Current Date/Time: 3/12/2025 12:31:33 AM
Linked Consumer Comments
Consumer Comment No. | Date Filed | Consumer Comments |
P202400755 | 6/3/2024 3:25 PM | please see attached |
P202500019 | 7/9/2024 1:02 PM | American Water Works gross profit for the quarter ending March 31, 2024 was $1.011B, a 7.78% increase year-over-year. American Water Works gross profit for the twelve months ending March 31, 2024 was $4.307B, a 10.78% increase year-over-year. American Water Works annual gross profit for 2023 was $4.234B, a 11.66% increase from 2022. Missouri American Water does not need a rate increase to offset new construction and maintenance, as they already have a 10.78% increase in gross profit from the twelve months ending in March 31st with a 4.307 Billion profit. |
P202500022 | 7/9/2024 2:03 PM | Hello, as a citizen of Joplin, MO., I wish to make my voice heard on the recent proposed rate increase by Missouri American water. See attached for full comments. |
P202500023 | 7/9/2024 4:31 PM | "American Water Works gross profit for the quarter ending March 31, 2024 was $1.011B, a 7.78% increase year-over-year. American Water Works gross profit for the twelve months ending March 31, 2024 was $4.307B, a 10.78% increase year-over-year. American Water Works annual gross profit for 2023 was $4.234B, a 11.66% increase from 2022. American Water Works annual gross profit for 2022 was $3.792B, a 3.51% decline from 2021. American Water Works annual gross profit for 2021 was $3.93B, a 4.05% increase from 2020. Missouri American Water does not need a rate increase to offset new construction and maintenance, as they already have a 10.78% increase in gross profit from the twelve months ending in March 31st with a 4.307 Billion.. SEE ATTACHED |
P202500043 | 7/19/2024 11:43 AM | "I had an appointment set w/ MAWC to replace the meter and they have me an all-day/8 hour appointment which seems silly to me. They should be able to give a more narrowed-down timeframe so I don't have to waste my entire day waiting for them." |
P202500166 | 8/5/2024 10:18 AM | Customer service at Missouri American Water Co. is poor at best. Recent experiences I've had are examples of the ongoing problems and demonstrate that previous complaints have not been addressed by the water company. In fact, the company has continually ignored the problems. (See attached PDF) |
P202500310 | 8/12/2024 2:57 PM | Missouri American Water did not fulfill their obligations to adequately restore Hurstgreen Road in Webster Groves, MO, after completing their water main replacement project during October-December, 2023. Find attached our last letter to Missouri American Water, which they did not respond to. |
P202500330 | 8/18/2024 3:48 PM | In reference to Customer Comment number P202500310, Missouri American Water in this case failed to honor their obligation required by a Hurstgreen Road easement to restore our private road “as nearly as practicable to its former condition”, refusing in this instance to reimburse us or replace the asphalt surface previously existing. Our only remaining recourse was a lawsuit which is they know is too costly for us to pursue. In this rate case, I suggest the PSC should consider how much MAW increases its profits by using its size and power to treat its customers in bad faith. Given this experience, I suggest the PSC should be very skeptical of any MAW information provided or representations made to the PSC. |
P202500843 | 10/16/2024 10:48 AM | "The estimated $18 per month increase represents an approximate 25% increase. While I'm sure we'd all love that type of raise at work, this type of increase for our utility should not be allowed. I fully support improvements (and in fact would love further improvements - including on our road where we have been waiting for repairs to our pipes and roads for over 2 years now), but a more gradual 10% a year increase, with the time of increase extended (as I would assume this would not be a permanent increase.)" |
P202500844 | 10/16/2024 11:06 AM | "Has the world gone crazy, my wife and I are retired and we have to watch our expenses closely. Why would anyone think that 34% increase would be a good idea? " *Please see attached for full comment. |
P202500847 | 10/16/2024 12:30 PM | I am not in favor of the proposed rate increase. I feel the bills are already fraudulent and I believe a federal judge, or someone who understands utility companies needs to restructure MAWC. |
P202500850 | 10/16/2024 3:26 PM | There needs to be transparency and disclosure in their correspondence regarding leak adjustments and policies stating that the requirements for an adjustment the usage during the leak has to be at least two times higher than the prior year to be considered for a leak and that only one leak adjustment in allowed per the life of an MAWC account. This needs to be plainly explained to the customer. |
P202500851 | 10/17/2024 8:38 AM | I am saddened to see Missouri American Water take the authority recently granted to treat very different geographical operating units as a consolidated utility and to now request a 30%+ increase in rates across the breadth of their operations. The focus of those investments are on very localized problems for which they have collected depreciation expense or should collect new revenues as a result of expansion. Very very sad that my little water system with less than 1000 customers being subjected to requests for capital expenditure reimbursements in rates. A double win, collect new rates and depreciate them. This is the problem with profit oriented company operating a utility. |
P202500852 | 10/17/2024 9:09 AM | "The estimated costs of Missouri-Americans’ proposed pipeline replacement and repairs are significantly above the national average water-pipeline-replacement costs (by factor of 5x). The utility is asking for above-market ROE recovery exceeding +10%, whereas other states like Pennsylvania/Illinois have prudently disallowed. AWK does this same approach in every market, filing high rate cases every other year, but this burdensome bloated spending budget in Missouri appears to be AWK’s only hope to saving its Wall Street earnings targets.,," *Please see attached for full comment. |
