Current Date/Time: 3/4/2025 6:19:21 AM
Linked Consumer Comments
Consumer Comment No. | Date Filed | Consumer Comments |
P202400716 | 5/1/2024 2:20 PM | My wife and I recently learned we were on Ameren Missouri's "Evening/Morning Savers" Rate Option. Under this rate option, users are charged more for power used between 9 am and 9 pm than under the "Anytime Users" plan, which charges the same rate throughout the day. Since we both work from home, we would never have voluntarily chosen such a rate plan, and suspect that most users would end up with higher bills overall under such a plan. Upon calling Ameren, we learned that we were put on this rate plan "by default" on or about 2/14/23. In other words, Ameren surreptitiously "defaulted" its customers to what for most of them will be a higher billing rate. (see attached PDFs) |
P202400776 | 6/25/2024 3:43 PM | "I have no problem paying what I owe is due but I think the time of year (right before Christmas) that Ameren reviews the budget bill amounts & not sending out more notice is not customer friendly and makes me feel as though I'm being gouged; especially when I always pay my remaining balance at the beginning of every year. It is also very disheartening when you call & the CSRs can't do anything about the issue & have to have a supervisor call back at a later time & those calls never come at a time when customers are available. At least make yourself more available to your customers if you state that you're trying to have their interests in mind." This comment is pertaining to CI202401267. |
P202500013 | 7/8/2024 8:16 AM | "I just realized the approved Ameren rate hike. I don't understand how a public utility, that we all need, and who has no real competition, can have a Net Income in 2023 of $1,152,000,000.00? I see over a BILLION dollars in Profit for a public utility. So, why is this entity allowed to profit that greatly, and why do they have stockholders? Seems like they can just request a rate increase and you all approve it and thus their shareholders are essentially guaranteed a profit while functioning without competition. This just has the appearance of entitlement and possible fraud, in my opinion." |
P202500021 | 7/9/2024 1:34 PM | Mike from JBATHE, an electric company, called and stated that he interacts with Ameren on a daily basis. In the past, they used phone numbers to address issues. They have a construction hotline. If something is unclear, they have supervisors. They all work at home. Sometimes it takes them days to call you back. There is no more customer service out there. |
P202500027 | 7/12/2024 11:23 AM | Customer contacted to express her concern about her health, radiation, and what was going on in her home. Is it actually fair? It's their system and meters. Why are we paying for that? It appears to her that they are assisting Ameren. They have previously had meter readers at no additional cost. How do we know they're reading non-standard meters like the old ones? This is extremely unfair. With all of the extra fees, the bills continue to increase. |
P202500036 | 7/16/2024 5:17 PM | The power goes out for this block everytime it rains a few inches/blows a few knots/ or for no reason; "technical error". It's always the same 69 houses and takes hours-days to fix with no explanation. Despite 8 years of myself and 2 decades of older neighbors asking them to fix the problem, the same issue arises multiple times a month and they remain indifferent. They increase price and lower quality consistently. They need to upgrade this block but refuse to acknowledge this constantly repeating issue. |
P202500045 | 7/19/2024 2:17 PM | The customer disputes to the bill not identifying a beginning or ending meter reading. She stated that all they needed to do was perform calculations or update the way the bill is shown. She has to continue looking online and do more checking. |
P202500050 | 7/22/2024 4:11 PM | At this critical time, the people need MOPSC to be the protectors that you are supposed to be. Regulators are there to protect people from exploitation behaviors that monopoly companies can't seem to resist. Us regular people have only 2 protections to keep any control over elec costs: MOPSC is one. Reducing consumption was the other. The second option was taken away around 2009 when the revenue and sales were finally decoupled. The people are beginning to think the whole system may be compromised. MOPSC's actions will determine if faith should remain. There are communities full of good, underpaid people. When costs they can't control increase, they are forced to make tough decisions. Don't let dividends ruin communities. |
P202500056 | 7/25/2024 9:47 AM | "I want the current and previous reading from my meter to actually reflect actual meter readings opposed toa calculated usage amount as a solar customer." |
P202500059 | 7/26/2024 9:07 AM | The summer rates are too high. An extra 100 dollars in the summer each month is too much for people to afford. Perhaps something different can be done to offset the demand. |
P202500060 | 7/26/2024 10:54 AM | At this critical time, the people need MOPSC to be the protectors that you are supposed to be. Regulators are there to protect people from exploitation behaviors that monopoly companies can't seem to resist. Us regular people have only 2 protections to keep any control over elec costs: MOPSC is one. Reducing consumption was the other. The second option was taken away around 2009 when the revenue and sales were finally decoupled. The people are beginning to think the whole system may be compromised. MOPSC's actions will determine if faith should remain. There are communities full of good, underpaid people. When costs they can't control increase, they are forced to make tough decisions. Don't let dividends ruin communities |
P202500064 | 7/29/2024 12:10 PM | Jeffrey is a former PSC employee. He had his issue resolved but wanted to file a consumer comment regarding TOU rates and the process of selecting a TOU rates. Several post cards/letters regarding picking a TOU rate & Ameren's process is confusing and should only take one time to select a TOU rate. Had to call Ameren to switch back to the TOU he wanted. Believes customer service side of selecting a TOU rate could be bettter. |
P202500108 | 8/1/2024 7:41 AM | Is the PSC going to approve another Ameren rate increase? It would be kind of ridiculous considering they profit billions. |
P202500110 | 8/1/2024 7:46 AM | I am strongly against ameren raising their rates after we recently had a price increase. Ameren is a monopoly making billions in profits annually. Further increases will negatively impact me and my growing family. Keep American families' utilities affordable so that we can grow. |
P202500163 | 8/5/2024 9:20 AM | "Knowing that Ameren is going to again ask for another rate increase is absolutely immoral. This monopoly has to be stopped. We are still suffering from Federal policies that drove inflation to insane levels. Prices of everyday essential items are still much higher than they need to be. Ameren was already allowed to change their billing policy to charge EVERYONE more during the highest usage times of the day. I can't imagine how much money this brought in. They also told me a few years back that I used $900 more in gas than they tracked. Honestly, I am not sure why this company yields so much power and authority in Jefferson City. These companies were not voted into office, like the majority of people in the Missouri Govt..*See Attached |
P202500178 | 8/6/2024 11:38 AM | Cary states "I do not agree with the propaganda sent out by Ameren. They are spending too much money on fancy paper and all these mailings that are mostly insignificant when they could be using that money to stop increasing our rates." |
P202500305 | 8/12/2024 11:05 AM | Ameren's extra fees add up to $28. Somewhere the commission needs to start saying no to these charges. All these charges that the PSC is allowing the utility's to charge needs to be more regulated. These are charges that the public is not allowed to vote on. |
P202500318 | 8/13/2024 3:04 PM | "I feel very strongly that the St.Louis area NEEDS another electricity provider to choose from. Ameren not having any competition has left them entirely too powerful. The people of St. Louis needs a choice." |
P202500325 | 8/15/2024 9:36 AM | "I am addressing the rate hike, in June my bill went up $150.00! I understand expenses need to be met but please consider the elderly and those people who are on a fixed income. These rate hikes are making it extremely difficult to survive on a budget. This rate hike is unfair to a lot of people. " |
P202500331 | 8/19/2024 9:33 AM | Our family is very sensitive to EMF's. We use an ethernet cable, not Wifi. If I am exposed to Wifi, for example at work, I get sick. It causes depression and other unwanted symptoms. I am terrified to have a smart meter installed. We are low income, so we may have to disconnect our Internet in order to pay for the 100$ fee and 40$ a month increase for "reading" an analog meter. This is not a good option. Why should I have to pay for something I got for "free" for years? I think Ameren is a bully. I have heard reports of fires starting from the smart meters. I don't want to lose my home or our lives. I worry about "catching" cancer. Not to mention the other symptoms, like not being able to sleep, or rashes ..*See Attached |
P202500337 | 8/20/2024 4:04 PM | A customer contacted and asked why we had put up all of the windmills and solar panels. Isn't this intended to help? |
P202500461 | 8/28/2024 8:33 AM | Ameren has already doubled my bill since the new meters went in. Why are they increasing again?? People on fixed income can't afford this! |
P202500462 | 8/28/2024 8:35 AM | As a single mother struggling to make ends meet already, I would like to formally inform you that I strongly oppose another rate increase for Ameren and Liberty utility companies in Kirksville Missouri. |
P202500463 | 8/28/2024 8:39 AM | I would like to put my two cents in on the rate hikes for kirksville, MO from Ameren. please see attached for comments. |
P202500655 | 9/9/2024 9:00 AM | "If you look at the MISO site, you can find the results from the annual auction - which will be billed to us using the FAC for "purchased power". In 2022-23, the price went from $5 mh day to $236 /mh day resulting in unprecedented costs on the financials. Purchased Power had avg under $200 million - but now spiked to almost $700 million. The auction for 2024-25 had interesting results. From the gulf to Canada, all zones were good except zone 5. Zone 5 is strictly Ameren territory in MO. Ameren could not meet load requirement in any day (183 shortfall days) this fall or spring. The result was maximum cost of $720/ mh day for purchased power while everyone else is paying only $15. Who do I need to contact that will do something for us? " |
P202500675 | 9/11/2024 | The customer called and stated that she has a cardiac condition. She does not want it. She is aware of the radiation that smart meters emit in close proximity to her bedroom. It is unfair that she always pays her bills. |
P202500732 | 9/15/2024 1:17 PM | I recently submitted a complaint concerning my electric bill and the fact that I have received a disconnect notice in the amount of $1800.00 which is because I missed a payment arrangement payment . I did not know u was in a payment arrangement. I did not ign any documents . When u received funds from daeoc on my bill apparently they did the payment arrangements. But when I had contacted Ameren back in August when a payment was made by daeoc I was informed that u had a zero balance. I did not know that I still had a balance that was going to be on a payment schedule. I thought I had a zero balance not still had an outstanding back balance . U thought owung zero meant just that. Now they say u ow this huge amount because of a pay arrangemen |
P202500766 | 9/20/2024 9:05 AM | "There is an issue with a system between the USPS, SpeedPay, and Ameren's online system and customer service issues that need to be looked into more." |
P202500768 | 9/20/2024 12:03 PM | Why are we having to deal with Ameren Missouri wanting to change the way they bill us. Greed is all this is about. It's bad enough having to deal with inflation and everything else going up but it's our state government's job to protect its citizens from constant price hikes. This helps no one but Ameren and whoever gets kickbacks. |
P202500845 | 10/16/2024 11:21 AM | "I am a student in Missouri and I oppose the Castle Bluff Energy Center; burning methane, a fossil fuel, delivers energy at the cost of residents' lungs and health--as well as the future of our planet. Although renewable sources of energy such as wind and solar are still quite new, they provide us with the opportunity to begin making positive, sustainable changes to our environment. Residents and students in this area deserve better than a coal plant immediately followed by a "natural" gas energy center. Please consider them, greater Missouri, and beyond." |
P202500863 | 10/18/2024 11:23 AM | "As a Missouri electric consumer I am appalled and opposed to yet another Missouri energy center closure. This one being the Rush Island Energy Center which was proceeded by the Meramec Energy Center in 2022." *Please see attached for full comment |
P202500865 | 10/18/2024 3:09 PM | "Every time I call in, they ask me for the last 4 digits of my SSN which I do not want to give. There are many different things they can ask for or use to verify my identity instead of the last 4 of the SSN. People are getting hacked every day and this should not be allowed." |
P202500866 | 10/18/2024 4:14 PM | See Attached |
P202500887 | 10/25/2024 4:38 PM | Please see attached for comment |
P202500933 | 11/8/2024 3:15 PM | Ms. Ransom thinks it's unjust that a "billion-dollar company" like Ameren can hold on to her deposit indefinitely for as long as it wants, and use that money anyway it wants to, just because she's late paying her bill one month by a day or two. She thinks utilities should be forced to return deposits with interest after 12 months, regardless of whether the bill is paid on time every month. She wants that part of Ch. 13 changed. She pays thousands of dollars annually to Ameren, and yet they can hold on to her deposit indefinitely. "It's not right, especially in an economy when people are struggling to eat and pay rent." |
P202500936 | 11/10/2024 9:56 PM | Ameren has recently had a series of rate increases. In addition, MPSC has just approved two Fuel Adjustment Clauses both ER-2024-0275 and EO-2024-0277 and the RESRAM (Renewable Energy Standard Rate Adjustment Mechanism resulting in additional costs for residential customers. The accumulation of additional rate increases will increase the energy burden for people who are already the most vulnerable: the low income, fixed income, and minority communities. I urge you to recognize that after the recent inflation and the steady increase in utility rates, Ameren must improve their public outreach regarding energy efficiency and assistance programs that can help their lower income customers, and work to control their costs and embrace renewables. |
P202501003 | 11/19/2024 | Penny called and wanted to file a comment into the rate case. She opposes any increase in rates & would like the PSC to deny Ameren's request. In addition, she has concerns over service reliability, Ameren's website and outage information, and how long it takes to get power back on when an outage occurs. |
P202501008 | 11/22/2024 9:01 AM | "I am requesting that your two bodies do your due diligence concerning the merits and need for Ameren Missouri to be allowed to raise residential customers' electric bill. The letter that was mailed to all of us included not a single sentence about WHY such an increase would be needed. This failure alone should justify sending the request back to Ameren for additional disclosure. I have to believe that a public utility is obligated to share at least some data with its customers in advance of hearings about why it is asking for an increase--an increase which is three to four times higher than the current Consumer Price Index." *Please see attached for full comment. |
P202501009 | 11/22/2024 9:02 AM | I am requesting that your two bodies do your due diligence concerning the merits and need for Ameren Missouri to be allowed to raise residential customers' electric bill. *See attached for full comments |
P202501010 | 11/22/2024 2:17 PM | "In the year of 2024 -the 1st 6 months, I experienced frequent outages. Ameren is having a hard time doing the job they are paid to do now, so it is hard to justify giving them more money. I strongly oppose this rate increase. It is pretty excessive " |
P202501011 | 11/22/2024 2:39 PM | "How much is spent in the Christmas Parade/ Charity? ... *Please see the attached for full comment. |
P202501013 | 11/25/2024 8:55 AM | " The proposed rate increase of 15.77% or $17.45 per month is ludicrous. American consumers, particularly retirees, are on a fixed income." *Please see attached for full comment. |
P202501014 | 11/25/2024 8:59 AM | "I am extremely saddened that this is not only the third time ever that I have had to do something like this, but it is the third time in less than 4 months! The citizens of Ironton, Missouri are now faced with a request for a rate hike by a third utility in as many months! Liberty Utilities - 32.57%, American Water - 34.4%; and now Ameren Missouri - 15.77%. The combination of these requests will cause a burden of almost an extra $100 per month expenditure for utilities!" *Please see attached for full comment. |
P202501015 | 11/25/2024 9:01 AM | "I beg you— please DO NOT allow for Ameren’s rate increase. At close to $200 a month, this is my highest utility bill. I am a single mother and I am already scraping by. My wages stay the same and do not increase, making it impossible to pay exorbitant costs of utilities and bills. I sincerely appreciate your time in reading my email. A very concerned St Louis citizen" |
P202501016 | 11/25/2024 9:05 AM | "To Whom It May Concern: I am writing to ask the PSC to please deny to proposed Ameren Missouri Rate Increase, I am 70 years old, Retired, And have Health problems, Everything Is so high these days, Food, Insurance, Prescription Drugs, This is a terrible time for Ameren to be asking for a rate Increase, I know a few Ameren employees and both Ameren the company, And the employees are both making good money, These times are hard on everyone, But especially the elderly, It's already hard now to pay my utility bills, And In the summer for Cooling, And Winter for heating it's even hared to pay my electric bills, Sometimes it means that I don't have enough for my Prescriptions, Food, And other necessities, I am Imploring" *Please see attached* |
P202501017 | 11/25/2024 9:07 AM | "Ameren needs to learn how to budget like the rest of us. This proposed increase is too high. It should not be allowed to increase over inflation value. My income does not even keep up. I am on a fixed income so this is an outrageous request. TAKE A BUDGETING COURSE." |
P202501020 | 11/25/2024 10:47 AM | I am in opposition to the rate increase proposal that Ameren has applied for. I also am opposed to the smart meters and the fees. I am also opposed to the closing of the Rush Island. |
P202501022 | 11/25/2024 11:45 AM | "Senior citizens in MO are typically on a fixed income and have to budget and adjust their usage to combat cutbacks. Ameren needs to do the same and stop asking for increases. As a community of consumers, we are using way less energy but continually are asked to pay more for it. I oppose this rate hike and ask the PSC to put a stop to all of the frequent increases. Hold Ameren accountable for their budgets and please find a way to offer some competition so we consumers have a choice and the utility companies have some competitors to inspire better customer service and fair prices. |
P202501023 | 11/25/2024 11:47 AM | "I think they've requested too much money per month and for me to absorb that kind of increase. I do not have the money to pay it." |
P202501025 | 11/25/2024 | Melvin called regarding Ameren's rate increase request. He would like the PSC to deny Ameren's rate increase and opposes any increase in rates. He thinks Ameren has high enough rates already and continues to get increases and wants it to stop. |
P202501026 | 11/26/2024 10:44 AM | The proposed rate increase of 15.77% or $17.45 per month is ludicrous. American consumers, particularly retirees, are on a fixed income. I believe Medicare's COLA for 2025 was 2.5%. Then there are those that are on the welfare system with even less income each month. It's either food and medications or keep the heat and/or AC on. I consider this price gouging by a utility, just because they can, and they are a monopoly. **See attached for full comments |
P202501027 | 11/26/2024 12:13 PM | "I read about the latest requested increase from AmerenMissouri which for me would be approximately 15.77% or an additional $17.45 per month according to Ameren's estimates. My social security increase amounts to less than 3% this year." *See attached for full comment. |
P202501028 | 11/26/2024 12:20 PM | To whom it may concern, I am writing with much concern and disapproval of the proposed Ameren Missouri Electric rate hike that’s over 15%. I work with all economic levels of Missourians and understand their large cost of living burdens. The large rate hike for a required staple service to live is inappropriate especially at this time of struggle. The increase is far too large for the majority of Missourian’s. Working families already dealing with inflated costs of living, seniors on fixed income, small businesses, etc. etc. Please DO NOT approve such a large rate increase. Ameren MO is NOT struggling and has huge profits. Please understand this large rate hike will hurt and further burden far too many! Thank you- |
P202501029 | 11/26/2024 1:11 PM | See attached. |
P202501031 | 11/27/2024 9:43 AM | "You are out of control with this new rate hike. It is completely disgusting. I don't get a 16% increase in my salary and you shouldn't either. I live in O'Fallon and it's not going to be good for you." |
P202501032 | 11/27/2024 9:45 AM | "I received a letter about you raising rates. I thought you already raised them>" |
P202501034 | 11/27/2024 11:42 AM | "Received notice of the 15.49% increase for Ameren. I feel the amounts on the notice are a little bit misrepresented. I feel the average bills are not $100. People are hurting and a lot are on fixed incomes and can't afford this increase. If their bills are around $200 the increase will be over $30 a month! |
P202501035 | 11/27/2024 11:55 AM | "see where Ameren Missouri has filed a 15.77% increase proposal. The government states inflation is under control. They should not be allowed to raise more than what Social Security is being increased which is just 2.5%. Thank you for taking my concerns into consideration." |
P202501036 | 11/27/2024 11:58 AM | "I am writing with much concern and disapproval of the proposed Ameren Missouri Electric rate hike that’s over 15%. I work with all economic levels of Missourians and understand their financing burdens. The large rate hike for a required staple service to live is inappropriate at this time. The increase is far too large for many Missourian’s on fixed or low incomes to bear. Working families already dealing with inflated costs of living, senior, small businesses .Please DO NOT approve such a large rate increase. Ameren MO is NOT struggling and has a hefty bottom line. Please understand the large rate will hurt and further burden far too many!" |
P202501038 | 12/2/2024 8:15 AM | "I oppose this rate increase. Also, Ameren should allow customers to call in to make payments without an additional fee. " |
P202501039 | 12/2/2024 8:36 AM | "WHEN was the last time you, personally, had a bill increase 15.77%? You ask for something outrageous like this because you will probably get it from the PSC, which should be renamed the Public Disservice Commission. I don't trust the PSC and do not believe they are working for the citizens but for the utilities. You have the nerve to beg for donations for people who can't pay their electric bill and yet you are willing to add more people to that group with your rate increases. Enough is enough. WHEN was the last time you got a 15.77% pay raise?" |
P202501040 | 12/2/2024 8:48 AM | "Ameren Missouri is asking for a rate hike of 15.77% or approx. $17.45 per month to the customers of Missouri. I am on SS and this amount seems excessive . I would like to ask the PSC to reject this plan proposed by Ameren." |
P202501041 | 12/2/2024 8:53 AM | "I received a letter indicating that Ameren Missouri is requesting a rate increase of 15.49%. I looked up the salaries for some of the executives in this Fortune 500 Company and discovered the following: Earnings in 2023: Warner L. Baxter: Executive Chairman , $1,000,000.00 Martin J. Lyons, Jr.: President and CEO. $ Michael L. Moehn: Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, $825,000.00 Chonda J. Nwamu: Senior Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary, $628,000.00. It would seem to me that Ameren Missouri is earning plenty of money and that corporate greed is the real reason for the increase. Requesting a $446 million dollar increase for next year on the backs of people who, for the most part *See attached |
P202501042 | 12/2/2024 8:59 AM | "I received your information from the public notice sent by Ameren regarding their request seeking another increase. I am hoping that you’ll be looking out for consumers as this monopoly is very profitable. This increase is substantial and will have a significant impact on Missourians. With a few quick stats, but my math may be a little off, I think a company that nets a little over 400 million per quarter and a CEO that makes over $9 million a year can hold off on such an increase. As part of a utility monopoly, I think they can hold the line as it is right now and do just fine. I am hoping that you will advocate and deny your support of this increase. |
P202501043 | 12/2/2024 9:02 AM | I live in St. Louis County and just received a notice that Ameren wants to raise rates 15.77 percent. This increase is too much considering the rising costs of other essentials. I understand that prices must go up, but the average worker gets roughly a 5 percent yearly increase and this is only because we are in an inflationary environment. Why does the rate have to be so high? The letter from Ameren doesn’t state why they need the money! **See attached for full comments |
P202501044 | 12/2/2024 9:06 AM | "I believe the rate increase Ameren Missouri is asking the state to approve is extremely excessive given the state of the economy. All most all families are struggling to make ends meet and the last thing the Missouri residents need is to have an excessively high energy rate increase. Please help protect the residents from this type of corporate greed by denighing Amerens request! Thank you for looking out for the residents of our state!" |
P202501045 | 12/2/2024 9:10 AM | In response to the public notice, my note below: I usually never send a message as I feel my voice will not be heard and the rate hike will move forward anyway, but am compelled this time. Please rethink the Ameren rate hike. Most everyone I know is struggling as are we. I realize as a business, Ameren has expenses as well. **See attached for full comments |
P202501046 | 12/2/2024 10:37 AM | "I live in St. Louis County and just received a notice that Ameren wants to raise rates 15.77 percent. This increase is too much considering the rising costs of other essentials. I understand that prices must go up, but the average worker gets roughly a 5 percent yearly increase and this is only because we are in an inflationary environment. Why does the rate have to be so high? The letter from Ameren doesn’t state why they need the money!"* See attached for full comment |
P202501047 | 12/2/2024 11:11 AM | "Yes, I am against the mentioned rate hike purposed by Ameren of 15.77% which would raise residential by $17.45 per month or $209.40 per year. I am 76 years old and i am disabled i with this increase i wont be able to afford my monthly medication, There is a lot of older people who cant afford this. I plead with u do not let this increase take place." |
P202501048 | 12/2/2024 11:29 AM | "In response to the public notice, my note below: I usually never send a message as I feel my voice will not be heard and the rate hike will move forward anyway, but am compelled this time. Please rethink the Ameren rate hike. Most everyone I know is struggling as are we. I realize as a business, Ameren has expenses as well." *Please see attached for full comment. |
P202501049 | 12/2/2024 11:40 AM | "You know. I am 75 years old and last night was the first time I've run my heating since I moved here in June 2023 which is a retirement home in St. Peters Mo. Why? because the only income I get is SS. Now saying that, as you know SS gave us a very nice increase last time of 8% which I don't ever remember them doing that. But guess what. St. Peters Villa (of the management company) where I live contact the MHDC an 8% increase in rent and got it. So unless my math is totally wrong the 8% increase in social security is now going to pay my rent increase each month. And now Ameren asks for a utility increase from you and you approved it."*See attached for full comment. |
P202501050 | 12/2/2024 1:57 PM | See Attached |
P202501051 | 12/2/2024 2:33 PM | See Attached |
P202501052 | 12/2/2024 2:38 PM | See Attached |
P202501053 | 12/2/2024 2:42 PM | See Attached |
P202501054 | 12/3/2024 7:48 AM | "I strongly oppose this rate increase. " |
P202501055 | 12/3/2024 8:24 AM | Dear Missouri public service commission and OPC, Reference File No. ER-2024-0319. As a customer or Ameren Missouri we want to go on record that we oppose any increase in rates. We are already burdened with high inflation cause by the failed policies of the current government administration. Please vote no to any rate increases and please do not continue the Fuel adjustment Clause. Thank you for your service. |
P202501056 | 12/2/2024 | The customer called and said he was against it. He can afford it, but it's not right. |
P202501057 | 12/2/2024 | The customer called and stated that everything is going up. She sees it everywhere, including grocery stores. This is a significant rate rise. They need to reduce their rise. She's retired and has a fixed income. She did not receive any increases. Her current bills are still there. |
P202501058 | 12/2/2024 | The customer called and said he was against it. It's far too much. He had never received such a large rise in his entire life. This absolutely hurts everyone. |
P202501059 | 12/3/2024 9:55 AM | "I ask the Missouri Public Service Commission to recognize that this rate increase will place an undue financial burden on those with limited income, impacting their ability to afford necessities (e.g. food, medicine, utilities, housing). The League of Women Voters thanks the MPSC for allowing the Public Comment for Ameren's Proposed Electric Rate Hike Docket File No. EA – 2024 -0319). As the Missouri Public Service Commission reviews ER-2024-0319 and continues to protect the health and environment of the St Louis region, please consider the impacts from the proposed significant increase in electric rates. I ask that this letter be filed in Docket No. ER – 2024 – 0319 as a public comment." *Please see attached for full comment. |
P202501061 | 12/3/2024 10:01 AM | See Attached |
P202501063 | 12/3/2024 3:22 PM | "My name is Douglas Reed I am a life-long resident of Missouri. My wife has been a Missouri resident for over fifty years. We could not be more opposed to the rate increase proposed by Ameren. 15.77% is way too high and will put an unneeded burden on our budget. We strongly encourage the Missouri PSC to reject this rate increase." |
P202501064 | 12/4/2024 7:38 AM | "According to recent reports, Ameren is expected to make a profit in the range of $4.34 to $4.48 per share in 2024, with their latest third-quarter profit reported at $456 million." *Please see attached for full comment |
P202501066 | 12/4/2024 1:16 PM | I received a notice from Ameren stating they want a 15 percent increase. That is a lot. I don't know why they are asking for so much. When you are on a fixed income, that is a lot of money. We can't freeze to death. |
P202501067 | 12/4/2024 1:25 PM | I would appreciate it if these rates wouldn't go up all the time. Us on social security can't afford for everything to continue to increase the way it is. |
