Current Date/Time: 3/3/2025 1:22:10 PM
Linked Consumer Comments
Consumer Comment No. | Date Filed | Consumer Comments |
P202300011 | 7/14/2022 3:18 PM | As a tax paying citizen of Callaway County, I would like to voice my concern about the proposed Grain Belt Express Spur in Audrain and Callaway. I am aware that this project is needed to hook up the Solar Farms that are proposed in Callaway with Ranger Power in the McCredie area. I would like to let you know I highly object of both of these projects! (See Attached for full comment) |
P202300052 | 7/15/2022 9:12 AM | See Attached |
P202300053 | 7/18/2022 10:26 AM | See Attached |
P202300055 | 7/18/2022 9:23 PM | Please don't be a thief and let your constituents land be taken by the Grain Belt! We've worked for this land, and for our government to allow it be taken by eminent domain is just as guilty as the ones taking it themselves |
P202300058 | 7/20/2022 1:11 PM | I would like to take this opportunity to voice my disapprovement of Imminent Domain on property owners land. Please do not approve for the Grain Belt Express Spur in Callaway, Audrain and Monroe counties to be developed through land without the farmers or landowners approval. Some of us have worked for many YEARS YEARS to develop the farms and homesteads we are so proud of today. ( See Attached) |
P202300059 | 7/21/2022 9:42 AM | See Attached |
P202300060 | 7/22/2022 8:18 AM | My name is John Burns and I live in Callaway county. I am writing to urge you NOT to grant Eminent Domain authority to Grain Belt Express. This is a private company which should not be allowed to take private property from private ownership. Citizens depend on you for protection from unlawful seizure of personal and real property. |
P202300061 | 7/22/2022 12:32 PM | (JE) Patricia received a letter from Grain Belt & is opposed to the project & wants the PSC to deny the request. |
P202300063 | 7/25/2022 9:50 AM | See Attached |
P202300064 | 7/25/2022 11:08 AM | I am 100% AGAINST the solar and line invasion that is happening in AUDRAIN and Callaway counties. I have lived peacefully for 43 years on 120 acres, now that is all about to change for myself and neighbors unless a stop is put to this! If this is such an amazing project, why were landowners only given a two week notice? I will fight with every last penny I have to stop this worthless project!!! |
P202300068 | 7/25/2022 1:56 PM | very opposed to tiger connected don't let them ruin our countryside for greed |
P202300069 | 7/25/2022 3:53 PM | Grain Belt Express Tiger Spur The map is out where the primary line will run through Callaway County. Our property is less than 500 feet from these high power lines. I have grandchildren that come and play quite frequently and ride their ATVs. My husband and I are worried about the health issues these high power lines create. Please put a stop to this Tiger Spur project and help us farmers keep the value on our land that we have worked so hard to have. |
P202300070 | 7/25/2022 3:59 PM | Missouri Farm Bureau; Missouri Cattlemen's Association; Missouri Soybean Association; Missouri Corn Growers Association; Missouri Pork Association opposition to Grain Belt Express Tiger Connector Transmission Line. (see attached) |
P202300072 | 7/26/2022 12:13 AM | I received a letter stating tiger connector was planning on holding a meeting about a proposed transmission line planning to cut a farm of mine in half less than a week before said meeting. How do you think they should get away with something like this. In in total opposition of something like this |
P202300076 | 7/26/2022 1:45 PM | See Attached |
P202300077 | 7/26/2022 1:47 PM | See Attached |
P202300080 | 7/28/2022 3:40 PM | (co) Please see the attached additional comments. |
P202300088 | 7/29/2022 10:49 AM | Please deny the Grain Belt Express access through Callaway and Audrain counties!!! This is our home and our community. Our everything. Please don't let them put the Grain Belt Express here; there are so many other for miles where people aren't living, where kids aren't going to school nearby, where families and farmers aren't gazing out at their beautiful land... ( See Attached) |
P202300089 | 7/29/2022 11:57 AM | I personally believe this whole deal is shady and I can't understand why the public wasn't notified sooner or given more time. I have so many concerns regarding public health. I don't understand why the public wasn't given 2 years notice. I really think its a terrible terrible thing. If it is approved please make sure the line are buried. I fear for my grandkids who will be living right where the lines are proposed to go through. I fear for the schools and the kids as well. |
P202300091 | 8/1/2022 7:46 AM | This is a request to please deny the Grain Belt Express access via the Tiger Connector to be built through Audrain and Callaway Counties. This is a community with prime agricultural land being farmed by many longtime residents. Our homes, kids, grandkids, schools and businesses are here in the heart of MO and these two counties. There are residents whose homes will be surrounded by solar panels on 1 to 4 sides which you know will change the landscape forever. (See attached) |
P202300092 | 8/1/2022 7:50 AM | I would just like to voice my concern regarding the GrainBelt transmission line. As this is a private company, please look very closely into this before making any approvals. |
P202300093 | 8/1/2022 9:53 AM | We are very concerned and strongly opposed to private, for-profit companies taking land by eminent domain. While MO HB 2005 addresses this, “Grain Belt Express” was approved prior to that. If the request for a permit is approved to allow Invenergy to "expand" and potentially take some land by eminent domain, that would set a precedent for other existing private entities to find a means to "expand" their projects and acquire land, if necessary, by eminent domain. (See Attached) |
P202300095 | 8/1/2022 2:21 PM | See Attached |
P202300096 | 8/1/2022 2:23 PM | See Attached |
P202300097 | 8/1/2022 2:36 PM | See Attached |
P202300098 | 8/2/2022 11:22 AM | See Attached |
P202300099 | 8/2/2022 11:23 AM | See Attached |
P202300100 | 8/2/2022 11:27 AM | My husband and I are land owners in northern Callaway County where the proposed GBE Tiger Spur will be placed. Please help us by putting a stop to this madness! All of the research we have done on this project there is no proof that it will help the electrical grid long term and only create an ugliness in our rural community and rob our country of much needed crop land that feeds Americans. Please say NO to this project |
P202300101 | 8/2/2022 12:47 PM | (co) Customer called stating he's against it. He doesn't really want this in his county. He went to the meeting. Those people are liars. He doesn't care what they're telling us. They're coming here to pick up power from that solar farm that's going on. He's not excited about this at all. |
P202300105 | 8/3/2022 10:52 AM | I recently attended a meeting with Green Belt Expressway representatives in Fulton, MO on July 27th. I was happy to see so many residents turn out for the 5-7pm meeting. That being said, I want to make sure not only Green Belt Expressway knows my views on their proposal, but you do as well. (See attached for full comment) |
P202300142 | 8/4/2022 9:55 AM | See Attached |
P202300170 | 8/5/2022 10:43 AM | See Attached |