P202500853 | 10/17/2024 10:45 AM | "When MAWC bought our water supply in Ironton, MO they promised our bills would only go up $50/month but it's gone up almost double. The sewer costs more than the water does. I do not think that they deserve a rate increase. They knew that when they bought this water utility what they would have to do to make repairs and they should've prepared for that. People here already cannot afford their groceries and bills. I completely opposed this rate increase." |
P202500854 | 10/17/2024 12:02 PM | "My family and I reside in Chesterfield, MO and have MAWC as our water provider. Increasing a utility bill by over 34% is unacceptable, no matter which utility it is. Homeowners and residents have no choice in their water provider, and approving a substantial increase such as this is, quite frankly, almost indefensible. The fact that this massive proposed rate increase comes only a year after the last rate increase went into effect is unbelievable." *Please see attached for full comment. |
P202500855 | 10/17/2024 12:05 PM | "The proposed rate increases for water is too large and represents a burden for too many in the St. Louis community. I object to it. " |
P202500856 | 10/17/2024 12:46 PM | I don't like the sounds of adding any additional rate changes. I can hardly afford any of my bills right now. Find the money somewhere else. I am struggling because the inflation and now all the companies want to throw in more money on our bills. They a few e too high already. Think about the people struggling to pay thier bills and how much it is going to hurt us worse when you want us to help pay for stuff you want help with. Struggles are real. |
P202500857 | 10/17/2024 12:53 PM | "I live in Joplin and I would hope my area wouldn't need the higher rate that is proposed. I am already on a fixed income and am 85 years old so will not be having increases in my social security." |
P202500859 | 10/17/2024 3:29 PM | " hi all -this letter is to protest the increase of water rates fixed income people like me cannot handle this please make allowance for us please" |
P202500860 | 10/18/2024 11:08 AM | See attached. |
P202500864 | 10/18/2024 11:40 AM | "Comments regarding the latest in a series of rate increases: (By the way, the website we were given to make electronic comments per your recent notification, was not helpful in the least. Of note, the deadline for comments is Oct. 1st, but we just received notification via late mail delivered Oct. 17th.) --------------- Following on the heels of rate increases in 2021, 2023 and now requested in 2024, OUR FAMILY CANNOT WITHSTAND YET ANOTHER RATE INCREASE. WE CAN'T AFFORD to. We just received a bill for close to $200. We cannot afford MONTHLY WATER BILLS close to that amount." *Please see attached for full comment |
P202500870 | 10/20/2024 1:46 PM | Missouri American Water Company's rates are too high given the poor quality of service received and their already too-high rates. The typical consumer cannot afford it |
P202500871 | 10/21/2024 1:29 PM | See Attached |
P202500873 | 10/18/2024 | The customer called, denying the proposed rate increase. |
P202500876 | 10/23/2024 8:36 AM | I am writing to voice my opposition to the proposed 34.4% rate increase requested by Missouri American Water. While I understand that through corporate price gouging we have experienced inflation in this country and things cost more this seems more than a bit excessive. It in fact seems more than outlandish. **see attached for full comments |
P202500877 | 10/23/2024 8:44 AM | Today, I received the notice for the public hearings regarding the proposed MAWC rate increase. Since I would unlikely be able to attend these public hearings I wanted provide written comments on the matter. I have also provided these comments to the email address. **See attached for full comments. |
P202500878 | 10/23/2024 8:49 AM | This email is being sent to protest the amount of the proposed rate increase of approx. 34.4% by MO American Water. **see attached for full comments |
P202500879 | 10/23/2024 9:48 AM | "I'm opposed to this increase. I think that 34% is way out of line. That is inflation." |
P202500881 | 10/23/2024 3:23 PM | Our water is very good. I don't believe anything big companies say. They will raise rates anyhow, because they can. This company should have been doing their due diligence on their properties all along (it's called regular maintenance). You know, what homeowners have to do all the time to keep their homes upkept. We homeowners can't expect the taxpayers to pay to keep our properties maintained. Maybe American should have used all that free COVID money on their maintenance and not expect taxpayers to incur the expense of regular maintenance or upgrades. It is getting so bad where tax-paying citizens can't afford to live in the everyday towns because of our forced upon "democratic socialism" mandated government. (see attached pdf) |
P202500884 | 10/24/2024 7:51 AM | Obviously you do not take into consideration the retired, elderly people who are on a fixed income. Instead of raising the water rates. Why don't you cut the 6 figure salary of the top big dogs at the company!!! Heaven forbid you give us retired folks on a fixed income a break! |
P202500889 | 10/26/2024 12:37 PM | My wife and I own a vacation property in Branson West MO. We do not frequent the property very often; however, my monthly bill with Missouri American Water is approx $75/month with 0 (ZERO!) water/sewer usage which without any water usage is DOUBLE the cost of the water service for my primary residence in which obviously have water usage EVERY day. Their inability to manage their business to allow for infrastructure maintenance and upgrades should never be built on not having to manage costs and just seeking rate increases to the public. American Water has the absolute WORST record of any water providers in the State. It's time to get their attention that they need to improve or no increases. 34%? Are you serious? Just say no! |
P202500893 | 10/28/2024 8:49 AM | "I am on a fixed income as is most of my community. We cannot afford to pay the proposed increased water bill. We cannot afford to pay for necessities like medicines and groceries-please do not pass this rate increase. I strongly oppose this rate increase. " |
P202500894 | 10/28/2024 8:53 AM | "Categorically oppose rate increase request by MO American water above the current inflation rate. The organization is quite profitable with billions of profit reported for many years in a row - they should have been able to find the financing sources in improved efficiencies of the company operations." |