P202501068 | 12/5/2024 1:24 PM | My wife and I have lived in Missouri for a very long time. We have lived through many increases in utility rates over the years. Ameren just changed everything this summer by installing new digital meters and altering rates based on the time of usage. It seems to us that that alone — increasing the amount people pay based upon what time they use the most gas or electricity — should cover any necessary increase they should require. That was the object of the change, wasn’t it? (see attached PDF) |
P202501069 | 12/5/2024 1:32 PM | I work for a medium-sized manufacturer, and part of my responsibilities includes implementing price increases to our customers. Over the past three years, despite significant cost-cutting measures, we have only been able to pass along a 3% annual price increase, while our cost of goods sold (COGS) has risen at four times that rate. This highlights the challenges businesses face when they lack leverage. Ameren, as a monopoly without competition, continues to benefit from our inability to choose another provider. A 15% rate increase is excessive. (See attached PDF) |
P202501070 | 12/5/2024 3:34 PM | I would like to go on record as opposing the 15.77 percent rate hike requested by Ameren Missouri. I know the cost of everything has gone up, however, due to this, Ameren customers have had to tighten their belts, have less savings and struggle to pay their own bills. Instead of asking its customers for more, which in some cases may result in choosing between heating their homes and feeding their families, they should implement austerity measures and find ways to CUT their expenses. Anyway, that is my two cents worth on the matter. P.S. I am also editor of The Advertiser in Eldon and feel I speak for my readers as well in this matter. |
P202501071 | 12/6/2024 7:41 AM | "First of all, the proposed 15.8% increase seems way out of line with current inflation rates and becomes a burden for people on fixed incomes especially. As the notice reads it appears that effectively using less energy is rewarded by a rate increase to maintain Revenue. I would like to see more fiscal responsibility as opposed to just regular rate increases. This is not how you incentivize people to use less energy. Thank you for your time and consideration." |
P202501072 | 12/6/2024 7:42 AM | "The proposed rate increase seems excessive compared to current inflationary rates. Per the notice it appears the reward for using less energy is a rate increase to keep stockholders happy. This is not how one encourages energy efficiency. This is especially burdensome for people on fixed incomes. How about some fiscal responsibility? I am sure there are inefficiencies that can be fixed to help with costs instead of always burdening the consumer." |
P202501073 | 12/6/2024 8:30 AM | "The proposed Ameren rate increase of 15.8% is way out of line with current inflationary rates. As the notice reads it appears that are reward for using less energy is for Ameren to increase rates in other areas to keep their shareholders happy. I am sure there's plenty of inefficiencies within the company that could be cleaned up to help offset this. No one seems to want to err on the side of fiscal responsibility. This does not incentivize improved Energy Efficiency. I obviously do not support this." |
P202501074 | 12/6/2024 8:45 AM | "This is in regards to the proposed Ameren rate increase. The proposed increase is way out of line with current inflation rates. It appears the reward for decreased energy usage is added rates to keep revenue up for shareholders. How about some fiscal responsibility instead of continually making the public pay. Ameren says they want to help the community, but only on their terms. This makes it harder for folks on fixed incomes. I am sure there are plenty of inefficiencies that could be improved. I do not support this proposed increase." |
P202501075 | 12/6/2024 9:18 AM | I am a senior living on Social Security and cannot afford to have my electric bill go up, and definitely not 15.77%! That is too much of an increase since everything is going up so much. If companies are going to force seniors to keep paying so much more how do you think we will be able to do it? I protest this large increase. Zip code 63141 |
P202501076 | 12/6/2024 9:44 AM | See Atached |
P202501077 | 12/6/2024 9:46 AM | See Attached |
P202501078 | 12/4/2024 | Customer called to say he was against it. He's a senior citizen with a fixed income. He is only expected to receive a 2.5% increase on his paycheck next year. Everything else is going up. Will have nothing left. |
P202501079 | 12/6/2024 11:15 AM | "This increase would hurt senior on social security a limited income. We only get so much. They need to consider seniors who are not getting a pay increase. |
P202501080 | 12/6/2024 3:21 PM | "Please do not raise the price of electricity. No increase." |
P202501081 | 12/6/2024 3:42 PM | "As a Missouri resident, I am respectfully asking you to deny Ameren’s request for a rate hike. Ameren was approved a rate hike in June of 2023 to the tune of 140 million dollars. At this time with families struggling, another rate hike is not warranted or needed." *Please see attached for full comment. |
P202501084 | 12/7/2024 10:16 AM | I recently received the Ameren's 2024 Public Notice rate increase letter and was flabbergasted! I am a residential user located in Troy, MO. It is difficult for me to understand that Ameren would request a whopping 15.77% increase when energy costs are down year over year. The Notice says the $1.2 million decrease is offset by increases in "other" costs - approx. $444.8 million I calculate. The Notice does not detail what these other costs are so it is difficult to make a full assessment; however, on the surface it appears to be Ameren greediness or mismanagement. |
P202501085 | 12/9/2024 8:29 AM | "As my wife and I try to cut utility consumption, and it is working, our electric and gas bill keeps going up! That’s because Ameron keeps increasing their rates. Enough is enough! With a 15%+rate increase it raises the bill around $15.00. Well you add that to out of control inflation , trying to help our kids with our grandchildren, and Ameron just can’t get enough money for profits! It’s makes me sad to think a company is this greedy and has zero compassion. We will make the increase work, we have no choice but for those who can’t and have to choose between electricity and groceries and medications, I feel terrible"*Please see attached for full comment |
P202501086 | 12/9/2024 8:34 AM | I recently received the Ameren's 2024 Public Notice rate increase letter and was flabbergasted! I am a residential user located in Troy, MO. It is difficult for me to understand that Ameren would request a whopping 15.77% increase when energy costs are down year over year. " *Please see attached for full comment. |
P202501087 | 12/9/2024 9:16 AM | "I am expressing concern about possible rate increase requested by Ameren Missouri. Do these people not know a lot of people live on fixed incomes? I already have my thermostat set on 68 to save on money. When it gets really cold, that is cold in the house." *Please see attached for full comment. |
P202501088 | 12/9/2024 10:47 AM | "I cannot afford to pay your increase. I am 72 and live on Social Security, have always been single, and with one low income working for 44 years in a clerical position. Everything keeps going up but my social security check doesn’t go up enough each year to cover even one of the increases. You have the plant in Labadie, Mo. nearby that has been polluting the air since 1970 and yet you still can’t stop taking advantage of people who need your services. It’s disgusting." |
P202501089 | 12/9/2024 12:25 PM | "I'm not happy about them requesting to increase the rates for electricity. I am 80 years old, on social security and cannot afford this. Our water bill is decreasing so why is electric increasing? |
P202501090 | 12/9/2024 2:13 PM | I am concerned about the proposed future Ameren rate increase of ~$15 extra per month will be epic. Please reconsider that amount and reduce it. Thank you.A concerned Ameren, Missouri customer. |
P202501091 | 12/9/2024 2:18 PM | I recently received the Ameren's 2024 Public Notice rate increase letter and was flabbergasted! I am a residential user located in Troy, MO. It is difficult for me to understand that Ameren would request a whopping 15.77% increase when energy costs are down year over year. **See attached for full comments |
P202501092 | 12/9/2024 2:20 PM | I would like to express discontent with the rate increase ask for by Ameren Missouri. Does no one realize there are a lot of people living on fixed incomes? Maybe management should figure out how to cut expenses maybe with salaries at the top! Just asking! This is a lot like Social Security in that they give a raise and then raise insurance costs. Why a 15% increase? How about 2%? Voicing my concern! |
P202501093 | 12/9/2024 2:22 PM | I oppose the rate increase of 15.77% that Ameren Missouri proposes, as we are retired and having a hard time keeping a comfortable lifestyle at the rate everything is going up. Electricity and gas to heat and to cool our homes is not something we can do without, not optional as is groceries, fuel for our cars and pharmaceuticals we need for health but we the consumer are put at the mercy of the powers that be, as they know choices are limited.. We beg mercy from a rate increase at this time. |
P202501094 | 12/9/2024 2:25 PM | I object to the rate increase proposed by Ameren MO. **See attached for full comments |
P202501095 | 12/9/2024 2:35 PM | "I object to this rate increase request. I am on a fixed income and my electric bill has done nothing but increase over the past few years. Ameren has passed on charges that should be theirs as part of doing business. $17.45 per month is too much for me. Looking at the impending rising costs of everything else in our future due to the proposed tariffs, this is too much to ask for. Its time for Ameren to suck up some of the costs of doing business instead of passing it on to their customer base. Since we have no alternative to electric supplierin my area isn't this considered a monopoly?" |
P202501098 | 12/10/2024 9:51 AM | There are far too many poor people. If Ameren gets this increase it is going to make it worse. |
P202501099 | 12/10/2024 9:54 AM | This increase is WAY too much. People on fixed incomes cannot afford. This is not acceptable. Absolutely against! |
P202501100 | 12/10/2024 10:02 AM | "I oppose the increase. I am 82 years old and barely making it on the little dab of social security I do get. I already do without things in order to pay my bills" |
P202501101 | 12/10/2024 10:09 AM | "There's an awful lot of us struggling. I am in my mid 80s and only got a 2.5% increase in social security but medicare went up 6%. This increase will be too much. Everything is increasing. This has got to stop. The PSC needs to learn the NO! I keep my house cold, set at 62 degrees and only one lamp on in the evenings. This is ridiculous. Ameren needs to learn to live within their means like the rest of us. The PSC lets the utilities get away with this! If this keeps up I'm going to lose my house. Say NO!" |
P202501102 | 12/10/2024 10:14 AM | I am requesting denial of the increase. I don't have a car so couldn't attend the local hearings. I live in Bonne Terre and there were no local hearings there. |
P202501103 | 12/10/2024 10:41 AM | See Attached |
P202501104 | 12/10/2024 2:55 PM | "I strongly oppose this rate increase. I am on a fixed income and cannot afford this increase. I am currently going to a food pantry just to eat. Please do not pass this increase." |
P202501105 | 12/10/2024 3:38 PM | "I am extremely disappointed with another rate increase being discussed. How much more money can you justify taking from people? I think your higher paid employees should take a pay cut, I'm sure the owner and CEOs are making millions, while all of us suffer to pay our bills every month. You are the only electric company we can use, this is a monopoly. Having an electric bill vary from $300-600 a month is insane. I do not support this decision. " |
P202501106 | 12/10/2024 3:40 PM | "I encourage the Missouri Public Service Commission to deny the latest request by Amren Missouri for a 15.49% percent increase in residential services. This increase level is unrealistic for many residents." |
P202501107 | 12/10/2024 3:44 PM | The relentless rate hikes, from Ameren, should not continue to be approved by the leaders in Jefferson City. They are not looking to pass on savings to attempt lower our utility bills. They want their cake and to be able to eat it too. People are struggling with every day purchases. We are still hurting with higher grocery bills, higher insurance costs, along with the continued affects if inflation. Ameren is not!! Their profits are not going down. Also, they are already getting a tremendous savings by not having to pay sales tax. The citizens of Missouri should not be punished with having to pay more money for their utilities just because Ameren yields so much power at our State Capitol. Ameren is a very profitable company. *See Attached |
P202501108 | 12/10/2024 3:46 PM | "My family OPPOSES the Ameren rate hike! " |
P202501109 | 12/11/2024 7:36 AM | "I am submitting my request to have the Ameren rate increase of 15.59% reduced to a 3% increase each year for 5 years max. 15% in one year, especially in conjunction with the other utilities seeking exorbitant increases, is not sustainable for many in our community and state." |
P202501111 | 12/11/2024 10:22 AM | "Just wanted you to know voice our opposition to the 15.77% rate increase proposed by Ameren UE. Seriously?? We are senior citizens living on a fixed income in OFallon MO. We DO NOT want any price increase. When is enough enough??? Thank you for the opportunity to express our views." |
P202501112 | 12/11/2024 10:35 AM | Mark received LPH letter and wanted to call PSC to file consumer comment. Mark opposes any increase. He believes the rates are already high enough and Ameren has recently had rate increases already. Is on a fixed income and cannot afford to have another increase. |
P202501113 | 12/10/2024 | Julie is on a fixed income and cannot afford another rate increase. She is asking the PSC to deny any increase in rates. Rates are already high enough. |
P202501114 | 12/11/2024 11:27 AM | "I am on social security. I don't use food stamps but I'm barely making it. I got to food pantries because I have to choose between food and electricity. I am living in the dark because I don't want to turn the lights on in order to not use electricity. How can they do this? The smart meters causing the rates to go up too. I got a disconnect notice for the first time in my life this year. I can't afford another increase. |
P202501115 | 12/11/2024 11:37 AM | "I can't believe this. Please don't let it happen. They have already gotten an increase. We're going to end up living in tents and not need their electricity. Ameren is very greedy. I always see just 1 out of 4 men working when working on the utility. They get FAC increases 3 times a year. That's insane. They are a monopoly. What can be done to break them up like Teddy Roosevelt did? What are they wanting...To buy or build a new mansion?" |
P202501117 | 12/11/2024 12:07 PM | David called and wanted to file a comment regarding Ameren's rate case. He opposes any increase in rates and would like the PSC to deny Ameren's request to raise rates yet again. |
P202501118 | 12/10/2024 | Karen opposes any increase in rates and would like the PSC to deny Ameren's request to raise rates. Rates are already high enough. |
P202501119 | 12/11/2024 1:16 PM | Ms. Jenkins is opposed to the proposed rate increase. She would like to see Ameren's executives chip in to reduce the amount being extorted from every ratepayer in the rate case. It would go over very well with the customers if they took on some of the costs and through a few crumbs our way. |
P202501120 | 12/11/2024 1:54 PM | "I oppose any rate requests that is based on expansion of services and any that exceeds the nation’s COLA. The need to consider the people’s ability to pay for such service outweighs the companies need to expand. Regarding the FAC continuation calculation I think it seems only fair that such a policy include actual fuel costs & that any increase due to non fuel costs be borne solely by Ameren. I don’t believe I or the public can continue to absorb these increases that do not reflect the ability to pay for such." |
P202501121 | 12/11/2024 1:56 PM | File # ER-2024-0319 Ameren rate increase request of 15.77% is ABSURD! Us retirees getting a 2.5% raise does not keep up with all the cost of living going up & up - Nov 2024 inflation rate was 2.7%. PLEASE MO PSC reject Ameren's INSANE rate increase request. Will support a 2% or less increase. If you approve this you would be contributing to making the rich get richer and the poor getting poorer. Is there not enough poverty already in our state of Missouri? |
P202501122 | 12/11/2024 2:05 PM | "Ameren is requesting a rate increase of approximately 15.77% ?? Another rate increase? This is ridiculous ! When is it enough? It has been a struggle for so many families. The increases in prices everywhere and any increases in pay at work (if you have a job)-do not come close to "cost of living . Also, this cant be good for the economy. Good for Ameren? yes. But the money being fed to Ameren could be spent in our community in other ways, at other places. Im all for profit. I think we work for profit. The profit helps fund employees, supply jobs, etc---but, this is just greed. Greed. Please stop this rate increase ! |
P202501123 | 12/11/2024 3:41 PM | Mary Annette called to say this increase is exorbitant. It is going to hurt her family as they are on a limited income. |
P202501124 | 12/11/2024 5:03 PM | In the current economy, when people are struggling to keep their heads above water, an increase in electric rates is like pouring gasoline on a fire. Please accept this comment as notification that I oppose the approval of an electric rate increase for Ameren Missouri by the Public Service Commission. The very task of this commission is to service the public. Approving this rate increase does not serve the public well. Please do not approve this rate increase. Thank you. |
P202501125 | 12/12/2024 8:47 AM | We just heard about Ameren wanting to increase rates nearly 16%. Those of us on fixed incomes cannot afford another double digit increase in services that are essential to living. We don’t have a lower cost alternative to go to. We have already had to endure double digit increases in property taxes, food prices, health care, and other essentials. Another 16% increase is just outrageous. How can such a large one year increase even be justified ? |
P202501126 | 12/12/2024 8:49 AM | I would love to see your corporate profits! As a tax payer Send it we deserve answers on your recklessness spending and why you are charging the American people struggling to make enough money to pay your bonuses? |
P202501127 | 12/12/2024 12:26 PM | "Just received a notice in the mail that Ameren is requesting a rate increase of almost 16%. This is excessive & absurd since they have no competition - they know we have no alternative choice. The letter even states that the rebasing reflects a decrease in net energy costs of $1.2M. If their “other costs” (which they conveniently do not state what these costs are) offset this savings, then that tells me they should manage their business better rather than looking for customers to bail them out. Also, they should already start to benefit from lower energy costs once the Trump administration takes over next year." |
P202501128 | 12/12/2024 1:05 PM | See attached. |
P202501129 | 12/13/2024 8:46 AM | **see attached |
P202501130 | 12/13/2024 8:49 AM | **See Attached |
P202501131 | 12/13/2024 8:51 AM | AmerenTo PSC and OPC, I am writing in response to the public notice sent out about Ameren's rate increase request. ** see attached for full comments |
P202501133 | 12/13/2024 11:00 AM | "This increase is an insanely high amount to be asking for. I strongly oppose this increase. " |
P202501135 | 12/13/2024 12:26 PM | "It is with Great Concern that I write to you on this Issue. Proposed Rate Increases for Missouri Electricity Utility Consumers. 15.77%, Is an Absolute Immoral attempt at Theft by Deceit. At a Time when Missouri Consumers are being Limited by choice as to alternative choices for providers from A Monopoly source you are asking us to Blindly approve and accept your Rate increase." *Please see attached for full comment. |
P202501136 | 12/13/2024 2:12 PM | "To whom it may concern, I am against ameren from having a rate increase. They have increased revenues year over year And people are not able to afford basic needs." |
P202501137 | 12/14/2024 9:50 AM | I OPPOSE the following proposed Ameren rate hike: Ameren Missouri is requesting a 15.49% rate increase for electricity, which would add about $17.45 per month to the average residential customer's bill. OPPOSE |
P202501138 | 12/15/2024 8:09 PM | I am a resident of Wildwood Missouri and a current electric customer of Ameren Missouri. I wanted to voice my objection to the proposed rate increase. My household consists of 2 adults and 3 young children. During peak months, our electric bill is well over $400 per month. Basic utility costs in St. Louis county rival a small mortgage payment. The citizens of St. Louis county and Missouri statewide deserve to receive necessary utilities at a fair and equitable cost. Ameren is already charging premium rates and this proposed rate increase should be denied. |
P202501139 | 12/16/2024 8:39 AM | **See attached |
P202501140 | 12/16/2024 8:42 AM | "Gentlemen, my Name is Nick Guccione I am currently the mayor of Wentzville, Missouri, and I am representing And speaking on behalf of many of my constituents, I’d like to voice my My objection To the 15.77% rate increase that Ameren is requesting it wasn’t that long ago. They had a rate hike and they have posted 15% in profits. in the meantime everyone else is struggles to maintain all the rising costs Just to maintain a household. It appears pretty high what they are requesting the amount Of rate increase they are requesting. Not only will they be people be paying this increase if approved on there homes it will be passed on at the stores to the consumer as well so it’s almost like to be getting hit Twice with the same" *See attached |
P202501141 | 12/16/2024 8:45 AM | Everything is high enough as it is. Fixed income people and low income people have a hard time paying bills and groceries. Groceries are ridiculous. Everything goes up but people's pay checks. Something needs to be done about this. This world is in a big mess. Ameren doesn't need more money people do to eat and medical bills and medicine. Thank you for your time. |
P202501142 | 12/16/2024 8:59 AM | My household OPPOSES the Ameren rate hike: PUBLIC NOTICE Ameren Missouri has filed a rate increase request with the Missouri Public Service Commission ("PSC"). The requested increase would total approximately $446 million for an approximate increase of 15.49%. For the average residential customer, the proposed increase would be approximately 15.77% or $17.45 per month. |
P202501143 | 12/16/2024 9:01 AM | As a homeowner with solar panels, we sometimes sell kilowatts back to Ameren UE. Will the rate of these kilowatts sold back increase in value, equal to the increased cost of purchasing? |
P202501144 | 12/16/2024 10:05 AM | "I received the Public Notice on raising Ameren rates for residential customers. I’m writing to share that a 15.77% increase of $17.45 isn’t in my budget. I will not be able to afford that. I signed up for budget billing and that doesn’t save any money worth speaking of. I will need to investigate solar as an alternative or further reduce my consumption, which I’m already doing. " |
P202501145 | 12/16/2024 10:09 AM | "Is it not time the Senior citizens??? Already wanting an almost 16% percent increase on our bill, Happy New Year! My increase on the check to stand off inflation is 2.5%- them minus the raise in Medicare. Happy New Year again. " |
P202501146 | 12/16/2024 11:16 AM | "Like to register my opinion on proposed rate increase for Ameren. No. Already passed measure to allow them to use on-demand pricing. A tactic that is illegal in other markets. Without waiting to see how this affects their income now they want a hefty increase on top. Meanwhile I will figure out how I can stay awake all night to use electricity while my rate is low. Let you know how that goes." |
P202501148 | 12/16/2024 11:54 AM | "I think the proposed rate increase is too high when they have made record profits. They already have too much." |
P202501149 | 12/16/2024 12:21 PM | "I received notice in my last Ameren bill about a proposed 15.77% rate increase for Ameren customers for 2025. I am unable to attend the public meetings, so I am emailing as instructed in the notice I received. I am very much OPPOSED to this increase. We are already paying the highest rates in our area for electric. " |
P202501150 | 12/16/2024 12:23 PM | See Attached |
P202501151 | 12/16/2024 12:25 PM | "My name is Kevin Budynas and I'm a current Ameren customer. I'm completely against Ameren getting approval to raise our rates. Their Public Notice lied in the 1st paragraph. They claim the avg. household only pays about $115/ mo. My houshold is my wife and myself, and our avg. monthly bill is $177. Also, consider that I'm not home much since I work a lot. My wife is stay at home. So, what is an avg. household? One person in a 650 sqft box?"* Please see attached for full comment. |
P202501152 | 12/16/2024 12:26 PM | See Attached |
P202501154 | 12/16/2024 3:35 PM | "I strongly oppose this rate increase. People on a fixed income have no more to give. " |
P202501155 | 12/16/2024 3:42 PM | "I oppose the Ameren rate increase. Global warming is real and 95% of global emissions is caused because of coal mines producing electricity. Go solar and get off coal. " |
P202501156 | 12/16/2024 5:58 PM | Ameren's failure to account for necessary changes to their aging infrastructure, and their failure to adequately prepare their taxes is not a cost that should be passed on the consumers. A 15% base rate increase is unbelievable. And Ameren's monoplostic position allows them to petition for these extortionate rates without any fair market options to which consumers may shift. This increase should be denied, and Ameren's managerial failures should be borne by the corporation and not their captive customer base. |
P202501157 | 12/17/2024 7:37 AM | "I was very dismayed to receive a notice stating that Ameren Missouri is asking for another rate increase. " *Please see attached for full comment |
P202501158 | 12/17/2024 7:41 AM | "I am writing to oppose Ameren Missouri's request for an approximate increase of 15.49%. Besides being a ridiculously large increase request, I also support the reasoning provided by the League of Women voters as quoted below, in part:" *Please see attached for full comment |
P202501159 | 12/17/2024 7:47 AM | "Ameren, Spire, MO water company are all trying to increase their rate with an excuse that it is for work in plans to be done and increasing people's bills while they ceo's earning millions in salary and living in wealth while leaving people struggling to pay their bills. Please reconsider increase for these giants rip off companies. Past few years every single of them have requested increase every year which is unacceptable, please reconsider and stop increasing WEALTH of those ceo's and help lower class residents." |
P202501161 | 12/17/2024 7:59 AM | Hello, I hope this email finds you well. This email is ment for the Ameren public notice we received. We are first time home owners for this year 2024. We cannot afford another rate increase. This summer we barely were able to afford running our air conditioning without our electric bill being almost $500+ per month, because of the “summer increase pricing”. An electric bill should not be that high, and god knows with an increase we will not be able to afford the bill next year. We are currently looking into assisting programs to hopefully help us for next year. We also just received a paper in the mail talking about being charged more for peak times. These charging methods are scamming people. *Please see attached for full comment |
P202501162 | 12/17/2024 8:03 AM | "My name is Mark Stephens, I am a resident of Farmington Missouri, and I am serviced by Ameren Missouri at two separate locations. I would like to make a statement about their request for a 15.77% rate increase. " *Please see attached for full comment |
P202501163 | 12/17/2024 8:06 AM | "I am against another increase to Ameren electric bills. these increases happen every year. this is a big increase of $17.00. Id be happy with half that increase. or none of it." |
P202501164 | 12/17/2024 8:10 AM | " The continuous rate increase year after year, is insane. For union employees and cost fuel,which price has gone down, etc, etc. So the company can go with environmentally friendly equipment. Solar panel that are damaged in hail storm and need continuous replacement. Wind turbine are hazard,constantly damage by storms. Most people are not even getting cost of living increase from there employers. Time for the company to trim fat within the company and over the cost." |
P202501165 | 12/17/2024 10:59 AM | I received the Public Notice on raising Ameren rates for residential customers. I’m writing to share that a 15.77% increase of $17.45 isn’t in my budget. I will not be able to afford that. I signed up for budget billing and that doesn’t save any money worth speaking of. I will need to investigate solar as an alternative or further reduce my consumption, which I’m already doing. |
P202501166 | 12/17/2024 11:04 AM | I received notice in my last Ameren bill about a proposed 15.77% rate increase for Ameren customers for 2025. I am unable to attend the public meetings, so I am emailing as instructed in the notice I received. I am very much OPPOSED to this increase. We are already paying the highest rates in our area for electric. |
P202501167 | 12/17/2024 11:06 AM | Dear PCS, I think you should wait until next year to consider raising rates since our incoming president has promised to bring energy cost down. In fact, I think he said in half I think it would be wise to wait until we have a chance for his policies to work. Regards, Knox and Mary Adler |
P202501168 | 12/17/2024 11:10 AM | "I oppose the rate increase of 15.77% as we are retired and having a hard time keeping a comfortable lifestyle at the rate everything is going up. Electricity and gas to heat and cool our homes is not something we can do without, as is groceries, fuel for our cars and pharmaceuticals we need for health but we the consumer are put at the mercy of the powers that be, as they know choices are limited.. We beg mercy from a rate increase at this time." |
P202501169 | 12/17/2024 2:13 PM | See Attached |
P202501170 | 12/17/2024 2:18 PM | See Attached |
P202501174 | 12/17/2024 | I appreciate what Ameren does but I do not think this amount of increase is too much. I think we need to take a step back. |
P202501175 | 12/18/2024 9:08 AM | *Please see attached for consumer comment. |
P202501176 | 12/18/2024 9:12 AM | "Speaking on behalf of my constituents, I believe that the red hike that is being requested is way way out of line people are struggling, and they’re posting huge profits. I do not believe this is a good time to have any type of right hike. People are trying to conserve energy just to save money and then they raise the rates just to offset because people are trying to lower their utility bill so they want to raise the rates For the sake of profit. Attach, you will see the profit they’ve made in the past based on smaller Rate increases they recently posted a 15% increase in profits Please say not a rate increase at this time Thank you for your time " *See attached for full comment |
P202501177 | 12/18/2024 9:17 AM | I am writing to ask why Ameren needs 15.77% rate increase? The average customer cannot afford an increase of this magnitude. To receive a pay increase to equal Ameren’s rate increase will take four to six years. This includes Ameren’s own employees. This rate request is too high and needs to be denied. |
P202501178 | 12/18/2024 9:19 AM | I am writing to request that you do not approve the proposed 15% rate increase requested by Ameren. This increase is unaffordable by most Missouri households. Ameren needs to reduce the use of overly expensive solar and wind generators and keep their rates in check. Thank you for your time and consideration. |
