34 AM | Evergy wants the Public Service Commission to OK a 13.99% increase in electric rates. This increase would give the company up to $104.5 million more revenue per year. In 2023, the company reported $731 million in earnings. Evergy's rate increase request is a clear example of corporate greed. Please vote in accordance with your mission to work on behalf of Missouri citizens and deny the rate request. |
P202500487 | 8/29/2024 10:12 AM | See Attached |
P202500490 | 8/29/2024 12:25 PM | "I am writing to express my strong opposition to Evergy Missouri West’s proposed 14% rate increase. As a resident of Richmond, Missouri, and a small business owner, I am deeply concerned about the impact this increase will have on our community. Evergy’s request for a rate hike to generate an additional $105 million annually comes at a time when many of us are already struggling to make ends meet. The company reported $731 million in earnings last year, which raises questions about the necessity of such a significant increase. Many residents in western Missouri, including those on fixed incomes, are already facing high utility bills. An increase of this magnitude would force many to make difficult choices between essential..*See Attached |
P202500492 | 8/29/2024 1:06 PM | It seems as though Evergy will always win, regardless of what practices it implements. As a business, you have to carefully take into consideration the costs associated with your particular investments. With the case of Evergy, they don't care: they just push the costs onto the consumer and expect to continue making profit. I ask the commission to please halt such a significant increase in electrical costs, especially considering that they have made it so expensive to use electricity between 4-8pm. Everyone is tapped out. If anything, Evergy should just slow down with their construction and just expect lower returns for a period of time. The consumer is tired of such expensive electricity! |
P202500493 | 8/29/2024 1:21 PM | An increase on the energy bill for citizens that are already struggling to make ends meet is ridiculous. I cannot believe this is even being considered. We already pay above average for our electric bills, why should we have to pay more? |
P202500495 | 8/29/2024 1:52 PM | Continued rate hikes without consistent service is obscene. We do everything we can to conserve energy and the rates keep increasing along with our monthly bills. The timed surge system is flawed. Shutting down thermostats during peak heat, resulting in units struggling to pull the temp back down across the city. The AC will run for an hour straight to pull it down 3-4 degrees. What does that do to the grid? Keeping up with the ever shifting plan options is a sure fire way to make a mistake and over pay for a service you don't know you have. |
P202500496 | 8/29/2024 2:38 PM | Please stop raising our rates. The mandatory time of use plans are unaffordable. Every should be a publicly owned and not for profit monopoly. |
P202500497 | 8/29/2024 2:51 PM | Please do not continue to increase our rates. Each year, Every fails to provide the basic level of service despite the constant money being siphoned to them, and there is no payout from these increases. Our neighborhood power fails anytime it rains and their resources are spread so thin throughout the city due to their constant grid failure. Increasing consumer rates without even attempting to repair the level of service being completed is unjust and I urge you to enact proper change so that our city can start to thrive - not just survive each season. |
P202500499 | 8/29/2024 3:03 PM | These guys are genuinely trying to squeeze blood from a stone. Rate increase after rate increase even though the service has not improved in seemingly any way. |
P202500500 | 8/29/2024 3:07 PM | Yet another increase?? What is happening with this company. I attended a town hall not that long ago and it was packed with people battling to pay their electric bills as is, and this was before the mandated time based rates. Older citizens and regular working families cannot afford 14% increases when the CPI is currently 2.9%. This increase is outrageous as there is no viable alternative as you run a monopoly. I will be ensuring all my neighborhood are aware of this underhanded practice. |
P202500501 | 8/29/2024 3:23 PM | I am not supportive of any rate increases from Evergy. Level of services has decreased, and consumers are paying more money due to the legislative change to Time of Use plans. |
P202500502 | 8/29/2024 3:24 PM | I am disappointed with the frequency of power loss, the regularity of price increases and the lack of maintaining the infrastructure to prevent small storms causing outages. |
P202500503 | 8/29/2024 3:38 PM | I am writing to let you know that myself and many other Evergy customers I have spoken with are upset at the perpetual rate increases allowed by the Missouri Public Service Commission, and that we believe Evergy is not transitioning fast enough to a mix of clean energy sources- we would also like to see laws proposed to regulate what Evergy can recoup in costs from customers. In addition, it is unacceptable that Evergy is paying out millions to its C-Suite and asking for additional funds to fix failing infrastructure. Storms have knocked out neighborhoods for multiple days at a time due to poor maintenance of lines. |
P202500504 | 8/29/2024 3:43 PM | A rate hike in this economy is inhumane. Folks are already struggling to make ends meet and now you want to increase the cost of electricity in an area where we regularly experience temperature extremes. This after implementing surge pricing for electricity already. This is stretching an already stretched populace too thin. That aside, you can't even keep the power reliably on in the winter and we all have to compensate for you in the summer. Get your act together before forcing higher rates on people who are already struggling. |
P202500505 | 8/29/2024 3:52 PM | Please do not allow this price hike! The current price rate is already too high, and Evergy should be ashamed of themselves for trying to raise their rates during the hottest part of the summer! |
P202500506 | 8/29/2024 3:58 PM | Another price increase during the hottest part of the year will make it incredibly difficult for my family to continue to afford basic utilities. We have already had a large increase in our prices due to the time based plans we were forced into earlier this year. Evergy has a monopoly in this area, and we have no other options for electricity. Please reconsider! |
P202500507 | 8/29/2024 4:09 PM | My utility bills are at an all-time high despite keeping my thermostat at a higher temperature and delaying things like laundry and running the dishwasher until rates are at their lowest under the new time of use plans. During storms, the power in the neighborhood frequently flickers and my neighbors and I all wonder if we’ll lose power and for how long. Meanwhile, Evergy refuses to make meaningful investments in renewable energy that would help lower rates for everyone. |
P202500508 | 8/29/2024 4:14 PM | I have seen an increase in blackouts even during non-severe weather while my bill has increased in price. Seems like we are paying more for worse service. |
P202500509 | 8/29/2024 5:01 PM | Evergy has no competition and so constantly wants to squeeze the consumer for their shoddy service at every opportunity. I'll welcome a rate increase when you volunteer to bury every line in the city! |
P202500510 | 8/29/2024 5:08 PM | I am a consumer who has seen rate increases year over year with little to show from the availability or effectiveness of this utility. Please consider a pause in rate hikes to strategically drive improvements. |
P202500511 | 8/29/2024 5:15 PM | To whom it may concern, I was laid off of my job last August and simply will not be able to afford an 14% increase in electric costs on just my V.A. disability. You have chosen not to trim trees which makes the grid vulnerable to storms and downed branches. Could you just once possibly consider the poor? |
P202500512 | 8/29/2024 5:17 PM | Id like to say that a 17% raise is way too much. Especially after they have already made multiple raises to rates recently. These raised rates in addition to the lack of preventative measures being taken to maintain the system and service we are paying for is appalling. In addition they are asking customers to adjust their current plans and schedule as to avoid MORE higher rates regardless of this increase. Many people like me cannot afford the current rates and will not be able to afford the increase. Please take this into consideration. |
P202500513 | 8/29/2024 5:46 PM | Hoping they don’t jack our rates up 14% especially since they are atrocious at preventing power outages from happening. They clearly don’t use our money for anything useful. Please vote no and then tell their board that they are the worst thing to ever happen to Kansas City. |
P202500514 | 8/29/2024 5:46 PM | I am deeply disappointed and frustrated by Evergy's decision to propose yet another rate increase so soon after a recent price hike. The proposed 15% hike well outpaces what is claimed to be the cause of the increase (raw fuel costs). Furthermore, the introduction of the new pricing structure raises serious concerns about potential price gouging. It is unacceptable for Evergy to continuously pass on these escalating costs to its customers without offering clear, substantial justification. This approach shows a lack of consideration for the consumer and a real concern that oversight is not being applied at all by the PSC. I urge the PSC to deny the proposal. |
P202500515 | 8/29/2024 5:48 PM | Opposing a rate increase on electric usage is crucial for maintaining economic stability and supporting vulnerable populations. Higher rates disproportionately impact low-income families, exacerbating energy poverty and making it challenging for them to afford basic necessities. Additionally, increased rates can stifle local businesses, hindering growth and job creation. This situation discourages energy efficiency initiatives as consumers may prioritize immediate financial burdens over long-term savings. Instead, utilities should focus on cost management and innovative solutions to avoid passing unnecessary expenses onto consumers. |
P202500516 | 8/29/2024 6:03 PM | The fact that Evergy is even considering a rate hike after forcing Missouri residents onto Time of Use plans is disgusting. Evergy has only been cutting costs and making life worse for those in Kansas City. we have had so many incidents where trees have fallen on powerlines this year because Evergy REFUSES to trim them and take proactive action. Please deny this petty corporate cash grab. Once we have squashed this we should discuss how we allow a publicly traded company to own such a crucial and basic utility such as electric. And what's more how we have allowed them to squeeze the residents of Missouri of every penny they can with no consequence. |
P202500517 | 8/29/2024 6:05 PM | This is extremely dangerous raising the rates like these when there is an extreme heat period like this. Its also unacceptable after their already greedy move of their “peak hours” system. |
P202500518 | 8/29/2024 6:11 PM | Most people cannot afford the new rates let alone a huge rate increase. More people will become delinquent on their bills and face having their electricity turned off, especially the most vulnerable people, like those who rely on electric-powered in-home medical equipment for example. Please keep that in mind. |
P202500519 | 8/29/2024 6:14 PM | I am writing in opposition to a rate increase for Evergy MO West. My bill for a small 1100 sqft townhome was $240 per month. That's egregious. 17% increase will lead a lower budget to spend locally. There will be a damaging economic impact to every customer. Would urge you to put a hold on any rate increases for now, and do independent studies on ways to validate increases and at the same times studies on how to effectively reduce the avg rate, charge higher rates for empty buildings or incentive renewables more. |
P202500520 | 8/29/2024 6:35 PM | There have already been multiple rate increases in the recent past, including surge pricing during peak hours. Meanwhile, service continues to decline and power outages are more frequent. It would be irresponsible to pass any more rate increases until the infrastructure and maintenance of said infrastructure is improved. Consider taking it out of Evergy CEO's $7.1m salary before passing yet another rate increase for subpar service to customers reeling from property tax and inflation increases. |
P202500521 | 8/29/2024 6:41 PM | If you're going to raise our rates again, I am personally asking for any CEO, CFO, COO, CWHATEVER to gift me one million dollars to split with my fellow teachers and school staff. I can't imagine it would leave a dent in any of the officers' pockets, what with the recent rate hike that hit so hard just a few months back, but it sure would make my 50 co-workers and I feel like we've all won the lottery. We could afford to pay our utilities, our student loans, car payments, and maybe have enough left over to decorate our classrooms. I look forward to hearing from any officer who is willing to help. |
P202500522 | 8/29/2024 6:44 PM | The continued, excessive price increases with no alternatives are frankly criminal. If I had another option I would choose it, but the reality is that there are no alternatives. How this isn’t a classified as a monopoly is confounding. |
P202500523 | 8/29/2024 6:57 PM | We are just getting out of a forced rate increase that resulted in zero improvement in customer service and outages, it seems egregious to increase prices without a clear and accountable plan to improve service and line improvement to minimize power outages. |
