Current Date/Time: 3/9/2025 3:46:31 PM
Linked Consumer Comments
Consumer Comment No. | Date Filed | Consumer Comments |
P202302140 | 5/23/2023 10:56 PM | I live 4 miles from Burns substation. We heard that ameren would be building the substation if the GBE TIGER Connector was approved to receive power from GBE but no notification that RangerPower would be buildiing a substation. There is no sc application for Ranger. Why is building is going on. I contacted the commisdioners office and they were not aware of anything occurring at the site. Ranger Powrr is building without a permit or ameren has hired them to build without a permit |
P202302143 | 5/24/2023 6:41 AM | Dirt Work being done at Burns site and is being built on 14 acres purchased by Show Me Solar/Ranger Power. There are 3 open spots for Tiger Connector to connect to this substation. I guess they are pretty sure GBX/Tiger Connector will be approved by the PSC. Isn't this premature? Has the PSC given a permit for this to begin? What is going on? |
P202302146 | 5/24/2023 1:07 PM | #EA-2023-0226-I am adamently against this project. I just learned that it has not been approved by the PSC. We do not want our beautiful farm community turned into an ugly industrial park with a noisy Substation near our Callaway High School and private homes. They are already clearing the land and yet they have no permit from the PSC. Intermitten Energy makes no sense. Not Reliable -Too Expensive- Too much land needed- Lack of safety for humans and the wildlife too devastating! |