P202501179 | 12/18/2024 9:19 AM | "I am writing to request that you do not approve the proposed 15% rate increase requested by Ameren. This increase is unaffordable by most Missouri households. Ameren needs to reduce the use of overly expensive solar and wind generators and keep their rates in check. Thank you for your time and consideration." |
P202501180 | 12/18/2024 9:20 AM | Thomas cannot attend any of the LPH's in Ameren's rate case. He would like the PSC to deny Ameren's request and is opposed to any increase in rates. |
P202501181 | 12/18/2024 9:20 AM | The following are my comments on the above message- Ameren is a money-hungry company and they are only doing this increase so their Executives can have expensive homes. The cost of business does not need to be pushed off on the customer all the time. The hearings are just a formality and the rate increase will happen, it has happened in the past, so why the hearings are being held is beyond me. |
P202501182 | 12/18/2024 9:37 AM | Gaye cannot attend any of the LPH's in the rate case but wanted to file a comment into the case. She is on a fixed income and already struggling to pay her bills. She cannot afford another rate increase. Opposes any increase in rates. |
P202501183 | 12/18/2024 9:38 AM | "Ameren is a money-hungry company and they are only doing this increase so their Executives can have expensive homes. The cost of business does not need to be pushed off on the customer all the time. The hearings are just a formality and the rate increase will happen, it has happened in the past, so why the hearings are being held is beyond me." |
P202501184 | 12/18/2024 9:41 AM | "Largest requested increase to Missouri customers…especially those on fixed incomes I have ever seen. Hope committee gets a backbone and declines this request. How many increases can they keep asking for. They need to cut their budgets to meet expenses…maybe they don’t need 6 employees and 4 trucks to do a job for 2 and 1 truck. Hopefully you will keep Missouri citizens in mind." |
P202501185 | 12/18/2024 11:30 AM | I'm in a very small town. There is a large elderly population here and these rate increases effect us tremendously. Wages are low here. Ameren just had a rate increase 2 years ago and it boosted their profits by 1.1 Billion dollars, while we are struggling to pay for necessities like food, housing and medications. If they want upgrades to lines, grids, meters can they find other ways of getting the money like grants? Customers are drowning. Please help the consumers of Missouri and do not pass this rate increase. " |
P202501186 | 12/18/2024 1:36 PM | "I'm on a fixed income and cannot afford a rate increase. I strongly oppose this rate increase. " |
P202501187 | 12/18/2024 1:47 PM | "Social Security benefits are only going up 2%. People who are on a fixed income are finding it hard to accommodate these rate increases. I strongly oppose. " |
P202501188 | 12/18/2024 2:15 PM | "I'm very upset the everyone is wanting increases. I'm not getting any increase. I'm 91 years old on social security and a modest pension. I can't afford this. Spire just got an increase now Ameren and MAWC want increases. They need to tighten up their belts and stop asking for increases every 6 months." |
P202501189 | 12/18/2024 2:18 PM | "Maybe if they didn't pay their employees so much they wouldn't need to pass it along to the customers. Everything is going up! I can't afford this." |
P202501190 | 12/18/2024 10:22 PM | Ameren should not be able to increase prices especially when they are asking to increase 3 times a year electric is a necessity and not a luxury and Ameren should not be able to increase the rates st this rate Americans will not be able to afford basic needs a 17.45 increase of 209.4 a year and that's just year one of the increase. we see increases but no changes to the services we get, Ameren should not be allowed to do this to the costumers when most are barley able to keep up with the rates that where just increased without any say Ameren wants Critical Needs Program budget will be $500,000 each annually, with funding provided 50% from customers and 50%. the customer should not pay 50% for a program when we cant even pay or bill |
P202501191 | 12/19/2024 10:34 AM | See Attached |
P202501192 | 12/19/2024 10:36 AM | See Attached |
P202501193 | 12/19/2024 10:37 AM | See Attached |
P202501194 | 12/19/2024 2:08 PM | Lynne's doctor has told her an AMI meter will exacerbate her medical issues and recommended she not have an AMI meter. Ameren has threatened to disconnect her if she doesn't take the new AMI meter, but she thinks $100 for the analog meter and an additional $40 each month to have the meter read is exhorbitant. Please reconsider the opt-out charges associated with AMI meter installation. |
P202501195 | 12/19/2024 2:11 PM | **see attached |
P202501196 | 12/19/2024 2:12 PM | I am 78 years old and live on Social Security alone. A raise of $15 a month in my electric bill will be a great hardship for me and many others in my position. Please consider not raising the rate for the elderly and/or other low income persons. |
P202501197 | 12/19/2024 2:14 PM | Ms. Helton and her husband are opposed to Ameren's proposed rate increase. Rates on everything are going up and she feels it's the company taking advantage of their customers to benefit managers and shareholders. We don't have a choice who are electric provider is, but for older people and people who want to retire, everything is going up. This much of an increase for Ameren is crazy. |
P202501198 | 12/19/2024 2:16 PM | See attached |
P202501199 | 12/19/2024 2:42 PM | "I am writing to express my strong opposition to Ameren Missouri’s proposed 15.77% electric rate increase, which would result in an additional $463 million annually in revenue for the company. This substantial increase, which translates to an average of $17.45 per month or over $209 per year for residential customers, places an undue financial burden on Missouri households already struggling with rising costs of living." -Please see attached for full comment. |
P202501200 | 12/19/2024 3:53 PM | Heard on the news that Ameren is causing pollution problems and is being sued. I do not feel that us consumers should have to pay for it by them asking for this increase. |
P202501201 | 12/19/2024 4:13 PM | "I am strongly opposed to another raise. Manage your money better. " |
P202501202 | 12/19/2024 4:17 PM | *See attached for comment |
P202501203 | 12/20/2024 9:25 AM | I have just received the document, from Ameren, about a proposed rate increase of 15.77%. I'm sure I can speak for all the senior citizens, who are on a meager Social Security check, that this proposed rate increase is well above the cost of living raise we get from Social Security. This will hurt all of us seniors, who have to squeeze our budget, to make our month ends meet. If Ameren needs the rate increase so be it. BUT, us seniors on a fixed income, should be allow to keep our current rate. There should be a avenue for seniors to apply for a pause of this increase. I appreciate your prompt attention to this very important matter. |
P202501204 | 12/20/2024 10:12 AM | "I have just received the document, from Ameren, about a proposed rate increase of 15.77%. I'm sure I can speak for all the senior citizens, who are on a meager Social Security check, that this proposed rate increase is well above the cost of living raise we get from Social Security. This will hurt all of us seniors, who have to squeeze our budget, to make our month ends meet. If Ameren needs the rate increase so be it. BUT, us seniors on a fixed income, should be allow to keep our current rate. There should be a avenue for seniors to apply for a pause of this increase. I appreciate your prompt attention to this very important matter." |
P202501206 | 12/20/2024 2:07 PM | I received a notice that Ameren is asking to increase their rates by nearly 16%. I find that to be an overly large request and given the difficult cost of living circumstances of many of their customers this is putting an undue burden on those who are already struggling. I think that Ameren needs to work on finding cost efficiencies in their operation and not take on undue and unwarranted costs which they just pass through to their customers. Poor management and bad decision making on their part is not a reason to unjustly increase rates. They need to focus on providing electricity safely and at reasonable rates - period. |
P202501207 | 12/20/2024 2:08 PM | "I am asking the PSC to reject the proposed rate increase by Ameren UE as this is not a small increase. The 15.77% is not practical and unaffordable for consumers. I would like to know what lean activities Ameren has exercised to cut cost, be more efficient and finding was to provide services more efficiently. The company is afforded the luxury of being a monopoly in this region, the trade for this luxury is to be a steward for the consumers in providing safe, reliable and affordable services. " *Please see attached for full comment. |
P202501209 | 12/22/2024 11:13 AM | To whom it may concern, I am writing to OPPOSE any and all rate hike requests from Ameren Missouri. ER-2024-0319 is the file number. They are profitable as their own website below shows. The below is from Ameren's website: Ameren Announces Third Quarter 2024 Results November 6, 2024 Download(opens in new window) Third Quarter GAAP Diluted Earnings Per Share (EPS) were $1.70 in 2024 vs. $1.87 in 2023 Third Quarter Adjusted (Non-GAAP) Diluted Earnings Per Share were $1.87 in 2024 vs. $1.87 in 2023 2024 GAAP Diluted EPS Guidance Range is now $4.34 to $4.48 per Diluted Share 2024 Adjusted (Non-GAAP) Diluted EPS Guidance Range Established at $4.55 to $4.69 2025 Diluted EPS Guidance Range Established at $4.85 to $5.05 |
P202501210 | 12/20/2024 | Stuart is on a fixed income and cannot afford rates now. He is asking the PSC to deny Ameren's request to raise the rates. |
P202501211 | 12/23/2024 8:28 AM | "The proposed amount Ameren is asking to increase is completely absurd. I don't know how they can justify it. They need to control their salaries, etc. I'd like to express my complete concern about how they can get away with price gouging their customers. This is absolutely ridiculous. " |
P202501212 | 12/20/2024 | The customer contacted to express his disapproval. They don't need an increase, in his opinion. They must take another action. |
P202501213 | 12/23/2024 9:10 AM | ""I cannot afford another increase. Everything has gone up. Don't make us choose between electric, medication or groceries. I can understand raising our rates by a dollar or two, but not $17.45! I strongly oppose this increase." |
P202501215 | 12/23/2024 10:11 AM | "I strongly oppose this rate increase. This is a difficult amount of money to come up with when you are on a fixed income, as many senior citizens are. Please consider coming up with a stipulation that allows a senior citizen discount when approving these rate increases. I strongly oppose this." |
P202501216 | 12/23/2024 10:20 AM | "Ameren operated its Rush Island Energy Center for years in violation of the Clean Air Act. The utility company chose to shut down their Rush Island plant rather than install pollution controls to bring it into compliance with clean air standards. Missourians are the victims of Ameren’s lawlessness, and should not be burdened with paying for the consequences of their poor decision making. I vehemently object to the proposed rate increase. " |
P202501217 | 12/23/2024 10:22 AM | "No matter what they are telling the PSC, a rate increase equates to an increase of fleecing the American public . They are a private corporation for profit, and need to lower their prices to the 1950s level. Do not allow their pillaging and fleecing the American people, the people of America. Sent from my iPhone" |
P202501218 | 12/23/2024 10:25 AM | "am a customer of Ameren. I feel the increase you are asking for is excessive. With only a small increase in my wages (cost of living wage), it will not come close to covering increases in my insurance, water bill, gas bill, taxes, and electric bill. When I budget, I have to make decisions where I can cut corners to survive. I am hoping Ameren will do the same and look at the "LEAN WAY" to eliminate unnecessary costs. Waste, anything the customer is not willing to pay for. Please reevaluate. It would help if spread over a three year period or a reasonable time period. A very concerned and nervous customer." |
P202501219 | 12/23/2024 10:25 AM | We ask the Missouri Public Service Commission to recognize that this rate increase will place an undue financial burden on those with limited income, impacting their ability to afford necessities (food, medicine, housing). See attached pdf. |
P202501221 | 12/23/2024 10:27 AM | "I oppose the proposed rate increase of $446 million. The proposed rate increase is inappropriately spread across residential customers. Ameren Missouri and the PSC have cancelled successful energy efficiency programs for existing homes and have declined to initiate energy efficiency programs for new construction of residential dwellings. Therefore, they are not doing due diligence on reducing the net base energy costs, and rate increase requests should not be approved without incorporating these cost-saving tactics into the plan. " *Please see attached for full comment. |
P202501222 | 12/23/2024 10:30 AM | "Dear Sirs, The 15.77% proposed rate increase seems excessive. I think a reduction in operational costs be considered first, and see what products and services can be reduced or eliminated without always scaring the public that their electric service is going to be disrupted or reduced. " |
P202501223 | 12/23/2024 11:16 AM | "While i respect that there is a need to keep up with energy costs you need also need to understand various factors. 1. seniors with economic constraints. due diligence to see who can really afford these increases. 3. a lot of peoples situation cannot keep up with inflation. 4. social security increases don't help if the cost taken out for medicare increases have also gone up. 5. employers don't pay enough for employees to stay afloat. 6. having to get more jobs when older to stay afloat." |
P202501224 | 12/23/2024 11:18 AM | "A letter from Amerem stated they want an increase of just 15.49%. OR an increase to me of 15.77%. Or $17.45 PER MONTH.on my bill. THIS AMOUNT IS JUST A FEW DOLLARS SHY OF DOUBLING MY BILL. I DO NOT THINK THIS IS FAIR.I believe Ameren is in a better position to absorb the cost of running their business than I am. I am 77 years old, retired on a fixed income and need food more than a large company needs me to pay for their cost to operate their company. Let the corporate bigwigs have a year without a large increase in benefits. They can afford it better than I. This is what happens when you are a dominant corporation with no competition . NO TO THIS UNREASONABLE INCREASE! " |
P202501225 | 12/23/2024 11:22 AM | "I am writing to OPPOSE any and all rate hike requests from Ameren Missouri. ER-2024-0319 is the file number. The below is from Ameren's website:" *Please see attached for additional information and full comment. |
P202501226 | 12/23/2024 11:38 AM | "ABSOLUTELY NOT! I do NOT support the proposed rate increase that Ameren is currently seeking from its hard working customers. they estimate the average residential customer increase to be $17.45/mn which equates to over $200/yr. My suggestion is they take the money from the board...each one of those jerks make several MILLION dollars a year along with bonuses and other perks. instead of spending their money lining their pockets and getting rich off the backs of barely middle class or poor families i suggest they trim the fat at the heart of the issue the executive board at Ameren. Sincerely a PISSED off customer who doesn't have another option in the monopoly that Ameren operates and become rich off a public service industry. |
P202501227 | 12/23/2024 11:52 AM | "The CEO is on 9 million a year. Take it out of salary. Greed GREED GREED. We’re in the Great Depression and their CEO is clearning 9 million and they have the audacity to raise rates. If you pass this I’ve lost all faith in humanity and I will take lawsuit action. You’re getting kick backs from ameren? Have some stones and shut down the greed." |
P202501228 | 12/23/2024 1:51 PM | I know it won't change the way Ameren does business; but my comment is : I don't think it is necessary to use several sheets of paper for our bills when we used to get the same information on one sheet. |
P202501229 | 12/23/2024 1:57 PM | ABSOLUTELY NOT! I do NOT support the proposed rate increase that Ameren is currently seeking from its hard working customers. they estimate the average residential customer increase to be $17.45/mn which equates to over $200/yr. **See attached for full comments |
P202501230 | 12/23/2024 1:59 PM | These comments concern the Ameren Missouri requested increase of 15.49%. We live in a large building (6500 sq. ft.) in Westphalia, MO. It was purchased in 1990. At that time it had 5 rental units. The electric meters were scattered around the building. We hired an electrician to put all the meters in one central box with one additional meter for the well which provides water for units A and E. We moved to this property in 1998. We now pay 4 electric bills for Units B, C, D, & F. for our residence. My question is will the proposed increase apply to each of our 4 meters? At $17.45 per meter. Or is the rate based on the total electricity consumed accross the four metere? |
P202501231 | 12/23/2024 2:03 PM | Their CEO is on 9 million and they want to raise consumer rates. What a crock of absolute GREED. If you pass this rate increase I will begin an investigation into potential kick backs and collusion. DO THE RIGHT THING for the PUBLIC CEO IM SURE GETTING A RAISE AS WELL GREED GREED GREED |
P202501232 | 12/23/2024 3:22 PM | I just want to make a comment about the proposed Ameren rate increase. It's absolutely insane after loosing a 61 million $ lawsuit that Ameren now wants to pass that bill to the consumers. These big companies will never learn their lesson if they raise prices to pay for their mistakes instead of them paying out of their own pocket. I live in a tiny 960sq/ft house and have some months my electric bill is $300!!! How are people with fixed incomes supposed to afford this and the SKYROCKETING grocery prices! At some point we have to tell these big companies NO for the sake of the people. These prices are getting insane! There are 0 reasons for Ameren to need an increase outside of them paying for the lawsuit for their own stupid mistake. |
P202501233 | 12/23/2024 4:36 PM | "I am writing to vehemently oppose Ameren’s and Spire’s and all the rest rate increases. This is laughable for many reasons: 1. The situation our economy is in and has been for 4 years. Insane housing prices. Insane interest rates. High fuel and grocery costs. The list goes on and on and on. Yet the Shareholders have the audacity to ask for an INCREASE?! NO! " *Please see attached for full comment |
P202501234 | 12/23/2024 4:39 PM | "I am writing to express my opposition to Ameren Missouri's request for a 15.49%-15.77% rate increase. I disagree with this exaggerated increase amount due to the fact that Ameren has a monopoly in their service, I do not have other companies to choose from, I am stuck with no other option for service. Therefore, I am against this substantial increase." |
P202501235 | 12/23/2024 | The customer called and said she felt it was excessive. |
P202501236 | 12/24/2024 9:34 AM | I am writing to vehemently oppose Ameren’s rate increases. The People are FED up with being strangled by rising costs, when too many are already struggling to meet their basic needs! With all due respect, the Mo Public Service Commission, needs to stop allowing these monopolies from putting Profits over Customers! (See attached pdf) |
P202501238 | 12/24/2024 9:44 AM | "I'd hope the information going around FB is not true and that Ameren would be increasing our utility cost to help cover those other issues. A reply would be appreciated so I'd know how to budget in the future." |
P202501239 | 12/24/2024 10:31 AM | See Attached |
P202501240 | 12/24/2024 10:34 AM | See Attached |
P202501241 | 12/24/2024 10:36 AM | See Attached |
P202501242 | 12/26/2024 10:44 AM | This is got to stop I can’t afford my electric bill now as it is people on a fixed income is forced to pay for things other than food or medicine electricity services do as they want because they buy the politicians. See attached |
P202501243 | 12/26/2024 10:54 AM | " I am sure that I do not understand the intricacies of the electrical grid but it seems as though 15.49% increase or $17.45 per month seems excessive. Perhaps there could be some efficiencies made in other places by the company to avoid such a large increase at one time. I am also skeptical about the possible rate adjustments three times a year. I would hope that if an increase is awarded that it will be less than 15.49%. Thank you for considering this very important issue for all consumers." |
P202501244 | 12/26/2024 10:56 AM | What has Ameren done to protect our power grid against an EMP (electromagnetic pulse) attack/event which could occur from either severe solar flare activity or high altitude nuclear detonation? This threat to our society has been known since the EMP Commission presented their report to Congress in 2008. If not, why not? This 25 minute presentation by the past Dr. Peter Pry will explain. Our politicians have failed us miserably to protect our electric grid against an EMP and so have our utility companies who all have ignored this treat. That's who I will hold accountable if such event should occur. This impacts all of our families. If you are going to hike our bills, then take action. |
P202501245 | 12/26/2024 10:57 AM | "This is outrageous that AMEREN wants to raise the electric bill it is time to put a cap on this monopoly .It is time to start standing up for the people not the corporations." |
P202501246 | 12/27/2024 9:11 AM | Their CEO is on $9 million and they want to raise consumer rates. What a crock of absolute GREED. If you pass this rate increase, I will begin an investigation into potential kickbacks and collusion. DO THE RIGHT THING for the PUBLIC. CEO, IM SURE, is GETTING A RAISE AS WELL. GREED GREED GREED |
P202501247 | 12/30/2024 7:47 AM | "Please stop giving Ameren every rate hike it wants. Those of us who are forced to support their billions of dollars in profits, while we scrape by are tired of it." |
P202501248 | 12/30/2024 7:55 AM | "I am writing to ask that you carefully consider the proposed Ameren rate increase. I understand that there must be upgrades to the infrastructure and that costs are high. But an increase of 15.49% seems overly generous. The resulting average increase per customer of $17.45 per month would be a real hardship for many on fixed incomes. I am one of those, an 88-year-old woman on Social Security. Please take into consideration the consumers who must pay for this increase. Housing, food, medication, etc., are already stretching available dollars to the limit for many of us. Thank you for your attention." |
P202501249 | 12/30/2024 8:46 AM | "This e-mail is in response to the public notice of the rate increase that was included in my Ameren bill. I have been a customer for 64+ years and have always paid my bill on time. I am NOT in favor of this increase. We are experiencing very real climate change as evidenced by the 50 and 60 degree temperatures in this December. In my opinion these warmer temperatures do not warrant a rate increase." |
P202501250 | 12/30/2024 9:08 AM | "With reference to the rate increase recently filed by Ameren Missouri, we are adamantly opposed to this increase and are nothing short of amazed by the outlandish size of their request! As seniors on a fixed income, this increase is beyond excessive and, we have to believe, unnecessary. If Soc. Sec. benefits increase a mere 2.5% in 2025, HOW can anyone justify a utility cost increase in excess of 15.5%??? Knowing the typical approach of the game, Ameren is likely requesting this extraordinary increase-beyond 15+% with the assumption of getting 10%, still well beyond reason.For our entire lives, we were educated to focus on a budget and to live within our means. Realizing that approach means nothing to Mr. Birk, as CEO *See Attached |
P202501251 | 12/30/2024 1:14 PM | I am against the increase. Ameren has had 7 or 8 increases within the last few years. When is it going to stop. This is entirely too much. |
P202501252 | 12/30/2024 2:12 PM | "I am writing this regarding Ameren's recent request to raise the electricity rates by 15.77%. This is TOO excessive, and my opinion not warranted. I realize that all utilities are struggling to service their customers in today's economy and environment, but so are their customers. This requested rate increase would impact everyone, not just the seniors which I am a part of. If you believe this is warranted, could the increase be spread out the next 5 years +/-. I'm sure Ameren can locate some waste that is no longer required to offset the rate increase. They are building community solar farms, and I was very much interested in applying until Ameren informed me that I/we would have to pay for the construction, how is that beneficial? |
P202501253 | 12/30/2024 2:17 PM | "I've received the letter proposing the 15-16% rate increase. It states for the average customer that increase would amount to $17 a month. Well our budget billing is currently $223 so that increase would be closer to $36 a month. " *See attached for full comment. |
P202501254 | 12/30/2024 4:29 PM | "I don't want the increase. I strongly oppose. " |
P202501256 | 12/31/2024 8:27 AM | I’m a senior citizen on a fixed income and we cannot afford this. I don’t believe that Ameren should get another rate increase because rates just increased due to the installation of these smart meters, which we had to add or it would be an extra $40.00 per month Further, Ameren is attempting to change its fuel adjustment clause three times a year, and it never goes down. They shouldn’t even have a fuel adjustment clause as far as I’m concerned. |
P202501257 | 12/31/2024 8:32 AM | see attached |
P202501259 | 12/31/2024 8:47 AM | See Attached |
P202501260 | 12/31/2024 8:56 AM | At a time when many Americans are struggling in this crippling economy it is completely absurd to allow this substantial rate hike. Ameren will not suffer but the people who have no choice in their energy provider will. |
P202501261 | 12/31/2024 9:01 AM | See attached |
P202501262 | 12/31/2024 9:09 AM | See Attached |
P202501263 | 12/31/2024 9:14 AM | See attached |
P202501266 | 12/31/2024 10:05 AM | I strongly oppose any rate increase. I also feel we should not be charged an additional fee to opt out of smart meters. 25% of the population are electromagnetically sensitive. Smart meters emit a harmful radiation. This affects the health, safety and welfare of their customers. |
P202501267 | 12/31/2024 11:44 AM | "I don't want this increase. I strongly oppose. Ameren wants 15.77% increase and our social security only went up 2%. Those of us on a fixed income are finding it increasingly difficult to come up with the money to pay our bills. Again, I strongly oppose." |
P202501268 | 1/2/2025 7:36 AM | "As a retired senior on a fixed budget I can assure you that making ends meet is increasingly difficult. So I'm requesting for all Missouri citizens on fixed income that this request by Ameren is not allowed to happen. I also think the Public Notice sent out to Amerens customers has a scare tactic tone to it's wording "the base rate increase that would have been proposed in this case would have been a lot higher" in other words don't complain it could have been worst! I pray my request does not fall on deaf ears and you will stand up for Missouri citizens and not allow this to happen." |
P202501269 | 1/2/2025 7:41 AM | "Please do not allow Ameren another rate increase. The lack of detail suggests they only want to make a greater profit from a utility service that people can not live without. This increase by far out paces family income and creates a hardship for every household." |
P202501270 | 1/2/2025 7:45 AM | "My husband and I are writing regarding the suggested rate increase by Ameren for Missouri customers. As we finally earned our right to retire and are on a fixed income, this rate increase would be a burden on us. The amount of the monthly increase is equal to a tank of gas for us. With a sick daughter that we take care of this will make a huge difference in our lives with transporting her to the doctors and hospital. Please, we are asking that this huge increase not be approved or that it be reduced. Also, maybe if Ameren didn't spend money to sponsor events as a tax deduction rates wouldn't have to be increased. Thank you for reading our concerns and considering our request." |
P202501271 | 1/2/2025 7:48 AM | "Good morning. Our family opposes the request by Ameren for a rate increase. Thank you." |
P202501272 | 1/2/2025 7:51 AM | "At a time when many Americans are struggling in this crippling economy it is completely absurd to allow this substantial rate hike. Ameren will not suffer but the people who have no choice in their energy provider will. " |
P202501275 | 1/2/2025 10:04 AM | I am writing to express my strong opposition to Ameren’s proposed nearly 16% rate increase for electricity. In an economy where prices are already sky-high, families are struggling to make ends meet. A rate hike of this magnitude is both unreasonable and deeply unfair. **See attached for full comments |
P202501276 | 1/2/2025 10:11 AM | I am a 73 year old senior living in HUD Senior housing in Jefferson City, MO. I moved in 5 years ago and I have tried on numerous occasions to get help from Ameren concerning my outrageous electric bill but to no avail they blow me off with no concern. **See attached for full comments |
P202501277 | 1/2/2025 10:51 AM | See Attached |
P202501281 | 1/3/2025 10:10 AM | See attached |
P202501282 | 1/3/2025 10:12 AM | See attached |
P202501283 | 1/3/2025 10:29 AM | See attached |
P202501284 | 1/3/2025 10:30 AM | See attached |
P202501286 | 1/3/2025 11:39 AM | "Until Ameren stops using antiquated technology, the PSC should not give them anymore raises because they all they do is give themselves raises and bonuses. Our power goes out at least once a month or any time it rains. Their wires need to be moved underground so these outages don't happen. |
P202501287 | 1/3/2025 2:15 PM | "It seems like they're requesting increases every year but yet my power keeps going out. Ameren has an easement on my land but I can't charge them for using it. I am on a fixed income and cannot afford an increase.' |
P202501288 | 1/3/2025 2:20 PM | "PLEASE do not approve this rate increase. Many of my neighbors on low fixed incomes, and my husband and I also, cannot afford this. Some of us are not low income or disabled to qualify for resources to help pay these extra costs. We have solar farms in our area and if anything, it has only increased our electric bill and taxes. With the rising cost of everything, this is outrageous to ask us to pay more. If you care about the people of your state at all, I urge you to put a stop to this and not approve the rate increase. In my opinion, this will create more homelessness and even more people desperation for those not being able to afford their basic needs." |
P202501289 | 1/3/2025 2:35 PM | "Ameren Missouri utilized a counterfeit document that I am in possession of that disguises an email address of There is no such email address of that exists, therefore this document wouldn't have been sent. It was used for purposes of financial gain on behalf of Ameren to extort and defraud me out of money that wasn't due at the time or monies not owed. Despite bringing this to the attention of the Commission and Ameren Missouri, they instead offer a delusional story to the question and avoid answering it. It also has the wrong PAG terms, and isn't on the payment agreement templates used by Ameren Missouri. " |
P202501290 | 1/6/2025 11:57 AM | "While I do appreciate excellent, and timely, service from Ameren, a 15.49% rate increase is out of line! An additional $17.45 per month would stress my budget. My retirement pensions and social security increases are 2.05%-----------------------------each. Even totalling them, I would have a total increase of 6.15% which is drastically less than their request of 15.49%. What is an 81 year old lady supposed to do-------------------------go back to work???? Thank you for considering my comments." |