P202500895 | 10/28/2024 10:24 AM | "When is enough, enough? We operate a golf course. Just to water the greens, let alone the fairways, is putting us out of business. If you are going to have increases in water rates, then you should strongly consider the adverse effects it has on large users." |
P202500896 | 10/28/2024 11:15 AM | When is enough, enough? We operate a golf course. Just to water the greens, let alone the fairways, is putting us out of business. If you are going to have increases in water rates, then you should strongly consider the adverse effects it has on large users. Some sort of concessions should be made to golf courses and agricultural applications. |
P202500898 | 10/28/2024 11:22 AM | RE: Mo. American Water rate increase request. I am sending you this correspondence to request the OPC to DENY Mo. American Water Company's request for a rate increase. We are residents of Branson West, MO and a few years ago a huge increase was given to them somewhere in the area of 40% and prior to that if I remember correctly prior to that a few years earlier they received an approval for 20% increase. **see attached for full comments |
P202500899 | 10/28/2024 1:40 PM | "While I do appreciate the good service I receive from Missouri American Water and understand the need to keep the infrastructure in excellent working condition, the proposed rate increases are out of line. I am a senior citizen and my COLA for 2025 is .025% which is a LONG ways from the requested rate increase. Please be more in line with my COLA increase instead of the ourtrageous rate increase request." |
P202500900 | 10/29/2024 10:37 AM | At the Branson hearing, it was claimed that the increase only reflects past work/expenses. However, MOAWCs notification letter attributes the hike to $1.5 billion in "completed or planned" improvements from Jan 2023 to May 2026, a statement that is contradictory and misleading. While MOAWC notes the PSC will ultimately approve or modify the increase, implying possible full denial, history shows that such outcomes are unlikely, offering consumers a false sense of control. Since coming to our area, rates have soared, and their "leak detection" technology seems only to detect billable usage, failing to catch costly leaks. True regulation means affordable rates for customers, especially those on fixed incomes who have no alternative. |
P202500902 | 10/29/2024 12:50 PM | See attached. |
P202500903 | 10/29/2024 1:11 PM | In regards to the Public Hearings involving Missouri American Water who has filed a rate increase request, I wish to enter the following comment on behalf of myself and hope that you extend it for others who are living on fixed incomes: **see attached for full comments |
P202500904 | 10/29/2024 2:36 PM | "In regards to the Public Hearings involving Missouri American Water who has filed a rate increase request, I wish to enter the following comment on behalf of myself and hope that you extend it for others who are living on fixed incomes: " *Please see attached for full comment |
P202500905 | 10/29/2024 2:42 PM | "I am a resident of Saint Louis County, Missouri, and I appreciate having quality public utilities and the services that Missouri American Water provides, but the proposed rate increase of 34.4% is too high. I think utilities should be well-funded so that they can continue to provide high quality service, but that is an unfathomable rate increase for a single year." * Please see attached for full comment. |
P202500906 | 10/30/2024 7:36 AM | I just received a letter from the above company once again asking for another increase in my water bill, they just received one lin May of 2023, and our water bill will go up on average of $18.00 a month, well why not everyone else is gouging us why not the utility companies. This is getting ridiculous but what is more troubling is the PSC always rolls over for these increases. I am dead against this and wonder what they did with the prior increase. I know this email will do no good along with the public hearings which always fall on deaf ears. |
P202500908 | 10/30/2024 9:27 AM | I am opposed to the proposed increase by MAW case number WR-2024-0320. According to the CEO of American Water and their 2nd Qtr report the goal for American water is for the average residential water bill to be 1% or less of median household income. Missouri American water bills far exceed the 1% of median household income in our community. The PSC needs to have MAW prove they are staying within the goals set int he parent company's brief to share holder for the 2nd qtr of 2024. |
P202500909 | 10/30/2024 10:55 AM | "They are consistently asking for rate increases for *improvements* - what exactly are these improvements? And why doesnt our rates decrease with a rate adjustment once these improvements are done and paid for? The rate increases seem endless and those of us on a fixed income cannot afford this. Where is the accountability?" |
P202500910 | 10/31/2024 4:03 PM | "As a customer of Mo AM Water, our sewer service is under the proposed, but undefined, rate change. The description of “…….rates will vary, depending on the service……from $1 decrease to up to a $27 increase” is a frightening description to those of us who are on fixed incomes. The potential of a 33% increase is unacceptable for us! The Social Security Administration has indicated their plan for 2.5% cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) to benefit checks starting in 2025, the smallest COLA since 2021. I strongly urge Mo American Water, and the Mo Public Services Commission to control increases within the Nationally recognized COLA of 2.5% for 2025, Thank you for allowing this comment. |
P202500913 | 11/4/2024 4:01 PM | I am providing comments on behalf of Economic Security Corporation of S W Area. I have attached my comments as a pdf file. |
P202500916 | 11/6/2024 8:05 AM | Missouri American Water Company contracts everything out and there is no oversight. They already get a good rate from their customer base. They have all this equipment, yet they don't do anything with it on their own and pass the cost on to the customers. |