P202500524 | 8/29/2024 6:59 PM | Evergy has already increased the rates and it was staggering. The time use plan has almost doubled my electric bill. I lose power many times throughout the year to include 3 times already this year. These rate increases are not going to anything other than profits. Several of the linemen I spoke to this year alone told me evergy is cutting as many hours and expenses as possible so expect more power outages with less boots on the ground to fix them. Look at what the ceo and upper management has made in the last 5 years. They are a monopoly and this needs to be stopped. It would be nice if I could simply raise rates for a service that has no competition and is needed by every single person in my area just to line my pockets with even more $. |
P202500525 | 8/29/2024 7:08 PM | If we had another option for an electricity provider, I would switch over, however we don’t. Evergy is operating like a monopoly, and customers have no alternative to turn to. Another rate increase is not acceptable. Perhaps if Evergy is doing the increase due to operating costs, they could look into upper management salaries for start instead. |
P202500526 | 8/29/2024 7:09 PM | Evergy provides mediocre service that is over priced. It is not a service to the city it is a service to itself that exploits its monopoly in our region. The rationale for increasing the prices customers is not in the public interest and par for the course. If Evergy provided a substantially better service with more economically sensitive options a discussion could start but we are far from that. |
P202500527 | 8/29/2024 7:12 PM | The 14% rate increase should be denied. Evergy already increased the cost of electricity 300% during peak hours when we are all getting home from work and during the hottest part of the day. They are a monopoly company and since have no competition, they are acting as if they can milk consumers as much as they can. Growth for the sake of growth is the same MO for a cancer cell and that’s how Evergy is acting. Perhaps it’s time we broke it up? At the very least, please deny the rate increase. We are already suffering out here as it is. |
P202500528 | 8/29/2024 7:12 PM | Kansas City residents have no choice for electric utilities other than the monopoly of Evergy. The taxpayers of Kansas City have already experienced a significant price increase for electricity last year. What is the city going to prevent it’s taxpayers from being extorted by a monopolized essential service? |
P202500529 | 8/29/2024 7:17 PM | I ask the commission to please consider that the majority of Evergy"s customers are either on a fixed income or are hourly workers who have limited resources. A 14% increase is too much of an increase for most customers to absorb all at once, especially in the current inflationary climate. It's too much and Evergy should be able to operate with a reduced amount, but won't even try unless made to do so. Please make Evergy tighten their belts and make do with less - just like most of ithrir customers. |
P202500530 | 8/29/2024 7:21 PM | I am writing to let you know that myself and many other Evergy customers I have spoken with are upset at the perpetual rate increases allowed by the Missouri Public Service Commission, and that we believe Evergy is not transitioning fast enough to a mix of clean energy sources- we would also like to see laws proposed to regulate what Evergy can recoup in costs from customers. In addition, it is unacceptable that Evergy is paying out millions to its C-Suite and asking for additional funds to fix failing infrastructure. Storms have knocked out neighborhoods for multiple days at a time due to poor maintenance of lines. I am restating that I am not supportive of any rate increases from Evergy. |
P202500531 | 8/29/2024 7:26 PM | You all have lost your damn minds! People out here barely living as it is with all this inflation and price gouging and you want to raise the rates?! I am whole heartedly against the money grab scam. If you all need more money then I'm sure there are a few higher ups that could stand take a pay cut. I'm sure they'd get by if they just cut down on the avocado toast and Starbucks runs! |
P202500532 | 8/29/2024 7:29 PM | Money grab in the name of "inflation" when profits are at record highs. |
P202500533 | 8/29/2024 7:31 PM | So let me get this straight; Evergy wants to increase rates 14% after they already implemented time-based, peak hours plans which skyrocketed everybody’s bills? After they’ve stopped doing things like trimming trees back away from power lines which in turn has caused more power outages from storms that affect tens of thousands and often times hundreds of thousands of people? The ridiculous plan they already implemented and the preventive services they’ve stopped doing should be enough to cover the supposed higher fuel costs. They are requesting higher rates for supposed better customer experience when that historically has not been the case. Missouri residents should not have to suffer under the predatory monopoly that is Evergy. |
P202500534 | 8/29/2024 7:46 PM | So Evergy, an already highly profitable company, wants to add an additional $100 million to their revenue. Maybe they should start with trimming the current CEO’s 7.1 million dollar a year compensation package, since he’s already worth over $18 million. Evergy itself is currently worth $13.5 billion. Corporate greed is disgusting. |
P202500535 | 8/29/2024 8:04 PM | I am extremely saddened to hear about a potential rate increase. I am vehemently against a rate increase. When businesses raise rates and they still don't pay employees, businesses don't survive. The bad thing here is that there is a monopoly on electricity in Western Missouri and there's no other electric company that can provide a service at a competitive rate. It's unfortunate they citizens are subjected to paying the high amounts from time of use plans, that were just enacted last year, to yet another rate hike. People who make millions of dollars off of citizens should be the ones to pay the rate increase. |
P202500536 | 8/29/2024 8:05 PM | Evergy has already raised its rates beyond the rate of inflation with worse service and more power outages. Consumers have zero other options for electricity. This is corporate greed at this point and nothing more. Please make the right choice for the people of KC. |
P202500537 | 8/29/2024 8:08 PM | My summer rates have increased from under $300 to almost $600 in peak summer months even with keeping my house at 76 degrees in the last 2 years. My house is only around 1500 square feet. Thks is a money grab to line Evergy CEO's pockets. |
P202500538 | 8/29/2024 8:27 PM | I have worked on multiple Evergy locations. It seems Evergy is finding anyway they can to spend money. From unnecessary face lifts to the interior and exterior of their buildings, to high end game rooms that the employees likely do not use. If they stopped the wasteful spending, this would be a great way to "save money" and increase their annual profits possibly into the 900 million dollar range, rather than the 750 million they are at now. How much more profit does Evergy need? Why are we allowing a utility service, that has a monopoly in their areas mind you, take advantage of customers with no other option? |
P202500539 | 8/29/2024 8:41 PM | I strongly oppose the almost 14% rate increase on Evergy's part. This monopolistic practice in no way justify charging customers even more for the sub-standard services they provide. |
P202500540 | 8/29/2024 8:47 PM | I'm frustrated that Evergy is once again attempting to increase prices when we just went through a price hike and a slew of new plans that aren't convenient for the common person. This seems like a cash grab for a company that has funds in the c suite to provide extra money that certainly does go towards improving any of the infrastructure of the system. There are so many days that the city loses power on normal days, and we are charged extra for the summer when kids are home. I am against this increase in prices. |
P202500541 | 8/29/2024 9:02 PM | People’s can’t afford a rate increase since the time base plans where suppose to lower bills when actuality it increased the average customer bill. Evergy should use the outrageous revenue they’ve made in the couple of years. Since KCPL & Westar merged service outages have been happening much more frequently than when KCPL was running things. So many are struggling to make it, they don’t need an energy increase on top of having to replace the food in refrigerator when Evergy takes days, sometimes over a week to get power back. |
P202500542 | 8/29/2024 9:13 PM | Please quit raising costs to line your pockets while bleeding the people of Kansas City dry. There is no reason my power bill should be 300 a month at all just because I don't want to die of heat exhaustion walking into my house in the summer. |
P202500543 | 8/29/2024 9:23 PM | There is zero transparency to this proposed rate increase, the people pay more and more for less oversight and shady utility service. They don't even provide the services that KCPL did of yesteryear to ensure people didn't lose power. During a strong wind we have 5k outages. Please stop this madness and listen to the residents who need another option to this complete monopoly. |
P202500544 | 8/29/2024 9:52 PM | I'm outraged about the proposed rate increase, especially since Evergy's CEO is pocketing huge bonuses. It feels like a slap in the face to all of us who will be paying more while executives are raking in extra cash. This situation is totally unfair and makes it clear that our concerns aren’t being heard. We shouldn’t be hit with higher rates while corporate bigwigs are rewarded. It’s time to rethink this increase and make sure it’s not just benefiting the top earners. |
P202500545 | 8/29/2024 10:13 PM | I am not in support of this increase at all! Evergy has already RECENTLY introduced a price gauging model to take advantage of people when they need it the most. Adding another increase is an abuse of power and clear sign that electricity should be a public service and not a monopoly where the only people to gain are stakeholders. |
P202500546 | 8/29/2024 10:42 PM | Absolutely ridiculous that Evergy is allowed to operate as a monopoly for electric service for the people of Kansas City. The proposed rate increases are not the first and they continue to charge out the nose for service that is not particularly good, but there is no other option, a telltale sign of a monopolistic system occurring. Prices should go down not steadily increasing. Every needs to be put in its place, and those that benefit from it as well. Electricity is not an option in this day and age and a monopoly prevents fair markets from existing and harms everyone that uses except those making money from the system. DO NOT allow this increase and do something about Evergy. |
P202500547 | 8/30/2024 12:06 AM | This is an outrageous rate hike that follows behind a number of already drastic rate hikes year over year. Electric bills shouldnt be unaffordable, and to myself and many in my life they’ve become just that or close to it. On top of all of this, I must assume internal management at evergy has declined, as I’ve seen the most city wide outages in the last few years that I have in my lifetime as a lifelong KC resident. So what are we paying for? What are we already paying hire rates on? Well…obviously the million dollar bonuses being cut to executives. We don’t need to pay them more for worse utility service. These rate hikes are already unsustainable, and this newest proposed hike is is simply egregious and insulting. |
P202500548 | 8/30/2024 6:40 AM | My husband and I are retired and on a fixed income. We live in a small home which has had energy efficient improvements made. We are on the rate plan where we intentionally consume less energy during peak hours, even when that is inconvenient or uncomfortable (during hot summer between 4 and 8 pm, our thermostat raises to 80 degrees, for example). Even with these efforts, our electric bill is continuing to be a major portion of our monthly budget. An increase in rates of 13-14% will be prohibitive. There are many residents in our neighborhood who own their homes, are elderly or disabled and on fixed incomes, who will not be able to stay in their homes with energy cost increases such as this. It is out of pace with all other costs. |
P202500549 | 8/30/2024 6:59 AM | Another excessively large rate hike on top of nearly annual rate hikes alongside the reduction in service like tree trimming is consumer abuse. We do not have alternative options for electrical service so this has created a monopoly leaving us as the consumers subject to predatory pricing. Incomes are not inflating as rapidly as these prices and it will leave so many of us unable to keep up with skyrocketing bills. |
P202500550 | 8/30/2024 7:07 AM | The proposed 14% cost increase to all customers after a somewhat recent increase using an odd rate system that all customers were forced into is egregious and highlights the fact this is not based in realm of maintaining or improving business but purely short term profit margins for better investor relationships. The company, after getting new ownership, also cut costs by not trimming trees back anymore. Causing more power outages during storms and strong winds. They are deliberately ignoring factors to mitigate cost areas and instead simply shipping the bill to consumers who have NO OTHER other utility options. Please consider that with record inflation the fact that people barely can pay these bills as is. |
P202500551 | 8/30/2024 7:09 AM | The proposed 14% cost increase to all customers after a somewhat recent increase using an odd rate system that all customers were forced into is egregious and highlights the fact this is not based in realm of maintaining or improving business but purely short term profit margins for better investor relationships. The company, after getting new ownership, also cut costs by not trimming trees back anymore. Causing more power outages during storms and strong winds. They are deliberately ignoring factors to mitigate cost areas and instead simply shipping the bill to consumers who have NO OTHER other utility options. Please consider that with record inflation the fact that people barely can pay these bills as is. |
