Current Date/Time: 3/15/2025 7:42:47 PM
Linked Consumer Comments
Consumer Comment No. | Date Filed | Consumer Comments |
P202100161 | 12/1/2020 12:00 PM | (DF)Caller is very concerned about the damage the Limestone Ridge Project may cause. She is worried about the health of the families, in proximity of the proposed high voltage lines. She is also concerned that during the construction of such a project, the roads and bridges will be damaged. She states that along with the endangered species of wildlife present in area, existing cattle farms will be disturbed. |
P202100190 | 12/15/2020 3:41 PM | (DF)Attached is Correspondence from Mr. Phil R. Dormeyer, Esquire, regarding the City of Frohna, Missouri and objections to the Limestone Ridge Project. Mr. Dormeyer is writing on behalf of the Mayor and Board of Alderman for the City of Frohna. |
P202100203 | 12/23/2020 8:23 AM | (DF)See attached Public Comment. |
P202100206 | 12/23/2020 2:44 PM | Objection to Ameren Request to Waiver in-person Public Hearing for Limestone Ridge Project We have had this project railroaded through with little input from the landowners and residents of Perry County. Further deviation from public input requirements will destroy any faith the public have in the efficacy of the project. Public, in-person hearings can safely be conducted after vaccinations for COVID have been administered and with social distancing. |
P202100207 | 12/23/2020 3:04 PM | Ameren request to waiver public, in-person hearings re proposed Limestone Ridge Project routing option. I strongly object to this action. We have had this project railroaded through with little input from landowners of Perry County MO. Further deviation from public input requirements will only destroy faith the public will have in the efficacy of project. Public, in-person hearings are essential & can safely be conducted after vaccinations for COVID are administered. |
P202100208 | 12/23/2020 8:44 PM | I just learned that Ameren requested to waiver public in-person hearings on the proposed Limestone Ridge Project. What don't they wont us to know. This whole project I don't understand why Amerem is building a line betwend two Wabash substations over Citizens Electric territory. |
P202100209 | 12/25/2020 4:59 PM | I just learend that Ameren requested to waiver public in-person hearings on the proposed Limestone Ridge Project. What don't they wont us to know. This whole project I don't understand why Ameren is building a line betwend two Wabash substations over Citizens Electric territory. i |
P202100210 | 12/28/2020 7:54 AM | (DF)See attached Public Comment. |
P202100211 | 12/28/2020 8:59 AM | (DF)Petition - We, the residents of Perry County, Missouri, are opposed to Ameren’s Limestone Ridge Project. We intend to take every legal action available to protect our property, our families, our heritage, and our future. 158 signatures, printed names and addresses attached. See attachment. |
P202100212 | 12/28/2020 10:24 AM | My family's property is going to adversely be affected by this project. There should be an in-person public hearing on this so that we can all be a part of the decision making. If it cannot be in-person right now, then it should be rescheduled so that we can attend. This will affect a lot of people, families, & businesses in a negative way for a long time. |
P202100213 | 12/28/2020 2:14 PM | We oppose approving Ameren's request to waive the public in-person meeting requirement for the Limestone Ridge Project proposed for Perry County. We believe that the COVID pandemic is being used to avoid public discussion of the Limestone Ridge Project. Ameren's attempt to substitute an online webinar for an in person public meeting has been deficient: rural East Perry County is lacking in adequate Internet service; the webinar format is unbalanced in the favor of the presenter, Ameren. |
P202100214 | 12/28/2020 2:24 PM | I am opposed to the granting a waiver to require an in public meeting about the Ameren Limestone Ridge Project. The current social restrictions arising from the COVID crisis should not be used by Ameren to deny local communities the opportunity to understand and debate the impact of the proposed 12-20 miles of new power line easements. This project involves the power of Eminent Domain, and every care needs be observed in its conduct. |
P202100216 | 12/29/2020 9:20 AM | Please see attached letter for comments pertaining to this case. |