P202500917 | 11/6/2024 8:28 AM | We were unable to attend the public hearing on Nov. 4 due to severe weather but want to say that we are against the increase that MO American Water is proposing. In our opinion an increase of that much is totally unacceptable. With inflation being what it is, it is already difficult for many people to make ends meet. The increase they are requesting will make things incredibly more difficult than it already is. We respectfully ask that the requested increase be denied |
P202500918 | 11/6/2024 9:49 AM | "We were unable to attend the public hearing on Nov. 4 due to severe weather but want to say that we are against the increase that MO American Water is proposing. In our opinion an increase of that much is totally unacceptable. With inflation being what it is, it is already difficult for many people to make ends meet. The increase they are requesting will make things incredibly more difficult than it already is. We respectfully ask that you deny this requested increase. " |
P202500919 | 11/6/2024 3:05 PM | "We strongly oppose this rate increase. Please do not grant them this rate increase." |
P202500920 | 11/7/2024 8:31 AM | Mr. Seyer was completely unprofessional, rude and very interruptive when explaining my testimony during the virtual hearing on November 6, 2024 Instead of listening to my testimony he chose to engage in an argument, cut the amount of time I had to present my testimony, which I informed the PSC appropriately the day before. Numerous times during my testimony he would rudely interrupt me. Mr. Seyer didn't like the examples I was using or the fact that I brought up that the PSC gave me counterfeit documents. Goes to show corruption. At the end of the day, ask yourself. Does the Commission, Staff and Regulatory Judges look out for the best interest of the utility or the consumer? Because video says utility. Thanks for proving my point. |
P202500921 | 11/7/2024 8:33 AM | See attached. |
P202500922 | 11/7/2024 10:19 AM | See Attached |
P202500923 | 11/7/2024 2:45 PM | See attached. |
P202500925 | 11/7/2024 4:00 PM | "I oppose this rate increase. If it passes PLEASE have MAWC provide budget billing and senior discounts or special billing for seniors who are on a fixed income, as we cannot afford this. " |
P202500928 | 11/8/2024 9:35 AM | "I am against any rate hikes for any utility in this time of high inflation. Being a Senior Citizen on Social Security, it is getting increasingly difficult to stretch a fixed income to meet all expenses and still have some sort of quality of life..." *Please see attached for full comment |
P202500939 | 11/12/2024 8:43 AM | I do not think that MAWC should be able to raise their rates on their customer fee. As a single homeowner who chooses to be conservative on my water usage, I'm already outraged that I get hit with a customer charge every month now instead once every three months as our bills used to be set up. As it stands, I use less water than my customer charge on a monthly basis, and it feels very abusive by the company to be singled out for being cognizant about my usage. If they want to raise the rates then charge customers based on the number of gallons they use, NOT the customer charge. |
P202500940 | 11/12/2024 8:51 AM | See attached |
P202500941 | 11/12/2024 8:55 AM | I find it troubling how businesses and government need to raise revenue to pay for needed infrastructure improvements, programs, etc. with little consideration to the impact on the average American citizen. In the case of MO American Water, the company is estimating a 34.4% increase in rates according to its public hearing notice. Conversely, the salary of the average working person never seems to keep up with new taxes and rate increases for phone, internet, food, water, sewer, etc. ** See attached for full comments |
P202500943 | 11/6/2024 | Customer called and stated that he does not see how. The gas company went up. The electricity went up. He's not sure how seniors and fixed incomes can keep things going the way they are. He doesn't receive that kind of raise. He has to be without something else in order to pay for utilities. If this continues, he'll have to cut off everything. |
P202500944 | 11/12/2024 10:52 AM | I certainly hope the PSC denies MAWC increase request. The reason the election went the way it did is because Americans are tired of the price gouging from Companies. There is no reason MAWC would need this amount of an increase. Americans can't afford it. It seems the PSC approves everything these companies ask for. |
P202500945 | 11/12/2024 3:12 PM | "Once again, a monopoly Utility asking for a rate increase. I am sure you will give them some of an approval as always and then later they will ask for another. So eventually they get it all just not at one. Why don't you ALL stand up and deny them." ..*Please see attached for full comment. |
P202500946 | 11/12/2024 3:46 PM | "On each of your service trucks that I see about is the legend about conserving water and how you are leading the charge in this endeavor. My family has always used as little as necessary because we believe that it is the right thing to do and not waste water." *Please see attached for full comment. |
P202500947 | 11/12/2024 4:06 PM | Their water rate per gallon is reasonable, but the way they charge for wastewater is very questionable. They definitely should not be approved for any wastewater increase. In my town, they charge a flat wastewater rate, instead of basing it on actual water usage. For example, I only use 300-500 gallons a month, but I am being charged the same flat wastewater rate as a large family that uses, and puts into the sewer system, thousands of gallons each month. This is very unfair and really should be investigated and changed. Everyone should be charged for wastewater in proportion to their usage, not a flat rate for all households. *Please see attached for full comment. |
P202500949 | 11/12/2024 4:27 PM | "Utility fees are based on USAGE, not LACK of usage. It would be a discriminatory method to charge fees that hurt single people and elderly people. Utility companies cannot financially abuse a subset of citizens just to make more profit. That is unethical. Shame on you Missouri American Water, putting profits about people for a company that should be serving people." |