P202500552 | 8/30/2024 7:37 AM | Evergy's rates are already higher than what would be considered fair and justified. Since being forced into their new time based rate plan, my bills have increased even after strictly adhering to the recommended usage changes. Year over year earnings have increased, yet they still aren't satisfied, and want to charge their struggling customers even more. It's bad enough that this monopoly prevents us from having another choice of energy provider, but the keep fleecing us to line their pockets is absolutely disgusting. |
P202500553 | 8/30/2024 7:44 AM | Regarding Evergy… we just moved to a time based plan where rates increased when we’re typically at home. Now another rate increase? That is pathetic. I live in Raytown. I have never had a worse year than this last year for outages. Multiple outages lasting longer than 24 hours, and we seemed to be one of the final locations with their power returned. Evergy has failed to maintain their end of our agreement multiple times, while I continue to pay the bill on time. It is pathetic and the greed from their leadership is disgusting. |
P202500555 | 8/30/2024 8:30 AM | I oppose the rate increase. The cost of electricity to run our home is already a strain. The service has declined yet they want to charge us all more. They should manage their finances better instead of forcing all of us to foot the bill of their incompetence. |
P202500556 | 8/30/2024 8:34 AM | I've lived in Kansas City the majority of my life and seen Evergy grow into what it is today. The majority of their service has been good over the years, but in the past few it has progressively gotten worse while prices have increased. Not only were residents forced into a price increase in recent years, but the service has not gotten any better. Evergy has cut corners on maintenance around power lines and trees, causing more frequent and longer outages during even the most minor storms. We are already paying more and the service is getting worse. They don't need more of our money. Electricity should be a basic right and this corporation is trying to squeeze every penny out of its consumers. Please consider this and other comments |
P202500558 | 8/30/2024 8:49 AM | Evergy is proposing a 14% cost increase to all customers after a somewhat recent increase using an odd rate system that all customers were forced into. The company, after getting new ownership, also cut costs by not trimming trees back anymore. Causing more power outages during storms and strong winds. Worse service, more expensive. People like my family can't afford another price increase. Judge, stick up for your community, and not for the billion dollar monopolies. |
P202500559 | 8/30/2024 8:53 AM | My Evergy bill is already out of control. I have attempted different plans and using off-peak times and still I have never paid more in my life. It's absurd to attempt to make another increase. If they want to charge these astronomical rates then we deserve choice in providers, not a monopoly like Evergy. No to any rate increase! |
P202500562 | 8/30/2024 9:06 AM | See attached |
P202500563 | 8/30/2024 9:08 AM | A 14% rate hike is unfounded and unnecessary considering Evergy already has a strangle hold on the energy market of Kansas City. I would go as far as to say this borders on a monopoly. For that reason I believe it is unjust for Evergy to raise already sky high rates by such a vast margin. |
P202500564 | 8/30/2024 9:15 AM | I strongly oppose the rate increase. Evergy cannot manage their budget as they consistently ask for more and more increases. Inflation is tough on everyone but corporations that make record profits should NOT be asking for more increases just to line their pockets. Also the electricity in my area often flickers which didn't happen a few years ago. No increases and better service is what we need. |
P202500565 | 8/30/2024 9:23 AM | Evergy is proposing a 14% cost increase to all customers. This is after a recent increase using an odd rate system that all customers were forced into. The company, after getting new ownership, also cut costs by not trimming trees back anymore. This has caused more power outages during storms and strong winds. Worse service, more expensive. People like my family can't afford another price increase. And I would like the judge to be aware of all of this. Everything is more expensive now, but something that we literally require to live in modern society should not be hiked so much when we don't have alternative companies that we can easily switch to. |
P202500566 | 8/30/2024 9:39 AM | I am aghast that you would consider increasing rates AGAIN. You are bleeding hardworking Missourians dry, and we cannot afford these increases. Instead of passing along these charges to the consumer, why not cut executive pay (or just pause giving yourselves raises?) |
P202500567 | 8/30/2024 9:52 AM | Evergy is proposing a 14% cost increase to all customers. This after a somewhat recent increase using an odd rate system that all customers were forced into. The company, after getting new ownership, also cut costs by not trimming trees back anymore. Causing more power outages during storms and strong winds. Worse service, more expensive. People like my family can't afford another price increase. And the judge should be aware of all of this. It's not right that people should be forced into paying more for the current level of service, especially while there are no other options customers can turn to. Evergy is effectively operating under a monopoly and continues to profit while the customers receive worse service at higher cost. |
P202500568 | 8/30/2024 10:25 AM | Evergy is proposing a 14% cost increase to all customers after already following through with their new price planning back in May. This is distressing, as the new rate plans have already costs residents hundreds of dollars more than prior years (especially summer months). On top of the price stability, service and maintenance has been notably poor- Tree trimming, powerline line upgrades, and customer response in particular. There's been more power outages during storms and strong winds reported than years prior. My brother and cannot afford to spend more on electricity. I hope the judge is aware of it. |
P202500569 | 8/30/2024 10:28 AM | I've only just moved to a location offering Evergy as the only choice for electric power. My experience so far (three months) has been so disappointing. I can expand on the various issues I've faced so far, but suffice to say the problems have spanned from very bad customer service to unexplained outages and sky high bills. My dollars are now going to a company which is struggling to provide the basics to me (Evergy) when they used to go to a well run entity (City of Independence). Evergy now wants more of my money? For what? No, I do not agree to an increase in charges and certainly not a 14% increase. This is pure greed from my point of view. |
P202500570 | 8/30/2024 11:21 AM | Absolutely no rate increase for Evergy. They already implemented time-based use and now they're back to the pro-utility commission to ask for more money. They made cleared $207m (adjusted non-GAAP) in their August earnings report. They need to use their profit to pay off their debts, just like the rest of the business world does. They have a monopoly on the industry they serve, so they're not burdened by the same challenges that others in other sectors of business have to face. Vote no for their whole proposal. |
P202500571 | 8/30/2024 11:29 AM | Every has consistently failed to provide a reliable service. Kansas City and the surrounding metro has seen regular outages and it has, many cases, taken days or even weeks for Every to restore power. As a company, Evergy can only remain competitive because of the monopoly they have been granted by the state over a resource with an inelastic demand. To continue to reward them for their gross ineptitude will only serve to further encourage their poor performance. |
P202500572 | 8/30/2024 12:10 PM | The company is seeking a 13.9% electric rate increase when the actual rate of inflation is now below 4%. This utility had earnings exceeding $750 million in the most recent year and implemented a very burdensome "time of day" rate plan. Evergy is NOT being considerate of their customers and the financial strain they have been under. I strongly urge the MO PSC to deny Evergy's rate hike request. |
P202500573 | 8/30/2024 12:20 PM | I'm writing to protest the proposed 14% rate increase. The people of Jackson County have already experienced huge property tax increases (mine 40%). Now comes Evergy to pile on with a 14% rate hike. Continuous tax and rate hikes, not to mention always increasing insurance rates are not sustainable for people on fixed incomes. Even working people don't get 40% or 14% raises. Monopoly utility companies should be made to prove they need to build more infrastructure before building it then soaking the rate payers for the bill. Better yet figure out how to pay for it like real businesses do (cost of doing business). Maybe setting aside some of the profits. Thanks for the opportunity to vent. |
P202500574 | 8/30/2024 12:24 PM | Evergy has been requesting exorbitant increases (and getting them approved) for several years. All while the quality of the service they provide to their customers has degraded and the payouts to executives and stockholders have increased. I see no reason to approve this latest request unless they improve their service and commit to refrain from raising executive pay and stockholders dividends until specific service metrics are met. There have been extensive power outages with every severe storm that has rolled through the Kansas City metro area this year. While I understand Evergy cannot guarantee 100% uptime in such circumstances, the number of effected customers and the days it took to resolve these outages is unacceptable. |
P202500575 | 8/30/2024 1:05 PM | Evergy's proposed rate increase is atrocious because it would add financial burden on households already struggling with the high cost of living while lining the pockets of millionairs. The increase is intended to fund investments in natural gas plants, including one in Mississippi, which raises concerns about why our residents should pay for out-of-state facilities that don't directly benefit us. Evergy should be more transparent about these investments and consider alternative solutions, such as cost-cutting measures or renewable energy investments, which could offer long-term savings and reduce reliance on fossil fuels. Evergy's monopoly needs to be stopped so the free market can bring suitable competition and fair value to consumers. |
P202500576 | 8/30/2024 1:26 PM | This price increase is outrageous considering the fact that evergy does less of previous electric company. They don’t even trim trees or check electric lines at all. This increase is also buffering older couples that in a fixed income. Especially around winter time. |
P202500579 | 8/30/2024 1:59 PM | Evergy spends far too much on executive compensation to be asking the public for yet another rate increase. There are far too many outages at my family's home to justify a salary of $7.14 million, 85% of which is bonuses. Evergy should be required to cut all c-suite pay in half and use the saved money on capital maintenance and new labor-level hires before any rate hike is even considered by the commission. See |
P202500580 | 8/30/2024 2:31 PM | As a home owner with solar panels and Evergy penalizes me on all fronts: I am paid 1/7th the amount I pay for power I supply to the grid. An increase in my power rate is not matched on what I am paid for my power generation. I have no options to select an alternative rate plan, therefore, I cannot optimize my rate. The amount of solar panels I was allowed to add at the time of install was capped by Evergy, so I could not install enough panels to meet all my power needs. The net result, my total cost of power is up to 100% more than without solar panels. How does that make any sense? Analysis shows, I'd be better off removing the solar system entirely. No rate increases until grid tied participants get adequate compensation. |
P202500581 | 8/30/2024 2:53 PM | We understand that some cost may nessicitate a rate hike however this rate is too high. This will affect the poorest folks disproportionally. I do not view this increase to be waranted. Every has not proved that they are a trustworthy corporation. Evergy runs a state approved monopoly so this comission is our only protection. Evergy also has fought solar panels and net metering for anybody who wants to try and use an alternative option. This isn't good for the consumer and shows that evergy at the end of the day is a corporation that is most focused on its own intrest. They do not deserve the benifit of the doubt Audits on the kasas side by the kansas corporation commission found that the increase that evergy requested was not warranted |
P202500582 | 8/30/2024 3:42 PM | Please reject the requested price increase. Consumers are already paying more due to the time of use changes and the requested increase will significantly add to the burden. In this economic climate it is unreasonable to increase utility profits while people struggle to pay for a required service. Our $300 monthly bill at the current rates is shocking; higher rates is bankrupting the public. |
P202500583 | 8/30/2024 4:11 PM | We should not have to continue to pay increases on our electric bills if Evergy cannot stabilize their service. Our neighborhood loses power every time we get storms. There is no preventative measures taken by evergy. Tree trimming would take care of 95% of these issues. I'm not exaggerating this issue. Around all the utility poles in our neighborhood are overgrown with foliage and trees. This is a major cause of the power outtages. |