P202501291 | 1/6/2025 12:01 PM | " Please do not increase Ameren bill. it would affect me too much negatively! I know that it would affect thousands of others in Missouri and Illinois in a negative way also." |
P202501292 | 1/6/2025 12:05 PM | " Ameren electric has held Missouri resident's hostage to their green agenda for too long. No more rate increases for failed wind and solar projects. We should not have to pay for an ideology that is proven dead wrong. I strongly disagree with their proposed rate increase. Go back to low sulfur coal and give the consumer a price cut for once." |
P202501293 | 1/6/2025 12:10 PM | "I am opposed to the never-ending Ameren utility rate increases. Ameren is currently asking for a $17 dollar rate increase to recoup losses from grid upgrades and investing in cleaner electricity generation-" *Please see attached for full comment. |
P202501294 | 1/6/2025 12:30 PM | "The fifteen plus percent rate increase Ameren wants is crazy. Obviously they know they won't get this and will settle for half or so which is still high. I have two brothers who recently retired from Ameren and myself from the worlds largest chemical company. Ameren pays their employees and has benefits light years beyond what any other major company has. Including the kingpins of the chemical industry. Early retirement with medical, money towards medical insurance when retired, in addition to a 401K they are one of the few companies that still has a pension plan. Other major companies don't have these but they work in an increasingly global environment. There are other perks that other major companies *See attached for full comment |
P202501296 | 1/6/2025 4:36 PM | "am writing as a representative for my over-55 apartment community here in Desoto, Missouri. Most of these residents live on limited incomes. We have absorbed the last few years' inflation for rent, goods and services. This proposed rate increase of 15.77% is onerous and excessive. Already people are only living in one room in order to save on their heating expenses. I ask that you do not approve this new rate increase that would put such a financial burden on consumers." |
P202501297 | 1/7/2025 10:22 AM | See Attached |
P202501298 | 1/7/2025 10:26 AM | See Attached |
P202501299 | 1/7/2025 10:30 AM | See Attached |
P202501301 | 1/7/2025 12:28 PM | "I find that Ameren's rate increase to be excessive and ridiculous! Who among us got a 15% cola. I'm a senior citizen & we received 2.5% cola. How are we supposed to pay for these kinds of increases? I ask that their request be denied!" |
P202501302 | 1/7/2025 7:39 PM | If the PSC actually looked into how Ameren operates and how wasteful they are with money no one could honestly approve this increase. They procure material based on no bid contracts from 2006. They prefer a minority spend over typical suppliers which only increases the cost of the material they buy. They have substation and transmission projects with left over material totaling up to millions which is trashed. All of this adds up to extra costs passed down to the rate payers. If Ameren opened up their supply chain to more companies, they would recognize a cost savings which would amount to more than what this rate increase would generate. Drop the minority preference. Work with more suppliers instead of the narrow supply chain they do now. |
P202501303 | 1/8/2025 7:44 AM | "Please represent the public and not support this increase!. My social security went up 2% and they want 16%? And then Medicare took my entire increase and then some! Oh my! Our salaries, when working don't increase that high! I wish it did when I was working. How can this be justified? We have spent decades, (my entire adult life) not updating anything but the prices! PLEASE, vote no and ask the utility companies to find ways to conserve, budget and revise to get the moneys! Write grants, eliminate waste and be proactive to serve our community! Our lives depend on it! " |
P202501304 | 1/8/2025 10:09 AM | If the PSC actually looked into how Ameren operates and how wasteful they are with money no one could honestly approve this increase. They procure material based on no bid contracts from 2006. They prefer a minority spend over typical suppliers which only increases the cost of the material they buy. They have substation and transmission projects with left over material totaling up to millions which is trashed. All of this adds up to extra costs passed down to the rate payers. If Ameren opened up their supply chain to more companies, they would recognize a cost savings which would amount to more than what this rate increase would generate. Drop the minority preference. Work with more suppliers instead of the narrow supply chain they do now. |
P202501307 | 1/8/2025 10:36 AM | See Attached - League of Women Voters |
P202501308 | 1/8/2025 11:04 AM | "We strongly oppose Ameren MO’s propesed rate increase. We are both retired and we already have made cut backs and changes to our budgets. We are getting squeezed while Ameren makes millions. This rate increase would put undue hardship on us and many other people who Ameren serves. There are too many people now who have to put on extra layers in the winter to save money and just be hot in the summer so they can pay their bills. Again, Ameren just makes millions. Before the company goes and just asks for more money, they need to take a good look at there own costs, spending and budget allocations. That should be done prior to any increase." |
P202501310 | 1/8/2025 1:54 PM | I do receive very good service from Ameren, and I understand they have bills to pay also. However, a rate increase of 15.77%, approximately $17.45/ month, is way above my pension and social security colas of 2.05% each, or a total of 6.15%!!!!! Is this 81 year old lady supposed to go back to work???? Hopefully, you will review this rate increase request in view of the "real" world and consider those of us on the receiving end. Thank you. |
P202501311 | 1/8/2025 1:57 PM | Please do not increase Ameren bills it is too much to increase. |
P202501312 | 1/8/2025 2:04 PM | Once again, a monopoly Utility asking for a rate increase. I am sure you will give them some of an approval as always and then later they will ask for another. So eventually they get it all just not at once. Why don't you ALL stand up and deny them. **see attached for full comments |
P202501313 | 1/8/2025 2:07 PM | I am writing as a representative of my over-55 apartment community here in Desoto, Missouri. Most of my fellow residents are living on limited incomes. This proposed Ameren increase of 15.77% is totally out of line with what these folks can afford. It is well beyond the inflation rates we have also been absorbing for other goods and services. On behalf of my community I ask that you do not approve this onerous rate increase. |
P202501314 | 1/9/2025 12:22 PM | "I am in receipt of a Public Notice from Ameren Missouri per the subject listed above. I, for one of many, are most likely upset with your requested increase of 15.77%. I do realize costs increase but this is a ridiculous amount. " *Please see attached for full comment. |
P202501315 | 1/9/2025 4:10 PM | Ameren has greedily applied for a 15% rate increase. Inflation is far less. Nor is much of the increase going toward a robust conversion to renewable energy which would help us avoid climate disasters. Additionally, an increase of this magnitude hurts the poor the most. Any increase should be for the big users of electricity. After a minimum threshold, they should pay a higher rate per Kw used which would motivate them to made efficiency changes. The base rate should not increase more than the current cola of 2.5%. |
P202501316 | 1/9/2025 8:35 PM | I'm concerned that tens of thousands of Ameren customers have been disconnected, when Ameren made $545 million in annual earnings. I'm worried that if this rate increase goes through, more people will be unable to afford their utilities, be disconnected, and be at risk of extreme heat and cold. I would encourage Ameren to implement a low-income solar pilot program that would decrease utility costs for subscribers and help those who are most at risk of utility shutoffs afford their rates. I would also encourage Ameren to not spend more money on maintaining aging coal plants, due to their associated air pollution which is very harmful to human health and climate change. The focus should be on replacing aging coal plants with renewable energy. |
P202501318 | 1/10/2025 9:19 AM | I am concerned with Ameren requesting to raise rates by 15%. As the attached bills show for our household over the past three month Ameren has already made adjustments to our bill. We are using budget billing, heat is where the majority of our electric bill cost comes from during this time of year. I also think being located in St. Louis and seeing that Ameren IL only raised rates by about a dollar is further cause for concern. Why is the same company requesting such a high rate change on one side of the river but not the other? I do not think at this time that Ameren should be granted its request for a rate hike unless it presents clear specific, and measurable plans for what it intends to do with that extra money. |
P202501319 | 1/10/2025 9:26 AM | "I am a Missouri resident and would like to announce that I am against the proposed increase. If you don’t have the money for something, don't buy it. People may live this way with purchases but that’s quite irresponsible for a company to behave. Your company claims it’s to upgrade systems and reliability, I knew switching to those smart electric meters would be a hassle. You weren’t doing this out of the kindness of your hearts, it was to your benefit of the non-payers. Wait until you have revenue to start making these changes. Or better yet, if capital is that much of a concern, go after the zip codes of the upper class consumers with very large properties and have them lend a hand for your proposed upgrades.."*See attached- full comment |
P202501321 | 1/10/2025 9:28 AM | "I’m asking that you refuse this latest rate increase request by Ameren. I understand they have lost a lawsuit that showed they chose to not abide by laws and update equipment. It is not our (their customers) responsibility to subsidize their mishandling of funds and infrastructure for so many years. I have no choice other than to move out of the area to avoid Ameren. That might have forced them to be more cautious with their profits if they had to worry about losing customers to competition! Please side with the people this time and refuse this rate hike." |
P202501322 | 1/10/2025 9:32 AM | See attached |
P202501323 | 1/10/2025 9:32 AM | "Absolutely NO." |
P202501324 | 1/10/2025 9:36 AM | "It seems we have another tax after our hard earned money. I can't ever remember getting a raise this large. And now with inflation costing twice as much as it used to cost at the grocery store, gas at the pump a dollar more a gallon, where are we supposed to get another 15% for this increase? If by some chance this is to pay for someone's mistake we recently read about in the news, it's that much worse! Why should we be the ones punished for the mistakes of others. I believe it's high time people are held accountable for their mistakes, and companies stop passing the buck (bill) on to the American workers. How much tighter do you think we can tighten our belts before we expire with nothing left to feed our families !" |
P202501325 | 1/10/2025 9:36 AM | See attached |
P202501326 | 1/10/2025 9:39 AM | "I am opposed to the 15.7% rate increase Ameren Electric has applied to their charge. No one gets that much of a pay increase in the working class! It is unreasonable and will cause greater suffering for the majority of citizens who are already struggling to make ends meet. Thank you for your time." |
P202501327 | 1/10/2025 9:41 AM | "Ameren is a profitable billion dollar company. They're is no reason for a 15% rate hike, or any rate hike at all. We the people are already struggling to get by while these greedy companies continue to rob us blind, and drive is to the poor house. It's time to support the middle and lower class and say no!" |
P202501329 | 1/10/2025 3:12 PM | I urge you to vote NO on Ameren's rate increase proposal, File No. ER-2024-0319. Ameren raked in $545 million in earnings in 2024, according to their investor report. Meanwhile, our monopoly electric utility disconnected over 84,000 customers between March and October of 2024, putting already vulnerable, energy-burdened populations in a precarious position. Customers should not be subjected to continued fossil fuel spending when investments in clean energy can reduce rates long-term for customers, without creating dangerous pollution that harms our air quality and contributes to climate chaos. |
P202501330 | 1/10/2025 3:13 PM | The rate hike is painfully unaffordable for households. Ameren is seeking over 15%, from ratepayers without aggressive plans and not decreasing fossil fuel consumption. The average ratepayer will pay $210 more per year to the utility, and we ARE NOT GETTING RAISES. This is UNAFFORDABLE. Have executive staff take significant paycuts. Please look for other options- the people are being bled dry. This is causing significant effect on household incomes and bills. |
P202501331 | 1/11/2025 9:43 AM | We are appalled that you are requesting a 15% increase when we see the salaries depicted in the attached screenshot of your executive staff. We think they should take pay cuts to pay for these necessary improvements. |
P202501332 | 1/11/2025 4:05 PM | I object to a rate increase in view of the fact that Ameren has not made enough effort to decrease fossil fuel use. |
P202501334 | 1/13/2025 7:56 AM | "Please do not allow this rate hike by Ameren. " |
P202501335 | 1/13/2025 7:58 AM | "This is to say that I do not agree with Ameren's request for a rate increase. There is no other choice, Ameren is all we got, they should NOT be allowed to gouge their customers with this huge increase." |
P202501336 | 1/13/2025 8:00 AM | " I live in Wentzville. I am writing this email to let you know you should oppose the 15.77% Ameren rate hike." |
P202501337 | 1/13/2025 8:05 AM | "I want to express my opposition to the extreme rate hike (15.77%) proposed by Ameren Electric." |
P202501338 | 1/13/2025 8:07 AM | "I oppose the 15.77% rate increase that Ameren wants. People, especially seniors can’t afford what they are paying now, let alone another increase of 15.77%. " |
P202501339 | 1/13/2025 9:04 AM | This is to say that I do not agree with Ameren's request for a rate increase. There is no other choice, Ameren is all we got, they should NOT be allowed to gouge their customer's with this huge increase. |
P202501340 | 1/13/2025 10:23 AM | See Attached |
P202501341 | 1/13/2025 11:09 AM | See Attached |
P202501342 | 1/13/2025 12:05 PM | "I would like to oppose the increase that Ameren is asking for. I am on social security, a fixed income. We cannot afford this." |
P202501343 | 1/13/2025 1:26 PM | Families are barley making it now as well as seniors. Rent and housing has increased substantially along with other things. Families just can't afford any increases anymore. Especially a 15 percent increase. |
P202501344 | 1/13/2025 4:18 PM | "Missouri Public Service Commission (MPSC), Commissioner Coleman, Commissioner Holsman, Commissioner Kolkmeyer, Commissioner Mitchell, Chairman Hahn. I oppose the rate increase. The rate increase unfairly burden the people who are most vulnerable: low income, fixed income , and minority communities. Perhaps consider a modified rate for those individuals with greater energy burden . I'M OPPOSING MO RATE INCREASE - Ameren " |
P202501345 | 1/13/2025 4:24 PM | "I, Wanda Hagerty, who resides at 109 Creek Hollow Way, Moscow Mills, MO 63362, oppose the 15.77% rate hike that Ameren is proposing for year 2025." |
P202501348 | 1/14/2025 8:05 AM | "Ameren is requesting a $446 million dollar increase on our electric bills. While people are already struggling and unable to pay their current bills, Ameren is attempting to raise rates again. They are proposing a rate hike that will increase our individual bills by approximately 15.77%, roughly $210 annually. Ameren needs to do better for the people it serves. Therefore I would like to oppose the increase. " |
P202501349 | 1/14/2025 8:16 AM | "You claim local meetings but none of the provide locations are near us working class paying customers in the Farmington Missouri area. I don't appreciate the lack of Ameren's willing to use a fiscally responsible zero based budget. The Ameren budgeting method is archaic and makes them an irresponsible steward of the customer's money. I am aware of how each facility is sometimes unable to spend all the money allocated to them. That facility will contact other facilities and move money around to be wasted. Some facilities have premade wish lists ready to go in hopes that extra money is sent their way. I don't appreciate Ameren using our electric money for charities of their choice. I should be able to give to the.."*See attached |
P202501351 | 1/14/2025 3:02 PM | "I received my latest statement in the mail yesterday. I do not appreciate all the charges Ameren continues to add on to my bill. There is now a retirement charge. This is not my problem that a plant closed and fees have to be paid. The owners of Ameren should be consuming that loss. I own a business and this is what I have to do. This is wrong. Ameren is a monopoly. I have no other option for an electric company and they feel they can price gouge and charge whatever they want. This is wrong!!! Terrible company that has become very greedy. How about you change the salaries of the owners, ceos and presidents of the company? You won’t tho, you just want more, more, more from the consumer. This should be illegal!".. -See attached full comment |
P202501352 | 1/14/2025 4:03 PM | "The amount seems rather high as Social Security is only allowing a 2.5% cost " |
P202501353 | 1/15/2025 12:20 PM | In the attached pdf file are comments shared by members of the Tower Grove community, related to negative impact a 15% increase on electric bills will have upon their households. |
P202501354 | 1/15/2025 12:41 PM | In the attached PDF file are comments from Metropolitan Congregations United's (MCU) community members regarding the impact a 15% Ameren rate increase will have on their household budgets |
P202501355 | 1/14/2025 | Joyce cannot attend any LPH but wanted to file a consumer comment in the case. She cannot afford rates now. She is on social security with a fixed income. Inflation since Covid and other price increases are already too high. She is opposing any increase and would like the PSC to not grant any increase in rates. |
P202501356 | 1/13/2025 | Mary lives in senior housing and cannot afford current rates now. She is opposed to any increase in rates and would like the PSC to not grant any increase in rates. |
P202501357 | 1/15/2025 3:00 PM | Reference ER-2024-0319. I initially want to congratulate Ameren's response during the recent January weather events & cannot imagine the working conditions all personel had to endure. I also appreciate the new & much needed multi-million $ facility being contructed in St. Francois County. But I wonder if this proposed increase is being used to offset this cost or to recover the cost of the Taum Sauk Reservoir collapse 20 years ago? Being on a fixed-income, as many of my fellow citizens are, I do not believe a 15.77% increase is warranted. |
P202501358 | 1/15/2025 3:23 PM | The customer called to say he was opposed to the rate hike. |
P202501359 | 1/15/2025 4:02 PM | I strongly oppose the rate increase. |
P202501360 | 1/15/2025 5:07 PM | I understand that inflation has skyrocketed. However, as a mother who stays home because daycare is way too expensive already and having 4 disabled children, it's hard to make ends meet. Take into consideration those less fortunate who cannot even provide a birthday gift to their child or Christmas (trust me in my county it's hard to find help for much of anything) by raising this so much you can get families evicted, strapped with where their next meals may come from or even the choice to have to pay between the minimum and gas to get to work. Not everyone can be approved for LIHEAP and the income guidelines are not up to date for food stamps. So a lot of families are struggling. Please say no to this raise. |
P202501361 | 1/15/2025 7:27 PM | Electricity is so important in today's world, and yet it's so expensive as it is; just like everything else in the world. Most people barely have the money for necessities like food or rent, and a 15% increase on another bill is so unnecessary. |
P202501362 | 1/16/2025 9:07 AM | "Oppose ER-2024-0319 1. People are struggling and unable to pay their current bills, yet Ameren wants to raise their rates once again. • Ameren disconnected over 90,000 households from March-November of 2024. • Ameren earned $545 Million dollars in 2024."..*Please see attached for full comment. |
P202501363 | 1/16/2025 10:12 AM | This rate hike is unconscionable, particularly considering lingering inflation and a recent hike a couple years ago. Ameren says that these hikes will go toward infrastructure upgrades the company has already made. Well, Ameren Missouri's 2023 earnings were $545 million and the CEO's total compensation is $9 million. Frankly, Ameren should dip into those funds to pay for improvements instead of gouging their customers. |
P202501364 | 1/16/2025 10:30 AM | See Attached |
P202501365 | 1/16/2025 10:45 AM | I had an increase in my SS. 22.$ a month. And Ameren wants an increase which will boost my bill by 17.45 a month. The CEO should take a pay cut. When does the madness stop. |
P202501366 | 1/16/2025 10:46 AM | As a Missouri resident this rate increase is appalling. Ameren makes BILLIONS in profits and continues to gouge their customers in a time when people are already struggling with homelessness and every penny counts. People will have to choose between rent or food or heat and electricity. This is something our representatives in Missouri need to fight against this clear abuse of power and blatant greed and lack of ethics on the part of a multi billion dollar corporation. Sincerely, Unhappy and appalled Missouri Resident Jena Diveley |
P202501368 | 1/16/2025 10:52 AM | See Attached |
P202501369 | 1/16/2025 10:53 AM | "I am writing to formally express my strong opposition to the proposed rate increase of approximately 15.77%, which would result in an additional $17.45 per month on my electric bill. As a resident of a rural community, I am deeply concerned about the negative impact this increase would have on my personal budget, as well as on the broader community." *Please see attached for full comment. |
P202501370 | 1/16/2025 1:58 PM | I am in protest of Ameren's proposed increase as Seniors are not able to afford this. Please just consider the senior citizen when making your decision. |
P202501371 | 1/16/2025 2:37 PM | "I oppose the nearly 15.77% increase that Ameren is seeking. This would amount to almost $446 million according to the mailing included in this month’s electric bill. The annual inflation rate for the United States was 2.9% for the 12 months ending December, according to U.S. Labor Department data published on January 15, 2025. Why should Ameren receive over five times the inflation rate? Additionally, Ameren was granted a $140,000,000 rate increase in 2023." *See attached for full comment. |
P202501372 | 1/16/2025 2:39 PM | "I oppose the 15.77% rate hike by Ameren, my average Ameren bill is $200 dollars a month for a 1400 sq ft home running my heat at 68 degrees and summertime thermostat at 70 degrees. I have added insulation to my attic, and new windows. I can’t afford much more increases, my house taxes went from $1400 in 2013 to almost $2200 this past December." |
P202501373 | 1/16/2025 2:44 PM | "I am writing to inform you that I am not in favor of the proposed Ameren Missouri raise Hite of 15.77%. When I moved to Missouri in 2019 my budget Ameren Missouri bill was $60.00 per month and it stayed at that rate for about three years. While my usage habits have not increased and I have even put into place some energy savings practices my budget rate has steadily increased. My monthly budget bill is now $77.00 a month which is an almost 30% increase over a five year period. Adding another 15.77% increase is unconscionable in my opinion. Many of us are older and are on fixed incomes. With the inflation being what it has been in the past four years, this proposed Ameren Missouri increase would put a.." *See attached for full comment |
P202501375 | 1/17/2025 6:40 AM | Ameren increased rates between 2020-2003 (19.73%) and 15% in Oct2024.!!?? 2025 they seek another 15%. There are 9 attorneys on the MPS aboard. Reduce to 2 . Now return working capital back to the revenue stream . It’s a start. Next , who in Missouri receives 15% raises either by salary or SS, to have the ability to sustain paying for AMR increases. Ameren basis? New clean energy. Republicans are in office. Open up the coal fire power plants and reduce overall costs. Wind is un sustainable. H2 -maybe in 30’years. COAL,GAS and OIL. Give us back 30%. Win /win. PS: cut Ameren CEO pay by 80% and now give back 40% to the people!! |
P202501376 | 1/17/2025 7:36 AM | "I am a retiree on a fixed income and cannot afford an increased Electrical Rate. My monthly income is already stretched with higher utility costs, mortgage and cost of living expenses. Please share my negative "VOTE" of "NO INCREASE" with those purveyors of Ameren MO . This is not a doable request of MO citizens. " |
P202501377 | 1/17/2025 7:40 AM | *Please see both attachments for full comment. |
P202501378 | 1/17/2025 7:43 AM | "Just When things couldn't get worse, Ameren is looking for an increase. Every time they close a power plant, they tell us that it's not going to increase our cost. Oh, but it does. This is ridiculous and has got to stop. Most of us are living paycheck to paycheck and still racking up tens of thousand dollars on our credit cards. We cannot afford Another increase. Ameren has got to figure out a better way than to continue increasing our cost. My electric bill is hundred dollars more than it's ever been. The past two or three years." |
P202501379 | 1/17/2025 7:45 AM | "Ameren has been making record profits for years. My wife and I cannot afford for our electric bill to increase. It's almost unpayable now, and real winter hasn't really shown up yet. We don't want to have to choose between medications (we both NEED), and keeping the heat/AC on. Ameren does not need to have hundreds of million of dollars in their accounts. We the people need relief from their greed." |
P202501380 | 1/17/2025 7:48 AM | "I am sending this email in objection to the proposed rate increase of $17.45 per month to my Ameren Missouri electric bill. I am a stay at home mom of a child with Down syndrome, and I simply cannot afford another bill increase! Middle class families’ budgets are already stretched to their limits! This is an untenable increase!!! " |
P202501381 | 1/17/2025 7:50 AM | "wanted to let you know that my wife & I are on social security. This proposed rate increase of 15.77% percent is absolutely ridiculous. Our social security increase for this year only went up 2.5% I am totally against this, please count both my wife & I as both voting NO on Amerens rate increase." |
P202501382 | 1/17/2025 8:59 AM | I oppose Ameren Missouri’s proposed ~16% rate increase. While maintaining electrical infrastructure is essential, this hike is excessive given inefficiencies in Ameren’s operations and the current economic climate, where many are already burdened by rising costs. As a Retired IT Executive, I know Ameren spends millions on third-party services to analyze customer usage data and provide customer reports. However, these reports are inaccurate and misleading, offering limited value despite significant costs. Additionally, Ameren’s executive compensation packages appear excessive, further straining company resources. I urge the Missouri Public Service Commission to carefully review and reject this proposal. |
P202501383 | 1/17/2025 9:05 AM | "There should absolutely no increase at all. People are already struggling as it is. |
P202501384 | 1/17/2025 9:16 AM | I feel like raising the rates to $17.00 more will make a difference to people on a fixed income. I know inflation exists, but most of the time our pay isn't going up while everything else is. I'm lucky that I'm single, but for families with kids that can be hard. |
P202501385 | 1/17/2025 9:20 AM | I object to the rate increase. The company has already made significant investments in infrastructure improvements, and there is no clear evidence demonstrating that the current level of investment is insufficient. Instead, this proposal seems to prioritize profit maximization over reasonable and balanced rate adjustments. A sharp rate increase in this context is likely to exacerbate low- and middle-income households, and disproportionately affecting vulnerable communities. Less expensive options for improving grid reliability, such as incremental upgrades or a more phased approach to smart technology deployment, should be explored before burdening customers with such a significant rate hike. A 15.77% increase feels unjustified. |
P202501386 | 1/17/2025 9:32 AM | We have all been dramatically impacted financially over the past several years with inflation and according to Strategen Consulting they have found that Summer and Winter bills have rose around 20% from 2020-2023 which increased faster than inflation which was 18.62% over that time. Trust me when I say we feel that financial burden as a family with little children. In the summer our electric has been up to $370, currently our projected January bill is showing over $350 with heat being almost 2000kWh out of 3000kWh. We have a 1200 sq ft house and we keep the temperature around 70 degrees at all times. Raising rates 15.49%/15.77% for the ‘average consumer’ is an insurmountable increase that I believe will hurt our community across the board. |
P202501387 | 1/17/2025 10:08 AM | "Raising the electric bill 15% is going to be too hard on the customers. Our electric bill is high enough. Please do not them raise our rates. Now that president Trump is in office they are going to get regulated less. No rate hike until we find out what stupid regulations can be cancelled Sent from my iPhone" |
P202501388 | 1/17/2025 10:18 AM | "In regards to Ameren price hike, since moving here i don't understand why this state doesn't allow residents to search for their own electrical company and search for the best rate. Will Missouri ever have deregulation policy in the future to allow residents to search for their own company? I came from PA-Pennsylvania where I was accustomed to this deregulation policy. TIA for your answer." |
P202501389 | 1/17/2025 10:21 AM | Ameren gross profit for the twelve months ending September 30, 2024 was $5.563B, a 4.61% increase year-over-year. Ameren annual gross profit for 2023 was $5.333B, a 1% increase from 2022. Ameren annual gross profit for 2022 was $5.28B, a 10.81% increase from 2021. Why exactly do they need to increase rates by FIVE TIMES the current inflation rate if they were raking in profits in the billions on top of posting increased profits year over year for the last three years? This is completely ridiculous. Have they considered cutting their marketing budget instead? I'm not sure why a monopoly needs to advertise their services. |
P202501390 | 1/17/2025 10:22 AM | "Please don’t allow Ameren to raise our rates. We're a low income min wage retirement area and cannot afford to pay more for electricity! My bill has already increased this winter over 30% from last winter since they put in the “new” meter! They need to look at the wages they pay unnecessary admin staff at the top and do away with some of their jobs. Make the remaining staff take on more work. I have worked for the state many years and that is how the state offices balances the budget. They just dont fill positions when someone quits and the remaining staff take on more work. Start at the top earners not the actual workers on the ground!! All businesses are going to need to learn how to operate on the income they have and use it wisely!" |
P202501391 | 1/17/2025 10:22 AM | I am fully against yet another rate hike for a company that is raking in a billion in profit as their infrastructure is left to rot. Living in more rural areas from them they haven't updated some lines since 1920 and continue to payout profits and blame us for not updating their infrastructure. Public Utilities shouldn't be profit makers with more and more energy insecure in Missouri and new confusing rate structures that are not beneficial to end users - this increase is a joke. |