P202300171 | 8/5/2022 1:13 PM | I am writing to voice my opposition to allowing permission for this connector to come into Callaway County. I am a small landowner near McCredie where the connector will tie into the conversion station. Allowing this for profit transmission into this area will encourage more solar corporations to build and/or enlarge their operations. (See attached for full comment) |
P202300173 | 8/7/2022 9:45 PM | I am opposed to the grain belt connector to the McCredie substation in Callaway County. We have been fighting the proposed solar invasions in New Bloomfield and now in the northern part of Callaway. Nextera, Ranger Power, & the grain belt corporation Invenergy are taking advantage of rural Missouri and needs to be stopped. They stand to make billions of taxpayer money from the tax credits and will only raise our energy rates while taking productive crop land out of circulation other businesses. |
P202300174 | 8/7/2022 9:59 PM | I implore the PSC to NOT to grant Eminent Domain authority to Tiger Connector spur to Grain Belt Express. Eminent Domain should have NEVER been given to a out of state private company to begin with and now the Invenergy (Grain Belt Express) is trying to change/expand which was their intention all along to get the PSC to grant them Eminent Domain and come back in hopes you grandfather them in. We have a family farm which in the path of the Tiger Connector which will cost us farm income. |
P202300175 | 8/8/2022 8:36 AM | I have been a resident of Callaway County for over 42 years. I am writing in regards to how opposed I am to the Grain Belt Express Tiger Spur. It has been proposed to go through my property that I have owned for years. I have made many improvements to my property and I am sure if this gets approved my property value will decrease drastically, because no one wants to look at ugly high power lines out their front door. (See attached for full comment) |
P202300176 | 8/8/2022 8:41 AM | If you do anything this year to PROTECT the citizens of Missouri, please DO NOT ALLOW this project!!! I have been literally sick for the past 3 weeks since my son and several neighbors have gotten letters regarding building a power line on their properties. ( See attached for full comment) |
P202300177 | 8/8/2022 8:47 AM | Granting eminent domain to a for profit company is bad for Missouri. The Grain Belt express is allowing solar companies to take over agricultural land and destroy communities in Missouri especially Callaway County. ( See attached for full comment) |
P202300179 | 8/8/2022 9:42 AM | See Attached |
P202300203 | 8/8/2022 2:28 PM | As an impacted landowner I am very opposed to this line. I don't believe it is needed, or in the public interest. Municipals will receive power, there are regulated utilities and coops too. Can't the various power companies work together to reduce this unneeded duplication and destruction of Missouri's greatest resource - unspoiled land. |
P202300295 | 8/8/2022 9:34 PM | PSC please DO NOT grant eminent domain authority to Tiger Connector Spur to Grain Belt Express. You can stop this from happening to our landowners. Please use your power! Save us from this. |
P202300296 | 8/9/2022 7:49 AM | I received a letter saying my farm is in the eastern route option and on their maps I am property owner 102.I think there is existing ROW that can be used without taking any new. Ameren has a 69kV line that runs from Mexico to Moberly. That line is on 2 pole structures and the ROW is suitable for transmission. The Connector routes cross Ameren's line north of my farm. (See attached for the full comment) |
P202300297 | 8/9/2022 7:56 AM | As America transitions to green energy, we must consider what the environment will look like in 50 to 100 years. It seems short sighted to rush another permanent line/RoW project when GBE can use already existing lines/RoWs. (See attached for the full comment.) |
P202300302 | 8/9/2022 9:58 AM | See Attached |
P202300307 | 8/9/2022 2:21 PM | See Attached |
P202300323 | 8/11/2022 9:29 AM | Using eminent domain to enable the Grain Belt Express Tiger connector spur is not what eminent domain was designed for. This connector will not be of benefit to the community. The Tiger connector will destroy a active agriculture community with active farms, schools, churches, 4-H clubs, and community activités. There is not need for this connector to service Missouri. ( See attached for full comment.) |
P202300325 | 8/11/2022 2:25 PM | Please deny Grain Belt Express access through Callaway and Audrain counties. These huge towers will ruin big areas of our precious farmland which we need to feed America! We also are aware these companies are required to send notice to apply 60 days ahead of legislative session which they are trying to get around. We are counting on your to make sure that 60-day notice is enforced. And again, please deny them access! |
P202300327 | 8/15/2022 10:20 AM | See Attached |
P202300331 | 8/15/2022 5:07 PM | Deny Invenergy the right to put their lines in Callaway and Audrain Counties |
P202300333 | 8/16/2022 10:31 AM | See Attached |
P202300334 | 8/16/2022 10:33 AM | See Attached |
P202300336 | 8/16/2022 9:12 PM | i am asking you to deny invenergy access through callaway and audrain counties because we don't want our farm land stolen through eminent domain. |
P202300339 | 8/18/2022 1:19 PM | I am against granting eminent domain to Invenergy to come into Callaway County. This is for profit and does NOT benefit our county. They are just stealing land and no one benefits but them. I demand you do NOT allow them to come through. |
P202300341 | 8/18/2022 3:55 PM | Please deny Invenergy access through Audrain and Callaway Counties and their use of eminent domain to do so. They weren't here working on our farm and should have no part of it, whether a place to put their towers or an easement across our farmland. They are a for profit company and should not be able to use eminent domain. |
P202300342 | 8/18/2022 5:06 PM | As a resident of Callaway County i wish to register my opposition to allowing the grain belt tiger connector to cross Audrain and Callaway County by being given eminent domain. Invergy is a for profit company and it is unconstitutional to grant eminent domain to this company. This company does not have the best interests of MO citizens at heart. I believe it will enable more solar to come into our county and even though they say they are not buying energy, they will do. |
P202300343 | 8/18/2022 8:00 PM | We have serious concerns and disapproval of the granting eminent domain to Grain Belt, a for profit company! Please deny Grain Belt Express access through Callaway and Audrain counties. Thank you so much for standing up for our lands and Missouri farmland. |
P202300344 | 8/18/2022 8:49 PM | Please do NOT allow the Grain Belt Express to construction the transmission line to the McCredie area. This is a private co. and should not be allowed imminent domain, to destroy farms, take out crop production, devalue farm land and take good farm land out of production. Green energy is nothing more big corporations put taxpayers money in their pockets. This is not good for Mo.There are already Ameren UE transmisison lines in area. Solar farms & wind farms cause health issues. |
P202300345 | 8/18/2022 11:44 PM | I am writing to urge you to not allow eminent domain to be used against our Farmers and to not allow Grainbelt Express to come into our county and take away or disturb our Farmer's crop and grazing land. I am a tax payer in both Audrain and Callaway counties, I am opposed to the Grainbelt express and also the proposed solar company project that is coming to our area in Hatton and kingdom city. I am urging you not to grant either of them access, we don't want it near our schools either. |