P202500584 | 8/30/2024 6:19 PM | The price hike proposal of 14% is unacceptable. We are stuck with Evergy and have no choice but to pay the ever increasing bill amounts. The people don't have any more money to give between property tax increases and overall inflation. Do better, Evergy. Listen to the people. We can't afford any more. |
P202500585 | 8/30/2024 7:26 PM | The recent change to time based rates combined with the proposed rate increase and their cut backs in preventative maintenance make it hard to see how this as anything but a naked money grab for executive. Please deny this rate increase without a better explanation of where the money will be reinvested into the grid |
P202500586 | 8/30/2024 7:29 PM | I think a rate increase would do a disservice in a time when many people are struggling. You already have increased rates based on time of day, you take control of my thermostat, and now you want more. We're getting worse service at a higher cost at a time when everything costs more. |
P202500587 | 8/30/2024 9:03 PM | Evergy's request to squeeze even more money from their customers after a ridiculous forced process to their new rate plans is not deserving of approval. Their service continues to cost many people more and more money, while their reliability has decreased. If infrastructure dictates updates or maintenance that eat into their own profits, perhaps they'll make better usage of all our payments to keep their service from degrading in the future. Their mismanagement of their profits should not be passed onto customers so that they can continue making even more off all of us. |
P202500588 | 8/30/2024 9:26 PM | No. Poor and working class people are always the ones who are most affected by rate increases like these. It is not our responsibility to fill your pockets. We have a right to the basic necessities of life, and electricity is one of those basic needs in this climate. I don't believe this basic need should be in the hands of a private company, but I understand that's the position we are in. I recommend Evergy does what it can to get money from the government to support whatever increases in costs it's experiencing. Just stop putting poor and working class people in danger by hiking up prices of electricity. It's really not cute. |
P202500589 | 8/30/2024 10:59 PM | I understand that public utility corporations sometimes have to raise prices to match inflation and upkeep and the like. That is not what is happening here. Evergy mishandled its prior funding. It pays its suite staff way more than it should. It always comes to us, the consumer, to bear the burden of this mismanagement. We are subject to a monopoly over our energy. It is unacceptable and we need protection. The basis for the price hike is not sufficient. They haven’t proven every effort to cut costs and make ends meet. The outages have been far, far worse lately due to downed trees in my neighborhood. I’ve had at least 4 outages in the last couple months where I used to have maybe 1 outage every 1-2 years. Please, please, hear us. |
P202500590 | 8/30/2024 11:22 PM | As a public utility Evergy needs to explicitly show to the population, who have no ability to take our business elsewhere, why an increase is necessary and explicitly how the money would be spent. Evergy is not doing that. They are proposing removing services that would increase reliability of an already unreliable network, i.e. reducing proactively pruning trees around aerial lines while increasing costs. Evergy has seen a 15% increase in net revenue over the last 12 months and has spent over 4 million on stock buy-backs. Clearly these increases are tied more towards shareholder value than providing reliable and affordable service to a captive audience. |
P202500591 | 8/31/2024 1:11 AM | There is no reason for this rate increase. The service is mediocre already and our electricity use is more difficult to navigate than ever before. I have never had an electricity service go out this frequently before moving to Missouri. Evergy doesn’t properly use the money they receive from us already to maintain their equipment. I regularly see tree branches hovering over the lines waiting to cause an outage or a hazard. They sued consumers and property owners to get an easement for the transmission lines instead of paying these people or giving them a credit for having these lines run through their property. They updated the towers instead of burying lines, electric should be taken from private company and handled by government instead. |
P202500592 | 8/31/2024 6:34 AM | A rate hike after restructuring to their peak time rate structure which has already raised rates and makes them record profits is absolutely ridiculous. They had a tree inspector come through our neighbor hood last year and marked all the trees in our back yard for trimming. They never came to trim trees. Our power either goes out or flickers every time there is a mild storm. When out of town for Memorial Day our power went out for days. We lost all our refrigerated food. They can’t trim trees but they can pay out quarterly dividends. People are struggling to afford all the corporate greed. Please protect Kansas Citians and Missourians from this corporate price gouging. Thank you. |
P202500593 | 8/31/2024 10:54 AM | With inflation hitting grocery stores and general needs, I can’t afford it hitting my utilities. I can barely afford to pay my electric bill as it is. Please think of us in the community that will be deeply affected by this increase. There are 500+ of us just on this website, but there are THOUSANDS of us that cannot adjust to such a large increase like this. Evergy feels like a monopoly, and I can’t escape it. |
P202500594 | 8/31/2024 10:58 AM | Again? I'm not left with an option to shop around for the best deal on electricity. This is a for-profit company that outright admits that only part of this proposed increase is to cover the rising cost of energy. What is the other half of the increase for? If the answer is "we plan to use the extra revenue to invest in burying existing power lines to make the grid more resilient", then I think people would be into that. Sadly, we know this isn't the case. As mentioned before, it's a for-profit company and they just want more money to offer worse service. |
P202500595 | 8/31/2024 11:06 AM | This is ridiculous. Evergy has already increased the prices drastically over the last year and now they want to do it again!? Single mom here and my electric bill is already $200-$300 a month for a 3 bedroom townhouse. They can do what they want because they know consumers here don’t have another company they can turn to and that’s unacceptable. Do not let them do this. |
P202500596 | 8/31/2024 4:21 PM | I am writing in opposition to a rate increase for Evergy MO West. We are being charged 10 times more for electric use between 4 pm to 8 pm. Unfortunately the temperature is often not cooler until after 8 pm, but that doesn't mean much more comfortable in MO. Electricity users can try to control our electric use, but we also need to control unreasonable charges. Thank you |
P202500597 | 8/31/2024 7:39 PM | I'm already living paycheck to paycheck. I'm drowning in debt and vet bills. Price gouging is out of control and Evergy should be absolutely ashamed to even consider raising rates. I'm honestly in complete disbelief it's even being considered. If anything the rates should be going down. |
P202500598 | 8/31/2024 7:40 PM | Evergy doesn't care what we vote and make the argument that rates needed increased for A or B. Only for them to scheme the user into thinking they have a voice in their rate plan. Only for the rate plans to not be beneficial to anyone but the CEO who packs millions on that paycheck. There are people who literally live their day in the dark by turning things off to hopefully save a penny during "peak hours". Funny thing is that it doesn't actually save anything. Even running the washer and dryer (which Evergy has shown me uses the most of my electric in a fancy email) between 12a and 6a (you know, the time window where Evergy is SUPPOSED to give you a "rebate") doesn't prove to save a dime! Using less energy and still piss broke! |
P202500599 | 8/31/2024 9:04 PM | Unhappy that we are already considering another increase in utility cost when we just absorbed a huge increase. With taxes on our houses increasing the last two years people already can’t afford to keep their houses. |
P202500600 | 8/31/2024 10:34 PM | As a long time resident of Kansas City, MO, I strongly oppose the 14% rate hike being proposed by Evergy. We are in the middle of a recession, Jackson County has raised our property taxes to unfordable levels and if this utility rate hike goes through, many people will be forced out of their homes. Please vote NO. |
P202500601 | 9/1/2024 4:19 AM | I disagree with a rate high of that much percentage. It is unfair for a utility company to ask its consumers to pay more on limited income. Especially when the company already makes profits |
P202500602 | 9/1/2024 8:32 AM | I oppose the Evergy rate hike as proposed in submission ER-2024-0189 |
P202500603 | 9/1/2024 10:45 AM | I vehemently oppose the Evergy rate hike as proposed in submission ER-2024-0189 |
P202500604 | 9/1/2024 1:14 PM | My home's electric bill went up around $80 dollars this summer to an insane average of $340 a month. We are a single income home and can't afford continued increase. |
P202500605 | 9/1/2024 5:39 PM | NO to the Evergy increase. How are people living pay check to paycheck suppose to survive. |
P202500606 | 9/1/2024 7:42 PM | Please do not raise our rates. We are struggling to make ends meet, and have already tried to conform to using our electricity outside of peak times, which hasn’t been easy for us. We simply don’t have money to pay more. |
P202500607 | 9/1/2024 7:50 PM | I am commenting about ER-2024-0189 the 14% rate increase. The people of Western Missouri cannot afford such a large rate increase during this time of economic hardship. This rate increase should not go through. |
P202500608 | 9/2/2024 6:14 AM | Please no increase. My husband doesn't work due to Parkinson's & mild dementia. I have enough on my plate without worrying about my lights being shut off because some very rich people get richer. I've cut back on many things due to inflation. (Which in my opinion, is greedy CEOs and not government control) I'm don't know where else to cut. I still work full-time, it's not like I'm trying. Thank you for your time. |
P202500609 | 9/3/2024 7:39 AM | Through June of this year, Evergy has made $207M of net income, up almost 16% from the year before. Evergy is making more money than every, and want to increase that for what? Quite bringing private greed into public utilities. It's a joke that they are trying to squeeze more money out of the city's residents. It would be an incredibly shame for the board to let them increase the rates on their monopoly. I encourage you to do you jobs and look out for the benefit of the citizens rather than the greedy corporations. |
P202500610 | 9/3/2024 7:59 AM | "Please make it known that as a customer of Evergy in Missouri who has experienced increased rates due to the time-based (time-of-use) rate changes implemented in 2023 for energy consumption, I oppose Evergy's rate increase request. I also request the Fuel Adjustment Clause be discontinued, because Evergy is the only option as an electricity provider and therefore in charge of market volatility in our area. " |
P202500621 | 9/3/2024 11:37 AM | "This system is way too complicated to use, but I guess you can say, oh people Can let us know how they feel. No they can’t. Shame on you! People are hurting, raising their electric bills is ridiculous. Build coal plants, and stuff that makes common sense. These windmills are not cost effective and horrible for the environment. Please don’t raise electric rates when people are in so much stress from this inflation/ depression. Act like you serve the general Public of MO!" |
P202500625 | 9/3/2024 9:53 PM | Evergy has a monopoly on residents where it is taking advantage by charging higher rates for lower quality service. Surge pricing places so much strain on families in Missouri, and yet they are talking about another rate hike for Western MO. Not only is this a high cost burden on customers who have no other choice, but the service quality has dropped. Power goes out more often and stays off longer, with major burdens to customers. People have to throw out food that spoils, take PTO when they can’t work, disrupt schooling for students who learn at home, and in some cases it even impacts medical care for those receiving treatment at home. The salaries of hard working families shouldn’t go to shareholders or executive paychecks like this. |
P202500626 | 9/4/2024 12:26 AM | My rates have gone up year over year while Evergy scaled back expenditures on maintenance (let alone expansion). Trees that used to be trimmed so they didn't destroy power lines following a storm aren't until they either bring them to the ground or destroy them, so power outages are more frequent and longer lasting. To top it off, I (like everyone else) was forced into a time based usage scheme with ZERO input or choice on the matter: I so do love having to avoid the surcharge by cooking, doing my laundry or running my AC after 10pm. If Evergy is that hard up for cash, it can start taking it out the C-suite's pay since they literally haven't done a damn thing beyond rate hikes. KCPL wasn't perfect, but their service was never this piss poor |
P202500627 | 9/4/2024 7:27 AM | greedy, greedy, greedy. i hope the government steps in and shuts this shit down. BBB, FCC...they'll be hearing about this, from me, too. |
P202500628 | 9/4/2024 7:29 AM | We have no other option for power. The fa t that Every can continue to raise rates by double digits every year without showing any real benefit to its customers is unacceptable. Upgrading infrastructure is a part of doing business. The commission needs to scrutinize why Evergy thinks it needs to increase rates yet again. |