P202100217 | 12/29/2020 9:46 AM | I am totally against high power transmission lines being planned for the Perry County / Altenburg area by Ameren Missouri/Citizens Electric and Wabash Power companies.These would be a huge detriment to our living and our health. This is highly opposed by everyone i have spoken to in regards to this proposal. If it were brought to vote (as it should be) it would be turned down immediately. If you would like more input on my behalf you are welcome to contact me. Gary Pierce |
P202100218 | 12/29/2020 12:27 PM | Regarding docket EA-2021-0087, I have been contacted by Mr. Randy Schilling regarding Ameren's request to waive the required public hearing. I agree with his concerns that an element of those affected will be unable to be fully informed without the in-person meeting. Individual landowners can attend such a meeting safely and are able to determine for themselves whether their attendance is justified. Please do not waive the in-person meeting requirement. |
P202100219 | 12/29/2020 4:22 PM | Public comments attached |
P202100220 | 12/29/2020 4:28 PM | see attached |
P202100221 | 12/29/2020 4:31 PM | (tb) Mary stated a public meeting needs to happen in this case so they can voice their concerns & ask questions. They think Ameren is trying to snowball this in with the pandemic. The case should be postponed until it is deemed safe to have the public meetings. |
P202100222 | 12/29/2020 4:51 PM | (co) Customer called indicating she is apart of a Century Farm in this area. Her brother and sister in law bought land, and were going to build here; however, one of the lines will be running over their house. They also wont be able to hunt here because the woods will be deteriorated. They're all concerned. They would like for this to be put on hold until we can meet in person under our constitutional rights. There are lots of unique things about this community, and don't need high power lines. |
P202100223 | 12/29/2020 5:04 PM | Asks that the PSC reject the request from Ameren to waive in-person public meetings. |
P202100226 | 1/5/2021 9:55 AM | See attached |
P202100234 | 1/8/2021 10:05 AM | Several of East Perry's Family 100 year Centennial Farms will be impacted by the Limestone Ridge Project including the Bock, Buchheit, Degenhardt, Dreyer, Gerler, Grebing, Hunt, Kassel, Koenig, Leible, Lichtenegger, Lorenz, Meier, Meyer, Mueller, Oberndorfer, Palisch, Preusser, Roth, Ruehling, Schilling, Schmidt, Stueve, Unger, Weber and many others. Please support our heritage farms and families by routing around these properties. If this project is necessary, use existing right-of-ways. |
P202100250 | 1/10/2021 7:59 AM | If East Perry needs more electric power capacity and greater resiliency, a better solution would be to upgrade the existing electricity grid using the existing transmission easements. With the closure of the Grand Tower Power Center, there is no longer a local power source. Spending $60+ million on an orphaned 138kv (345kv) line and creating new right-of-ways through many of our heritage farms is unnecessary and cost too much. |
P202100251 | 1/10/2021 9:08 AM | Many of the landowners impacted by this project have poor or no internet to properly participate in online activity about this project. Landowners deserve the right for an in-person meeting. Questions about this project are not being answered by Ameren and the project team. Having 3 electric utilities running redundant transmission lines across our heritage farms is excessive and not necessary. The community of East Perry needs more transparency on this project. |
P202100283 | 1/11/2021 3:47 PM | (DF)Dear Sir: This project is not something we want on or near our property. Please do not approve the route. Diane Schmidt 573 824 5558 |
P202100433 | 1/21/2021 2:18 PM | (DF)Ms. Mouser is against the proposed high voltage line, route, going through her property and/or her neighbors land. See attached email. |
P202200034 | 8/17/2021 7:56 AM | (DF)East Perry Lumber Co. (EPLC) and Pondarosa Ranch Inc.(PRI) are opposed to the Application filed by Ameren Transmission Company of Illinois (ATXI) with the Missouri Public Service Commission (PSC) for a certificate of convenience and necessity. See attached for entire P.C. |
P202200041 | 8/23/2021 4:11 PM | (DF)Ms. Palisch is wanting assurance the the main focus of the meeting had to do with the selection of a recommended powerline route. Further, that if that route is approved by the commission, that she will have an opportunity to address the site-specific impacts of that plan to her farm property with the real estate management office. See attached for entire P.C. |