P202501392 | 1/17/2025 10:25 AM | An increase of this amount is absurd and sets a abhorrent precedent. Yes, costs go up and projects/infrastructure need to be updated, but not all at once. There needs to be better planning on Ameren's part to prioritize and stagger projects/increases rather than hitting consumers all at once. Ameren needs to prioritize projects over a multi-year timeframe, forecast budgets to support the annual increases, justify that with the board, then request increases accordingly. Companies must be held to this due diligence. If this were retail, raising costs to the tune of 15%+ would likely price them out of business. Utilities having a monopoly need to be held to the same standard rather than pushing absurd increases on to the captive consumers. |
P202501394 | 1/17/2025 10:31 AM | I'm barely able to afford rent as is and Ameren is not exactly a reliable company. There are outages all the time. It's absolutely insane their profits have outpaced inflation and yet income has not. They also have a monopoly and I don't have another choice but to use them so this really leaves me the option of being taken advantage of and simply being forced to pay more money or returning to pre-electrical existence but unfortunately my apartment would not allow it I'm sure. It effectively leaves many with no choice but to just fork over more money. Show me where this is necessary for the company and where you will go out of business if you don't do this. This is wrong. |
P202501395 | 1/17/2025 10:34 AM | "The size of the rate increase Ameren is asking for is too big. This forces people to choose between basic needs, especially those of us on fixed incomes. The increase would be better if spread out across several years, if possible. " |
P202501396 | 1/17/2025 10:37 AM | "Before any rate hike is approved, Ameren must be required to prove it has conducted an organization-wide audit, and prove that it has reduced its own administrative and other costs by the same percentage as the rate hike it seeks to impose on customers. Companies like Ameren have customers with no other option than to buy their products/services. Companies like Ameren therefore have zero incentive to run as efficiently as possible. We the customers are sick and tired of increasing rates from utility companies that run fat and sloppy operations. You at the PSC need to address this rather than rubber-stamping rate increases. Tighten it up!!" |
P202501397 | 1/17/2025 10:43 AM | "I don't want the rates to increase. People can't afford their utility bills now as it is." |
P202501398 | 1/17/2025 11:09 AM | I am concerned about the Ameren rate increase. They just increased rates 2 years ago. As a single income home, a 15.77% increase would not be the $17 they claim but almost $30. Ameren rates recently went up. Water rates went up. Cost of living has increased significantly in the city. Salaries are not going up to match all the rising fees. These companies continue to grow their profits but the residents are struggling to make ends meet. |
P202501399 | 1/17/2025 11:09 AM | I strongly oppose Ameren's proposed rate hike. It's unacceptable to increase the financial burden on customers, especially during a time when many are already struggling to make ends meet. This decision seems to prioritize corporate greed and profits over the needs of the people Ameren serves. We deserve affordable and accessible electricity, not more price gouging. Remember, people over profits! |
P202501400 | 1/17/2025 11:15 AM | "My name is Jeanette and I am currently a customer of Ameren. I am 100% against this rate increase. As I work full time to help pay my already ridiculous ameren bill, I will not be able to attend the hearing January 23 at noon. Ameren is constantly getting rate increases and my bill, along with every other customer, is getting out of control. I live in a 1,649 sq ft home and I have had to move to budget billing to be able to afford my monthly bill with them. My monthly bill with budget billing is $242 for a family of 4 in 1649 sq ft. If I don't use budget billing my projected bill for the month of January is currently $624!!! Who can afford that? We have added insulation to our home that was built in 1999 2 times now.,"*See attached |
P202501401 | 1/17/2025 11:18 AM | "I realize the need to address increased costs in providing electrical services. It is also just and fair to consider the new demands on service due to the effects of charging electric vehicles. These services should have an increase in rate both at homes and public charging stations. The usage of electric powered vehicles is anticipated to continue increasing. Now is a good time to consider this additional demand on electric power." |
P202501402 | 1/17/2025 11:20 AM | "I am writing to express my strong opposition to Ameren Electric’s proposed 15% rate increase. This hike, which would add an average of $17 per month to customers’ bills, places an unnecessary and unfair burden on residents already facing financial challenges.".. *See attached for full comment. |
P202501403 | 1/17/2025 11:21 AM | I oppose the rate hike increase. Americans are suffering enough as it is without the rich getting richer. We are seniors that need help and not anymore burdens. Show me an itemized spreadsheet showing where all their profits are going, including their upper management. I'll then show you we don't need a rate increase. |
P202501404 | 1/17/2025 11:22 AM | A 15 percent increase is not feasible for seniors and I am against this type of increase. |
P202501405 | 1/17/2025 11:23 AM | "We don’t want or need an increase in our electric bills. This big increase affects many of the low income and retired people. What exactly are those “other increased costs” ? is it due to the green energy hoax? ,,"*Please see attached for full comment |
P202501406 | 1/17/2025 11:27 AM | "Electric cost enough as it is. Social Security gave out at 2.5% increase in our cost of living this year You’re wanting to raise electric over 15% Eggs cost seven dollars for a dozen A milk is six dollars for a gallon with no end in sight." .*Please see attached for full comment. |
P202501407 | 1/17/2025 11:34 AM | I am against the rate increase. As $17 a month sounds minimal, it totals approximately $200 a year which is a substantial amount of money to low income and seniors and quite frankly, the middle class right now. This could potentially make a person have to choose between making a rent payment or buying groceries. |
P202501408 | 1/17/2025 11:36 AM | Get rid of the scandalous rate options and use a flat rate. The rate options are simply implemented to take advantage of the public. Ameren CEO Martin J. Lyons Jr. has over a million dollar salary, and earns around $9 million each year with bonuses. I propose, instead of a rate increase, CEO Martin J. Lyons Jr. and other Ameren executives forfeit any bonuses, and WE THE PEOPLE instead get a RATE DECREASE for the foreseeable future. It is supposed to be a PUBLIC UTILITY after all. I am not a lawyer, but I feel Ameren should have been broken up long ago, and currently should be subject to anti-trust litigation, as many Americans simply don't have the option to choose another provider. Ameren profits BILLIONS. It is unnecessary and gross. |
P202501409 | 1/17/2025 11:37 AM | I am strongly opposed to this rate hike. There is no financial reasons for the hike but pure greed. |
P202501410 | 1/17/2025 11:42 AM | I am strongly opposed to the proposed 15% rate hike by Ameren Missouri for electric customers. It would total approximately $446 million more for Ameren while causing significant financial hardship for its customers without perceived justifiable benefit in infrastructure or service improvements for customers. |
P202501411 | 1/17/2025 12:59 PM | I oppose the rate increase. Continuous rate increases is not sustainable for energy consumers, and will negatively affect people's finances and wellbeing. |
P202501412 | 1/17/2025 1:16 PM | Regarding ER-2024-0319, proposal to increase rates: In my opinion, the proposed increase is misleading and already contradicted by the 20 percent increase Ameren has predicted for my monthly payment. Going from $150 per month for 2024 to $180 per month. I have seen 35 percent increases from this company for the past 4 years on my bill and the best I get out of my paycheck is a 3 percent increase. I don't see a good justification for these extreme increases and would ask that their petition be denied. |
P202501413 | 1/16/2025 | The customer called to say they were opposed to the rate hike. They are 84 years old. When you keep increasing things, it becomes increasingly difficult. They're not sure what they'll do. |
P202501414 | 1/17/2025 1:20 PM | The customer called and stated that they are a monopoly. There are no other servicers in her surrounding area. Absolutely no price increase. They want to keep raising rates. Does not think it is right. |
P202501415 | 1/17/2025 1:27 PM | Customer called to express her dissatisfaction with their attempts to hike her bill again. She lives in a two-person mobile home. She is on budget billing. She pays about $200 every month already. This is ridiculous. Who do they believe will be available to attend a hearing at 12:00 p.m.? Not everyone can take the day off. |
P202501416 | 1/17/2025 1:29 PM | Customer contacted and asked why they were hiking the prices while they were making so much money. He stated that he does not believe it is fair. They keep getting it from the customers. They do not borrow money. He is a taxpaying citizen. |
P202501417 | 1/17/2025 1:44 PM | The customer called and stated that she is against. There are just too many folks out here who go without eating several times per week. She's not sure how they can afford it. |
P202501418 | 1/17/2025 1:57 PM | This proposed rate increase will be hard for seniors to manage. Especially those of us on a single income. |
P202501419 | 1/17/2025 2:04 PM | see attachment |
P202501420 | 1/17/2025 2:04 PM | "I am writing to share concern about the high rate hike being initiated by Ameren UE. With increased inflation and income not keeping up at the same rate, the proposed rate hike is unfair to consumers. Ameren has reported an increase in profits consistently every year since at least 2020- the increase most years has been between 5-10%. Ameren needs to invest their profits into their own infrastructure and not on the backs of hard working consumers whose incomes are not keeping up with inflation. " |
P202501421 | 1/17/2025 2:16 PM | "We can not make the meeting to discuss the rate increase so we just wanted you to know that we extremely disapprove of a rate raise especially of this amount at this time. People are having a hard time just paying for groceries right now, and other necessary things, and raising the electric rate is really going to put people in a position to not be able to make their electric payment very easily, especially at these extreme weather condition we are experiencing. Please wait until a better time, or maybe raise the rate at a lesser amount of the amount you are requesting." |
P202501422 | 1/17/2025 2:18 PM | Ameren is proposing a rate increase not because of higher costs or more benefits but to maintain a higher profit rate. I have no other options when it comes to electric and it’s unfair to the consumer to levee a 15% rate increase just to appease greedy shareholders. Ameren is not hurting for money. Ameren’s gross profit for the twelve months ending September 30, 2024 was $5.563B, a 4.61% increase year-over-year. If this rate hike is approved, you’re essentially forcing consumers, who have no other options for energy, to pay more so Ameren can make a higher profit rate. This isn’t some nice to have service for the people of Missouri, this is a must have service with dire consequences if people are unable to pay for their electric. |
P202501423 | 1/17/2025 2:21 PM | "Has the Missouri Public Service Commision ever denied a rate increase to Ameren Missouri? No. Therefore, the phrase "public service" in the Commission's name is a glaring misnomer." *Please see attached for full comment. |
P202501424 | 1/17/2025 2:22 PM | See attached. |
P202501425 | 1/17/2025 2:23 PM | "I do not live anywhere near where the public hearings are about the percentage increase for 2025, but I want my opinion voiced. I am not in agreement with this 15% percentage increase to my bill. Ameren has already charged me 19-21% more each year since 2021, this is unacceptable for everyday people who are just trying to exist and keep their bills paid. My bill is already never under $200 for a one bedroom house and I live in town." |
P202501426 | 1/17/2025 2:24 PM | As Ameren/UE is asking for a 15.77% increase in the billing for the average customer, I would recommend that they get the same increase that is given to the millions of retired. The Social Security and/or government deems the cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) at 2.5% for 2025 to be a just raise for retired seniors. (See attached). |
P202501427 | 1/17/2025 2:31 PM | No |
P202501428 | 1/17/2025 2:33 PM | Hello my name is John Davis I live in east prairie. I recently seen the request about the electric increase amounts. There are many around our community struggling to pay there bills as it is due to extreme weather conditions. You don't know whether to run your air conditioner or your heater from one day to the next which both use alot of electricity. With Ameren doing a outstanding job I do support a increase but with a fair amount on both parts I'm willing to meet in the middle and support a $8.50 increase. This helps the company and the customers with both being satisfied. |
P202501429 | 1/17/2025 2:37 PM | Thank you for taking the time to read this email. I am a disabled retired firefighter. My name is Daniel Mandry and ever since they have replaced the meters with the electric meters my electric bill has doubled. See attached for full comments |
P202501430 | 1/17/2025 2:39 PM | I am against a rate hike at this time. The economy is still messed up and living on a fixed income is tough enough at this time. If anything I would like to know the profits Ameren has made or the losses if any over the past year. Thank you very much. |
P202501431 | 1/17/2025 2:41 PM | "As a senior on a limited income, the increases we get on social security is eaten up immediately by increases in our medical, dental and vision costs. As it is, at least for me, I wear layers, gloves, shoes, and a hat in the winter and very light clothing in the summer. I turn the heat on when there is a threat of my pipes freezing. I turn the AC on when I just cannot handle the heat anymore. There is a population of seniors, and others who are stuck in the middle. We have assets, i.e. our homes and we receive social security, maybe a pension but we meet our basic costs, with difficulty. i.e. eating an egg a day for protein vs more expensive protein. Eating one larger meal a day vs 3. " *See attached for full comment |
P202501432 | 1/17/2025 2:43 PM | "Ameren has a monopoly on our community and can charge whatever they want with zero consequences. We can send emails and call but if they are making millions more a year a little email isn’t going to change their mind. I am an unpaid caregiver for a disabled adult who can barely pay the electric as is, this increase will result in myself and others like me potentially not having heat or the lights on. Shame on anyone who is allowing this. I’m sure $17 a month for all of you is a joke, for us it’s a couple missed meals, or a half tank of gas. We are tired of being stepped on by billion dollar corporations. " |
P202501433 | 1/17/2025 2:46 PM | See attached |
P202501434 | 1/17/2025 2:48 PM | See attached |
P202501435 | 1/17/2025 2:49 PM | I am against the proposed increase as those of us on a fixed income will not be able to afford or handle an increase of this size. |
P202501436 | 1/17/2025 2:51 PM | "I don't think it should be increased. I know several people who have gotten their power cut off due to not being able to afford to pay. This is a monopoly, it is not fair to people when we do not have a choice." |
P202501437 | 1/17/2025 2:55 PM | "Rates should not be increased. Ameren already is gouging their customers. My November bill was $140.00 and December was $330.00 with no change in usage. These seasonal rate hiikes drastically impact those who cannot afford it. I strongly oppose. " |
P202501438 | 1/17/2025 3:07 PM | "Absolutely no way should Ameren be allowed to get another rate increase. It is bad enough that they are a monopoly. Increasing rates will put me in a financial hardship along with other families and businesses." |
P202501439 | 1/17/2025 3:09 PM | "I would like to voice my opinion of the upcoming commission meeting on the Ameren rate increase request. 1st a 15+% increase amounts to millions of dollars in the scheme of the size of Ameren, yes maybe they need an increase but seniors are only receiving a 2= something increase and there are lots of seniors in their service districts that already are having a tough time meeting ends, and they are asking for a fuel adjustment, what happens when fuel prices drop, do they lower the rate accordingly, I think that's not going to happen.."*See Attached for full comment. |
P202501440 | 1/17/2025 3:12 PM | "The Ameren Rate Increase is too excessive and not warranted. I am voicing my opinion as an electric customer against any proposed rate increase and forwarding this to others." |
P202501441 | 1/17/2025 3:22 PM | I strongly oppose another rate hike. An additional $17.45 a month is a huge increase and also I don't know anyone who has an electric bill that averages around $100 a month. Rate increases should be capped to a much smaller amount as this is a utility. We need to restore regulations to utilities. They should be for the public good and not for producing shareholder value. Maybe they could save some money by not advertising so much and sponsoring Blues Power Plays. I read that they spent $1.8 million on that program. |
P202501442 | 1/17/2025 4:10 PM | "I am unable to attend the public hearing in my area. However, I would like to comment on the request from Ameren for a 15+% rate increase and make a request to the Missouri Public Service Commission NOT to approve this increase. This request is following their June 2023 request and approved increase of $140+ million dollars in annual revenues. That is on top of a $1.50 monthly charge for the next 15-17 years to Ameren customers. The average residential rates have already been increased aout 20% over the last 3 years. I hope that this request will not be approved." |
P202501443 | 1/17/2025 5:03 PM | I strongly oppose Ameren's proposed rate increase. With $5.6 billion in profits annually, it’s clear this is not due to rising costs but simply to maximize profits at the expense of customers. We already pay fees that cover the cost of providing electricity, so this increase is purely about generating more profit—not serving or helping consumers. In a time of financial stress for many, prioritizing profit over people is unacceptable. I urge you to reconsider this unfair and unnecessary rate hike. |
P202501444 | 1/18/2025 1:25 AM | The price of the electricity have already being overpriced. As a single 1-bedroom apartment, I have already paid nearly 100 dollar per month for the electricity itself. My apartment's appliance are all within normal standard and amount. So, raise the rate of electricity is not acceptable for me as an individual consumer. |
P202501445 | 1/18/2025 7:50 AM | The Ultimate Saver rate plan increase is essentially 15.8 percent for all categories. This includes fees for customer connection, demand, on-peak and off-peak usage. These increases seem too similar to be accurate. The rate increases should reflect the true cost of each category if this rate plan is going to align customer behavior with the electric utility system costs. The demand charge should be calculated during peak power periods instead of between 6 AM and 10 PM. if the goal is to reduce peak generation demand. My home is setup to minimize on-peak power consumption. Maximum hourly demand is now off-peak and greater than before. This significantly reduces my savings from minimizing on-peak consumption. |
P202501446 | 1/18/2025 11:25 AM | I wish to voice my displeasure with the most recent Ameren rate increase proposal. I find it absurd to ask for an increase when so many people are struggling day by day as it is. Myself, I only make so much, I just may have to get a second job so I can afford bills. Everything goes up, but salaries don't. |
P202501447 | 1/19/2025 9:02 AM | This rate hike isn’t just unfair, frankly, it’s unethical. Ameren is trying to pass the cost of infrastructure improvements onto customers who have no choice but to rely on them for gas and electricity. Instead, this burden should fall on developers and those large corporations that benefit from these expansions. In my opinion, Missourians deserve better! GIVE US CITIZENS ANOTHER OPTION TO CHOOSE FROM |
P202501448 | 1/19/2025 10:56 AM | As an Ameren of Missouri consumer for over 30 years I must protest any rate hike for residential customers. I have been informed that Ameren of Missouri residential electric rates have increased at rate greater than inflation over the past five years. The last four years inflation has been very bad. Since retirement inflation has been a drain on my fixed income. Perhaps to pay for improvements in service they could curb the investments in diversity and equity. Marty Lyons, president and CEO at Ameren. “DEI is a value that we believe is foundational to our mission to power the quality of life. We are honored to be named to DiversityInc's Hall of Fame. When Bud Light chose a diversity path I had a choice but I have none with electricity |
P202501449 | 1/19/2025 1:38 PM | I am commenting today as a healthcare worker and full-time student who works hard to make ends meet and has nothing extra in my budget at the end of the month. At best I can expect around a 3% raise every year and companies like Ameran will always swoop in and take what little extra we get. This desired rate hike is abhorrent, the CEO of Ameran makes more in a month than I would in 10 years, and I cannot fathom feeling the need to milk more out of hard-working families when this company is already immensely profitable. This is just another example of a corporation using its nearly monopolistic power to keep its boot on the neck of working-class citizens and it needs to stop. |
P202501450 | 1/19/2025 7:06 PM | I am opposed to another rate hike. With inflation still impacting the cost of living, many households are struggling to make ends meet. An increase in electricity rates would place additional financial burdens on our community, particularly those already facing higher costs for food, healthcare, and housing. Furthermore, small businesses, which are the backbone of our local economy, would be disproportionately affected, potentially leading to increased operational costs and even layoffs. At a time when economic recovery remains fragile, this rate hike could further exacerbate financial hardships for everyday people. Ameren had 5.3 billion in revenue last year, there is no justification for this rate hike. Choose people over shareholders. |
P202501451 | 1/19/2025 7:36 PM | The rates have been going up steadily for the past several years. Ameren's profit was $5.33 BILLION in 2023. Stop the blatant theft and extortion of the regular people. Yes, this is an extortion because we can't shop around for a better deal. Electricity is meant to be a PUBLIC utility, not a corporate profit driven racket. As per Amereninvestors' website, they project 8.2% annual growth through 2028. Ameren clearly doesn't "need" this hike except for the "growth". The reality is that the company or its service capacity isn't "growing". This is nothing but a corporate shakedown of the most depraved kind. Stop pandering to the shareholders at the expense of people's well-being and safety. |
P202501452 | 1/19/2025 8:42 PM | With regards to the rate hike: As the second Trump administration starts on January 20th, our next president gave a speech on the 19th and in that speech he declared his administration would work to lower energy costs across the nation. If Ameren wishes to raise the rates and the Trump administration is fighting to lower energy prices nationwide, then consumers will see negligible rate reductions. So it appears Ameren is hedging their bets by stagnating the inevitable rate decrease that will occur during the Trump presidency. I will go as far as to say Ameren is raising the rates because their woke policies of DEI are not in congruence with the Trump agenda. It will be my main goal to bring this to the attention of the White House. |
P202501453 | 1/20/2025 12:34 PM | I am 72 years old, retired, and living on a fixed income. It has come to my attention that Ameren is asking for a 15.5% rate increase in the cost of my electricity. My income has not increased more than 2% for the last several years. Allowing Ameren to levy a 15.5% increase on the utility that heats my home places an undue burden on myself and my wife. I am sure that there are many other retirees, and not yet retirees in Miller county who find themselves in the same predicament. I am sincerely asking that the Missouri Public Service Commission deny this rate increase. I would suggest that Ameren submit a plan to phase in any "needed" increases over the course of several years to lessen the impact on it's customers. Thank you! |
P202501454 | 1/21/2025 7:21 AM | Thank you for the opportunity to voice my opinion and objections to Ameren annual rate increase. It would be different if it was the linemen who are out in freezing, raining or even smoldering hot days getting those raises but more than likely they are going to those in the air conditioned offices. In doing some research Mr. Martin Lyons who is Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer receives total compensation of over $9,000,000.00.* The remaining five executives all make more than $2,000,000.00 each with one making over $9 million.* All of the board members,13, make more than $275,000. The average employee makes $133,250*, which means there are a mass number making way less. (see attached pdf) |
P202501455 | 1/21/2025 7:23 AM | Please do not increase Ameron rates. We have had numerous outages since I’ve moved here in Eureka in 2022. |
P202501456 | 1/21/2025 7:30 AM | We urge you to oppose the request by AMEREN to raise the electric rate for Missouri residents again. Ameren has had 3 rate increases since 2020. The new increase of approximately $17 a month would mean a more than $200 cost to our annual budget. (see attached pdf) |
P202501457 | 1/21/2025 7:32 AM | We consumers should not be responsible for increasing profits on a utility that pays its CEO $9 million a year. |
P202501458 | 1/21/2025 7:35 AM | We object to the drastic rate increase for 2025. In 2023 the increase was only $5.50 per month. The $17.45 monthly proposed increase will be 3 times the 2023 monthly increase. Our 2025 Medicare increase is lower than last year's increase plus all other essential items have increased. We exist on our Medicare checks -- we have not had a vacation since Covid. We rarely dine out or eat fast food. Respectfully Ann & Larry Nava |
P202501459 | 1/21/2025 7:39 AM | I strongly urge the Missouri Public Service Commission (MPSC) not to approve the rate increase, particularly given the utility shareholders and executives are enjoying record profits of $1.074 billion in 2022 and $1.152 billion in 2023. The current proposed rate increase requested by Ameren Missouri is to recoup losses from grid upgrades and invest in cleaner electricity generation. (see attached pdf) |
P202501460 | 1/21/2025 7:42 AM | I am a low, fixed-income senior living in St. Peters in St. Charles County, MO. This county, unlike St. Louis, has no utility bill assistance program. A 15 percent increase will be a hardship for me, especially in summer and winter. If you must approve an increase, please make it MUCH LOWER. |
P202501461 | 1/21/2025 7:45 AM | I am writing this email in opposition to the proposed Ameren Rate Hike, case ER-2024-0319. A 15% increase is characterized as “price gouging”. I own Ameren’s stock and it has had about a 7% return. As a stockholder, I am OPPOSED to this rate hike. It takes UNFAIR advantage of people who can least afford it! If you approve this rate hike, you will be forcing people to choose among keeping their lights on, for some keeping their heat on, buying food/medicine and feeding their kids. (see attached pdf) |
P202501462 | 1/21/2025 7:47 AM | I am writing regarding the proposed rate increases for electric. Didn't the rates just get reduced a few months ago? And now there is a proposal to increase them again? Seems silly. Please do increase them. Seems bills and everything has really gone up, and now this. Issues like this are making it harder and harder to own a home these days. How about a smaller increase? Please reconsider such a large increase. |
P202501463 | 1/21/2025 7:51 AM | I am not online. For Ameren's rate hike, the company is asking $17 more a month. This is not in my cost of living. They're charging way too much for electric now, and adding $17 more for what we’re getting is asking too much. So I’m gonna say no to your rate hike, and I’m one of many others that will be saying that is anyone that is on fixed income. I saw this in the past of how many times in the past 20 years that the rate has been increased by three to five times way too many times. My employer does not give me raises and I don’t think you should deserve one either. Public service commission my answer is no to those rate hike! Thank you! |
P202501464 | 1/21/2025 7:53 AM | "I strongly oppose the proposed rate increase. It is unfair for Ameren to put their burden of increasing infrastructure back on their customer base who has no choice in competition for many areas in the state. " |
P202501465 | 1/21/2025 8:01 AM | "With the Social Security increase, Ameran wants it all; this is Greed. Ameran needs more Green Energy, such as Solar, Wind, and Hydroelectric Power. Local, State, and Federal Buildings with Flat Roofs need Solar Power. We have State Parks that could have Solar Power on Roofs. We have Schools that could have Solar Power. Nursing Homes, Private Homes, and Private Clubs all have Solar Power. Many Missouri does not have a Wind that would be Sustainable for Wind. We have Hydroelectric Power that could be built on a Mountain close to their existing one. Ameran is starting to shut down Coal Power Generation Plants. If they Built Solar Power on Flat Roofs, they would have more Daytime Power for Main Street Businesses, Schools.."*See attached |
P202501466 | 1/17/2025 | Customer contacted and said it's ridiculous that individuals are expected to pay 16% more for something that already has $20 in taxes. She believes that the majority of people cannot afford. She understands that as everything else increases, so do the rates. They've increased almost every other year. The Rush Coal Plant is not listed on Ameren's website. Missourians must pay for something that has been declared illegal by a court. She's attended local public hearings, and it's crazy. The MPSC does not look out for Missouri people. We offered them a choice between smart meters, which no one can afford. |
P202501467 | 1/21/2025 8:09 AM | "I am writing to express my opposition to the propose rate increase of 15.49%. Many people in our community are not active and or do not have the time to respond to the request for comment or attend public hearings. I know that the sentiments that I express are shared by tenfold the number of commenter's that will ultimately respond." *See attached for full comment. |
P202501468 | 1/21/2025 8:15 AM | "There are a lot of people that feel Ameren has been out of control for years by pushing the rates higher and higher. There's no stop to them price hiking everything. They're padding their pockets when there are poor and elderly who can't afford these increases. They need to be stopped and should have to pay the customers back for all the money they've stolen from them. |
P202501469 | 1/21/2025 8:48 AM | The Ameren Rate Increase is too excessive and not warranted. I am voicing my opinion as an electric customer against any proposed rate increase and forwarding this to others. |
P202501470 | 1/21/2025 9:22 AM | See attached. |
P202501471 | 1/21/2025 9:24 AM | See attached. |
P202501472 | 1/21/2025 9:26 AM | See attached. |
P202501473 | 1/21/2025 9:28 AM | See attached. |
P202501474 | 1/21/2025 9:30 AM | See attached. |