P202500632 | 9/4/2024 9:17 AM | "I do not agree with Evergys plan for a price hike! It's tough enough as it is now!!!! " |
P202500635 | 9/4/2024 9:43 AM | *See attached |
P202500636 | 9/4/2024 10:05 AM | As a tree care professional (who once was a contractor for Evergy through CNUC), Evergy’s gross incompetence regarding their services can not be overstated. Rate hikes will do nothing but take money out of citizen’s pockets - the power outages, lack of maintenance of infrastructure, and ludicrously long response times for requests regarding line clearance, drops, etc can be squarely placed on mismanagement, not “we need more” money. In some areas of Kansas City, Evergy is a year behind on fulfilling customer requests for line clearance, leaving clients to pay for it themselves out of pocket. Additional hikes will hurt working class Missourians and are a shameless cash grab for a company that shouldn’t control our power in the first place. |
P202500637 | 9/4/2024 11:36 AM | See attached. |
P202500639 | 9/4/2024 3:35 PM | The cost of living is already skyrocketing. I work 45+ hour weeks and can barely make ends meet with rent and food. And I am someone I consider to be doing pretty well. On behalf of every worker in KC, allowing Evergy to raise prices (for a service they can barely provide functionally) is highway robbery. I am furious at this change. The corporate greed has to stop, especially when there are NO alternatives available |
P202500644 | 9/5/2024 10:34 AM | This is getting ridiculous with the rate hikes! We’re forced to pick a new plan last year…and don’t get me started on the 4pm-8pm usage hike. Gee, when do most families get off work, make dinner, spend time together???? Yeah, 4pm-8pm! Now these greedy scum bags want another 14% increase? Absolutely not! We’re forced to be with them because they run a monopoly in KC Metro area, which shouldn’t be the case. Wasn’t aware that monopolies were legal and that customers were supposed to have a choice. You all have to do something about Evergy and this rate increase and I don’t mean approve it because they’re paying you off too. |
P202500645 | 9/5/2024 10:55 AM | As an Evergy customer, it's becoming incredibly difficult to plan for the electricity bill. The price is overwhelming. I do everything they say to do in the emails - I only ever have one light on in the home, the room I'm in. I unplug electronics when not in use or when fully charged. I don't use the dishwasher or washer/dryer during peak hours. Still, the bill somehow reaches new highs each month. When I signed up to the new payment system, Evergy sent emails telling us which plan saved us the most money. ALL of the options had us paying $100+ more. It is upsetting that my family is punished like this when we have done our part, and this feels like a further slap to the face. Please, for the sake of people like me, give us a break. |
P202500646 | 9/5/2024 2:55 PM | I oppose this rate increase. Evergy service has been worsening for years and as many others know, we have no alternative option. We are forced to use this company for our electricity and the service has gone downhill as they continue to raise prices and gouge with “peak time” rates and such. Please consider that many already can barely afford their electricity bill and this increase could result in even more being unable to do so. |
P202500648 | 9/6/2024 10:50 AM | Caller states that Evergy made them take a quarter of their solar panels off of their house because they would produce "too much," energy even though the solar installer mapped it out and advised that the amount of panels they had were fine. Evergy was going to refuse to install their meter if they did not remove those panels. She thinks this was just because Evergy wouldn't profit off of them. She states they are not benefiting from their solar system because of this and now they are requesting a 13% rate increase which is not right. The company does not care about the customer's. It isn't right. |
P202500650 | 9/6/2024 4:42 PM | "I wonder if there is a way to request or force Evergy to allow Solar systems users with Net Metering to change or combine the net metering program with the regular billing. Reason I ask this is that after acquiring my solar equipment and getting the net metering program my bill actually went up (from what I have seen so far). You see I installed solar panels with batteries for backup and to offset the power usage on high demand times, and my plan was to keep the Summer Peak Time Based Plan and from 4-8pm use the batteries to offset that time the usage, and combine it with the smart thermostat that I acquired from Evergy. I keep the thermostat at 77°F, and between 4-8pm the range is scheduled to be at 79°F. That should..*See Attached |
P202500651 | 9/6/2024 5:15 PM | We cannot afford any further rate hikes. My husband and I work full time and even on equal payment plan Evergy is the highest bill behind our mortgage. My husband works from home IN THE DARK during the days, and our bill has continued to increase. To through another 14% on top of it means we will likely have to sell our house and move. Uprooting our children, one of which has special needs. These rate hikes are absolutely ridiculous. It was just last Sept/Oct when the new rate plan / time based plan or whatever the scheme was to bill everyone more went into effect. I think Evergy's business practices and corporate bonus structure should be investigated before any further increases are passed onto Missouri consumers. |
P202500653 | 9/9/2024 8:02 AM | "Description of Complaint I oppose the Evergy rate hike as proposed in submission ER-2024-0189. We are paying way too much for our electricity and they want more money? If they are wanting everything electric how are consumers going to afford it? I do not like how they keep an eye on my usage, and then send an email scolding me for using more during peak times. I pay my bill not them! Do not like being controlled on what I do and not do. " |
P202500654 | 9/6/2024 | Rob is on a fixed income and cannot afford current rates now let alone another increase. He is asking the PSC to deny Evergy's request for another rate increase. He believes shareholders already make enough profit and should not raise rates again after just getting one last year. |
P202500658 | 9/9/2024 3:19 PM | See Attached |
P202500659 | 9/9/2024 3:26 PM | See Attached |
P202500660 | 9/9/2024 3:37 PM | We have seen no increase in stability or service since the Evergy merger that ended KCPL. Our energy prices have done nothing but increase despite taking active efforts to reduce usage during their "peak times" this is yet another unnecessary for-profit grab to extort us and we have no way to change electric companies. Please do not approve this price increase. |
P202500669 | 9/12/2024 9:35 AM | Evergy's rate increase is a blatant abuse of their monopoly. They provide poor service (with of course, no alternatives) to the metro area, and this price hike is an obvious ploy to try to maintain the hundreds of millions of dollars of profit that they take from KC each year. |
P202500670 | 9/12/2024 10:01 AM | This kind of a price hike is exorbitant and unnecessary. A lot of people are really struggling right now and you would attempt to take even more money from them. Living is hard enough as is, and you would make it even harder for people to have access to basic necessities like laundry, and the energy to cook a meal. |
P202500671 | 9/12/2024 10:04 AM | The fact that a monopolizing utility provider can increase rates on a whim based on no evidence at all is criminal and should not be allowed in this country. People are having to choose between bills to pay, and deciding whether running their cooling or potentially suffering heat illnesses is preferable? How is this allowed? Utility rates should be tied to a consumer price index, not the will of investment capital who doesn't care if we live or die as long as they make profit. People like us are left trying to make ends meet as it is, and every damn company on earth is trying to slice off a little more of our lives with every bill we get. |
P202500672 | 9/12/2024 10:47 AM | The proposed rate hike is inhumane--we are in a cost of living crisis with many local companies lowering pay rates and laying off employees. To raise the rates (once again, after already changing the rates/billing system earlier this year) during global warming, deadly heat waves and families struggling to pay for groceries is deplorable at best. In addition to that--Evergy has REPEATED outages and has stopped providing even the barest of services. Tree trimming has ceased, which will only compound the issues. Please do not let this monopoly kill someone. Many elderly people will not be able to afford this hike--many young families now cannot afford utilities as it is. Please do not let this affront on basic human rights pass. |
P202500673 | 9/12/2024 10:59 AM | The service goes downhill and the service provider demands even more increases. No good comes of this pattern that the new Evergy has established. Get lean, do more with what you have, show some entrepreneurial spirit, don't just come crying back to the everyday citizen for more money when there's no reasonable expectation that it will be used responsibly. Everyone on a fixed income, or a low income, can't deal with yet another increase in the basics of living. students in our neighborhood are already strapped enough as-is, as are SS recipients and minimum wage workers. Absent compelling evidence, none of which I've seen, this increase should not happen. |
P202500674 | 9/12/2024 11:11 AM | I oppose the Evergy rate hike as proposed in submission ER-2024-0189. How are we as consumers expected to afford and accept this as we have NO ALTERNATIVES. Evergy has a monopoly in the region. The terms and conditions of this service are unacceptable. |
P202500676 | 9/12/2024 11:45 AM | I have not seen or heard report of improvements justifying another increase (after what has already amounted to an increase with the latest pricing scheme implemented). I am suspicious that this is investor-motivated more so than having anything to do with service improvements for customers, and it is not a provision residents can shop around for or opt out of having. |
P202500677 | 9/12/2024 12:02 PM | It is ridiculous that Evergy expects consumers in this economy to fork over more money to their price-gouging monopoly. This is clearly an attempt to exploit consumers who quite literally have no other option to obtain a vital resource we all need to live in our own homes. It is greedy, cruel, unacceptable, and a disservice to the people of Missouri. This action MUST be stopped for the good of Missourians. There is no reason for Evergy to do this, other than to further line the pockets of their investors so that they can escape to warmer climates on their yachts for the upcoming winter. People cannot afford electricity from these crooks as is. Further pressure on everyday workers will only send our economy deeper into the gutter. |
P202500678 | 9/12/2024 12:27 PM | I do not think the new time of day rate plans have been in place long enough to really see the impact to the bottom line budget for Evergy in order to truly justify another increase. Please consider pushing this out and asking Evergy to justify it based on the new time of day rate plans. They seem to be making more money already, no increase needed. |
P202500679 | 9/12/2024 12:51 PM | This is the definition of a monopoly raising prices arbitrarily without regard to an enhancement of services. Prices cannot increase where there is no significant increase in services provided. This is abhorrent and illegal behavior. I can track the outages this year observed throughout the metro area and will present these findings in a suit against the city and this monopoly Evergy has on utlities if this proposal goes through. We cannot afford the increase as it is incommensurate with inflation, cost of living, and services rendered. This is publicly filed and will be referred to at a later date. |
P202500680 | 9/12/2024 12:53 PM | This is the definition of a monopoly raising prices arbitrarily without regard to an enhancement of services. Prices cannot increase where there is no significant increase in services provided. This is abhorrent and illegal behavior. I can track the outages this year observed throughout the metro area and will present these findings in a suit against the city and this monopoly Evergy has on utlities if this proposal goes through. We cannot afford the increase as it is incommensurate with inflation, cost of living, and services rendered. This is publicly filed and will be referred to at a later date. |
P202500681 | 9/12/2024 1:16 PM | I don't find that a 14% rate hike is justifiable with the current track record of Evergy. Evergy unfortunately has a monopoly in the area as residents have no choice in who they receive power from. Evergy has refused to properly maintain critical infrastructure for the areas that they are managing which have left residents without power time and time again after weather events. Evergy has already been applying their "time of use" rates on all customers for the last year which has added undue hardship on many. This is a "for profit" company that promises return for its investors, and at the end of the day, they are only after money for their investors and are not out for the best interest of the people. Say no to the 14% increase. |
P202500682 | 9/12/2024 1:35 PM | RE Evergy’s 14% rate hike, I ask the MO PSC to refer to 1) MO GOP’s Platform: “This question should measure every public policy [or decision]: Does it strengthen or weaken our families? [Decisions] strengthening our families should be pursued. Those weakening…must be discarded.” and 2) GOP leaders: “Energy costs remain unbearably high for too many Americans – Sam Graves (R-Mo); “House Republicans’ Commitment to America…promised the American people…we would…reduce energy costs. - - (former) House Speaker Kevin McCarthy A 14% rate increase = $104.5M more revenue for Evergy while Missourians already pay up to 29% of annual income on home energy. I ask the Committee: Does Evergy’s proposed 14% rate hike “strengthen or weaken our families?” |