P202500950 | 11/13/2024 8:31 AM | As a customer of Missouri-American Water Company we feel the requested rate increase of 35% (and possibly more) is extreme...and most likely driven by company greed! With that said, they've had significant rate increases over the past 10+ years that were intended to address "infrastructure upgrades, reliability, etc.". This additional rate increase uses the same terminology as every other increase...if it worked in the past, lets roll it out and try it again. MoPSC should be evaluating this request very carefully and in great detail and with much scrutiny. The burden of all these "infrastructure upgrades, projects, etc." should be covered by the past rate increases that have earned the water company millions in profits. |
P202500951 | 11/13/2024 8:44 AM | No to this increase from Missouri American Water. Are you kidding me? Now they want to raise rates because customers are using LESS water? Perhaps they are doing that to save money. Now they are being penalized? Tell them NO. Just ridiculous. |
P202500952 | 11/13/2024 8:53 AM | "Why does the water co need a 30% increase? This is detrimental to the seniors and those on a fixed income. There needs to be a program or discount for seniors and low income people- just like the sewer companies offer. I strongly oppose this rate increase. |
P202500953 | 11/12/2024 | Customer called to say he was opposing it. |
P202500954 | 11/13/2024 9:35 AM | I just got home from the Local Public Hearing in St. Louis and lo and behold, look what was in my mailbox! There is no date of when it was mailed. No USPS stamp on it anywhere. Now, while the USPS has gotten incredible awful as well, this is what these monopolies do! They are self interest groups-period; with no regard to the paying public who are at their beck and call. Please add to the record, because this is just another piece of evidence at how DECEPTIVE these monopolies are. (see attached jpgs) |
P202500955 | 11/13/2024 9:53 AM | The company has had enough money. Bills do not need to be increased when they have five men working on one job and there's four standing around watching one guy work. |
P202500956 | 11/13/2024 9:53 AM | Customer contacted and stated that people that use the least amount of water are singles and seniors. They are doing everything they can to save money while receiving social security. She tries to use gray water whenever possible. They will now face penalties for reducing water consumption. What university is fair? There should be a flat price across the board. |
P202500958 | 11/13/2024 11:16 AM | "This is my formal complaint regarding Mo American Waters arbitrary increase in rates. This targets seniors who are on fixed incomes. How is it possible they can just decide they want to make more money to please their investors at our expense. My wife and I are seniors and do our best to conserve our water consumption. This is nothing more than highway robbery. Please pressure them to retract any efforts at increasing rates on seniors and those who don't consume the amount of water they will be billing us for. " |
P202500959 | 11/13/2024 11:46 AM | To the Missouri Public Service Commission, I strongly oppose the proposed increase in water rates by the Missouri American Water Company. As a resident of Eureka, my water bill is my highest utility expense, averaging over $200 a month. This significant cost places a heavy financial burden on my household, and any further increase would worsen this strain. Water is a fundamental necessity, and its affordability is crucial. An increase would disproportionately affect those with limited financial resources, forcing difficult choices between paying for water and other essential needs. I urge the Commission to reject the proposed rate increase to ensure water remains affordable for all residents. Thank you for your attention. |
P202500960 | 11/13/2024 1:44 PM | The customer called and stated that the charges had quadrupled in no time. They keep requesting hikes. Her water bill is $346.00 because she watered the grass. Someone needs to consider or think about how they do business. We're landlocked. We have water everywhere. |
P202500961 | 11/13/2024 1:48 PM | "I write to you today as a resident of St. Louis County so I may express to you how ludicrous the proposed water rate increase is. The increase in not just rate per 1000 gallons, but the flat fee increasing by such a huge percentage is unacceptable. Our water utility is a monopoly and we have no alternative for our most important utility. We have just had a rate increase a year ago. When will this end? As someone who does not water his lawn, is careful to only do a full load of dishes/laundry etc. It appears that me, a lower class, single income, single father will bear the majority of this weight. Investments in our water infrastructure were not something I cared about or was asked about. ..*Please see attached for full comment. |
P202500962 | 11/13/2024 2:46 PM | "It’s sad that you would stick the middle class with more of your rate increases, shame on you!" * Please see attached for full comment. |
P202500963 | 11/13/2024 3:00 PM | "Reference current hearings Case File No. WR-2024-0320 where said company wants to raise water and wastewater rates. Our subdivision (Hunter's Creek) are on a fixed monthly wastewater rate regardless of the amount of wastewater discharged by a household. I have previously provided MoPSC with written comment the last time MAWC had a public hearing for rate increases. I understand the need for rate increase, however MAMC needs to structure their rate increase equitably. As I have stated in the past, why is a household of three or more paying the same as a household of two for wastewater services from MAMC in our subdivision. Why? Billed amount for wastewater by MAMC needs to be based upon the amount of water used; not a fixed rate 4 all. " |
P202500964 | 11/13/2024 6:05 PM | Rate increase is unjustified. I AM AGAINST THE RATE HIKE. |
P202500965 | 11/13/2024 7:05 PM | DO NOT RAISE PRICES ON CUSTOMERS. Shareholders should not rely on customer price increases. |
P202500966 | 11/14/2024 7:36 AM | "For those of us on a fixed income, how can you think the elderly can afford the possibility of a $27/ month billing increase, let alone be any increase at all? Don't do this." |
P202500967 | 11/14/2024 7:38 AM | "I would like to say that I am very much against the proposed rate hike. It is extremely unfair that people like me who are living alone and on a fixed income and also try to do the right thing by conserving their water use should be the ones to bear the biggest burden of the proposed rate increases. The proper people to pay for the excess expenditures are the investors. " |