P202501475 | 1/21/2025 9:51 AM | The customer called and stated that she does not want a significant increase. She just doesn't get it really. |
P202501476 | 1/21/2025 9:54 AM | "As a retired person on a fixed income, I cannot afford a 15% increase. I strongly oppose. " |
P202501477 | 1/21/2025 9:58 AM | I am unable to attend the public hearing in my area. However, I would like to comment on the request from Ameren for a 15+% rate increase. I have already sent an email to the Missouri Public Service Commission NOT to approve this increase. I've seen the data showing the average residentials rates have already increased about 20% over the last 3 years. And that Ameren requested and was approved for a $140+ million dollar increase in June 2023. My interest is that the rate increase request would be denied. |
P202501478 | 1/21/2025 10:11 AM | See Attached |
P202501479 | 1/21/2025 10:13 AM | I don’t understand how we are expected to pay these increases. Not everyone gets a raise but no one gets the kind of raise they’re asking for. For years they’ve taken big salaries and bonuses instead of making investments in needed infrastructure improvements. It’s not fair to people on fixed incomes to have to deal with this type of increase. It’s not like cable companies where you can shop around or change. |
P202501480 | 1/21/2025 10:15 AM | I am a low fixed income senior living in St. Peters in St. Charles County, MO. This county, unlike St. Louis, has no utility bill assistance program. A 15 percent increase will be a hardship for me, especially in summer and winter. If you must approve an increase, please make it MUCH LOWER. |
P202501481 | 1/21/2025 10:16 AM | We vote NO to a rate increase for Ameren. They put these Smart meters in and our electric bill has increased since then. I was under the impression when they installed the Smart Meters they would also have internet access? Apparently I was mistaken or they have not produced what they said they would do,?? With the state of the economy I Do Not believe this is the proper time to be increasing everyone's utility bills! |
P202501482 | 1/21/2025 10:20 AM | As Ameren has a virtual monopoly in the St. Louis region, I would like to see their numbers on advertisement to compare to their requested price increase. Advertising to a strangle-held public is an unnecessary expense. Please send these numbers as your earliest convenience before the hearings. |
P202501483 | 1/21/2025 10:21 AM | Ameren MO must not increase rates! I know 2 families who have turned to using candles for light in their homes at night because they can no longer afford Ameren's rates. **See attached for full comments |
P202501484 | 1/21/2025 10:26 AM | I am writing regarding the proposed rate increases for electric. Didn't the rates just get reduced a few months ago? And now there is a proposal to increase them again? Seems silly. Please do increase them. Seems bills and everything has really gone up, and now this. Issues like this are making it harder and harder to own a home these days. How about a smaller increase? Please reconsider such a large increase. |
P202501485 | 1/21/2025 10:28 AM | To: Public service commission…I am not online for your rate hike that your company is asking $17 more a month is not in my cost of living and charging way too much for electric now and adding $17 more for what we’re getting is asking too much so I’m gonna say no to your rate hike , and I’m one of many others that will be saying that is anyone that is on fix income . I saw this in the past of how many times in the past 20 years that the rate has been increased by three to five times way too many times. My employer does not give me raises and I don’t think you should deserve one either. Public service commission my answer is no to those rate hike! Thank you ! |
P202501486 | 1/21/2025 10:32 AM | I am writing to express my opposition to the propose rate increase of 15.49%. Many people in our community are not active and or do not have the time to respond to the request for comment or attend public hearings. I know that the sentiments that I express are shared by tenfold the number of commenter's that will ultimately respond. See Attached for the full comments. |
P202501487 | 1/21/2025 10:45 AM | Dear Sirs, I am opposed to any rate hike to support alternative energy sources. As these were presented to the Missourians under false pretenses as the two most important considerations to the individual is 1. reliability of electrical service and 2. Cost to the ratepayers, many of whom cannot afford current utillities much less rate increases. 3. forces many additional missourians into a financial crisis as they are now living paycheck to paycheck. My friends in my home state of California are now suffering catastrophic rate increases due to this "godless religion" forcing green power by deceit and lies upon the public. Middle Class families are fighting and divorcing whether they can afford to turn on AC in 100 degree heat. |
P202501488 | 1/21/2025 10:48 AM | Dear PSC, I propose that instead of encouraging overpriced unreliable "green power". That if Ameren UE is going to go "green". That they replace the closed coal and fuel plants with 5th generation one design Nuclear power which is low cost, one design, and highly reliable 24/7/365. So we do not suffer the unreliable overpriced utility hell that California is now experiencing. Cost is about equal to oil or gas powered plants. Can be installed 6 months after delivery using existing infrastructure at closed power plants. And is highly reliable and easily expanded as power needs increase. Thank You. |
P202501489 | 1/21/2025 11:12 AM | See attached. |
P202501490 | 1/21/2025 11:14 AM | See attached. |
P202501491 | 1/21/2025 11:40 AM | I am against the increase in the rates that Ameren is proposing. |
P202501492 | 1/21/2025 11:51 AM | I can’t afford a 15% rate hike! Nor can most citizens!! I absolutely do not want a rate hike!! |
P202501493 | 1/21/2025 12:08 PM | "I strongly oppose this rate increase." |
P202501496 | 1/22/2025 7:41 AM | "I oppose the nearly 15.77% increase that Ameren is seeking. This would amount to almost $446 million according to the mailing included in this month’s electric bill. The annual inflation rate for the United States was 2.9% for the 12 months ending December, according to U.S. Labor Department data published on January 15, 2025. Why should Ameren receive over five times the inflation rate? Additionally, Ameren was granted a $140,000,000 rate increase in 2023."*See Attached for full comment. |
P202501497 | 1/22/2025 7:47 AM | "Ameren MO must not increase rates! I know 2 families who have turned to using candles for light in their homes at night because they can no longer afford Ameren's rates. One of these families using candles for light is a single mom working a full-time job plus a part-time job, and her daughter (who lives with her) is working a part-time job in addition to being a full-time student at a local college. How much more expense are they expected to take on?! How many more cases are there like theirs? Ameren MO = a monopoly: " *See attached for full comment. |
P202501498 | 1/22/2025 8:10 AM | "Please stop the proposed 15.77% increase that Ameren is considering. I would support a 5% increase but not increase to this amount as inflation is taking a toll on all of us!! They need to be aware that many people are struggling to pay bills and ear! Thank you for supporting my complaint." |
P202501499 | 1/22/2025 8:13 AM | "Ameren Missouri is requesting a 15.77% increase. This is totally out of line. My wife and I are seniors and just received a small 2.5% increase from Social Security. Therefore, that means a great deal of our increase would go to Ameren. This is simply not fair to Missouri citizens, particularly retired seniors on a fixed income. Please don’t put any additional stress and hardship on retired seniors on a fixed income. They have overstepped their bounds and have little regard for the consumer. Instead, they are only worried about having continued profits and keeping their stock investors happy! For once, do the right thing and deny them their requested rate increase! " |
P202501500 | 1/22/2025 8:13 AM | It is extremely upsetting that Ameren wants to raise our utilities this much. I believe it is unfair to consumers to raise their rates this much as there is no other options for competitor pricing. I am disabled and we can't afford this at all. Why wasn't this hearing scheduled today postponed due to the severe cold? I feel as if this is another tactic to not get enough people to attend. |
P202501501 | 1/22/2025 8:15 AM | "Good day, everyone. I am writing this in opposition to the proposed Ameren rate increase. I have been on a fixed income for 13 years and all of these utility increases pose a hardship. I use less appliances than I used to and my bill keeps getting higher. I live with the summer AC temperatures indoors at 83 degrees and the winter heating at 69 degrees. It seems as if all the various utilities keep asking for more increases instead of living with the budget they have like the rest of us." |
P202501502 | 1/22/2025 8:36 AM | I am an 83 year old person that is trying to hold on to my home. Our social security income isn't increasing enough. I think there should be a discount for seniors. What Ameren is asking is overwhelming. |
P202501503 | 1/22/2025 8:48 AM | "I strongly oppose the 15% increase they're requesting." |
P202501504 | 1/22/2025 8:51 AM | "I strongly oppose this rate increase." |
P202501505 | 1/22/2025 8:54 AM | "I oppose Ameren's proposed rate increase. $17 doesn't sound like much per month, but considering all the other increases that have happened in the last several years, it equates to three dozen eggs. Day to day living has become more challenging. Ameren has received billions in profit while we have to cut corners to get by." |
P202501506 | 1/22/2025 10:15 AM | Please see attached PDF for comments. Thank you for your time. |
P202501507 | 1/22/2025 10:25 AM | See Attached |
P202501508 | 1/22/2025 10:37 AM | "I strongly oppose this rate increase. I am retired on a fixed income and cannot afford this increase." |
P202501509 | 1/22/2025 10:45 AM | See Attached |
P202501510 | 1/22/2025 10:48 AM | See Attached |
P202501511 | 1/22/2025 10:52 AM | The PSC must vote no on this proposed increase. Ameren should apply for the federal government's EIR program and aggressively invest in cheaper, safer, renewable energy before ratepayers are asked for more of their hard earned pay. |
P202501512 | 1/22/2025 11:32 AM | I am in OPPOSITION of this large of a rate increase. Too much at one time and the description as to the justification is too vague. Who knows what it will really cost to do all the proposed changes. Try small increases over time, as you do part of the work. Not collect for it all up front, then take years to complete it while sitting with the surplus of funds (people's money) earning UE and their stockholder (?) interest. Let the public keep their money instead Ameren UE getting fat off it. |
P202501513 | 1/22/2025 11:42 AM | "I strongly oppose the rate increase. I don't know how they expect people to afford this increase when the prices of everything is going up. They are asking for way too much." |
P202501514 | 1/22/2025 11:53 AM | "The prices of everything else is going up. I am on a fixed income so an increase of $18/month is a lot of money to me for one utility bill." |
P202501515 | 1/22/2025 12:01 PM | Please see attached comments from Legal Services of Eastern Missouri. |
P202501516 | 1/22/2025 1:49 PM | "I oppose the Ameren Electric right hikes going on in Lincoln County Missouri. " |
P202501517 | 1/22/2025 2:26 PM | "I oppose this much of a rate increase. 15% is too much. " |
P202501518 | 1/22/2025 2:28 PM | "I am opposed to a 15% rate increase by Ameren. " |
P202501519 | 1/22/2025 2:47 PM | "My name is Debora Young; I have attached a document on my company's stationery for your review. As my official statement to the proposed 15.77% Rate increase." *Please see attached document. |
P202501520 | 1/22/2025 3:55 PM | Denise cannot attend a LPH but wanted to file a comment into the rate case. She is a senior citizen on a fixed income and already cannot afford rates. Things since Covid have really gotten out of hand. The inflation on things is already hard enough. She would like the PSC to deny a rate increase. |
P202501521 | 1/22/2025 4:36 PM | "I can't believe you want to raise the rates again! Unbelievable that millions in profits are not enough for you, shame on you all. " |
P202501522 | 1/22/2025 4:38 PM | PLEASE do not approve this exorbitant rate increase for Ameren. The company already made over a BILLION dollars in PROFIT (not revenue - profit) last year. Normal people and companies make investments like Ameren, but we have to pay them off gradually over time. We don't get to ask our employer for a 15% raise to make up for it. A billion dollars is more than enough to begin (or maybe totally) pay off any investments they made. The vast majority of it didn't get a 15% raise, so Ameren shouldn't get one either. I would understand a 3% increase, like a salary increase, but not 15%. Also, Ameren rates have been rising faster than inflation, so that is a moot argument as well. Please protect the citizens of Missouri from this tone-deaf proposal |
P202501523 | 1/22/2025 4:39 PM | "I am adamantly opposed to Ameren rate increases. I am using almost 10% less energy than I was this time last year, yet paying $50 more. I am being gouged for opting out of a smart meter for the sake of my daughter's health at her doctor's suggestion. Ameren's wasting of money needs to be investigated. The shut-down of Rush Island is wrong. I urge everyone to watch the Ameren crews. They spend HOURS each day sitting in one spot and doing nothing. I have noticed this for years now. Except when there is storm work to be done, you will often see them sitting from noon on. We are being charged extra to pay crews to sit and do NOTHING. I beg you not to approve of this extra charge. I'm guessing few people will actually be "average" at $17 month" |
P202501524 | 1/22/2025 6:59 PM | I am against the current rate increase. Ameren already has over 150,000 individual accounts behind in paying their electricity bill. |
P202501525 | 1/23/2025 7:34 AM | "Rate increase sought amid rise in Ameren profits As Ameren customers face increasing hardship amid rising rates, the utility’s shareholders and executives enjoy hefty profits. The utility reported profits of $1.152 billion for 2023, up from $1.074 billion in 2022. It will announce 2024 profits in February. Ameren’s requested increase to ROE could further inflate profits; Ameren credited its higher ROE in Illinois as a primary driver of increased profit in 2023. Ameren’s five highest-paid executives, meanwhile, raked in a combined $27.2 million in compensation in 2023. Martin Lyons Jr., the Chairman and CEO of Ameren received $9,009,43 in 2023 and Mark Birk, the Chairman and President of Ameren Missouri received $2,892,627." |
P202501526 | 1/23/2025 7:47 AM | "To whom this may concern Ameren Missouri wants to raise rates 15 percent. We have to many middle to low income people who can't afford this and this rate increase should be stopped. Ameren Missouri is forecast of 1.1 billion dollars in profit for 2024 . 15 percent raise in just corporate greed ." |
P202501527 | 1/23/2025 7:51 AM | "Hello, I know this will most likely fall on deaf ears that are all involved, but I would like to make my families feelings known regarding the requested 15.44% rate hike Ameren MO is requesting. Please consider NOT PASSING this rate hike. Ameren MO customers cannot afford an additional $200.00 annual expense. Groceries, fuel, taxes of all kinds, i.e., real estate taxes, personal property taxes, use taxes, sales taxes, rising medication and healthcare prices, homeowners insurance, vehicle insurance, and inflation are affecting and impacting every aspect of our lives and pocketbook. " *See attached for full comment. |
P202501528 | 1/23/2025 7:58 AM | "I am sending this message in regards to the rate increase Ameran UE is proposing. Over the summer we had our front yard completely ruined by the huge new poles Ameran put in. We were required to have new meters installed so that they can monitor electric usage every few minutes to decide how much to charge for the time of day in which we use our electricity." *See attached for full comment. |
P202501530 | 1/23/2025 8:21 AM | "Attached please find the comments and signatures regarding Ameren Rate Increase, Docket ER-2024-319 From Grace United Methodist Church Food Pantry" *Attachment included |
P202501531 | 1/23/2025 8:30 AM | "Please see attached City of Cottleville resolution 25-02 opposing the rate increase for your upcoming public hearing." * See Attachment |
P202501533 | 1/23/2025 9:14 AM | Ameren is proposing a 15% rate hike. As a state-sanctioned monopoly, this is unacceptable. For a service as important as heating and cooling (life-saving services) a company should not be able to raise rates this egregiously on those forced to use them. There are no other options, we can't utilize the free market to protest the rise in rates. We're simply stuck hoping a monopoly raking in hundreds of millions will choose to show mercy. Everyone is suffering currently with the increase of costs in most areas. This increase is not sustainable. If Ameren is struggling (something I doubt), perhaps they should look at the salaries of their top executives instead of the average Missourian making pennies in comparison. |
P202501534 | 1/23/2025 10:26 AM | My name is Debora Young; I have attached a document on my company's stationery for your review. As my official statement to the proposed 15.77% Rate increase. |
P202501535 | 1/23/2025 10:33 AM | I am opposed to the requested rate increase. This is actually a profit margin play for shareholders. The company states they are customer focused, well prove it. How about some fiscal responsibility. This is hard on people like myself on a fixed income. On a percentage basis this far exceeds inflationary rates.When is enough actually enough. |
P202501536 | 1/23/2025 10:40 AM | My name is Susan (Sue) Pierce. I live at 5 Walnut Creek Circle, Eldon, MO 65026. In October of 2023 I sold my business, a four room bed and breakfast I owned and operated for 23 years. Prior to that I was an employee and then member of the management team at Central Bank of Lake of the Ozarks for 22 years. For many of those 45 years I also held a small "side" job. Prior to that I worked at a bank in Illinois for 4 and 1/2 years. I've worked since I was 14 years old. I'm not a slouch. I've worked hard all my life. *See Attached for full comments |
P202501537 | 1/23/2025 11:06 AM | Please see the attached letter in protest of the requested Ameren rate increase. |
P202501538 | 1/23/2025 11:08 AM | Ameren Energy hold a monopoly over St Louis and are price gouging us by increasing the rates 15% basically just because they can. Not because of any cost increases, they constantly make profit. Profits are up. The product gets worse. We have had power outages frequently in the area. Are they making the grid more secure? Powerlines underground, making sustainable choices? Absolutely not. Price gouging is illegal according to Merchandising Practices Act, Chapter 407. So I ask you, what are you going to do about this? Monopolies should not exist, they don't serve the people they serve the faceless investor who are making more money. Tightening the squeeze on an already difficult cost of living caused by inflation. |
P202501539 | 1/23/2025 11:09 AM | Ameren Energy hold a monopoly over St Louis and are price gouging us by increasing the rates 15% basically just because they can. Not because of any cost increases, they constantly make profit. Profits are up. The product gets worse. We have had power outages frequently in the area. Are they making the grid more secure? Powerlines underground, making sustainable choices? Absolutely not. Price gouging is illegal according to Merchandising Practices Act, Chapter 407. So I ask you, what are you going to do about this? Monopolies should not exist, they don't serve the people they serve the faceless investor who are making more money. Tightening the squeeze on an already difficult cost of living caused by inflation. |
P202501540 | 1/23/2025 11:25 AM | As an Ameren customer and Missouri resident (City of St Charles), I am writing in opposition to Ameren's requested rate increase in front of the PSC. Ameren's request is dramatically outpacing the reasonable cost of inflation, and is stacked on top of a similar request that was approved in 2023. Ameren faces no market forces to require competitiveness, and I have no choice in electrical providers. The PSC is our one and only voice. The PSC should reject this rate increase in entirety. If that is not feasible, it should be reduced to the minimum possible. |
P202501541 | 1/23/2025 12:14 PM | Ameren's proposed 15% rate hike is both unjustifiable and detrimental to the communities it serves. This hike seems especially egregious given Ameren's substantial profits, with the company reporting billions in earnings. Instead of passing costs to consumers, Ameren should focus on internal cost-cutting and efficiency improvements. As a monopoly, Ameren holds a unique responsibility to its customers, who have no alternative providers to turn to. The Missouri Public Service Commission must reject this increase to prevent further financial strain and ensure electricity remains affordable and accessible to everyone. |
P202501542 | 1/23/2025 12:30 PM | "My name is Susan (Sue) Pierce. I live at 5 Walnut Creek Circle, Eldon, MO 65026. In October of 2023 I sold my business, a four room bed and breakfast I owned and operated for 23 years. Prior to that I was an employee and then member of the management team at Central Bank of Lake of the Ozarks for 22 years. For many of those 45 years I also held a small "side" job. Prior to that I worked at a bank in Illinois for 4 and 1/2 years. I've worked since I was 14 years old." *See attached for full comment. |
P202501543 | 1/23/2025 12:41 PM | I’m interested in how a price hike would affect the small businesses at Lake of the Ozarks. A price hike without true need hurts those trying to stay off welfare. Please look at the bigger picture. There is a great number of Missouri citizens relying on Ameren for the ability to stay warm and cook meals. Why place these citizens in a greater chance of becoming financially strapped for what seems to be more corporate and share holder profit. |
P202501544 | 1/23/2025 2:05 PM | Customer contacted and stated that she lives in an over-55 community. She is aware that most individuals live on a very low income. With all of the interest rate rises and inflation, they have very little extra money to spend on anything. This rate hike will affect them. Some neighbors already live in one room and use a space heater to save money on their electricity expenses. These individuals are going to be homeless. This has a negative impact on low-income senior adults. She sincerely hopes this is not approved. |
P202501545 | 1/23/2025 2:46 PM | I strongly oppose the projected rate increase from Ameren Missouri. At a time when many families are struggling financially, it is reprehensible to raise rates and increase the cost of energy. I am especially opposed to this rate increase because Ameren continues to burn coal and has made minimal progress towards clean energy production. I am also upset that Ameren is no longer offering rebates for energy efficient appliances. I do not want any more of my money going towards an energy company that continues to pollute our environment and refuses to move forward in the fight against climate change. No more money for coal powered energy and no more money for Ameren's ongoing environmental destruction! |
P202501546 | 1/23/2025 2:53 PM | Customer called and stated that she is on a fixed income. The government granted her a 2.5% raise. She will not be able to survive. This is unfair. Ameren should not be a monopoly. She has lived in this area for 57 years and has never seen us deny Ameren. |
P202501547 | 1/23/2025 3:20 PM | "As an Ameren customer and Missouri resident (City of St Charles), I am writing in opposition to Ameren's requested rate increase in front of the PSC. Ameren's request is dramatically outpacing the reasonable cost of inflation, and is stacked on top of a similar request that was approved in 2023. Ameren faces no market forces to require competitiveness, and I have no choice in electrical providers. The PSC is our one and only voice. The PSC should reject this rate increase in entirety. If that is not feasible, it should be reduced to the minimum possible." |
P202501548 | 1/23/2025 3:31 PM | "I wish to submit my written comment RE the proposed rate increase by Ameren Missouri. After attending the Public Hearing last night (January 22, 2025 at Forest Park Community College), I want to acknowledge the opportunity that the Missouri Public Service Commission has given for this privilege to do so." *See attached for full comment. |
P202501549 | 1/23/2025 4:22 PM | " My name is Thomas Knaup. I volunteer with the St. Pius V Conference of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. We serve neighbors living in South St. Louis zip codes 63118, 63116, and 63111. In 2024 we provided 284 families with $75,500 for assistance with Ameren bills. Most of these were disconnected or faced imminent disconnection. Most were families with children or elderly people on very limited incomes." *See attached for full comment |
P202501550 | 1/23/2025 4:25 PM | "I know there's a need for infrastructure upgrade, but is the consumer paying for it all? Ameren owns the upgrades therefore increasing there net worth. Our monthly utility bill has more add ons than what we actually pay for gas/electric. I think their profit was around $1.2 billion in 2023. Good for stakeholders...bad for us. If I'd received an 18% cola from social security this year I might go along with their request. Unfortunately my 2.3% won't cover it. Thank you for the opportunity to comment. " |
P202501551 | 1/23/2025 4:28 PM | Since our area is not located in close proximity to the meetings being held that will determine potential rate increases on our utilities, please accept this email as a sincere attempt to voice my concerns.- *see attached for full comment |
P202501552 | 1/23/2025 4:31 PM | "I am asking to please not allow Ameren to increase rates. They are asking for too much of an increase. They are making more than enough profit. Maybe they have too many employees trying to decide how to word the next request for a rate increase. I am a Property Manager and I see low income & middle class people struggling to pay necessary bills. Food prices are out of control. Everything has gone up in the last 4 years." *Please see attached for full comment. |
P202501553 | 1/23/2025 6:04 PM | There is a proposal of a 15% rate increase at this economic downturn, alongside a current net profit margin of over 15%. Meanwhile the company's top seven executives receive base salaries between $580k and $1.275M. This proposal is not only greedy but shows that any price increase only serves to further pad their bottom line. Operating a monopolistic utility should come with the reality that sometimes the people you serve take priority over shareholders and exorbitant executive pay. |
P202501554 | 1/23/2025 6:11 PM | I'm AGAINST this rate increase. Ameren has done nothing but ask for and get rate increases. At least here in North St. Louis, MO we lose electricity on the regular. Same homes, every time. First off, last restored. NO to any increase - it's just not affordable for anyone and we are getting nothing for it - at least in North/Northwest St. Louis County. |
P202501555 | 1/23/2025 11:19 PM | While Ameron Missouri made 1 billion in profits in 2023, the average Missourian has continued to have net decrease in net worth due to inflation. Is there any real reason to increase the billion dollar a year companies profits except to increase shareholder profits? Which is more important the shareholders of Ameron or the people of Missouri. It's about time the people that represent Missouri starting putting the interests of the people first. |
P202501556 | 1/24/2025 7:05 AM | Ameren is requesting to raise our rates here in rural Missouri. Many Missourians are struggling to pay their bills and are struggling. Please oppose this rate hike requested by Ameren. Their profits are astronomical in the past year. Please for all rural Missouri oppose this hike. Thank you! |
P202501557 | 1/24/2025 7:14 AM | Please see attached comments against Ameren's 15.5% rate increase request. |
P202501558 | 1/24/2025 7:48 AM | "I would like to voice my sincerest request that the Public Service Commission denies Ameren’s request completely. The rate hike is outrageous, and comes at a time when inflation is killing Missouri families. We can barely buy groceries and make our bills leave alone pay for Ameren’s continued greed for more money. I recently replaced a 30 year-old furnace, and AC unit so that my bills would be lower and I just received the highest bill I’ve ever had. I realize the weather was extremely cold, but this is extremely difficult and extremely difficult times." *Please see attached for full comment. |
P202501559 | 1/24/2025 7:51 AM | "Please be advised that I am against the rate increase that Ameren is seeking. Our rates are high enough." |
P202501560 | 1/24/2025 7:53 AM | "Dear board members. I would like to express my concerns about Ameren's propose rate increase. In my opinion 15.77% increase in my residential service seems to be exorbitant. My wife and I are both retired and live off of social security and savings. Social Security was increased by 2.6% this year. Our savings interest rate is a LOT lower than their requested rate increase. What are people like us supposed to do? Once we spend our savings, we have no way to replace it. Please have Ameren get their proposed rate increase to a more reasonable amount. How much money do they need to make?" |
P202501561 | 1/24/2025 7:55 AM | "We object to this increase, and not knowing where every dollar goes to. There is no transparency and no accountability. There is poor service of Ameren where we live and no dollar increase is going to help. Anyway, the amount of increase is ridiculous. We want a complete breakdown. We are against this of not knowing where the money is going to. This is poor timing for an increase with the economy in its current condition." |
P202501562 | 1/24/2025 8:00 AM | "I am Will Rushing, a resident of Dexter, Missouri. I am a retired Navy Lieutenant who has a small online retail business. Also, I am a honeybee farmer. Prior to that I worked in various operational roles in Corporate America such as Vice President of Operations of a manufacturing company and Assistant Director of Operations of a large pharmaceutical distribution company. " *SEE ATTACHED FOR FULL COMMENT |
P202501563 | 1/24/2025 8:01 AM | As a St Louis County resident and Ameren customer, I strongly oppose the proposed rate increase. This hike would create unnecessary financial hardship for families like mine, especially amid rising living costs. Ameren's banner profits and excessive rate increases in recent years (outpacing inflation and wages) make this proposal inequitable. While infrastructure upgrades are important, it's unfair to ask captive customers to continuously bear these costs when Ameren has sufficient profits to invest. This increase will disproportionately impact low- and middle-income households, worsening energy insecurity in Missouri. I urge the PSC to reject this proposal and prioritize the affordability of essential utilities for all Missourians. |
P202501564 | 1/24/2025 8:14 AM | Hello, my name is John. I really feel like this rate hike needs to be checked. **See attached for full comments |
P202501565 | 1/24/2025 8:21 AM | "please do not approve ameren's request. it is obvious that they are only trying to grab higher profits. if they invested all the money they say they did in improved wind/solar then those resources should be providing them revenue opportunities. if anything our rates should be going DOWN." |
P202501566 | 1/24/2025 8:22 AM | The rate increase is completely unnecessary and puts many Missourians at risk of not being able to pay their electric bill. Ameren does provide quality service to a certain level, but fails to provide excellent customer service, which involves ensuring customers receive a service at a reasonable price. Increasing the cost of electricity by 15% puts undue burdens on people in an area where they will NOT see the benefit. Ameren has also created a monopoly and the government should step in and require electric lines to be open to ANY provider in the area, specifically electric cooperatives if they are available. Electric Co-ops give back to their customers and they are considered part owners. What does Ameren do for their customers? NOTHING! |