P202500683 | 9/12/2024 1:40 PM | I am writing in opposition to a rate increase for Evergy MO West. My current bill just rose from around $85 to over $170. We are being charged 10 times more for electric used between 4 pm to 8 pm. Unfortunately the temperature is often not cooler until after 8 pm. This additional increase will put further strain on anyone living on a set income. If this increase is only due to rising fuel costs then we should be diversifying into other power options! Stop the greed and profit due to only having one option for power. We live in a monopoly where we have no competition. |
P202500684 | 9/12/2024 1:41 PM | Implementing a sizeable 13.99% price increase while also retaining a peak hours pricing system is unfair to consumers. Electricity is a necessity, not a luxury, and should not be priced in such a way that puts financial strain on the average consumer. |
P202500685 | 9/12/2024 1:49 PM | This price increase isn't needed when we keep losing power in bright sunny days or where the profits are only growing when our service is less than mediocre. |
P202500686 | 9/12/2024 1:55 PM | A nearly 14% rate hike is incredibly high, especially considering peak summer usage hours are already 36 cents/kwh. This adds up fast on the higher rates. 14% across the board feels unfair, especially because we were forced into time of use plans that do not have flat rates. Flat rates of increase therefore also shouldn't apply. Acquiring new plants and upgrading systems is the cost of business. In 2023 you made $731 million in profit. Reinvest that money into your business and don't raise rates and prove to the public that your strategic objectives are indeed affordability, reliability, and sustainability. |
P202500687 | 9/12/2024 1:57 PM | I do not support a general rate increase. I think they’re price gouging and using their terrible management as an excuse to grab more money. Prior to Evergy, we had Kansas City Power & Light, and we didn’t see nearly as many outages when it was KCP&L. Evergy needs to be more proactive managing their infrastructure, and less concerned with the stock market and investors. |
P202500688 | 9/12/2024 2:05 PM | We leave the house around 8am and get home around 6. We are typically in bed by 9. Evergy forcing a 300% increase to have air, cook, and do laundry the only time we are home is absurd. They have the audacity to send us emails saying we need to do laundry before 4, tell us when to cook, etc. Tell me, should an energy company be driving consumers lives based in pricing? We have tried our best to comply in regards to a/c and go to bed sweating every night. Cooking cannot be helped, arent eating/cooking at 845pm when we have been falling asleep for years. Even with this, we easily still spent over $200 more this summer compared to last on electricity using substantially less living much more uncomfortably. |
P202500689 | 9/12/2024 3:03 PM | Evergy is quite literally the only option where i live and to raise the prices while they hold the monopoly over the electric utilities is beyond unfair. The prices are already unreasonable and as it stands now im spending most of my summer in an 80 degree house because i cannot afford to even turn on the ac and still the cost of my electric service on my one bedroom small apartment is barley something i can afford. Additionally, service is inconsistent, any small weather event knocks power out for hours. There is no justification that could rationalize allowing this company to raise prices further, they are already price gouging an inconsistent product to consumers that have no choice but to continue to pay. |
P202500690 | 9/12/2024 3:12 PM | Evergy suffers frequent outages and makes repeated attempts to raise rates without improving the quality of their service whatsoever - they should absolutely be prohibited from increasing rates further until they can provide they are taking measurable, actionable steps to improve the consistency of their service. |
P202500691 | 9/12/2024 4:10 PM | I am writing in opposition to the 17% increase in energy rates. It is confusing to me that, in a country that supposedly does not allow monopolies, our energy utilities are privatized and only offered by a SINGLE provider for each one. Electricity rates are already high. Our household has attempted to shift our energy use away from peak hours pretty successfully, yet we still struggle with high energy bills. Even as a "young family" who is not on a fixed income like social security, it is difficult to meet these rates while paying for childcare and not receiving appropriate cost of living increases (since companies do not truly offer these in today's day and age). |
P202500692 | 9/12/2024 4:26 PM | I am so unhappy with these rates. I paid for solar just to be able to afford the difference because prices are so high. You should be competing with other companies for lower rates. The fact that we don't even have a choice but to pay you for energy and not go somewhere else is just wrong. We have people with temperature sensitivities in this house due to disability so it is difficult to even try to keep the home at a tolerable temperature in the first place without seriously paying for it out the wazoo. |
P202500693 | 9/12/2024 5:27 PM | Evergy's proposed price hike is nothing less than using the excuse of inflation for price gouging. Since they have taken over outages have statistically increased and customer service has gotten worse. They are already providing worse service at higher cost and have already introduced ways to increase the cost to consumers. I speak as an engineer when I say that this is an unjustified and greedy action that would be harmful to residents. |
P202500694 | 9/12/2024 5:54 PM | A rate increase should ABSOLUTELY not be approved. Evergy is so much worse than KCP&L. Power outages have increased 5-fold in my neighborhood. They just recently restructured their service options to generate more revenue. That's enough. PLEASE DO NOT ALLOW them to raise rates for subpar service when they have already taken measures internally to get more of our money. It's not right. |
P202500695 | 9/12/2024 6:03 PM | Please do not approve this rate increase for Evergy. This would put an unbearable financial burden on me and my family. I already can't really afford to set the thermostat to reasonable temperatures because of the cost, and I fear what would happen if the price rose even further. Sometimes it would be so cold or hot inside that I felt sick. I want to stay in Kansas City, but this rate hike would make it unaffordable for me, and we would have to move somewhere else. |
P202500696 | 9/12/2024 6:55 PM | No way a 14% is justified. No frigging way. Evergy needs to rein in costs and lay-off some high paid big wigs. Every time they mis manage money, they just ask for more and you, the PUC, rubber stamp nit. You need to-do your job and actually PROTECT consumers instead of being a rubber stamp advocate of the utility. Your stamdards and backwards and it's embarrassing. Max should be 2% - MAX. Evergy needs to do better managing their expenses and you need to stop enabling them every time they come with their greedy little hands out!!!!! |
P202500697 | 9/12/2024 7:33 PM | Stop raising the prices, we can barely afford the current "affordable" rates. |
P202500698 | 9/12/2024 8:17 PM | You all get enough money from us. A rate increase on top of what we already pay is RIDICULOUS! |
P202500699 | 9/12/2024 8:52 PM | Evergy has done nothing to deserve a rate increase. We have had repeated blackouts (multiple blackouts a day going on for weeks) such we were forced to buy into their home surge protector payment plan. Then forced it's customers to switch to peak hour payments instead of fixed rates which ultimate made our electrical bill go up to over $250 a month, then they want another rate hike right before we go into the winter and have to heat all of our homes? Absolutely not! This is absolutely abhorrent behavior by Evergy and they need to be forced to bring back fixed rate usage and have a rate decrease if anything! |
P202500700 | 9/13/2024 6:23 AM | A price increase of 14% will harm consumers that do not have an alternative to choose. Low and mid income consumers are already struggling with price gouging in other vital areas and this would only serve to cripple their finances further. |
P202500701 | 9/13/2024 7:21 AM | Too high of a rate hike. 14% is off the charts and I’m having a hard time keeping food on the table as is. |
P202500702 | 9/13/2024 7:38 AM | I will beg, protest, call repeatedly, whatever it takes to deny the rate increase. They already QUADRUPLED our rate during peak hours last year so our electric bill DOUBLED from last year. It now costs MORE THAN MY CAR PAYMENT to just try to live in my house. We are already at a point where we have to leave our house from 4-8 pm during our peak family time just to try to minimize the electricity we use and our family is suffering. When did it become ok to force families out of their homes that they worked so hard to buy/rent just so companies can gouge their prices so high that we can't afford to live anymore?! |
P202500703 | 9/13/2024 10:11 AM | Have to cool my house extra to try to make up for the heat during the day leaves me freezing & now in my 30s I’ve had to start taking medicine to help ‘open my blood vessels’ to help with the intense pain I was dealing with simply from getting too cold. All I’d like to do is be comfortable. It’s easier on the system to keep it the same all day- it’s just not convenient for the pocketbook of the executives at Evergy apparently. None of us should have to choose between which bill we pay, if we pay a bill or buy food, or if we simply can’t stay in our own home for the day or evening because it’s too uncomfortable because we are forced to set our temperatures to avoid price gouging. Don’t let it get worse for anyone. |
P202500704 | 9/13/2024 10:17 AM | I am writing to state my dissatisfaction with your proposed 13.99% increase in rates for Missouri customers. These come at a time with flat wage growth, and increases in property taxes, grocery prices, insurance premiums, and other important elements of family life. Admittedly, I'm a solar customer and am less impacted, but for my friends and neighbors, this is an unfair increase with lousy timing. Think of your customers instead of your shareholders. |
P202500705 | 9/13/2024 10:36 AM | Asking for yet another price increase indiciates that this PUBLICLY TRADED COMPANY is not fiscally reaponsible. They do not need another price increase. They need to better use what they already have and stop milking customers for more. |
P202500706 | 9/13/2024 10:53 AM | I do not agree with the proposed rate increase. With their latest time use plan (increase) my bill has nearly doubled in the last year. We try to use off peak times but as a family with young kids, it’s not always possible to avoid the higher rates. With this proposed increase, we are going to get stretched even more. At what point will enough be enough? |
P202500707 | 9/13/2024 11:37 AM | We as consumers are sick and tired to being told how to “save money” with this plan or that, then subsequently duped by the very same company trying to raise rates on the backend. Big Electric is just trying to milk as much as possible out of its consumers before alternative energy options cut into their profit margins. |
P202500708 | 9/13/2024 11:56 AM | I do not agree with 14% increase. We are getting gouged in every area of our finances. You all have a monopoly on our service area. We have no choice but to use you. Possibly look at your infrastructure and cut down certain areas. Quit putting it on the customers. |
P202500709 | 9/13/2024 12:03 PM | This is ridiculous, not only did you guys change the system to make people pay more during the hottest times of day but now you want people to pay even more? If the company needs more money maybe they should look into how much they're paying labor. I've had so many evergy employees sit outside my house next to a power station with trucks running and them doing absolutely nothing but sleeping or playing on there phone for HOURS. We shouldn't have to pay more when their own employees are just going to waste the money in diesel fuel and time. |
P202500710 | 9/13/2024 12:03 PM | I am against the rate increase proposed. Evergy has the monopoly on providing electric to customers in this area, with no competition. With current economy and flat wages, we can't afford an increase. |
P202500711 | 9/13/2024 12:04 PM | This is ridiculous, not only did you guys change the system to make people pay more during the hottest times of day but now you want people to pay even more? If the company needs more money maybe they should look into how much they're paying labor. I've had so many evergy employees sit outside my house next to a power station with trucks running and them doing absolutely nothing but sleeping or playing on there phone for HOURS. We shouldn't have to pay more when their own employees are just going to waste the money in diesel fuel and time. |
P202500712 | 9/13/2024 12:26 PM | Commission, Please do not allow Evergy’s request for cost increases effective 2025. Recent increases along with the time based rates are not helping the citizens of Missouri, including myself. It is unjust that a company can monopolize a region of Missouri and give the users of a product no choice. It’s offensive to charge for a product that has not improved and only lines the pockets of the wealthy. Missouri families cannot afford this increase at a time when inflation, taxes and other services are taking more money than is available. Please consider a no vote on price increases with Evergy. Sincerely, Jeremy Quick |