P202500968 | 11/14/2024 7:48 AM | For those of us on a fixed income, how can you THINK the elderly can afford the possibility of a $27/ month billing increase, let alone any increase at all? Don't do this. |
P202500969 | 11/14/2024 8:38 AM | Reference Case No. WR-2024-0320, the petitioning of a 34% rate increase for water service is an unacceptable burden on the general public. According to the undated letter received, MoPSC is part of this increase because they “…issued an Order shortening the time by which system improvements must be completed to be considered for inclusion in this case.” This is another name for “expedite fee” which MoPSC is attempting to justify that the general public must pay! If MoPSC believes this must occur, their commission should cover that fee and delete it from this rate discussion. Otherwise, something is very wrong here with this estimate. |
P202500970 | 11/14/2024 9:12 AM | "As I remember about five years ago, the water bill was billed quarterly. The total cost was around $90 for three months. Then, we allowed the water company to bill monthly. Now the cost is about $90 per month, which is over 300% increase in just couple of years. The water cost is about the same as electricity and gas. Where does the money go? It is just unbelievable. We need to audit how the company spend all the money in recent years. My opinion is absolutely NO NO NO to increase the price again." |
P202500971 | 11/14/2024 9:38 AM | "I oppose this rate increase. If the water company had taken better care of their infrastructure, a rate increase of this significant amount would have been not have been necessary." |
P202500972 | 11/14/2024 10:59 AM | The flat fee, monthly increase from $10 - $21 is extreme and unreasonable. Any increase allowing the Water Company a fair profit should be based on water usage. Secondarilty, it appears the proposed increase in the flat and water rates increases their margin/profit higher than the previous, approved rate increase. Lastly, the proposal is prejudice against St. Louis County and small volume users. Each water district managed by American Water should be self supported. |
P202500973 | 11/14/2024 11:05 AM | How many more rate cases are we going to have to endure? They just had a rate increase. MAWC is by far my highest utility and they want even more? How long are they going to be allowed to continue to increase rates? They can just ask for more money anytime? |
P202500975 | 11/14/2024 12:03 PM | Please see attached |
P202500977 | 11/14/2024 12:11 PM | see attached |
P202500978 | 11/14/2024 12:14 PM | see attached |
P202500979 | 11/14/2024 12:16 PM | see attached |
P202500980 | 11/14/2024 12:31 PM | I am 91 yrs old and on a fixed income. MAWC has received an increase already this year. Everything is going up and reaching a point I can't afford. Medicare is going up, inflation, goods & services are up 20%. I may have to sell my house and go live in a hovel. I am upset and very frustrated. Do not approve this increase! |
P202500981 | 11/14/2024 1:21 PM | Please see attached |
P202500982 | 11/14/2024 10:25 PM | While many comments highlight the profits and other numbers Missouri-American Water already makes as evidence that this requested rate hike is unnecessary, I won't bother, as the exact details and numbers are surely well known and better understood by the Commission. What I do find worthy of comment is the misleading way the rate increase is being explained in the notice received. The 34.4% increase mentioned is being levied not through the actual water usage rate, but through the monthly service charge. Amid the cost of living crisis it is absurd to use the service charge to increase revenue. See attached for complete comment. |
P202500985 | 11/15/2024 1:23 PM | I am against this increase. The local hearings are in faraway places and on Zoom it's not fair for those w/o internet access or ways to get to the in person. I don't know why they don't have public votes about increases. The public should know what's going on. Bills keep going up every year. They are very high. I don't know what the increases are paying for. Sewer is billed by how much water is used and that's not fair either. It's a deceptive way of doing things. Sewer district has problems all the time. They are always out here blowing out the lines. The commission used to listen to us but now they don't. |
P202500987 | 11/15/2024 4:07 PM | The people of St. Louis County cannot afford another rate hike. We just had a rate hike last year. We should not have to pay another +$18.00 a bill. We cannot afford to keep having these monopoly companies keep charging us more and more. If the Missouri American Water needed money to do the Infrastructure plan, then they should have asked first before they started just like us citizens have to budget our money to make sure that we have enough before we pay for something. We need you to start telling these places NO! If I need a new washer/dryer or if I need to do something to my house that insurance wouldn't cover, I would have to budget the money for that purpose and wait.... *Please see attached for full comment |
P202500988 | 11/16/2024 4:37 PM | I received the mailed notice of public hearings for this request on 11/16, three days after the last hearing. Being presorted mail, I can't tell when it was originally sent. |
P202500989 | 11/17/2024 12:32 PM | I am on a fixed income and have been for 12 years. These rate increases are unsustainable for so many of us on fixed incomes. The rates were increased just last year. My water bill is nearly double what it was just a few years ago. Please reconsider this and live within your means like we have to. Thank you. |
P202500990 | 11/18/2024 7:53 AM | "This rate increase is preposterous- they just had 2 rate increases- it penalizes, unfairly, the people who have the lowest usage and the rate is criminally high. |
P202500991 | 11/18/2024 9:35 AM | Here we go again. The request verbiage is the same as its been each of the past several years…Alleging MO American spending all these large $$ amounts to replacing old pipe…Why is it in issue now? Why haven’t these upgrades been done over the years? Put some of your profits and shareholder dividends towards Capital Projects and not keep gouging the consumer. **See attached for full comments |