P202300346 | 8/19/2022 9:44 AM | See Attached |
P202300347 | 8/19/2022 3:09 PM | I am the fourth generation owner of 80 acres in Audrain County, Missouri. Invenergy Transmission portrays itself as helping Missouri, but if that is true why does it run transmission lines beyond our borders? Please reject their plan to hurt farmers and export power to other areas of the country. We have been warned in St. Louis of possible Brown & Blackouts; it seems to go against common sense to send power to other states. I am vehemently opposed to this project. |
P202300348 | 8/20/2022 10:40 AM | As a landowner in Callaway County I ask you to deny granin belt express the right to use eminent domain to bring their Tiger Express through Audrain and Callaway Counties. It violates our constitutional rights for you to allow a private for-profit company to seize our land through eminent domain. Stop the in Missouri! |
P202300349 | 8/21/2022 7:08 AM | The Tiger Connector through Audrain and Callaway Counties will only encourage more solar development companies to lease productive agricultural land, taking it out of production for 30 years and leaving it , only God knows in what condition. Read an article where small damage during installation, or deterioration of the panels over time could lead to leaching of lead, cadmium, and other toxic elements, contaminating ground water and soil. Deny them access to Audrain and Callaway Counties. |
P202300350 | 8/21/2022 8:40 AM | gbe filed an intent to file an application on july 12, 2022. they are required to file the intent 60 days prior to filing their application. you must not allow them to file early. the rules say 60 days. that should delay their filing until after september 12, 2022. follow your own rules. the public needs the 60 days to respond. |
P202300351 | 8/21/2022 10:37 PM | I am urging you to not allow the Grain belt Express to apply early or submit their application early. If they changed their first one, the should not be allowed to apply early for a new or amended one. Your rules say 60 days after to file and they should be held to those rules. |
P202300352 | 8/22/2022 8:06 AM | See attached for full comment |
P202300353 | 8/22/2022 10:45 AM | I am asking you, members of the MO Public Service Commission, to adhere to your 60 day delay in allowing Grain Belt Express to file their application. The citizens of Missouri need this time to respond to intentions of GBE to bring their lines through Audrain and Callaway Counties. GBE filed it's intent to submit application to the PSC on July 12, 2022...................they should wait until September 12, 2022 to file their application. |
P202300355 | 8/22/2022 11:18 AM | See Attached |
P202300356 | 8/22/2022 11:20 AM | See Attached |
P202300357 | 8/23/2022 9:03 AM | I see that GBX wants to use a technicality to erase the three motions to intervene from the docket record. They say they are premature and should be denied. PSC, do not deny these Motions to Intervene, but do deny GBX the right to file their case in mid to late August. They filed their intent July 12 and there is a 60 day waiting period to allow citizens to express their views on this issue. They should not be allowed to file until September 12 and the three motions to intervene should stand |
P202300358 | 8/23/2022 10:13 AM | See Attached |
P202300360 | 8/23/2022 2:35 PM | Please do not remove or deny three motions filed by MO Landowners Alliance, Eastern Missouri Landowners and citizen landowner Normal Fishel. GBE is claiming these have been filed prematurely. Please do not play their game! We all know this is 100% about profit for their companies and has nothing at all to do with the good of our country. We do not want these towers or solar panels in our fields that produce food for our country. |
P202300361 | 8/23/2022 2:54 PM | Please think further than the nose on your face. Do not let these for profit solar companies have eminent domain over callaway and audrain county farmland. Think a long way down the road, how this will effect feeding our grandchildren's,grandchildren. Do not grant gbe the request to deny motions filed against them for the land grabs. Thank you. |
P202300362 | 8/24/2022 9:49 AM | See Attached |
P202300363 | 8/24/2022 9:49 AM | “We would like for the PSC not to remove the motion to intervene or deny on behalf of the landowners alliance. We would also like for them to maintain a 60 day notification for landowners to comment." |
P202300364 | 8/24/2022 9:50 AM | See Attached |
P202300365 | 8/24/2022 9:51 AM | See Attached |
P202300367 | 8/24/2022 2:08 PM | We expect a wildlife impact study to be completed prior to any decisions to expand in Callaway County; a 60 acre irrigation reservoir near the Auxvasse Creek which cuts through my farm has brought in Bald Eagles, who have built multiple nests along with Blue Herons and other migratory birds. Either route chosen starts on my property where the McCredie substation is located. The Impact study needs to be completed before anything moves forward. |
P202300368 | 8/24/2022 4:13 PM | The Pat McCree substation or Central electric is not interested in Grain belt's power. The interconnected power will have to be offset by building other forms of power (gas or coal). I am not very happy about this as it will be going through my farm land that is very good farm land. It isn't necessary for our community nor do the residence want this. |
P202300369 | 8/24/2022 4:24 PM | i am so sad that invenergy has decided to cut through my son's farm as well as our neighbors farms. they should not be allowed to do this. taking our land through eminent domain is wrong. Invenergy is a private for profit company and should not be granted the power of eminent domain......nor should they be allowed to file until the 60 day waiting period is up.....their intent to file was july 12 |
P202300370 | 8/24/2022 9:25 PM | As a landowner in Callaway County I urge you not to grant Eminent Domain Authority to Invenergy a private company that is utilizing the government to make financial gain. We already raise green energy today on these farms that will be affected by poles going through the middle of our properties. (see attached) |
P202300371 | 8/25/2022 7:50 AM | Because landowners have received notice from GBX to run their lines through our farms, I request that MOPSC NOT waive the 60 day waiting period from the time of GBX intent to file application. That 60 days is a time for citizens, landowners, and interested neighbors to express their views to MOPSC... input from these people should be considered in the MOPSC decision. Eminent Domain should not be given to this private, for profit company. Our farmland was purchased with decades of toil. |
P202300373 | 8/25/2022 10:14 AM | I object to GBE coming through callaway and audrain counties. No for profit corporation should be given eminent domain. Reps at the GBE meetings said they would use single poles but now they are filing they will use towers. We spoke to every attendee at the callaway GBE meeting and 100% of them said they were opposed. They have no firm Electric customers so what is to keep them from changing their lines from delivery of energy to instead buying energy from solar farms surrounding mccredie. |