P202500713 | 9/13/2024 12:26 PM | You should be absolutely ashamed of yourselves but I know you're not. Evergy is not reliable, there are power outages on perfectly clear days and varying response times. Your CEO makes $7 million, cut his paycheck to make renovations, don't further punish customers because you have a monopoly and political favors. Also you need to have an official campaign to bury the powerlines, storms are happening more frequently and becoming more powerful, you need to take care of your customers instead of padding your greedy pockets. |
P202500714 | 9/13/2024 12:30 PM | I wonder how much money is being spent on construction due to the fact of poor designs and change orders that occur during construction. Just because the company can't handle their own budgets correctly because the change orders are out of control is not the consumers fault. How about you look into how much money is spent during construction due to change orders. There is no reason the consumer should have to suffer because the company can't manage their own shit. The peak hours are ridiculous already, costing small businesses and normal customers to suffer on top of already high priced expenses. Good lord, hold them to managing their business better if it is going to be a monopoly. |
P202500715 | 9/13/2024 1:44 PM | This is absolutely appalling with the way the economy is. I'm a single mother with 1 income. We already have to pay more for (peak) hours which is ridiculous as well. The company (Evergy) is NOT struggling financially. They already make money hand over fist. This is so disheartening for the working class that is already struggling to get by. I've been playing catch up with my bill as is. This would make it even harder. If you are thinking that there are resources to help single parents, yes, I already applied. Never heard back. The system is so messed up and so far behind, that I've never even received a letter or anything saying when the state will even get to my case. I honestly can't believe this world we live in anymore. |
P202500716 | 9/13/2024 3:46 PM | Rates should not be hiked yet again to further contribute to the economic hardship facilitating homelessness. Profits do not matter more than people. If we cannot choose our power companies, increasing prices on consumers whenever possible is nasty, greedy behavior. |
P202500717 | 9/13/2024 4:27 PM | My husband and I are on Social Security. Our house is paid for after many years. We are both on expensive medicine. Utilities are our most expensive cost. We cannot afford the rate hike being asked for. The electric company just had an increase last year. Please reject their request for another rate increase. All they want is more profit! |
P202500718 | 9/13/2024 7:06 PM | Please do not increase our rates yet again. We are being price gouged. Utilities across the board have had multiple increases in the last few years, Evergy included. For people like me who are on fixed incomes, this isn’t sustainable. Our yearly social security increases don’t keep up with all the price hikes in the last 3 years. Food, utilities, property tax, there is nothing that hasn’t been increased multiple times at this point and we’re having to make desperate choices just to keep up and stay afloat. At some point, those running this state need to stand up for the citizens and say enough is enough. |
P202500719 | 9/13/2024 8:57 PM | Exponentially high rate increases with no infrastructure upkeep (or proactive maintenance), coupled with continued outages + unreliable times to get their consumers back up and no competition in sight makes this price increase feel like a greedy money grab to take advantage of being a monopoly power source in the state. Also time based rates operating as if we’re getting close to South Africa’s load shedding concept of conserving energy is insane to come to terms with. We’re asking evergy to do better for their community that they serve not their bottom line. |
P202500720 | 9/13/2024 10:46 PM | The rate increases requested by Evergy are exorbitant! To increase rates upon consumers at peak times of 300% is price gouging. It is not only a burden especially to those on fixed incomes but can place the health and lives of vulnerable people at risk. I do not see significant improvements being proposed to the consumer but rather a desire to fatten the coffers of the shareholders and executives of Evergy. I protest this rate increase as proposed and hope to see it denied or amended to something reasonable. |
P202500721 | 9/13/2024 11:56 PM | I disagree with the timed usage and the 17% increase. You are hurting working families and fixed income seniors. Families who come home from work at 5 or 6 and then are expected to curtail their use of electricity until 8 pm. How is that possible with dinner to cook and laundry to run? As for seniors on fixed incomes, why don't you offer a break? The county has managed to freeze taxes for seniors why can't our energy companies do the same? They are retired or disabled, how can they increase their inco.e that much? This just seems like greed. |
P202500722 | 9/14/2024 2:11 AM | I’m asking for the Commission to deny this latest request for an increase from Evergy. We were all forced onto tiered pricing plans with rate increases during certain hours when we’re all home with our families. Now, they are asking for another 14% increase? When will it stop? These are public utilities, that people rely on for their families, their businesses, and their very survival. Most of us live in areas with no other options for a service provider, which allows them to hold a monopoly over the market. Please think of all the families and individuals struggling to make it in this already fragile economy before you allow them to further financially incapacitate the Missouri families who depend on them for utility service. |
P202500723 | 9/14/2024 7:44 AM | Regarding the rate increase. I as an Evergy customer in Western Missouri believe this increase is absurd, as they already screw the working man with their peak and off peak hours which makes my bill outrageous due to I work during off peak hours and can only do my household chores during peak hours. Evergy has continually screwed their customers over! It's all about money, which most everyone is straggling now due to price gouging and the economy. We can't get ahead with all the increases. If I could change electric providers I would. I have talked to numerous people that have different providers and their highest bill during the heat wave and bitter cold, their bill was at the most $120. My electric bill during the bitter cold $500! |
P202500724 | 9/14/2024 9:10 AM | Case No. ER-2024-0189 will bankrupt us. Prices are sky high everywhere why would you make the people suffer anymore? If this is a selfish attempt to continue lining the pockets of people in power then it will be met with protest. |
P202500725 | 9/14/2024 9:44 AM | It’s absolutely ridiculous that we have to jump through hoops to ensure we don’t wash or dry a load of clothes during certain hours. We have been pushed to the brink of bankruptcy with prices skyrocketing and then if we forget to turn the ac down during the day we are forced to pay a $1000 electric bill. Now Evergy wants more. This is ridiculous and needs to stop. These price increases are ruining families lives. Evergy could raise the additional funds they want by getting rid of the ridiculous “green” energy initiatives they are doing. Absolutely no to the price increase. |
P202500726 | 9/14/2024 11:15 AM | A price increase would put an enormous burden on myself and everyone I know. Our electricity is already crazy expensive and an increase is unnecessary and would be bad for everyone. If anything the prices need to be decreased. |
P202500727 | 9/14/2024 11:23 AM | The forced time-based rate change increased my bill, regardless of which plan I use. With the previous provider, KCPL, I rarely experienced rate hikes. The previous provider also provided tree maintenance and extremely dependable service. This summer, I have experienced 3 outages, 2 of the 3 lasted several hours. Another increase, especially one as high as 14% for lower quality service is an example of a monopoly taking advantage of users that have no options. |
P202500730 | 9/14/2024 2:32 PM | It is with great concern for our community's well being that I am writing this comment. People cannot afford another price hike in their energy bills. There has already been a price hike and a change in how the usage is billed recently making monthly bills for some unmanageable. Another price increase would leave many hardworking Americans without adequate heat and cooling for their families. There is no logical explanation for the proposed price increase other than greed. Please, prevent this from happening. Thank you. |
P202500731 | 9/14/2024 3:49 PM | My electric rates are high enough as it is!! Electricity is not costing the company any more than it did long ago. Consumers already have no choice for electric services (monopoly!!). Go back to the drawing board and stop giving executives millions in salary! Keep our electric rates as they are or lower them! |
P202500733 | 9/15/2024 2:47 PM | My brother and I are on average billing - the "cost" of our 'average' went from $120/month to $186/month - I can see a small increase to manage costs, but up almost 50% seems a bit outrageous - please have this fixed, if possible |
P202500734 | 9/15/2024 4:18 PM | I am a retired person living on a fixed income. I utilize the NEST energy system to help moderate my use of the utility and have been on a level payment plan for years to help me with my budget. I implore you to consider the impact that a rate increase would have on Seniors and others who are struggling with inflation while living on a fixed income. Thank you. |
P202500735 | 9/16/2024 8:10 AM | "I have been an Evergy West customer since June 2021. I am writing on behalf of myself, my mother who is 83 years old and lives on a low fixed income, my sister, my brother, and all my friends who are also Every West customers, to adamantly OPPOSE the rate increase of approximately 13.99% in the territory served as Evergy Missouri West. As far as the company's stock dividends would suggest (Evergy stock is currently paying a 4.21% dividend to its share holders), the company is doing quite well. Besides general greed, why is it raising rates? It can lower its dividend if it needs to hold onto more of its money. This rate increase of 14% is terrible!!! This is an example of corporate greed and because we do not have a ...*See Attached |
P202500736 | 9/16/2024 9:53 AM | The fact that a monopoly is able to greatly increase prices whenever they want is ridiculous. It's hard to pay the current rates, much less this new hike. They need to be held accountable! |
P202500737 | 9/16/2024 10:06 AM | Please deny the rate increase for Evergy! First of all we were just forced into new time-based rates which punishes anyone that can not adhere to using energy at the times set up. I am a single mom of 3 and it is completely ridiculous for even suggesting that I do not cook my children dinner between the hours of 4pm-8pm. Not mention laundry & cooling our home. We have no option to find better rates since Evergy has a monopoly in my area. On top of this I have requested that Evergy come take care of 2 trees that will take out the power in my home and other neighbors when the dead branches & one entire dead tree decide to fall with the next stiff wind. They refuse to do anything about the trees until it happens. PLEASE STOP THIS INCREASE! |
P202500742 | 9/16/2024 9:12 PM | As we experience more frequent severe weather events as a result of climate change and more power outages due to reduced maintenance of trees around power lines, it is abhorrent that Evergy is asking for more of Missourians' hard-earned money. The average family cannot afford another price increase. |
P202500743 | 9/16/2024 9:33 PM | Evergy has been charging customers more for doing less, letting infrastructure get worse while they increase customers' bills. Being a monopoly and increasing costs to consumer multiple times in a few years is exactly why the Public Service Commission exists, and I urge you to deny this rate increase. |
P202500745 | 9/17/2024 10:50 AM | I have been an Evergy West customer since June 2021. I am writing on behalf of myself, my mother who is 83 years old and lives on a low fixed income, my sister, my brother, and all my friends who are also Every West customers, to adamantly OPPOSE the rate increase of approximately 13.99% in the territory served as Evergy Missouri West. As far as the company's stock dividends would suggest (Evergy stock is currently paying a 4.21% dividend to its share holders), the company is doing quite well. Besides general greed, why is it raising rates? See attached for full comments. |
P202500747 | 9/17/2024 11:02 AM | Your CEO is salary 1.1 million, and bonus up to a whopping 7.14 million last year. Perhaps instead of rate hikes, look at reinvesting your ridiculous bonus structure to the company and infrastructure. You're a monolopolized service, we have no choice but to use evergy (Aren't monopoloies supposed to be illegal?). If we're forced to use a service, that service should at least be financially responsible with their assest, and accesible to those whose lives depend on it to avoid heat stroke or frostbite. If your C-suite can't live on just a million dollars a year, they are too financially irresponsible to run a company. This hike is greed and price gouging only, nothing else. |
P202500749 | 9/17/2024 2:04 PM | "I oppose the Evergy rate hike as proposed in submission ER-2024-0189." |
P202500754 | 9/17/2024 4:22 PM | It's clear that Evergy only cares about "providing value to shareholders" before its customers. Since we have only one option for electricity service its either pay up, go back to candles, or spend our life savings for an off-grid system. These options are neither reasonable nor practical. Speaking of which, this rate hike is more like extortion than an 'investment' for customers. One year on the time-rate plan cost us $82 more than the previous year. By comparison, my gas bill increased $21. This rate increase request will raise our bill by $164-$368! This increase request is just plain greed for the shareholder's benefit. Property taxes, Insurance, and now electricity increases won't stop until they get every last penny from us all. |