P202500992 | 11/18/2024 9:40 AM | My name is Rachel Douvier, and I live in Arnold, MO at 1346 Primrose Dr. 63010. I was very disturbed to read that our rates could increase by more than a third! Also, the letter we received in the mail didn't adequately justify the dramatic increase. The reason provided for any increase has always been the same, for "replacement or installation" of old/aging pipes...which is another way of saying, we want more money for upgrades and maintenance. **See Attached for full comments |
P202500993 | 11/18/2024 11:38 AM | "Here we go again. The request verbiage is the same as its been each of the past several years…Alleging MO American spending all these large $$ amounts to replacing old pipe…Why is it in issue now? Why haven’t these upgrades been done over the years? Put some of your profits and shareholder dividends towards Capital Projects and not keep gouging the consumer." * Please see attached for full comment |
P202500994 | 11/18/2024 11:42 AM | "I’m a customer of American Water and received a notice of a public hearing in the mail, just today on November 15. The only issue is that all the public hearings were over by the time I’ve gotten this notice. This is procedurally problematic, to get a notice for hearings that were long since past. I’m against the proposed rate increase because I, a customer, have had no opportunity or notice to comment on these changes, which means other customers may not have either." |
P202500995 | 11/15/2024 | See Attached |
P202500996 | 11/18/2024 12:32 PM | See Attached |
P202500998 | 11/20/2024 9:04 AM | See Attached |
P202500999 | 11/20/2024 9:50 AM | "I went to a Public Hearing Nov. 13th at 6pm in the Governor's State Building in Jeff City because they want a rate hike of of about 40+% = anywhere from $18-$27 more per month. That rate is NOT Just and Reasonable like they are supposed to be. That is exhorbitant and outrageously high.What would prevent another rate hike on top of that down the road if you don't earn a reasonable return of your money/investment? I agree with Miss Hanson - you are trying to recoup your money in a short amount of time and customers with low usage are getting dinged by paying more!!! Now how does that make sense?? I am opposed to your proposal!! And you have made it very hard to find the correct place to file my complaint which I'm not sure if this is the 1." |
P202501000 | 11/20/2024 9:58 AM | "I just spoke with Charm in the office of the Public Service Com. and I am forwarding my complaint to both of your offices. My phone number is: 314 729-1978 and is a landline which you may leave a message on if you need any info. Also, my MO American Account Number is:1017-210010962490. I was sent an estimated bill for September from 9/4 to 9/30 for use 0f water in the amount of $118.98 which I paid because I called to ask for someone to come out and they assured me it would be read the next month but did say I didn't have to pay..." *Please see attached for full comment. |
P202501001 | 11/20/2024 10:14 AM | See Attached |
P202501002 | 11/20/2024 10:17 AM | George could not attend the LPH's but wanted to call and request that the PSC deny MAWC's rate increase request. He opposes any increase at all. |
P202501006 | 11/21/2024 10:28 AM | See Attached |
P202501007 | 11/21/2024 12:00 PM | See attached |
P202501012 | 11/22/2024 4:20 PM | See attached. |
P202501018 | 11/25/2024 9:40 AM | "I regret the day that Mo. American Water purchased Eureka's Water system. Since then, my water billing has spiked to over all my other utilities combined. Their last billing for me, an 5 year old widower, was for $96.52 saying I used 106 gallons daily. Impossible. They need to reduce their outrageous billing NOT ask for an increase." |
P202501019 | 11/25/2024 10:39 AM | See attached. |
P202501021 | 11/25/2024 11:23 AM | "MAWC has been collecting for infrastructure improvement for years through various other fees and billing line items. Where have they been all these years and what have they done with all the money they've already collected? They're acquiring companies that are in so much debt and trouble that is causing the customers to pay for it." |
P202501030 | 11/26/2024 2:11 PM | Mr. Richard Svindland became president of MAWC in 2021. He petitioned the PSC for a 24% rate increase in 2021. Then in 2023 for a 26% rate increase, and now in 2024 he brings his third request of a 34% rate increase in three years for 2025. This in painful for our family for three reasons: 1) It will have a significant impact on our family budget, 2) we have no choice in pursuing other water options -- MAWC is a monopoly, 3) we have no voice with the MAWC. You are our voice! (See attached pdf documents) |
P202501033 | 11/27/2024 10:29 AM | See Attached |
P202501060 | 12/3/2024 9:58 AM | "I ask the Missouri Public Service Commission to recognize that this rate increase will place an undue financial burden on those with limited income, impacting their ability to afford necessities (e.g. food, medicine, utilities, housing). It should be noted that Ameren is also asking for a significant rate increase. We urge you as you protect the health and environment of the St Louis region to consider the impacts from the proposed significant increase in water rates. I ask that this letter be filed in Docket File No. WR – 2024 – 0219 as a public comment." *Please see attached for full comment. |
P202501083 | 12/7/2024 8:54 AM | As a resident of Eureka I am opposed to the proposed rate increase by Missouri American Water. When they purchased the existing Eureka water 2-3 years ago we understood we would have a rate increase then, but since then MOAM has had an additional rate increase. I've been paying for water for 2 years that I don't even have yet and the timeline for the new water is still tentative. I can't even drink the water in my home. It ruins my appliances. I've had to replace two water heaters. This was all supposed to be fixed when we got the "new" water form MOAM but that hasn't happened and now they want to raise the rates again but they have billions in revenue? It doesn't seem like they should even be able to charge us for water we aren't getting. |
P202501116 | 12/11/2024 11:40 AM | "I just got the notice of the increase local public hearings...a month late! What a waste of money. |