P202300374 | 8/25/2022 10:32 AM | According to GBX customers in MO need 2500 MW of power. That is 2 times the power generated by the Ameren UE...........that by the way is in Callaway County. Who are these customers???????Does GBX have contract signed with them for this huge amount of power? Is there something here we do not know? Perhaps the PSC should make them tell us who these customers are..............time for some transparency here. |
P202300375 | 8/25/2022 10:36 AM | (tb) Scott is representing Fay A Herndon Trust, they are opposed to the route, would like for this not to come through the property, this is a 200 yr old farm. If it has to come through the property would prefer it to be moved to approx 150 ft (300 ft depending on how it was measured) west of the edge of the timbers it avoid timbers that are 200 yrs old. spouse Greta Chase 573-682-0081 |
P202300378 | 8/25/2022 5:28 PM | As a 67 year resident of Callaway County, you MUST hold firm on the 60 day waiting period, no exceptions!!!! NO EXCEPTIONS!! |
P202300379 | 8/25/2022 10:17 PM | did it. You let GBX file before the 60 day waiting period was over.............Sept. 12 to be exact. I though you, as commissioners, were public servants. GBX is a private, for profit company that wants you to give them eminent domain through our farms. Shame on you. |
P202300380 | 8/26/2022 7:42 AM | I oppose GBE in Callaway County. Eminent domain should not be given to a for profit company especially when there is no need shown. GBE should show contractual agreements for power with customers nearly equal to the amount of energy they plan to bring to MO |
P202300382 | 8/26/2022 8:38 AM | I am so disappointed that you have allowed GBX to file early. I don't want this in Callaway County. This is unamerican to allow them to use eminent domain to snatch our farmland from us. Our land is our livelyhood. Allowing them to build these towers on our land takes away any income we would garner from that land.............and for the life of those towers. Stop GBX and the Tiger Connector. Listen to the people..................we don't even know where that 250MW of power is going. |
P202300384 | 8/26/2022 1:40 PM | This petition is discriminatory on a proportional basis. My wife has a small 80 acre farm and this will impact her more than someone with 800 acres or 8000 acres. The petition needs to be denied. Another example of hurting the small American farmer. |
P202300385 | 8/27/2022 7:12 AM | Well I guess I really don't understand legalese. I was told that the PSC has NOT accepted the application by GBX I apologize for jumping to the conclusion that you had. Thank you for waiting the 60 days. I thank you and Callaway and Audrain thank you. |
P202300386 | 8/27/2022 8:40 AM | PLEASE follow your own guidelines and do not allow Grain Belt Express to file before the 60 day waiting period which I believe is September 12, 2022. |
P202300387 | 8/28/2022 7:13 AM | One of the factors PSC uses to evaluate an application is....."there must be a need for service". There is no need for GBX to bring electricity to central missouri. Our organization for Missouri Electric Coops has said they will not be purchasing any energy from GBX. If electricity is needed, who is the customer(s)? What has GBX not told us? GBX is going into the heart of the proposed solar farm at Kingdom City for a reason. I think it is to move energy FROM the solar farm and send it east |
P202300388 | 8/28/2022 9:22 PM | Thank you Public Service Commission for letting the request for Grain Belt Express application sit! They are required to file an intent to file 60 days before actually filing their application. However, they have requested a waiver request to submit their application early. Why should they be given this? They know many people do NOT want these huge towers built in Callaway county and we are making it known. Please do not allow their application waiver. Thank you. |
P202300389 | 8/28/2022 9:30 PM | Please do not grant Grain Belt Express permission to use eminent domain to put towers across our precious farm land. The next step would then take more farmland for huge privately owned solar farms. It would be much smarter and cleaner to invest in hydroelectric which we have access to. Thank you for not granting GBE the waiver to submit their application early. Thank you for just letting it sit. Thank you for listening to us and trying to do the best for us all. |
P202300390 | 8/29/2022 8:14 AM | After being born and raised on a farm in central Missouri (Callaway County) I definitely understand the value of working hard for what you have and standing up for what is right! Two of my family's farms will be NEGATIVELY impacted by this strong arm tactic that is being shoved down our throats with the way this situation is being thrown at us. (see attached for full comment) |
P202300392 | 8/29/2022 10:15 AM | See Attached |
P202300393 | 8/29/2022 10:16 AM | See Attached |
P202300394 | 8/29/2022 10:18 AM | See Attached |
P202300396 | 8/29/2022 1:54 PM | (tb) Ronald is opposed to this, he doesn't like seeing good farm land invaded on like they will be doing and this not in the good of the public |
P202300398 | 8/29/2022 4:59 PM | Callaway Comish- R. Fischer-1. Please enforce the 60 days comment period. 2. The required "public meeting" was simply meeting PSC (check the box) purpose, lacking informative/facts.3.Specifically who signed contracts as customers/ how much? to create "necessity" in legal terms-"if you build it we will participate" does not create a binding "necessity". 4..If this services a "potential" Crypto currency mining operation is "not" a necessity; No-Crypto Currency operations have announced/ identified |
P202300399 | 8/29/2022 8:36 PM | PSC thank you for not responding to the filing by GBX. i hope you will make them wait the 60 days from their intent to file. there are a lot of unanswered questions for GBX and i hope you will address them when the time is right. where is the necessity for this power? who are their customers and where are the contracts? how will they finance this project? are they qualified to do what they say they will do? don't rush into this until they can answer these questions to our satisfaction |
P202300400 | 8/30/2022 8:53 AM | I am writing regarding EA-2023-0017 Grain Belt Express Tiger Connector going through Audrain County. See attached for full comment. |
P202300401 | 8/30/2022 10:06 AM | (JE) Mary ann called upset over Grain Belt. She believes the original CCN should never have been granted. She is opposed to the new CCN for the tiger express lines and wants the PSC to deny the CCN. She believes there is no benefit to Missouri and this is not something that the PSC should approve |
P202300402 | 8/31/2022 9:32 AM | See Attached |
P202300403 | 8/31/2022 1:09 PM | See Attached |
P202300404 | 8/31/2022 1:20 PM | See Attached |
P202300405 | 8/31/2022 1:35 PM | See Attached |
P202300406 | 8/31/2022 1:38 PM | See Attached |
P202300407 | 8/31/2022 1:41 PM | See Attached |
P202300408 | 8/31/2022 1:43 PM | See Attached |
P202300409 | 8/31/2022 2:33 PM | The Callaway County Commission, on behalf of the citizens of Callaway County, wishes to express concerns regarding the project. See attached PDF |
P202300411 | 8/31/2022 6:45 PM | I hope you were aware of our demonstration outside your building yesterday. It would have been nice had someone come down to talk with us. We are landowners from Randolf, Audrain, and Callaway Counties who oppose the Tiger Connector coming through our farms. Had you spoken to us, we would have told you how precious our land is to us and that we don't want you to allow GBX to take it through eminent domain. A great group of citizens with legitimate concerns. You should have talked with us. |