P202500756 | 9/18/2024 11:25 AM | Evergy raised rates for the summer months and I paid $160 more this summer than last for electricity and it's been cooler this year than last. Now they're putting in a new charge for winter storms in 2021 in Texas that we'll have to pay for for the next 15 years. It's ridiculous that the PSC has approved this, and now we're looking at another rate increase. No one's looking out for the little guy. |
P202500773 | 9/22/2024 11:17 AM | I believe this new rate increase should be denied. Evergy recently raised rates in 2023 on a large amount of their subscribers by switching to time of use plans which in theory may save some people some money, but in reality shifts the burden of power usage far more to the consumer which can be extremely inconvenient and many times not possible. Evergy announced full year 2023 GAAP earnings of $731.3 million , or $3.17 per share, compared to GAAP earnings of $752.7 million ( To me this seems like they have more than enough money to cover costs and still make a more than reasonable profit, without raising rates. |
P202500774 | 9/22/2024 11:40 AM | The proposed increase will create a hardship for our most vulnerable population, they elderly and the poor. Jackson County residents are already barely hanging onto their homes due to the illegal property tax increases. For those who haven't been forced to sell, a large increase in energy costs will surely force more home sales. Please consider an increase more in line with what Social Security increases are so that we can try to keep our homes. |
P202500776 | 9/22/2024 1:45 PM | Lee’s Summit is a lovely city and the property tax increase was already a lot. A 14% increase in the electric bill for the Evergy MO W area also will nearly make it untenable here, especially considering the raise in prices for so many other necessities has gotten to about 30% since Covid only four years ago. Enough is enough, Lee’s Summit, Jackson County, Missouri, and Evergy. There is no competitor with competitive rates to turn to, as Missouri is one of 33 states there the electric prices are controlled and limits are set by the state. |
P202500777 | 9/23/2024 9:52 AM | See Attached |
P202500782 | 9/23/2024 8:05 PM | They have already raised our rates to the point where we cannot afford our electric bill. This is beyond ridiculous that they are wanting to impose another raise after they changed everyone to the “time of day” plans. My bill tripled please tell me how it is ethical to take someone who pays around 90/mo to 400/mo? How is this even legal? And with their time of day plans peak times our times families will be home and needing to use electricity.. We are barely scraping by as it is. Now this greedy corporation wants more money? We are going to be forced to sell our homes if this continues. Please help us prevent this, and stand up for us! Please |
P202500801 | 9/26/2024 5:18 PM | It is outrageous that Evergy, a company whose 2024 second-quarter earnings soared to $207 million, up from $179.1 million the previous year, would seek to burden Missouri residents with higher electric rates. Despite already rewarding shareholders with a generous $0.6425 dividend per share, Evergy aims to squeeze even more from hard-working Missourians. The company’s projected GAAP earnings per share for 2024 remain a robust $3.73 to $3.93, reflecting a long-term growth target of 4-6%. This level of profitability should make any rate hike an affront to affordability, especially when the company's profits are consistently growing. The people deserve better than to fund Evergy’s shareholder returns at the expense of essential services. |
P202500813 | 9/30/2024 10:30 AM | See Attached |
P202500821 | 10/1/2024 1:27 PM | See attached. |
P202500861 | 10/18/2024 11:13 AM | "manage a residential HVAC company in Missouri, and I am writing to express my concern regarding Evergy’s decision to discontinue the Heating, Cooling, & Home Comfort Program for Missouri residents, while keeping it active for those in Kansas. This rebate program has been a crucial resource for our customers, helping to offset the rising costs of installing new HVAC units and making energy-efficient upgrades in their homes." *Please see attached for full comment |
P202500862 | 10/18/2024 11:17 AM | "Unfortunately we do have a couple jobs that we are installing in the next couple of weeks that would include those rebates. This does not include estimates that have went out also. That makes us either eating the difference or the customer. It would of been nice to they would of gave us at least a one month heads up to prepare for the change." Sherry Armstrongs Heating & Cooling |
P202500867 | 10/18/2024 6:50 PM | I oppose the rate increase. With 10% profits through the most recent quarter, and a 25% decrease in operational costs, how exactly do you figure the consumer needs to pay 13% more? Does your CEO need more money to purchase land outside the city? Or are you going to have to cancel the board ski trip in the Alps because they don't want to pay for it out of their own pocket? If the company needs more money, try reducing the salaries of your most expensive employees. |
P202500868 | 10/20/2024 10:24 AM | I am opposed to the recent rate hikes being requested in western Missouri |
P202500869 | 10/20/2024 12:01 PM | I strongly oppose the Evergy rate hike request. Evergy, a privately owned company, keeps all its profits and continuously demands that we pay for their equipment, maintenance, and expansion, cover all their losses, pay for their shareholders' payoffs, and pick up the costs for the obscene management salaries. They are price gouging the public and shouldn't be allowed free rein to continue to do so. |
P202500875 | 10/23/2024 12:18 AM | I urge Missouri public service commissioners to vehemently deny this increase and prove to Missouri citizens that these commissioners are not in the pocket of the utility companies! As a disabled senior with rising cost of utilities, groceries taxes it takes every dime they have to hold onto the home that I worked all my life to purchase and achieve the American dream every month that is put risk due to the high cost of living in Missouri. |
P202500880 | 10/23/2024 2:56 PM | "he then stated that the company should not get a rate increase if their equipment failed and caused two outages in the last 2.5 months. She also stated that the company should not charge the on-peak prices on the days the service was out during off-peak times b/c customers were forced to use more electricity during the on-peak hours. They are a monopoly it is not right." |
P202500882 | 10/23/2024 5:05 PM | I wanted to express my disappointment with the Missouri Public Service Commission's decision to end the Evergy rebates for more efficient HVAC air conditioners and heat pumps. (see attached pdf) |
P202500888 | 10/25/2024 5:47 PM | I do not want a rate increase, especially since Evergy is boasting they reduced operating costs! |
P202500890 | 10/26/2024 2:24 PM | Please do not a rate increase! The basic cost of living has increased so much that it is very hard to get the basic services needed at a reasonable price...we the people need a break! Thank you |
P202500892 | 10/28/2024 8:35 AM | I oppose the rate hike. |
P202500897 | 10/28/2024 11:21 AM | I absolutely oppose the new utility rate increase. It's bad enough that rates continue to rise for no apparent reason. A rate increase is hard on those of us who are on a fixed income. I believe all Evergy is doing is lining the pockets of the CEO, CFO, and any other upper echelon people who don't care about us seniors. |
P202500983 | 11/14/2024 11:36 PM | exergy is requesting a outrageous rate hike of %17 that is way too much These are california rate hikes this is Not california I feel this is part of the generation upgrades of the battery plant in kansas I am not going to pay for the democrats climate agenda and support china. if every needs more generation for the battery plant make the democrats and the investees pay for it not veterans like myself and people on low income this is a outrage . |
P202501004 | 11/20/2024 12:43 PM | "Evergy sent me to collections w/o notification over a $46.00 final bill that they sent to a rental property instead of my property management company and this negatively affected my credit score. They should not be able to do this." |
P202501147 | 12/16/2024 11:19 AM | "High u know it's getting were people on a fixed income can't afford to live . Yet all these big companies want more money. I live in Arcadia kansas and it hasn't even taken affect but the city has already raised our rates i used 50 less klw this month than last and my bill went up 4.50 someone needs to put a stop on all this." |
P202501171 | 12/17/2024 2:21 PM | See Attached |
P202501309 | 1/8/2025 11:07 AM | "Raising charges is just ridiculous. I don't even understand all the charges they are already charging. There are already too many additional charges on our bill and the CSR never answer their phones or explain anything . " |
P202501328 | 1/10/2025 12:20 PM | I would like the PSC to consider reaching out to Evergy to have them eliminate the on-peak hours from 4-8pm during days where the temperatures are going to be below freezing for more than 3 days at a time or so. I don't think it's nice or necessary to have the on-peak during times like that. It should be waived. |
P202501367 | 1/16/2025 10:48 AM | *Please see attached for comment. |
P202501680 | 1/31/2025 10:56 AM | "To say I'm outraged is an understatement. The majority of Missourians live paycheck to paycheck as it is, barely being able to go to the grocery store and buy groceries for their families. This rate increase that you provided Evergy, without allowing public input is absolutely barbaric and should have never been approved. While I understand that rate increases are needed to fund ever evolving technology, 15% far exceeds my 2% wage increase, and i know many Missourians are in the same boat. $100 more a month when I'm already making adjustments to how I consume electricity is taking literal food from my child's mouth and out of other children's mouths all across the area." *Please see attached for full comment. |
P202501698 | 2/3/2025 4:25 PM | "As a disabled senior citizen who is on the Average Payment Plan, I object to the recent increase. My monthly average payment increased from $74 per month to $122 per month. That is a $48 increase which greatly affects my ability to pay my monthly bill as my income is considered to be at the Federal Poverty Level. This increase also contradicts what your website newsletter informing of the rate increase (see below)." |
P202501748 | 2/21/2025 10:07 AM | My January electric bill being $386. Higher than it has ever been in the 20 years I have lived here. I have closed off bedrooms, keep drapes shut in winter and summer. I have installed insulated electric box covers. I am on the weekend saver plan. I want to when Missouri is going to stop with this ridiculous energy plan for EV's? our President has stopped the mandation of.EVs (thank God). I live in a rural Missouri. I know no one who is ever going to have and EV, including myself/spouse. We work for a living like most folks, use energy from 4 to 8 pm because I'm not going to cook, do dishes and laundry at midnight. |
P202501749 | 2/21/2025 10:08 AM | My January electric bill being $386. Higher than it has ever been in the 20 years I have lived here. I have closed off bedrooms, keep drapes shut in winter and summer. I have installed insulated electric box covers. I am on the weekend saver plan. I want to when Missouri is going to stop with this ridiculous energy plan for EV's? our President has stopped the mandation of.EVs (thank God). I live in a rural Missouri. I know no one who is ever going to have and EV, including myself/spouse. We work for a living like most folks, use energy from 4 to 8 pm because I'm not going to cook, do dishes and laundry at midnight. |
P202501812 | 3/6/2025 9:44 AM | Evergy charges outrageous fees. They also want to charge $30 for not wanting a smart meter. This should be illegal. |
P202501814 | 3/6/2025 10:06 AM | Evergy has made our electric bill so expensive that it's becoming unaffordable. My senior citizen mother just received a $600 electric bill and that's for one month. They have tripled the cost. (See attached pdf) |
P202501815 | 3/6/2025 10:12 AM | The Missouri Public Service Commission is out of control. They are not doing their jobs. Looking out for Missourians is nowhere on their to-do list. They are allowing Evergy to go completely rampant with rate hikes year after year. I attended meetings for this where the people begged them to reconsider and take a look at the astronomical amount of new bonuses that the CEO of Evergy receives, clearly showing they are in no way struggling for more money from us. They did not listen. They approved another rate increase. We were hit with peak hour plans that are KILLING US. My husband and I are first time home owners who have seen our Evergy bill go from roughly $75 a month, to now around $250. How can we get ahead? Please |
P202502065 | 3/27/2025 11:49 AM | "EVERGY needs to find some other way to pay for this other than increasing costs to its customers. Someone needs to research, find and implement ways to effectively cut costs in a responsible way. Missouriana simply cannot afford to pay higher rates with all the other price increases they are facing these days. EVERGY can do better in cutting costs and showing they care about it's customers." |
P202502083 | 3/28/2025 3:01 PM | Ms. Lambertz owns a vacant home in Harrisonville where the electric meter apparently stopped working in February 2023. Evergy just came out and changed the meter in February 2025. She was rebilled for 12 months as per PSC rules, but why would they wait two years to fix a meter that isn't working. |