P202501134 | 12/13/2024 11:52 AM | "The League of Women Voters asks the Missouri Public Service Commission to recognize that the rate increase proposed by Missouri American Water Company will place an undue financial burden on those with limited income, impacting their ability to afford necessities (food, medicine, housing). We ask that this letter be filed in Docket File No. WR – 2024 – 0320 as a public comment." *Please see attached |
P202501153 | 12/16/2024 1:13 PM | See Attached |
P202501160 | 12/17/2024 7:49 AM | "Ameren, Spire, MO water company are all trying to increase their rate with an excuse that it is for work in plans to be done and increasing people's bills while they ceo's earning millions in salary and living in wealth while leaving people struggling to pay their bills. Please reconsider increase for these giants rip off companies. Past few years every single of them have requested increase every year which is unacceptable, please reconsider and stop increasing WEALTH of those ceo's and help lower class residents." |
P202501214 | 12/23/2024 10:07 AM | These rate increases have people so angry and rightfully so! The paying public is already overburdened with the cost of living and these monopolies are ADDING TO THAT BURDEN! IF they genuinely cared about humanity, they would NOT be asking for more, more and more – and lying about rates increasing to make our lives better; be it for natural gas-electricity-water, etc! Here’s a novel notion, REDUCE their ASTRONOMICAL PAY PACKAGES, and use THOSE monies for their overspending and failure to estimate! (see attached pdf) |
P202501258 | 12/31/2024 8:38 AM | see attached |
P202501295 | 1/6/2025 3:45 PM | "I don't believe Jefferson City has any issues with the water service we receive from MAWC so I just want them to keep up the good work." |
P202501305 | 1/8/2025 10:16 AM | I paid my final bill of $37.07 over the phone directly to Missouri American Water after selling my house at the end of September 2024. Despite that, Missouri Water sent my account to collections. A company called Penn Credit mailed a debt collection notice to me on Dec. 5, 2024. I called Penn Credit and reported that the bill had been paid to Missouri American Water. I am 83 years old. I should not have been sent to collections in that amount of time even if I had an overdue account (esp. over $37). |
P202501306 | 1/8/2025 10:34 AM | See Attached - League of Women Voters |
P202501317 | 1/9/2025 10:43 PM | Dear Commissioners, I oppose MAWC's proposed rate hike. A 35.9% increase, coupled with a 113% rise in fixed charges, unfairly burdens low-income, fixed-income, and elderly households. Increasing ROE to 10.75% while adding the "Revenue Stabilization Mechanism" guarantees corporate profits at consumer expense, worsening financial strain on vulnerable populations. Please explore modifications to reduce impacts on these groups, reject unnecessary ROE increases, and ensure MAWC improves efficiency, cost control, and conservation efforts. Thank you for considering these concerns. |
P202501320 | 1/10/2025 9:26 AM | See attached |
P202501333 | 1/13/2025 7:54 AM | "WR-2024-0320 is wrong and needs to be stopped. How can you allow Missouri American Water to increase my bill by 40% simply because I use less water than their average consumer. My rate was increased by 15% a year ago. Reign in Missouri American Water!!" |
P202501346 | 1/14/2025 7:59 AM | "The Missouri Public Service Commission should recognize that this rate increase will place an undue financial burden on those with limited income, impacting their ability to afford basic necessities such as food, medicine and housing. Note that Ameren is also asking for a significant rate increase, so the combined increases will be significant for consumers." *See attached for full comment. |
P202501347 | 1/14/2025 8:03 AM | "Re: Missouri American Waters Proposed Electric Rate Hike File Docket No. WR-2024-0320 To Commissioner Coleman, Commissioner Holsman, Commissioner Kolkmeyer, Commissioner Mitchell and Chairman Hahn:" *See Attached for full comment |
P202501374 | 1/16/2025 6:32 PM | Missouir American Water already collects a WSIRA surcharge for infrastructure. Exceeding those funds and requesting a rate change is poor management. More charges representing more than 20% monthly increase (stated $18/mo) blows my fixed income budget. They should work within their budget based on the existing WSIRA charge. |
P202501529 | 1/23/2025 8:18 AM | "Attached please find the comments and signatures regarding American water Docket WR-2024-320 From Grace United Methodist Church Food Pantry" *Attachment included |
P202501674 | 1/30/2025 10:14 AM | Concerns with the rate increase being proposed for American Water. I do not understand why my rates go up for proposed work. I do not have concerns with paying for work completed. Making sure that infrastructure stays in good shape and/or upgraded is the cost of doing business. Do not expect to pay for projects in the future. I don't do that at my house - why do we do this at the PSC!!! |
P202501735 | 2/18/2025 2:13 PM | Customer contacted to report that the VP, Jody Carlson, shook hands with a retiree, Rick Flora, and was handing him all of the old meters for a penny with no insurance or bonding, making around $50,000 cash while collecting pension and healthcare. This is a legitimate deal. The meters no longer exist. It stinks. A lot of money is being wasted, and something needs to be done about it. |
P202501740 | 2/19/2025 10:16 AM | I received erroneous leak notification from American Water. The letter I received stated that I had a serious leak on my property, potentially leading to unnecessary concern and expenses. However, after further investigation, I discovered that the issue was not a leak but rather an inability on American Water's part to properly read my water meter. This misinformation from your company could have resulted in costly and unnecessary plumbing work, particularly for customers who trust such notices without the means or knowledge to verify them. (See attached PDF) |
P202501754 | 2/24/2025 2:43 PM | We, the undersigned [sixty-one] residents and ratepayers [see attached petitions] of Lake Carmel Estates, Eugene, Missouri, Cole County, respectfully submit this petition to formally request that the Missouri Public Service Commission deny the proposed water and sewer rate increase submitted by Missouri American Water Company. |
P202501779 | 3/3/2025 8:13 AM | "On-going Extortion by Ameren 15.5% and Missouri Water 34.4%. Please see attached." |