P202300412 | 9/1/2022 7:15 AM | Is it true that in GBX filing they state they will give 150% land value for easements to farmers affected by the Tiger Connector but will pay nothing for the towers? What an insult to landowners. The state of Missouri is not protecting the rights of landowners by granting eminent domain. If the truth be told, I have not heard one landowner say they want these lines going through their property....................and there is not enough money to buy us off. |
P202300417 | 9/4/2022 8:13 PM | why did the MOPSC give us only 30 days to respond to Invenergy's application? When are the public hearings? As citizens of Monroe, Callaway, and Audrain counties we must respond to this. I have not heard one affected landowner say they wanted these lines going through their farms. The use of eminent domain is an affront to landowners' property rights. The power to grant eminent domain to this private, for profit company should not belong to the PSC. |
P202300429 | 9/9/2022 5:40 PM | I am opposed to granting eminent domain to the tiger connector Grain Belt. It is a for profit company. They have no MO customers under contract and can't prove they will do anything fir MO citizens. |
P202300430 | 9/9/2022 5:53 PM | I urge you not to give eminent domain to the Tiger connector. They are a for profit company with no proven customers.The local utilities do not want or need their power. |
P202300431 | 9/9/2022 5:53 PM | I urge you not to give eminent domain to the Tiger connector. They are a for profit company with no proven customers.The local utilities do not want or need their power. |
P202300434 | 9/10/2022 2:09 PM | Commissioners: Invenergy DOES NOT HAVE a VERIFIABLE customer base. Please make them PROVE with signed copies of contracts obtained with PAYING CUSTOMERS to support this massive project. THEY CAN’T!!! PROTECT the farmers that feed you, your children and grandchildren, Invenergy LIES!!!!!! PROTECT the citizens of MISSOURI that you represent. I’m begging you to do your job!!!! Thanking each of you in advance for making the correct decision. Sincerely |
P202300436 | 9/11/2022 7:34 AM | Private companies taking propert by eminent domain is WRONG? Covering up productive farm ground is stupid and WRONG!! Please do not allow this to happen. |
P202300437 | 9/11/2022 3:20 PM | I oppose Grain Belt Express Tiger Connector's application for amendment, Case #EA-2023-0017. A private for profit company should not be allowed to take land using eminent domain. This gives the power to the rich and robs the poor with no Robin Hood in sight! I am an absente landlord who has a large herd of beef cattle on the property. There are issues with control of livestock and cattle escaping as well when the owner is not present on a daily basis. |
P202300440 | 9/12/2022 12:01 PM | As a landowner in Callaway County, MO I encourage the Public Service Commission to deny Grain Belt Express' application for an amendment to their prior application in bringing the Tiger Connector into Monroe, Audrain and Callaway Counties and do so under eminent domain. MO Association of Rural Electric Coops have stated they do not need this electricity, nor do they want it. Who are their customers? GBX shows a map of small municipalities that they say have agreed to purchase but have they? |
P202300443 | 9/13/2022 10:17 AM | See Attached |
P202300444 | 9/13/2022 10:18 AM | See Attached |
P202300451 | 9/14/2022 6:13 PM | No approval should be given for GBE TIGER Connector. They have no completed energy producers, i.e. turbines, solar, etc. and they have no contracted MO customers. Certainly they should not be granted eminent domain as they are a for profit compsny. |
P202300452 | 9/14/2022 7:43 PM | I am submitting a comment against allowing eminent domain for the grain belt electric transmission line. Green energy is an unproven fad that will likely fail when clear thinking people remove the government subsidies. There is no benefit for Callaway county and these transmission lines represent an unconstitutional trespass on private property. Man made global warming is a myth. Green energy is only for oligarchs. |
P202300455 | 9/16/2022 10:41 AM | Greetings MoPSC, I would like to voice my disapproval of the Grain Belt Express Tiger Connector going through Callaway county Missouri. I have been a resident of Callaway county for 63 years. I am just sadden that a for profit company can be allowed to steal land from farmers that feed us Americans! Farmers struggle today to get their crops in and if these huge power lines are allowed they will create a huge problem for them, especially those farmers using irrigation systems. |
P202300456 | 9/16/2022 10:48 AM | See Attached |
P202300457 | 9/16/2022 10:51 AM | See Attached |
P202300458 | 9/16/2022 10:55 AM | See Attached |
P202300459 | 9/16/2022 1:57 PM | See Attached |
P202300462 | 9/17/2022 9:02 AM | The Tiger Connector of the Grain Belt Express is not a necessary to the improvement of energy for Missouri. There are multiple other options that should be investigated that don't sacrifice working farms and long standing communities. The Grain Belt Express is exploiting the use of emmient domain to make a profit. By allowing the Grain Belt to express to continue you are allowing the corporations take over Missouri at the expense of the hard working citizens. Stop this project. |
P202300465 | 9/17/2022 10:18 PM | I feel that it is a terrible wast of productive farm land to cover it in solar panels. I do not want my or any other children to grow up looking at those things. I chose to raise my family here and support this community because of the rual values and way of life. It takes more fossil fuels to create these solar monstrosities than they can ever replace. These companies don’t care about our families or communities. |
P202300473 | 9/19/2022 9:00 AM | See attached letter for full comment. |
P202300484 | 9/19/2022 12:43 PM | I am concerned about the use of eminent domain that GBX requires. Though HB2005 erroneously granted eminent domain to GBX, it's a private corporation receiving subsidies. GBX may say it's for the public good, but since it sells portions at a time to private companies, this is not a public service provided for the general welfare. I value our state's agricultural resources, wildlife, and its natural beauty; all of which is at risk if the Grain Belt Express is allowed to continue. |
P202300503 | 9/20/2022 10:44 AM | Please see the attached letter from the Audrain County Commission regarding the commission's opposition to the proposed Tiger Connector Project. Case Number: EA-2023-0017 |
P202300575 | 9/21/2022 2:34 PM | See Attached |
P202300606 | 9/22/2022 10:43 AM | I object to granting eminent domain to Grainbrlt Tiger Connector. They bring no benefit to Missouri, have no paying customers, and will provide no benefit to Missourians. It is unconstitutional to grant eminent domain to a for profit company. |
P202300622 | 9/22/2022 1:11 PM | I do not believe Grain belt express or the solar panels is a good thing for Callaway County, Missouri. Taking our prime farm land for solar panels will not benefit callaway county, it will only destroy our wonderful agricultural town. And the energy is not even benefiting Mo. we need farm land for food for us and our livestock. Solar panels are better suited in areas that don’t have prime farm land. |