P202501567 | 1/24/2025 8:24 AM | My name is Stephanie Robinson and I reside at 607 N. Grand Blvd Apt 202, St Louis Mo, 63103, phone number is 314-319-4842 Ameren Missouri price hike would cause a Hardship to myself. **See attached for full comments |
P202501568 | 1/24/2025 8:27 AM | Hello, I would like to cast a vote/decision to oppose the residential increase of any kind. If you are not the intended recipient to receive my vote please forward to correct contact or provide me with the proper information to do so. Thank you |
P202501569 | 1/24/2025 8:35 AM | "I am writing to oppose Ameren's request for a rate increase. Electricity is a necessity, not a luxury. Many Missourians already spend more than 6% of their income on utility bills. Seniors and others on fixed incomes will be harmed by the rate increase." |
P202501570 | 1/24/2025 8:51 AM | "ameren is proposing a 16% increase? After all the other increases? There’s massive solar panel farms in Kirksville and throughout Missouri. There’s wind farms. Why the fuck are we still getting robbed of our hard earned money? How much more are your greedy pathetic inhuman asses going to take? " |
P202501571 | 1/24/2025 8:51 AM | My name is Jason Teasley. I'm a lifelong resident of St. Francois county MO where I own a home. A few years ago, I left the corporate world because my values and the values of my employer (for the prior 25 years) were no longer aligned. I am a business analyst by trade, but now I own and operate a small business (event center) on Main St. in my town of Park Hills. **See attached for full comments |
P202501572 | 1/24/2025 9:31 AM | "NO RATE HIKES! You already make over **$5 BILLION** in profit every year. Your CEO makes $9 MILLION in salary every year!?!? For a public utility! The goal of a public utility is to serve the public, not shareholders! The residents of missouri are your real shareholders, we are the ones paying the rates that generate all this profit. If you want to make improvements in infrastructure, you already have the money. You already have PLENTY of money. Its truly DISGUSTING and EVIL to ask for a 15% rate hike when you already make BILLIONS in profit. If anything we should have our rates cut, or get an annual rebate for any profit leftover. F your rate hike. " |
P202501573 | 1/24/2025 9:34 AM | I empathize with every who shared their honest heart felt testimonies about the financial hardships they face due to high costs and inflation. I do believe the public needs to be better educated related to the transition from coal, natural gas and fossil fuels to renewable energy. The transition will require a lot of work on behalf of Ameren and the PSC as the transition will bring higher costs due to generation and reliability considerations. Everyone want green cheap energy and we are moving away from cheap energy to more expensive forms of energy and no one now wants to pay for it. I urge the commission to grant Ameren the full rate hike request to better position Missouri for the AI and data center explosion coming to best compete. |
P202501574 | 1/24/2025 10:39 AM | See attached. |
P202501575 | 1/24/2025 1:53 PM | I am writing to oppose the rate increase that is advertised to add $17.45 to an av residential customer's bill per month. That is reason enough. However, I have another just as compelling to me...reason. **See attached for full comments. |
P202501576 | 1/24/2025 2:06 PM | See attached |
P202501577 | 1/24/2025 2:21 PM | I am against Ameren increasing rates at this time. |
P202501578 | 1/24/2025 2:30 PM | I listened to many customer complaints about affordability. The standard rate plan should be modified to reduce the cost if you use less and increase as you use more. This would allow customers who are limited in income to reduce their costs more if they reduce their usage into the lower tier pricing. San Diego power charges a lower rate if usage is less than 130% of baseline and more if it is above that. |
P202501579 | 1/24/2025 2:45 PM | The customer called and stated that she is opposed. She cannot afford it. She is not making it right now. She receives an average of $263.00 in social security per week. She wants any politician to try to live on it. Ameren has the highest bills. They even charge her a customer charge. |
P202501580 | 1/24/2025 3:07 PM | The customer understands the high costs and need for modernizing the electric grid system. He appreciates Missouri's efforts in keeping citizens informed and energized. However, he is concerned that Ameren received a rate increase two years ago, and a significant one earlier when new meters were installed, causing bills to rise by $30-$40. A storm in September 2024 broke a power line behind his house, and although Ameren, police, and fire department responded, much equipment was unused but remained on-site for hours. He believes these charges were excessive and urges caution due to current high inflation rates. |
P202501581 | 1/24/2025 3:12 PM | The customer called and stated that this is ridiculous. She is on Social Security. By the time she pays her bills, she is back at square one, with nothing left at the end of the month. Do not make us pay for their rate increase. People simply cannot afford. She does not believe they should have to pay for their upgrades. How come it is only $1.00 per month in Illinois? |
P202501582 | 1/24/2025 3:27 PM | "I would like to address the proposed rate hike from Ameren. I live in a semi-rural area of Jefferson County known as Jefferson R-7. My elderly father (age 88) is retired & lives with me, as does my unemployed nephew (age 26). Like many others, our family budget is very limited. I am not going to spend time discussing it here, though, as I’m sure you are hearing that over and over already. But I would like to make a few points other than that, if I may." *Please see attached for full comment. |
P202501583 | 1/24/2025 3:53 PM | I oppose a right hike to the amount of $17.xx per average Ameren customer. I do support a reasonable rate increase that will support transition to clean energy and moving away from coal to the amount of no more than $5 of the average Ameren customer given it is implemented in a way that does not affect those on low/fixed income as to not exacerbate an already vulnerable population. |
P202501584 | 1/24/2025 4:33 PM | I am against Ameren asking for another rate increase. Anyone who makes 14 million dollars does not deserve another increase from any Missourian. I believe they have enough to forego a couple rounds of rate increase requests. |
P202501585 | 1/24/2025 8:45 PM | My electric bill while high, is one of the smaller portions of my month budget and I can control how much I use. Groceries, prescription drugs, car insurance, home owners insurance, eggs, soda and everything else has gone up more than 15% in the last couple of years. I can't go into Aldi, Walgreens, Costco, Wal-Mart or anywhere else and buy all I want and then leave, and have them bill me later. Then go another month or two and do the same and play this game until they cut off my bad credit. There are more utility customers cut off, because the system allows Ameren to be a bank to bad creditors. If the PSC was in involved in Aldi's and Walmart they would be the bad guys starving families. Approve the entire amount and make it fair to Ameren |
P202501586 | 1/24/2025 10:38 PM | In regards to your asked for 15% rate increase, I would like to point out that you give consumers multiple opportunities to reduce their electric consumption, concurrently with charging us more for the consumption we do. We consistently get papered with ways to save money on electric. Now you want to charge us more for what we do use. That sounds inconsistent to me. I just got a 2.3% COLA raise. If you want to double that for now, to a 5% raise that I might be able to live with. Maybe stagger over the next three years. Ameren should go back to the drawing board, and figure out some cutting edge hydropower installations for MO. Solar and wind here are inefficient, but work with the Corps adding hydro to the Mississippi locks and dams. |
P202501587 | 1/25/2025 12:45 PM | The 15% rate hike that Ameren is asking for is outrageous and will hurt hard-working Missouri residents - and Ameren doesn't need it! They already have 7 billion a year in profits. Why would they need to take more money out of the pockets of Missouri families, just to add another 500 million to their own coffers? That's just greedy. They have requested three rate hikes in three years and their increases have exceeded the rate of inflation. In 2024, between 15% and 20% of consumers were behind on their electric bill for most of the year. An average increase of $17 is not feasible for many people who are already struggling. I am a 65-year-old woman on a fixed income and I already can't afford to run my AC much in the summer. Give us a break! |
P202501588 | 1/26/2025 5:30 PM | Ameren reports extremely high profits while residents struggle to keep their power on. Their proposed rate hike is pure greed. And there are concerns that they are proceeding in ways that are not environmentally sound. Please protect the consumers. No rate hike for Ameren. |
P202501589 | 1/26/2025 9:06 PM | Given that Ameren was just granted a rate increase 2 years ago and inflation is far outpacing increases to income, it would be a betrayal of the working people of Missouri—as well as those on fixed incomes—to allow the private electric monopoly in eastern Missouri to get its original 15% increase a measly 2 years later than requested. Now is not the time for a rate increase. Furthermore, in the long term, the state should expropriate the utility, maintaining it as a public service under the democratic control of the people. |
P202501590 | 1/27/2025 7:41 AM | "The Ameren request for increase is absolutely outrageous and unjustified. No way should they be getting that kind of increase. PSC, please think of the MO residents and not Ameren on this one. Do not approve the rate increase. " |
P202501591 | 1/27/2025 7:45 AM | "No Increase! They make too much money - leave us alone! No Increase!" |
P202501592 | 1/27/2025 7:49 AM | "I protest this Ameren increase. This is outrageous and if they need this much of an increase, it shows improper planning. I oppose this increase." |
P202501593 | 1/27/2025 8:21 AM | "Please do not grant Ameren the rate increase they are asking for." |
P202501594 | 1/27/2025 8:29 AM | "Ameren should learn to live with less like everyone else. 15% is ridiculous and out of the question. Tell Ameren to look within and lower salaries. Please support the Missouri residents on this one and do not approve this rate increase." |
P202501595 | 1/27/2025 9:01 AM | See attached |
P202501596 | 1/27/2025 9:02 AM | "They pay their CEO 14 million dollars per year so I think them proposing that increase is preposterous." |
P202501597 | 1/27/2025 9:04 AM | Dear Ameren Missouri, I am writing to express my strong opposition to your proposal to increase residential electricity rates by 15.77%. While I understand that utility companies face rising operational costs, this proposed increase will place a significant and unnecessary financial burden on many customers, especially those who are already struggling to make ends meet. **See attached for full comments |
P202501598 | 1/27/2025 9:09 AM | I am writing to express my strong opposition to Ameren's proposal to increase residential electricity rate by 15.77%. While I understand that utility companies face rising operational costs, this proposed increase will place a significant and unnecessary financial burden on many customers, especially for those who are already struggling to make ends meet. **See attached for full comments |
P202501599 | 1/27/2025 9:11 AM | Ameren doesn’t need an increase already made an adjustment due to putting in smart meters that have messed with my electrical in my house I’ve had to call electricians and still nothing has been resolved bc they know nothing about their new meters and trouble shooting them both Ameren workers that have been here have even told us they are too new they know nothing |
P202501600 | 1/27/2025 9:15 AM | I oppose Ameren Missouri rate hike. Things are expensive enough! I'm a current customer. |
P202501601 | 1/27/2025 9:25 AM | "To whom it may concern; I oppose Ameren Missouri rate hike. Things are expensive enough! I'm a current customer. " |
P202501602 | 1/27/2025 9:28 AM | " These are notes I'm presenting at the Ameren rate hike meeting in Sunset Hills this Monday afternoon. I'm extremely disappointed with the Public Service Commission for allowing this to happen and I hope Governor Mike Kehoe fires every one of you.,," *Please see attached for full comment. |
P202501603 | 1/27/2025 10:07 AM | "I strongly oppose Ameren Missouri’s proposed rate increase of approximately 15%. This hike is not only far out of proportion with economic conditions but also threatens energy security for Missouri families..' *Please see attached for full comment. |
P202501604 | 1/27/2025 10:10 AM | "I oppose the nearly 15.77% increase that Ameren is seeking. This would amount to almost $446 million according to the mailing included in this month’s electric bill. The annual inflation rate for the United States was 2.9% for the 12 months ending December, according to U.S. Labor Department data published on January 15, 2025. Why should Ameren receive over five times the inflation rate? Additionally, Ameren was granted a $140,000,000 rate increase in 2023."*Please see attached for full comment. |
P202501605 | 1/27/2025 10:15 AM | "Thanks for the opportunity to provide testimony. I was unable to do this in person and called the Missouri Public Service commission on Thursday to inform them that I wished to testify at the virtual hearing on Friday, January 24. These were the instructions given on the Ameren site. The man who answered the phone took my information and said he added me to the list. I was very disappointed to find our that I was not on the list of citizens to testify on Friday. In fact, the person running the meeting couldn't seem to find the list I to which I was referring. I was able to do testify, but my name was placed at the bottom of the list. I found all of this troubling."*Please see 2 attachments for full comment and testimony. |
P202501606 | 1/27/2025 10:18 AM | "Residents who are customers of Ameren got a public notice letter stating that they are intending to raise their prices 15.77% per residential customer. That is $17.45 per month!!!! I feel that this is an extreme increase. Common sense tells us that since President Trump is planning to bring all costs down during this Presidential term, this kind of price gouging is uncalled for. So stop Ameren from pushing through this Extreme price increase.' |
P202501607 | 1/27/2025 10:38 AM | "Why would you authorize rate hikes to Ameren when they made a 7 BILLION dollar profit last year?? Do you have no shame?? People are having a hard enough time paying their bills and you have no problem raising their electric bill 15%. Maybe Missouri needs to become a blue state. At least the Democrats pretend to care about their constituents! Republicans apparently just care about padding their own pockets. SHAME ON ALL OF YOU!!!!-" |
P202501608 | 1/27/2025 10:56 AM | "What is the purpose except for PR that Ameren is having public hearings about its proposed rate increase. No matter what is said the decision to increase is a given. The thing that I find discouraging is that Ameren promotes much energy in advocating to save on energy, lower your electric bill. What is the result of customers reducing its usage of electricity? Ameren comes back and says we need an increase because of lower revenue means we need to raise rates! I would like to know what costs Ameren has reduced. We only hear your costs have increased. Customers have a similar problem. Their costs have gone up! Customers have to deal with a single source provider.." *Please see attached for full comment. i have no |
P202501609 | 1/27/2025 10:58 AM | "Social security gave a 2.3 raise. But also there was a raise in Medicare. So maybe they could do with a 2..3 raise. Helen Lingle" |
P202501610 | 1/27/2025 11:09 AM | "This is unfair and just plain evil. Stop Ameren's Proposed Rate Increase – Their Own Words Expose the Truth -Ameren is seeking its third rate increase in 3 years, claiming they’re struggling with rising costs. But their own shareholder report tells a different story: They’re bragging about outperforming the S&P 500 by more than 40% over the past decade. This latest increase would add $500 million in annual profits to a company already making $7 billion per year in profits. At a recent public meeting, attendees exposed how Ameren’s greed is devastating our communities: Families without power are living in desperation, and rising costs are driving people into homelessness." *Please see attached for full comment. |
P202501611 | 1/27/2025 11:15 AM | "I am vehemently opposed to the proposed Ameren rate increase of 15.77%. This rate increase of approximately $17.45 a month will be a hardship on senior citizens and lower and middle class residents. These residents will have to choose between staying warm or cool and buying medicine or food. .."*Please see attached for full comment. |
P202501612 | 1/27/2025 11:24 AM | "I am writing in response to the increase. Because I am not able to make it to the meetings that are posted. I am on disability and I am on a fixed income and I have a budget that I go by every month. I am even on budget billing for the electric bill, with that being said if you all allow the increase it will affect how I live and pay bills all the way around. You all need to think about the ones who are on disability, how they have to live on a fixed income and try to figure out how to pay the bills every month? You all say you listen to the customers and hear their concerns, I'm asking you all to please rethink this through I know there are other ways to pay the upgrades you all make.."*Please see attached for full comment. |
P202501613 | 1/27/2025 11:32 AM | "Please do not increase our already high utility bills! I am a single retiree and cancer survivor. I could note I have a 7 year old grand who is a leukemia patient, a son who is a diabetic, a 92 year old aunt who fears the money she banked from selling her home will run out before she dies leaving her with no way to pay her rent. I could go on. We all have stories. We have no choice but to deal with Ameren here. We are captive to their issues. We can drop the thermostat and turn off light, but we can’t compensate for their increases and all the crazy stuff they tack on our bills. This increase is over 200$ a year! Please do not allow this!" |
P202501614 | 1/27/2025 11:57 AM | "I am deeply against this increase that is being proposed by Ameren." |
P202501615 | 1/27/2025 12:09 PM | See Attached |
P202501616 | 1/27/2025 12:11 PM | See Attached |
P202501617 | 1/27/2025 12:31 PM | I am opposed to the rate increase being requested by Ameren. 15% seems ridiculous and is inflationary. Ameren has reported increased revenues and net income for the last several years. They do not need a rate increase, they need to focus on reducing their costs, including the salaries paid to executives. If I had it in my power I would turn this company into a cooperative owned by its customers. Then the mission of the cooperative would be to provide reliable service to the owners (customers) and return as much as possible of the net income generated to the owners as a dividend. One way I could start this process is to encourage every Ameren customer to begin buying Ameren stock. |
P202501618 | 1/27/2025 12:31 PM | "I strongly oppose this rate increase. Ameren's smart meters have caused my cancer to come back, their CEOs make millions, the salaries are to high and the gov. received donations from Ameren - no wonder the PSC approves these, it is corrupt." |
P202501619 | 1/27/2025 1:15 PM | Can the PSC investigate Ameren's rate increase more. Ameren keeps saying they aren't making money but you can clearly see they are. I believe this is wrong. Please look into this more. |
P202501620 | 1/27/2025 1:59 PM | "We should not have to pay for a private for profit company expansion. I believe this goes against our constitution. We tax payers are already burdened by so many taxes to the point of making choices such as do I buy my medicine, buy food or pay my utility bill this month. I say no to adding more taxes on the already taxed to death Missouri citizens!" |
P202501621 | 1/27/2025 2:04 PM | "I am on social security disability- keep my 21 year old home 1100 sf) on 61-62 and may go up to 63-64 on odd occasion if I have my granddaughter over. My projected bill this month is $253. I simply cannot afford this to go up. "I oppose the nearly 15.77% increase that Ameren is seeking. This would amount to almost $446 million according to the mailing included in this month’s electric bill. The annual inflation rate for the United States was 2.9% for the 12 months ending December, according to U.S. Labor Department data published on January 15, 2025. Why should Ameren receive over five times the inflation rate? Additionally, Ameren was granted a $140,000,000.."*Please see attached for full comment. |
P202501622 | 1/27/2025 2:05 PM | I oppose this rate increase. As a monopoly, Ameren Missouri has no inventive to control its costs. It argues, in part, that this increase is necessary to shift to inefficient, unrealizable, highly-subsidized wind and solar energy resources—a politically-driven choice that would not be made in a free market for energy, squandering revenue collected since its 2023 hike. Hiking energy costs makes everything more expensive, and is ill-advised while inflation rages. In 2024, Ameren had 1.1 billion in profit, 7.2 billion in revenue., and 41.3 billion in assets. Another rate increase would not only reward Ameren for poor business decisions, but also seems quite unnecessary. Consumers should not have to pay more for less reliable energy. |
P202501623 | 1/27/2025 2:06 PM | "I would like to comment on the rate increase. I do not agree with the rate increase. There has to be a better way to offset costs. Ann Hayden Concerned customer" |
P202501624 | 1/27/2025 2:08 PM | "I am for the rate hike, but only if Ameren is taking steps to use the rate hike or part of the rate hike to develop clean energy solutions for Ameren Missouri customers. Missouri is in a fine location for wind energy and solar energy solutions; these solutions will make the Missouri power grid more resilient and sustainable now and in the future. Thank you for considering my input." |
P202501625 | 1/27/2025 2:12 PM | "Regarding the current proposed 15 percent,or $17.45 per month,(let's say$18. or more after adding taxes), is based solely on greed. Ameren's current market share is up 38% and is expected to grow 6.5 % in 2025. While operating expenses have contributed to some losses there was still an income of $586 million ,and it's also important to consider the annual gross PROFIT of $5.3 BILLION DOLLARS in 2023 and the annual gross PROFIT of $52.8 BILLION ,up 10% for 2022 is an HUGE amount of money !!!!!! .." *Please see attached for full comment. |
P202501626 | 1/27/2025 2:26 PM | "I would like to express my disbelief that Ameren needs to increase rates by 15%. As of January 24, 2025, Ameren's net worth is $25.12 BILLION! This represents a 29.08% increase over the previous year. Please explain how this computes to a need for more money?? READ that again, please- $25.12 BILLION!!"..*Please see attached for full comment. |
P202501627 | 1/27/2025 2:34 PM | "I would like to express my disbelief that Ameren needs to increase rates by 15%. As of January 24, 2025, Ameren's net worth is $25.12 BILLION! This represents a 29.08% increase over the previous year. Please explain how this computes to a need for more money?? READ that again, please- $25.12 BILLION!!" .. *Please see attached for full comment. |
P202501628 | 1/27/2025 2:45 PM | "Hello there. This message needs to be received by decision makers considering Ameren trying to increase their rates again. I and my family are wholeheartedly against yet another rate increase for them. Another increase in 3 years much less 15% is way beyond reasonable. What company needs this type of increase that is doing a proper job. Increases to their investors seems to be the only true reason behind this. We are definitely against that. You need to protect the American families who rely on this utility to conductor business more appropriately. No to Ameren rate increase!" |
P202501629 | 1/27/2025 4:10 PM | I could not attend the public meeting last week regarding Ameren's proposed rate increases. I need to register my concerns. When does this stop? When do these corporations stop increasing their rates on those who are the least able to absorb the costs? I'm retired. I can barely afford my current Ameren bill, and I live in a small house. Can't the shareholders get a penny less this year? None of these rate increases affect them. It's too much. You have the power to stop this nonsense. Please do the right thing. |
P202501630 | 1/27/2025 4:13 PM | My name is Kelly Lu, I am 22 years old, and I live in St. Ann, MO. I am in heavy disagreement with Ameren's increased electricity rates. In this difficult economy, many people in St. Louis are already struggling to get by. As Ameren continues to increase in profit, there is no need to exploit our community for more money while we struggle to survive. If Ameren is still concerned about increasing profits, they should invest more in renewable energy. |
P202501631 | 1/27/2025 4:15 PM | As a retired citizen of Missouri, I would like to object to the enormous increase of 15.49% Ameren Missouri is asking Missouri customers to take on. We have had very small increases in Social Security benefits and are experiencing huge increases in the costs of food and healthcare so this large an increase in a necessity as electricity is tantamount to bankrupting people who already live from paycheck to paycheck. I don’t understand how the PSC can possibly think of granting such a large increase at this time. Respectfully, Dolores Jeffries |
P202501632 | 1/27/2025 4:17 PM | I am writing to protest the Ameren increase of 15.77%. This is an extraordinary increase in electricity. In the past few years, Ameren has already had their proposed increases approved and passed onto the consumer. I thought Ameren had been making purchases for solar panels and wind turbines in order to decrease the cost of electricity or at least hold the line on energy costs. The increase in social security for 2025 is only 2.5% while Ameren's increase is 15.77%. This is excessive! Please rescind this increase. Thank you. |
P202501633 | 1/27/2025 4:25 PM | Glendale is a small suburb with a population of about 6,000. The community has a police force and fire department. It also has a sales tax rate of just under 10%. I've had difficulty comparing the Glendale rate with other communities as no entity seems to collect this information. Glendale collects this 10% rate on Ameren and Spire bills. I don't know about the other public utilities. My point is that whenever the PSC grants a rate increase it should also consider the tax increase it approves for citizens. No mention is made in the documents available at the Hearing, of the additional cost. Paying a tax on services necessary for people to survive by a government body that does nothing to create or deliver the product seems outrageous. |
P202501634 | 1/27/2025 4:26 PM | "I am opposed to this rate increase due to the high costs of everything right now. My home is energy efficient, yet I am paying more than ever for electricity. " |
P202501635 | 1/27/2025 4:52 PM | The rate increase Ameren is requesting seems unreasonable. If I wanted to update my utilities, install a new electric panel, update my plumbing, etc., I doubt the utilities would allow me to ask for a rate decrease to facilitate my updates. With Ameren, I would have anticipated that part of their profits be invested in infrastructure updates and cost depreciation. Despite Ameren's assertion about our rates being among the lowest in the Midwest, I know many families already struggling to pay their bills. Ameren should learn to invest their profits more wisely and stop asking cash strapped customers to pay for their poor planning. Sincerely, Audrey Weast |
P202501636 | 1/28/2025 7:33 AM | My name is Cheryl Spohr, and I am a resident of Missouri. I had planned to attend the “in person“ public hearing for today, January 27, 2025. Unfortunately, I had another obligation. I wanted to express my concerns regarding the rate increase. I am against this action because so many Missouri families are already struggling to pay their current monthly bill, and a rate increase would put extra burden on families & businesses that are trying to live comfortably, while recovering from the recent inflation issues. Please consider my concerns regarding this issue on the table. |
P202501637 | 1/28/2025 7:39 AM | "I urge the Commission to consider the long-term implications of this rate increase on the community. Ameren should prioritize improving efficiency and investing in renewable energy solutions rather than passing costs onto consumers. Such measures would not only help alleviate financial pressure but also contribute to a more sustainable energy future for Missouri. I appreciate your attention to this important matter and hope that you will advocate for the interests of the residents of our state by opposing this proposed rate hike.Thank you for your consideration. |
P202501638 | 1/28/2025 7:42 AM | "I am writing to formally express my opposition to the proposed rate hike by Ameren. As a resident of Missouri, I am deeply concerned about the potential impact this increase will have on households and small businesses across our state.The proposed hike comes at a time when many families are already struggling with rising costs of living, including seniors such as myself. Continuing to increase utility rates only increases an already existing financial burden on those who can afford it. The proposed hike comes at a time when many families are already struggling with rising costs of living, including seniors such as myself. Continuing to increase utility rates only increases an already existing financial burden on those.."*See attached |
P202501639 | 1/28/2025 7:58 AM | "I'm writing in regard to the Ameren Missouri price increase. As you can expect I am NOT in favor of this increase. I believe that Ameren thinks everyone gets paid like a union Ameren worker. What does a lineman make? $30++ an hour? Some of us don't make anywhere near that, Some of us are on social security and still have to work to make ends meet. Yeah, bad career choices With all the bad weather around the country the insurance companies have decided to take it out on everyone via homeowners insurance increase. Not to mention food and other things needed to live. I remember a while back Ameren had a price increase then a week later they were in the newspaper for a nice large donation they made to some organization."*See attached |
P202501640 | 1/28/2025 8:02 AM | We should not have to pay for a private for profit company expansion. I believe this goes against our constitution. We tax payers are already burdened by so many taxes to the point of making choices such as do I buy my medicine, buy food or pay my utility bill this month. I say no to adding more taxes on the already taxed to death Missouri citizens! |
P202501641 | 1/28/2025 8:11 AM | See attached |
P202501642 | 1/28/2025 8:14 AM | "I am writing today to express my vehement disapproval of the proposed rate hike that Ameren Missouri has placed before you for your review and direction. Like many other Missouri citizens, me and my family have been burdened with the highest cost of living in many years along with very high inflation as a result of the nation's economic woes. Due to the extraordinarily high inflationary spending, my family, like so many other families across this state, have been forced to make painful cuts to our monthly and annual expenditures. Food prices, auto and home insurance rates, property tax rates, municipal utility taxes, Missouri utility sales taxes, credit..:*See attached for full comment |