P202300623 | 9/22/2022 1:16 PM | Grain belt express nor the solar panels is a good thing for Callaway County, Missouri. Using our prime farm land for solar panels that will not even be benefiting callaway county, it will only destroy our wonderful agricultural town. Solar panels are better suited in areas that don’t have prime farm land. |
P202300624 | 9/22/2022 1:20 PM | Grain belt express and the new solar panels is not a good thing for Callaway County, Missouri. Using our prime farm land for solar panels that will not even be benefiting callaway county, it will only destroy our wonderful agricultural town. Solar panels are better suited in areas that don’t have prime farm land. |
P202300681 | 9/26/2022 10:57 AM | See Attached |
P202300734 | 9/27/2022 10:26 AM | See Attached |
P202300735 | 9/27/2022 10:28 AM | See Attached |
P202300738 | 9/27/2022 11:00 AM | See Attached Petition (Schultz, Waage, Hudson, Gilmore Jr., Coe-Gilmore, Mason, Hickam, Forster, Haubner, Woods, Moore, Seale, Powers, Bedworth, Lee, Garrett, Gentry, Harttey, Birthisel, Hess, Isaacson, Binggeti, Busker, Schoing-Slogging, Houching, Spatafora, Widaman, Trumbosp, Hampton, Smith, Olla, Attebery, Phillips, Fennel, Hall, Huss, Beal, Newell, Strickland, Stimr, Denton, Beans, Hooks, Jacobson, Wade, Horton, Simpson, Crider. Warfield, Allen, McCay, Martin, Bell, Mackley, Lamburson, Sprad |
P202300769 | 9/29/2022 10:30 AM | See Attached Petition (Brondel, Mahnker, Renner, Miller, Ballard, Hoover, Miles, Parrish, Maupin, Horrell, Fessler, Fariss, Bennett, Hudson, Bryant, Holthuren, Wright, Lee, Watson, Bang, Morris, Tiffany, Crowe, Twillman, Richmond, Blacklock, Schubert, Trent, Lavy, Love, Ray, Kris, Wilson, Loutzenhiser, Wood, Jones) |
P202300772 | 9/29/2022 11:22 AM | We own farmland in the intended path of this monstrosity. This project is not in the best interests of Missourians nor landowners. It has no definite point of origin as they propose to change that. It has no firm destination, as they propose to change that. They are requesting a waiver/ shortening of the 60-day comment period, simultaneous with their request to extend their financing period to 7 years as opposed to five. This project is a solution hunting for a problem. send them back 2 Illinois |
P202300777 | 9/29/2022 12:12 PM | This is going to take valuable farmland from hard working local families who depend on it to make a living. It will cut farms in half and make it impossible to build homes. I personally don’t want to raise my children under high voltages power lines, would you? All so the rich can get richer off the backs of hard working Americans. |
P202300778 | 9/29/2022 12:40 PM | Greetings Missouri Public Commission, As today is the last day for public comments, I would like again to send my thoughts on the Grain Belt Express. I have voiced my concern several times, but I would like to again say how opposed I am of this project. GBE Tiger Connector is nothing but a land grab from many farmers that are now having issues to feed us Americans. Please do not continue to take land from them that is theirs !! Immenient domain should be a criminal law !! |
P202300779 | 9/29/2022 1:23 PM | I want to express my sincere opposition to the Grain Belt Express Tiger Connector project in Callaway County. Eminent domain should never be used for the benefit of a private corporation. Property rights always come first. Do not allow our state to become an example of unconstitutional land grabs for private profit. Now is your time to show your support for the citizens of this state. |
P202300780 | 9/29/2022 3:14 PM | We own land in the path of the proposed route. This is productive farm ground. we feed the world, in the midst of a hunger crisis. We don't need this project. Invenergy is trying to line their pockets on the backs of Missouri farmers and landowners. These towers prevent irrigation, equipment transport, aerial chemicals and other things essential to our production. please do not allow them to further encroach on our rights |
P202300783 | 9/29/2022 4:19 PM | i am asking you, commissioners of psc to deny gbx application to build tiger connector. this will go through my sons farm. he will forever lose the options he needs to profit in his business....pivot irrigation, aerial application of herbicides and pesticides, building farm structures where they are needed. he will also forever lose the productivity from the space taken up by these towers not to mention the inconvenience of farming around them. stop gbx! they are NOT a public utilility! |
P202300804 | 10/1/2022 8:41 PM | We oppose Grain Belt Express Tiger Connector's application for amendments. Please do not approve this. It is so wrong! |
P202300813 | 10/3/2022 5:13 PM | As one having small Children in this community I would hate to see our schools and churches surrounded by solar complexes. I feel that these power stations will discourage growth in our county. Nobody wants to live next to solar panels. I feel we will lose revenue created by current taxes that would lead to higher residential and agricultural taxes to offset what was given to large corporations by taking from the pockets of those that make the world go around. |
P202300857 | 10/6/2022 7:50 AM | See Attached |
P202300860 | 10/6/2022 8:59 AM | See Attached |
P202300917 | 10/11/2022 7:25 PM | Is there a need for the Tiger Connector—NO. Are there sufficient PAYING customers that have signed AGREEMENTS, make them PROVE! SUBSIDIES, SUBSIDIES, SUBSIDIES is one of the main reasons, and I as as taxpaying citizens don’t approve. I’m still confused why they we allowed to file before the 60 day period. PLEASE use common sense and all the verified facts and DENY DENY DENY!!!!! Our family farms depend on your decision. Thanks |
P202300940 | 10/12/2022 6:55 PM | I am registering my disapproval of granting eminent domain to to the tiger connectorvof GBE. GBE is a for profit company providing no benefits to callaway or audrain or Monroe counties. |
P202300948 | 10/13/2022 10:41 AM | See Attached |
P202300988 | 10/17/2022 7:18 PM | I am asking that you deny this amend, GBE should have never been approved the first round and should not have been granted the sale without a refile. This is still a project that should have to go on the open market for it's rightaway. Should have never been granted eminent domain. They have proven this in ther actions to this point. Ask them what they have obtained openly to this point without bullying and force |
P202301022 | 10/18/2022 4:37 PM | See Attached |
P202301034 | 10/19/2022 7:43 AM | just heard yesterday that invenergy is seeking farm ground to lease near williamsburg in callaway county. wonder how this will affect tiger connector. will invenergy extend their line from mccredie substation and move east, taking with it more missouri farm land through eminent domain? more shenanigans by grain belt express and invenergy? |
P202301099 | 11/3/2022 10:03 AM | See Attached Petition (Cope, Stemme, Gronefeld, Reifsteck, Langworthy, Smith and Donn) |
P202301100 | 11/3/2022 10:07 AM | See Attached (Eastern Commissioner - Mike Whelan, Presiding Commissioner - Mike Minor, and Western Commissioner - Marilyn O'Bannon) |
P202301102 | 11/4/2022 10:46 AM | See Attached |
P202301104 | 11/4/2022 10:25 PM | I own property in Callaway County and I am not in favor of the solar companies taking over good productive farm land. |
P202301106 | 11/7/2022 11:01 AM | I am anxious to hear when public meetings will be held. Plan to be there to help stop these lines from going through our counties..audrain, monroe and Callaway. There seems to be a lot of misinformation out there coming from Invenergy. A climate blogger in Kirkwood wrote that Invenergy has already received permission from the Public Service Commission and that there is a legislative framework in place for them to move forward with the Tiger Connector...............DISINFORMATION by Invenergy. |
P202301168 | 12/26/2022 8:38 PM | may 22, 23 are not good times for the psc to set hearings on gbx.....................we are know, putting grain in the ground so we will grow a crop..............did you not consider that this will affect landowners/ farmers? |
P202301171 | 12/27/2022 10:47 AM | See Attached |
P202301524 | 2/7/2023 8:46 AM | See Attached |
P202301625 | 2/7/2023 7:43 PM | after attending the scoping meeting in Moberly, regarding the environmental impact study for the department of energy which is a necessary procedure for ruling on a guaranteed federal loan to build phase 1 of gbx, i came away with many more questions i asked the amount of the requested loan. a very nice lady, angela from the DOE said she would get back with me on that. she did, she was unable to tell me the amount of the loan. that was the answer i was expecting. they don't have the funding |
P202301931 | 2/9/2023 1:27 PM | (jae)I am writing in regard to the PSC's decision to only hold one in-person public hearing concerning the plans by Invenergy to expand their project. (see attached pdf) |
P202301960 | 2/12/2023 7:40 AM | The PSC has set ONE public hearing on the grain belt express and that will be in Mexico MO. We were promised by the PSC THREE public hearings, one in Monroe County, one in Audrain County, and one in Callaway you really NOT want citizens to participate in this process. Many citizens are elderly, infirm, have not access to internet services, do not know how to attend an on line meeting, and if the weather is bad they will not get out on the roads to attend Mexico Meetin |
P202301975 | 2/14/2023 11:03 AM | In regards to Case EA-2023-0017. We had an employee of Invenergy come to our door asking for access to our property in Audrain County for surveying and possibly other things. We did not grant permission and I would like to request the Judge to order a stoppage of this. It has not been approved and they have no right to access our farmland. Judge Dippell should order this to cease immediately. We are opposed to this plan as a small farm owner. |
P202301976 | 2/14/2023 1:33 PM | In regards to case number EA-2023-0017. We had an Inverness employee show up at our house asking for permission to enter our farmland for surveying. We did not grant permisission and would like to request Judge Dippell to order a stoppage to contacting owners at their home. This case has not been approved. |
P202301978 | 2/14/2023 4:04 PM | PSC promised 3 meetings, one per county. Scheduling one meeting in Audrain and two online is NOT acceptable. Employed people cant get to a noon meeting. Elderly can't drive from neighboring counties and dont have technology to do online. Two should be after 5 pm. Notice should be mailed to landowners that grain belt plans to pass through. Notices should be put in local newspapers and radio and/or tv. Do the legal procedure for notification of comment meetings. |
P202301988 | 2/16/2023 12:09 PM | invenergy should not be approaching landowners along their proposed tiger express route and offering them cash to allow them to survey..................the solution to everything for invenergy is money and it is an insult to landowners who do not want that line crossing their matter how much money Invenergy throws at them. It is insulting to taxpaying landowners that they will be using our tax monies such as federal tax credits, subsidies and federal loans to build it. |
P202302024 | 2/25/2023 7:09 AM | Allowing eminent domain for the grain belt transmission lines would be extremely foolish. Social and environmental problems with wind and solar energy capture are becoming more widely known and are coming under just scrutiny from local and state governments as well as thousands of citizens all along the proposed route. The project is in a very precarious position and should be stopped. |
P202302026 | 2/27/2023 8:58 AM | The Constitution and provides government oversight protection of consumers. This includes caps on profit of providers of water and electric. 1.Tiger Express is not a utility but a direct pipeline-draining unregulated profits overseas to investor owners and not protecting the consumer from potential un-regulated price gouging of unscrupulous business practices. 2.Approval of eminent domain and federal assistance of any kind is against guarantees of the Constitution. |
P202302039 | 3/3/2023 4:58 PM | See attachment |
P202302040 | 3/6/2023 8:59 AM | I just heard the Q&A sessions in the public hearings for Tiger Connect have been removed. This was an important part of the meeting and would help all of us understand better what is being proposed. I am not in favor of this or the Tiger Connect submission. |
P202302042 | 3/6/2023 3:39 PM | See attached. |
P202302043 | 3/6/2023 7:42 PM | Public Hearing this evening was not well attended with just a few speakers. Majority of speakers were in favor of approval. We need more speakers of opposition to present our case. Please attend either tomorrow in person or the Wednesday call to present your case. The commission mainly heard voices for approval. |
P202302044 | 3/6/2023 11:26 PM | I am writing to urge the PSC to not allow the Grain Belt Express any more abuse of our land and citizens. This line cuts through two of our properties very near our home. Grain Belt Express quickly filed to condemn our land without trying to negotiate with us. We have been bullied and our lives have been put on hold for 10 years simply because of greed! There is no need for this line. It is simply being pushed for individual wealth and payouts. The citizens of Missouri do not support this! |
P202302045 | 3/7/2023 8:57 PM | great meeting this afternoon at the PSC hearing in Mexico. I hope that as members of the PSC you were able to see us as real people, with real struggles, and people who need the support of the PSC. Please do not grant Grain Belt Express a CNN to bring the Tiger Connector through Monroe, Audrain, and Callaway. The room was filled with landowners with valid reasons for opposing GBX. Please listen to us. |
P202302046 | 3/7/2023 10:39 PM | Letter Attached. |
P202302047 | 3/8/2023 8:02 AM | See attached |
P202302049 | 3/10/2023 7:47 AM | We farm in Ralls County Missouri along with our two sons and their families. We have been fighting the Grain Belt Express for over 10 years now. The original line was going through three of our farms. It is time to put a stop to this along with the Tiger Connection. (See attached) |
P202302050 | 3/10/2023 7:49 AM | I support the Grain Belt Transmission in Missouri just north of where i live. Our world is in serious trouble because of our continued us of fossil fuel. Renewables have to be our future. We have a choice now lets use it. There are people who cannot see it and that's it, they are blind either because of self-interest $$$$$ or just ignorance, because its change. I have on my place put up a solar array 17.7 Kvw....yes it cost me now but, it will help save the planet now and later. |
P202302051 | 3/10/2023 7:52 AM | Attached is a letter of support of the Tiger Connector project on behalf of Magnitude 7 Metals. Please let me know if you have you any questions. |