P202501643 | 1/28/2025 8:19 AM | "I'm very much against any increase for Ameren for any reason. There is no telling what they will do with the money if you approve it, no real accountability. This amount of money will deeply hurt a lot of people, including myself. The working poor, people on social security etc. but who cares? I believe this is due to the carelessness of Ameren polluting the air and was doing so for years. A federal court ruled in 2017 that Ameren violated the clean air act, and appeals court upheld the ruling in 2021. So you have to decide if you will reward Ameren for polluting the air and hurting all of their customers or deny them of any rate increase. Please deny the increase. |
P202501644 | 1/28/2025 8:28 AM | "I work full time and cannot afford to keep my home above 50-60 degrees in the winter. My home is not warm this winter and will not be cool this summer. This rate hike is too much. Please do not pass it." |
P202501645 | 1/28/2025 9:05 AM | Investing in renewables is not what Ameren’s customers need or want. It is not the direction of the country right now. Read the room! Take Texas and California as your examples of why not. In addition, the numbers provided appear to be fuzzy math. If there are infrastructure upgrades needed the numbers should be specific and provided as a range rather than saying about or at least 15%. Rethink this proposal. |
P202501646 | 1/28/2025 11:01 AM | See Attached |
P202501647 | 1/28/2025 11:04 AM | See Attached |
P202501648 | 1/28/2025 11:07 AM | See Attached |
P202501649 | 1/28/2025 11:42 AM | "I am totally opposed to this proposed increase. We are having a hard enough time as it is." |
P202501650 | 1/28/2025 3:29 PM | "Let this letter show that I am opposed to any rate increase from Amren Electric , I have been an Amren/ UE customer for a long time...'*Please see attached for full comment. |
P202501651 | 1/28/2025 3:46 PM | "I hope you will consider not to increase our bills 15.77 percent to Ameren. Many folks are hurting at this time. Ameren has nice equipment, good wages, and benefits. I looked up executive salaries, and they do quite good. Besides all of that my last bill has 20 percent adjustment charges added on. Please do your research prudently." |
P202501652 | 1/29/2025 8:38 AM | I am writing to express my opposition to the proposed rate increase by Ameren. Our electric rates are already high enough and have been increased several times in the past years, while Ameren is increasing its profits. Another rate increase is not warranted. I and my household of two strongly oppose the suggested rate increase. Respectfully, Zheni Atanasova |
P202501653 | 1/29/2025 9:06 AM | See attached |
P202501654 | 1/29/2025 10:11 AM | I want to express my opposition to this increase as it goes against the directive of the recent election to lower ENERGY costs and is counter productive to these efforts. Focus should be paid to making our electric grid secure from EMPs and substation attacks. |
P202501655 | 1/29/2025 11:24 AM | See Attached |
P202501657 | 1/29/2025 12:01 PM | Barbara could not attend any of the LPH's in the rate case. She is opposed to any increase in rates and would like the PSC to deny Ameren's rate increase request. |
P202501658 | 1/29/2025 12:05 PM | See attached |
P202501659 | 1/28/2025 | Ron opposes any increase in rates. Rates are already too high. He would like the PSC to not give any increase to Ameren. |
P202501660 | 1/29/2025 12:11 PM | Sally is a senior on a fixed income and already cannot afford current rates. Ameren is making record profits and inflation in recent years is out of hand. She would like the PSC to deny Ameren's rate increase request. |
P202501661 | 1/27/2025 | Doug could not attend any of the LPH's in the rate case but wanted to file a comment into the case. He opposes any increase in rates and would like the PSC to deny Ameren's request. |
P202501663 | 1/29/2025 12:31 PM | "I don't understand the justification for this much of an increase, especially, when everything else is going up. I could understand 5%." |
P202501664 | 1/29/2025 1:21 PM | There are so many of us senior citizens who are not making it now and who need help now who aren't getting the help. To always approve their rate increase requests every time they ask for it. Even though we get a small increase in SS wages, our rent goes up and other expenses so we are even more in the whole. |
P202501665 | 1/29/2025 2:46 PM | "I do not approve of this rate increase. This is not the rate time to impose such a huge increase. " |
P202501666 | 1/29/2025 3:17 PM | "I am writing to oppose the approximated 15.77%increase. I understand the various reasons presented for the need to increase rates but the % is exorbitant! It is significantly higher than all other increases that have been passed along to the public in the past couple years. This is especially difficult when most people have received a very low % boost to their income. As a retired person, my cost of living increases have barely kept up with the Medicare premium increases. I believe Ameren’s request for such a large increase should be denied with the increase being held around a 3-5% level to align with people’s ability to try to deal with inflation rate increases hitting them from every aspect of their lives." |
P202501667 | 1/29/2025 3:30 PM | "First of all, I attended the public meeting held on Monday 1/28 in Sunset Hills, MO. I'd like to thank both the PSC members and the Ameren representatives for taking questions in an open forum. I did not stay for the formal session of the meeting since I received answers to my questions from the discussion and from individual discussions with the Ameren representatives during the break." *See attached for full comment. |
P202501668 | 1/30/2025 7:49 AM | "I am writing to let you know that senior citizens can't afford another rate increase. We are struggling as it is to pay our bills, buy food, and get our medications. We are on a fixed income and the pockets of the utility companies are being lined off the top of the rate increases. They are installing free solar panels on homes and giving electric away to them for free. If they get another increase seniors will continue to freeze as they can't keep their homes warm to pay the bill. I keep my home temperature at 72 degrees and freeze in the winter. If I set it warmer I can't afford to pay the bill. In the summer I keep it at 74 and can barely afford to pay the bill.."*See attached for full comment. |
P202501669 | 1/30/2025 8:08 AM | "I am corresponding to ask the PSC to due its due diligence in reigning in Amerens excessive request for rate increases that far exceed the current rate of inflation. It is also time to end the fuel adjustment clause as energy costs in this country have stabilized. Thanks for your help and consideration. " |
P202501670 | 1/30/2025 8:57 AM | I am corresponding to ask the OPC to do its due diligence in reigning in Amerens excessive request for rate increases that far exceed the current rate of inflation. It is also time to end the fuel adjustment clause as energy costs in this country have stabilized. Thanks for your help and consideration. |
P202501671 | 1/30/2025 9:45 AM | "I think the requested increase is too much. These utility prices are getting outrageous and I don't think we're getting a good enough return regarding the service. There should be no outages. There are a lot of outdated power lines and things that the company should have already been updating. People will not be able to afford this." |
P202501672 | 1/30/2025 9:59 AM | See Attached |
P202501673 | 1/30/2025 10:00 AM | See Attached |
P202501675 | 1/24/2025 | Customer called and stated that she is very opposed. She paid $300 for one month between 11/30/24 and 1/3/25. It's a tiny one-story ranch house. Ameren has received more wage raises and rate hikes. This is entirely unnecessary. |
P202501677 | 1/30/2025 4:17 PM | "Supporting a third rate increase in three years—a 15% hike—solely to pad shareholder profits at the expense of struggling communities is unquestionably selfish and harmful, one might even say evil. Ameren does not need this increase. They’re already highly profitable, still paying dividends, and their shareholders are seeing value through stock performance and existing dividends. This hike isn’t about survival; it’s about excess profits, plain and simple. So let’s be clear: advocating for further burdening struggling families and communities so investors can make even more money fits the very definition of greed. If that’s the argument, it’s one rooted in prioritizing profit over people—and that’s not justifiable in any sense." |
P202501678 | 1/30/2025 4:30 PM | I am appalled to see that Commissioner Kahn would testify on behalf of Ameren in a senate meeting per the Missouri Independent. It was my understanding that the PSC is for the consumers and to help protect the consumers, and to read about her testimony is very disheartening. |
P202501679 | 1/30/2025 | The customer contacted and stated that he was at the Sunset Hills hearing. We are not even a month into the year, and he has already experienced 5-7 outages. During the hearing's intermission, he spoke with one of the Ameren developers, who stated that on paper, there is a project for his area, but it has been declined and not scrapped. He directed him to us to get it back on the table. His appliances are beginning to act up. |
P202501682 | 1/31/2025 1:50 PM | I am writing to state our opposition to the proposed rate increase from Ameren. They do this every year and our electric will soar to over $600 some months if this goes through. We don’t have a pool or anything special, I feel we’ve tried to make as many energy efficient choices as possible. Our home is not extravagant, we’re just trying to keep up with the rising expenses of life. Unfortunately, our employers do not give 15% raises to compensate for the rising cost of living. Therefore, I do not feel it is fair or necessary for Ameren to request a 15.77% rate hike. Please think about how this will affect the thousands of people already struggling or just getting by each week. Families shouldn’t have to choose between food or electricity. |
P202501683 | 1/31/2025 4:32 PM | "I am writing to state our opposition to the proposed rate increase from Ameren. They do this every year and our electric will soar to over $600 some months if this goes through. We don’t have a pool or anything special, I feel we’ve tried to make as many energy efficient choices as possible. Our home is 2100 sq. Ft., so not extravagant. We are a conscientious, middle class, hard working family just trying to keep up with the rising expenses of life. Unfortunately, our employers do not give generous annual raises to compensate for the rising cost of living. Therefore, I do not feel it is fair or necessary for Ameren to request a 15.77% rate hike..."*please see attached for full comment |
P202501684 | 1/31/2025 9:44 PM | I teach high school science and am a father of two little children. I am strongly opposed to allowing Ameren any kind of rate increase for their intended purpose. If you allow this, you are not just killing people in poverty, but you’re killing the middle class. All things are tied to electricity. Not only will my electric bill go up, but my grocery bill will too. The grocery store needs electricity, and they and all businesses will have to raise the cost of what I buy. Ameren got a rate increase a few years ago. Where did that money go? |
P202501685 | 1/30/2025 | The customer called and stated that he is a shareholder and owns stock in Ameren. He does not believe that the increase is justified for the average electricity consumer. He is an Ameren customer. He's on a pension and has retired. For the amount of money he gets, this is a significant increase. He does not think that is a good idea. This will put a lot of people in a hot nix. He received a notification, but it did not include a hearing date. |
P202501686 | 2/3/2025 8:00 AM | "I believe that a company whose third-quarter net profit for 2024 was 456 million should not be asking, yet again, for a rate increase. Particularly not a 15.77% rate increase which would increase the profits by another $446 million a year." ..*Please see attached for full comment. |
P202501687 | 2/3/2025 8:09 AM | "I oppose the nearly 15.77% increase that Ameren is seeking. This would amount to almost $446 million according to the mailing included in this month’s electric bill. The annual inflation rate for the United States was 2.9% for the 12 months ending December, according to U.S. Labor Department data published on January 15, 2025. Why should Ameren receive over five times the inflation rate? Additionally, Ameren was granted a $140,000,000 rate increase in 2023."..*Please see attached for full comment. |
P202501689 | 2/3/2025 8:19 AM | "People are still hurting from our Ruined Economy - The average rate hike of $17.45 -[or $209.40 /year] ,will dig that much further into the ability to continue a civilized existence ... Like myself having only a $841.00 /month pension until Social Security kicks in - worked hard my whole life & too proud for Welfare [which I could have drawn easily in the past]. But I understand - Not your problem. However, ... I'm intelligent enough to know when to call ''BS'' & the 'FAC' [Fuel Adjustment Clause], seems to be exactly that - BS, because fuel prices have Fallen significantly over the last year from what it was ! Seems like a Money Grab to me ... Where does it end ? " |
P202501690 | 2/3/2025 8:29 AM | "I want to throw my 2 cents in on the ridiculous increase requested by Ameren Missouri. As a retired life long Missourian who will be getting a 2.5% cost of living increase from Social Security, I am sure you can understand how I find the 15+% increase far past excessive. Everything---utilities, health care, home and car insurance, gas, prescription drugs, and groceries---are all increasing at unsustainable rates. Just so you know that I am not only concerned for older Missourians, I also know that this ridiculous increase would undoubtedly be an undue burden on parents trying to feed, cloth and educate their children. Now, at least, I know I have made my voice heard . . Thank you for your time. . |
P202501691 | 2/3/2025 8:31 AM | "Yahoo Mail: Search, Organize, Conquer. The average Missouri consumer is financially overwhelmed by higher prices on everything. Ameren needs to tighten their belt like we do. We're getting ready for an economic meltdown and don't need higher electric bills." |
P202501692 | 2/3/2025 9:53 AM | I am 100 percent against the rate increase is because there are employees that are at Ameren that can be streamlined instead of passing these costs on to the consumers. |
P202501694 | 2/3/2025 12:13 PM | "Please consider the fixed income households that are trying to pay the bills that have already risen and continue to rise. Food, insurance, fuel, taxes, and UTILITIES are extremely hard to pay already! An additional approximately $209 a year is about the straw that breaks the camels back, so to speak. Electric companies know we have to have them, but is such a hike really necessary? Please help us...." |
P202501696 | 2/3/2025 1:37 PM | I am commenting to urge the board to vote no on Ameren‘s proposed rate increase. On their investor page they project earnings per share to grow at a rate of 8.2% compounded annually. Our incomes are not increasing this much, inflation is not even this much, a monopoly should not be allowed to gouge customers to increase their earnings for shareholders |
P202501697 | 2/3/2025 4:20 PM | See attached. |
P202501699 | 2/3/2025 4:40 PM | "I appreciate the dependable electricity that Ameren provides, however, I do not support this current 15% rate increase request. We just had a 15% increase put upon us in 2023 and the cost of electricity is becoming egregious to many. Everything we depend on in our daily lives is powered by electricity or needed to charge batteries to operate. " *Please see attached for full comment. |
P202501700 | 2/4/2025 7:54 AM | "To whom it may concern , my pay has not increased in 10 years , the cost of everything has gotten ridiculous, we live just above poverty so, there is no help for us , except family. I built my house 10 years ago, and it is the most efficient house ,compared to similar size and dated houses, I moved out of town from a house built in 1940 , and my electric bill was never as much as my new house, and I use less energy, the new meters are a way to charge more to customers , and I pay all these other fees beside my electric usage, but ameren , has made a mistake by , charging me “ an energy investment charge, since I am paying it from my behalf, I will expect a return on my money some day, …." |
P202501701 | 2/4/2025 12:57 PM | Ameren is gaming the system. They are a regulated monopoly and profit is a fixed percentage of "costs and investments". They have no incentive to be efficient. Expanding operating costs can increase profits by justifying a rate increase. What should happen is investments pay off resulting in rate decreases. I would be fine with a 15% rate increase if Ameren first agreed to a 20% decrease. Imagine this, you run a company and it costs $100 million every year to run. Profit is fixed at 10% of that, so it's $10 million. What's the fastest way to make $20 million? DOUBLE THE COSTS! Protect captive customers and reject the increase. Don't let Ameren increase rates until they start showing efficiency gains through rate DECREASES. |
P202501703 | 2/5/2025 9:07 AM | People are still hurting from our Ruined Economy - The average rate hike of $17.45 -[or $209.40 /year], will dig that much further into the ability to continue a civilized existence ... Like myself having only a $841.00 /month pension until Social Security kicks in - worked hard my whole life & too proud for Welfare [which I could have drawn easily in the past]. But I understand - Not your problem . However ... Im intelligent enough to know when to call ''BS'' & the 'FAC' [Fuel Adjustment Clause] ,seems to be exactly that - BS ,because fuel prices have Fallen significantly over the last year from what it was ! Seems like a Money Grab to me ... Where does it end ? |
P202501704 | 2/5/2025 9:08 AM | Please consider the fixed income households that are trying to pay the bills that have already risen and continue to rise. Food, insurance, fuel, taxes, and UTILITIES are extremely hard to pay already! An additional approximately $209 a year is about the straw that breaks the camels back, so to speak. Electric companies know we have to have them, but is such a hike really necessary? Please help us. |
P202501705 | 2/5/2025 9:17 AM | "I oppose Ameren's proposed rate increase request for the following reasons: "* Please see attached for full comment |
P202501706 | 2/5/2025 9:21 AM | "I oppose Ameren's proposed rate increase request for the following reasons:" *Please see attached for full comment. |
P202501707 | 2/3/2025 | Karen wanted to file a comment into Ameren's rate case. Karen believes that this is an unjust raise on customers. Shareholders are already making enough $ and the normal person is dealing with high costs and inflation. Rates are already high enough. She would like the PSC to deny Ameren's request for a rate increase. |
P202501708 | 2/5/2025 10:57 AM | Ameren should make their expenses and costs/ profits for requesting this rate increase more readily available for consumers to see. Ameren also states that they save their rate payers money, but I have been a customer for 70 years and have never seen this, they should put this on the bill if they are really saving us money. |
P202501709 | 2/5/2025 1:26 PM | Ameren customers are against the rate increase. The avg bill raise of 17.45 would raise the avg bill from around 110 to around 130. That is massive. That will make even MORE people not able to afford electricity. They claim the raise is due to the rising cost of goods and services. Well, we know about that, we pay the price of inflation every day! Instead of expecting us consumers to take the loss from our own empty pockets, they will need to get the money from their exorbitantly paid execs. CEO Martin Lyons made $8,245,997 & CFO Michael Moehn $9,616,317 and exec board each over 2.3mil in 2023. Those salaries are much higher than what is required for someone to live a quality life. They need to take a cut before we take another hit! |
P202501711 | 2/6/2025 12:52 PM | "They already got a 11% increase in 2023 so I think another one this high is ridiculous. Our incomes are not increasing. The company doesn't need to make another billion dollars." |
P202501713 | 2/7/2025 3:00 PM | "As an ameren customer off charter church road, I object this ridiculous rate hike proposal by ameren. They came to our community, illegally polluted flour air, soil and water. Then left long before plant life ended, costing our area jobs. Ameren trying to raise rates to cover their illegal operations is another example of greedy corps exploiting the working class. I say NO, stand up to ameren, make them make this right, fire rush island back up, get it up to standards, after all I have to pass emissions on my little 4 cylinder auto. This is a joke." |
P202501715 | 2/10/2025 8:13 AM | "I am writing to strenuously oppose the rate hikes proposed by Ameren. As a senior on a fixed income, the increase of approximately $17.45 a month would be another burden on my monthly expenses, expenses that are already being strained by high food prices and soaring insurance costs, both home and auto. "*Please see attached for full comment |
P202501716 | 2/10/2025 10:15 AM | See Attached |
P202501718 | 2/10/2025 10:20 AM | See Attached - Doug Wynn, Mayor |
P202501719 | 2/10/2025 11:06 AM | All of the tacked-on charges, one for the rush island charge, they all add up to around 50.00 a month. And now they want another increase. This is outrageous. |
P202501720 | 2/10/2025 1:14 PM | City of Wright City recently passed a resolution opposing Ameren's proposed rate increase. (see attached pdf) |
P202501721 | 2/11/2025 10:30 AM | See Attached |
P202501722 | 2/13/2025 12:46 PM | "Ameren was fined $61,000,000 recently; how do we know that this requested increase isn't going to paying their fines? They had 14 years to fix this. They are greedy and now they want us to pay their fine. I say no to that." |
P202501723 | 2/13/2025 12:54 PM | Ms. Lyons believes the proposed rate increase is a way for the utility to pay its $61 million fine the EPA recently assessed against the utility company. Customers shouldn't have to pay their fine through a rate case, especially when they have a monopoly, and she doesn't get to choose her electric company. She also said her bills have increased 20 percent since the company installed smart meters. And now they want another 16 percent. "How many people think their bills are lower since the smart meters were installed?" |
P202501724 | 2/13/2025 3:15 PM | "Decline the rate increases requested by Ameren. " |
P202501726 | 2/14/2025 12:00 PM | "I oppose this rate increase. I strongly disagree with how Ameren conducts their business. Especially the way they put in small print that you must contact them to NOT switch the plan you have to a new TOU plan. This affects the elderly in a disproportionate way- it is hard to see the small print and most do not use email. It is not printed on there that you can call, leading to many customers being switched when that is not their preference. Having to Opt-out instead of opting-in is very telling and a problem." |
P202501727 | 2/14/2025 4:45 PM | I am a customer who does not have a smart meter installed yet on my propert. At the end of December, I was told in a phone call that I had 3 days to call and shceduel a meter replacement or my power will be disconnected. I schedueled the installation prior to the snow storm and during that time no one showed to install the non-standard meter. Ameren never contacted me to rescheduel but instead sent me a letter saying I have blocked access to my meter and threatening to disconnect my power if I don't call and set up my meter installation. When I contacted Ameren to ask why I'm being threatened they did discover in the notes the schedueled appointment in January and delay do to the weather. Ameren never tried to contact me. |
P202501728 | 2/13/2025 | The customer called and stated that they were the ones who made a mistake. They want to charge all of this money back to the consumers. He is on social security and disability, and he will be unable to afford. He'll freeze to death or suffocate in the summer. |
P202501729 | 2/18/2025 8:26 AM | "Just concerned about this price gouging by Ameren electric, we the people can’t get a leg up . I’ve installed all led bulbs , just installed a 8200.00 heat pump to save money on electric, and now they want to raise rates again this year another 15% !! Come on man you all need to help us out here , oh that on top of the 47 million or so they received of our federal tax monies. We the people are not liking this. Please respond by email . I very much doubt it goes any farther than the person reading this email." *Please see attached for full comment. |
P202501730 | 2/14/2025 | Customer contacted to say that whoever published the Rush Island coal plant charge should not have indicated it would be around $1.50 per month. Seniors are being nickel and dimed. A small increase in her social security benefits does not cover all of her other expenses. $8.00 per month is a lot. She had absolutely no say in this situation. |
P202501731 | 2/14/2025 | Customer contacted to question why there were no Jefferson County hearings. He stated that the rates are becoming outrageous. They hide all of these charges. He inquired about what they were doing with that money. He claimed that it does not benefit the average consumer. They must begin to watch out for them. |
P202501732 | 2/18/2025 8:43 AM | "I am writing this letter in response to Ameren’s request to raise rates 15.49% for Missouri customers. I have thought about this quite some time now and I think the reason to deny this request or DRAMATICALLY LIMIT Ameren’s request comes down to one word…GREED!" *Please see attached for full comment. |
P202501733 | 2/18/2025 8:52 AM | "Just concerned about this price gouging by Ameren electric, we the people can’t get a leg up . I’ve installed all led bulbs , just installed a 8200.00 heat pump to save money on electric, and now they want to raise rates again this year another 15% !! Come on man you all need to help us out here , oh that on top of the 47 million or so they received of our federal tax monies. We the people are not liking this. How about doing an audit to see where that 47 million is actually accounted for. Please respond by email . Thank you Robert Wallach" |
P202501736 | 2/18/2025 3:43 PM | ". Every year Ameren is asking for a rate increase. can't be due to profitability because in last year's financials they delivered less energy (due to weather) but still made significant profit. It's all in their financials. But this is the dance right?" *Please see attached for full comment |
P202501737 | 2/18/2025 4:27 PM | "We ask that this petition be filed in Docket EA-2024-0319 as a public comment. I am April Kim, an apartment dweller that lives in Saint Louis, MO, in the 63129 zip code. I am an employed food services delivery driver with major concerns and fears regarding the proposed increase in electric rates." *Please see attached for full comment. |
P202501738 | 2/18/2025 4:29 PM | "We ask that this petition be filed in Docket EA-2024-0319 as a public comment. I am Theo Kim, and I am an apartment dweller that resides in Saint Louis, MO, 63129. I am an employed data engineer with major concerns and fears regarding the proposed increase in electric rates. " *Please see attached for full comment. |
P202501739 | 2/19/2025 10:10 AM | "I have many concerns regarding the rate raises that are being charged by this most wealthy and profitable company. First of all with times being so hard on folks that are barely getting by to raise their rates is unfair to the general public." *Please see attached for full comment. |
P202501741 | 2/19/2025 10:32 AM | "We are now getting a Rush Island" fee on our bills which is an unnecessary burden on the rate payer instead of the stockholders and was a sneaky thing to do. People cannot afford the rates as they are currently. The burden on the rate payer is not ethical or moral. Put this burden on the stockholders and CEOs. I adamantly reject to any increase at all; much less what they are requesting." |
P202501743 | 2/19/2025 | See Attached |
P202501744 | 2/19/2025 | See Attached |
P202501745 | 2/20/2025 11:41 AM | The customers who are already struggling from high energy burden will suffer tremendously if this unreasonable rate increase is approved. In St. Louis, we see that Black people, experience energy burden twice that of their white counterparts. We need Ameren to provide support and resources to prevent disconnection, not price gouge their captive customers See the attached report to see how energy burden harms communities disproportionately. |
P202501746 | 2/20/2025 1:05 PM | The customer called to complain that the rates are increasing significantly for low-income people. They have a difficult time making it. |
P202501747 | 2/21/2025 7:53 AM | "I oppose a 15% increase in rates that Ameren is asking for. Considering the state of the country and our recent economic climate, this is too much to ask for." |
P202501750 | 2/21/2025 1:31 PM | I'm curious as to if Ameren is also proposing to increase the solar buy back rate for customers who generate an excess of energy at times during the year. If power is getting more expensive, so should the buy back rate? |
P202501758 | 2/27/2025 7:10 PM | I am writing in opposition to Ameren’s requested rate increase. The requested 15% increase, this is the second rate increase in less than 2 years. The PSC’s own data shows that approx. 15-20% of Ameren customers were behind on their bills for most of 2024. The company has increased their disconnections as well, in October 17,000 customers had their service disconnected for owing money on their utility bills. The Consumer Council commissioned a study finding Amerens rates have out paced inflation and wages. I ask the Commission to deny the requested increase. I further implore Ameren to continue to increase their investment into renewables, and limit their investments into natural gas and coal facilities and production. |
P202501768 | 2/28/2025 11:47 AM | I am writing in opposition to Ameren’s requested rate increase. The requested 15% increase, is the second rate increase in less than 2 years. The company has increased their disconnections as well, in October 17,000 customers had their service disconnected for owing money on their utility bills. The Consumer Council commissioned a study finding Amerens rates have out paced inflation and wages. I ask the Commission to deny the requested increase. I further implore Ameren to continue to increase their investment into renewables especially rooftop solar, and limit their investments into natural gas and coal facilities and production. |
P202501775 | 3/2/2025 8:28 PM | I urge you to reject Ameren’s proposed 15% rate increase for 2025. As a retired veteran living on a fixed income, I cannot afford another hike after the PSC already approved increases in 2023 and 2024. These relentless rises—on top of tariffs for the Rush Island retirement and the Smart Meter Program opt-out fee—are crushing me financially. I’m already paying over $300 a month for my electric bill, a staggering amount that eats away at my limited resources. I served my country, yet now I struggle to keep the lights on. Ameren’s profits shouldn’t come at the expense of veterans and fixed-income households. Please stop this pattern of burdening us year after year—say no to this increase! Thanks, Nicholas |
P202501776 | 3/3/2025 7:54 AM | "I am writing to formally express my deep concerns regarding the PSC’s approval of every rate increase requested by Ameren since 2023, along with the Rush Island Retirement fee and the mandatory smart meter opt-out fee. These decisions unfairly burden consumers and show a clear bias toward Ameren over the interests of Missouri residents."* Please see attached for full comment |
P202501777 | 3/3/2025 8:02 AM | "PROTESTING THE 15.77% INCREASE I have reviewed their public financial reports and see no justification for this increase. On a personal note, I noticed a lot of activity replacing poles with taller poles and stringing new high voltage lines. Obviously preparing for expansion somewhere. Why are their expansion plans at my cost?" |
P202501778 | 3/3/2025 8:11 AM | "On-Going Extortion by Ameren & Missouri Water\. Please see attachment. " |
P202501780 | 3/3/2025 8:17 AM | "Truth in Advertising & Ameren Billing Tricks. Please to attachment." |
P202501786 | 3/3/2025 12:47 PM | See attached. |
P202501787 | 3/3/2025 12:49 PM | See attached. |