P202302052 | 3/11/2023 9:17 AM | dustin hudson said it all at the psc hearing in mexico mo earlier this week. why do we as landowners have to stand before the psc an beg you not to take our land and give it to a for profit electic company? |
P202302054 | 3/12/2023 1:59 PM | My husband and I are totally opposed to the Grain Belt Express Tiger Connector Spur and urge the PSC to deny approval to stop the building of the project. |
P202302056 | 3/13/2023 1:59 PM | See Attached |
P202302060 | 3/13/2023 4:20 PM | Greetings: My comment is in support of the Grain Belt Express & Tiger Connector, but specifically the Tiger Connector. Approval will generate jobs, lower energy costs, & provide cleaner air which will lowers the risk of asthma, allergies, & heart disease. I don’t live in the counties where the construction is located, but I understand that the benefits of the project will be spread throughout the state. Thank you for your time and consideration. |
P202302063 | 3/16/2023 9:12 AM | Please see the attached letter from Graves Farms, LLC which comments on our opposition to the proposal to amend the CCN for Grain Belt Express LLC. Thank you for your service and consideration of this matter. |
P202302079 | 3/20/2023 11:41 AM | See attached comments |
P202302093 | 3/22/2023 7:22 PM | From: StopPATH WV Blog After a decade of not being able to find customers for its transmission project, GBE has turned to the federal government to provide a loan guarantee for up to 80% of the cost of its project across Ks, Mo, and IL. A loan guarantee is just like co-signing on someone else's car loan... you are responsible for payment if the borrower defaults. The U.S. taxpayers are going to be holding all the risk. |
P202302097 | 3/26/2023 7:22 PM | GBE is already sending proposals to landowners along the proposed Tiger Connector. Isn't this premature? GBX will not receive a decision from the DOE on their guaranteed loan until the Environmental Impact Study is completed sometime this fall. Don't you think it prudent that the PSC know if GBX is going to be able to fund this project or not before it makes a decision on whether to grant them a CNN? The cart before the horse????? |
P202302099 | 3/29/2023 11:28 AM | Expansion of the Grain Belt Express depends on the approval the “Tiger Connector” extension. By linking Grain Belt Express to existing infrastructure, Tiger Connector will bring the economic and energy benefits of the Grain Belt Express transmission line to more Missouri homes, businesses, and communities. The benefits are not just the considerable savings to ratepayers and the use of clean technology and the creation of jobs but the essential weaning of our power grid off fossil fuels. |
P202302100 | 3/29/2023 7:22 PM | Financial offers are being sent to impacted landowners by Grain Belt. Please do not fall for this fishing expedition. Seek legal advice before anything is signed. This submission has not been approved yet. Also, please email the House Utilities Committee in support of bill HB 1065. Bob Bromley is the Chair. (email) |
P202302109 | 4/2/2023 10:20 PM | 1. Is the a NEED for the Tiger Connector NO NO NO. The grid operator MISO indicated the Tiger was NOT necessary for regional reliability and economics. 2. They CAN NOT PROVE A WRITTEN CUSTOMER BASE, make them PROVE!!! 3. GBX stated the cost is $8 BILLION, want the Fed Govt to loan 80%, our govt can’t afford another failed PROJECT like others. PLEASE do NOT approve this project, only a few will get rich and several thousand hard working tax paying citizens of MO will suffer immensely!! |
P202302128 | 5/6/2023 1:51 AM | Letting any private company use eminent domain for profit sets a very dangerous precedent for our state. This transmission line is not needed nor wanted by anyone and those of us living in its path do not want to learn how dangerous it is to live under/near it after it is too late. Do not let them take our property to build this line. If they feel it is so necessary, they can bury it along roadways. |
P202302137 | 5/22/2023 10:08 AM | GBE continues to call about their offer; MPSC, please support the small farmers and ranchers impacted by GBE. Has GBE really proven a need for this submission at the expense of the small landowner? Our small farm will be decimated by GBE. This is all about using eminent domain for profit. |
P202302141 | 5/23/2023 11:10 PM | I was never notified that this project was going to be within a couple of miles of my house. I did not know it was going to be built until I saw land being cleared. I oppose its construction and am not happy that it is being built without anyone knowing about it OR a permit to even be built, issued. Do they not have to follow any rules? And shouldn't residents who have to live by this giant project have SOME say about it? |
P202302147 | 5/24/2023 10:08 PM | As a nearby resident, I am not happy to suddenly learn about this project when construction starts. Will this be noisy? A fire hazard? Why are they allowed to start working on this project without a permit and without anyone who will be living near it given an opportunity to be heard with concerns? |
P202302148 | 5/25/2023 12:13 AM | The Tiger Connector is not needed and not wanted by anyone along the 40 mile route. My house is very near their proposed line and there is no guarantee that having such a high voltage line nearly overhead won't affect my cell reception, wi-fi, tv reception, my animals' health, or my own health. I already have three solar farms going in all around me and a two substations going to be within 2 miles from my house. Enough is enough! Protect us, the citizens of Missouri, from these companies. |
P202302162 | 6/6/2023 4:00 PM | (jae)I wish to express my disapproval of the Invenergy proposal to install the Grain Belt Express & Tiger Connector (GBE) in Callaway County, Missouri. See attached pdf. |
P202302177 | 6/9/2023 9:29 AM | NOT ONE landowner wants this to go thru their property in Callaway County. The two that have signed lease agreements have leased their land to solar and know this line is headed to the Burns Switch Station which is now being constructed and will be necessary for Ranger Power to send their power east on the Ameren lines.Ranger Power, Ameren, and Invenergy have been in bed together for a very long time. I have heard so many lies about the relationship between Invenergy and Ranger Power. |
P202302178 | 6/9/2023 9:34 AM | I attended Wed. hearings at the PSC. I also listened on line to the proceedings. The judge was fantastic..........very fair and knowledgeable about the issues. The PSC staff were also very professional and apparently had spent a lot of time researching the issues. In my opinion, and I know that doesn't mean much, the appointed commissioners knew much, much less than the PSC staff. The PSC staff should make the decision. Why are there even appointed commissioners........window dressing? |
P202302224 | 6/19/2023 9:48 AM | Please read: Jennifer Stelzleni said the environmental and cultural studies are not complete and probably won't be complete until next year. So, why would the PSC approve a speculative project that has not been studied? That's always been GBE's problem. It is based on pure speculation and conditioned upon future things happening. I'm not sure there's any law in Missouri that requires the PSC to approve speculative projects. |
P202400079 | 8/1/2023 11:50 AM | Please contact Senator Hawley for GBE opposition support. See this youtube. |
P202400265 | 10/17/2023 10:18 PM | See attached letter. Thanks |
P202500004 | 7/1/2024 4:32 PM | See attached. |