Current Date/Time: 3/12/2025 8:26:45 PM
Linked Consumer Comments
Consumer Comment No. | Date Filed | Consumer Comments |
P202100224 | 1/4/2021 2:44 PM | See Attached |
P202100225 | 1/5/2021 9:11 AM | (DF)See attached Public Comment and additional information. |
P202100227 | 1/6/2021 9:50 AM | (DF)Ms. Boykin is opposed to the rate increase that Spire is requesting. She believes Spires rates are excessive as is. Along with her opposition to a rate increase she feels the customer charge is outrageous and should be eliminated. |
P202100625 | 3/1/2021 4:33 PM | (tb) Julie is opposed to rate increase due to the coronavirus and wants to know why Spire has to charge them more for other areas who are using the gas. Spire should get it from Joe Bidden, can't they get a bale out from the federal government like everyone else? No need for a rate increase. |
P202100632 | 3/12/2021 4:18 PM | (co) Customer called indicating his service was disconnected 3/11/2021 for non-payment. He feels that Spire should not be allowed to disconnect service during a pandemic. Please consider his concern. |
P202100641 | 3/25/2021 12:36 PM | Gas rate increases. I really hope the PSC audits any charges Ameren or Spire want to get through. Texas was caught cheating their customers. What was Spires supply before, did they really need to buy? If so how much and for how long. If they are truly "Passing along costs" they shouldn't be getting any windfall profits ,right? |
P202100674 | 5/21/2021 2:33 PM | (DF)Ms. O'Connell would like the commission to be aware that she is against Spire's proposed rate increase. She is on a fixed income and cannot afford an increase in her Spire gas bill. |
P202100675 | 5/21/2021 3:15 PM | (tb) Warren stated his is a veteran & doesn't walk. He is opposed to the rate increase because the rates are high enough with the amount of money he gets per month. He would rather a rate decrease |
P202100678 | 5/24/2021 10:59 AM | (tb) Ethel is opposed to rate increase, she is on a very low fixed income. |
P202100679 | 5/24/2021 11:34 AM | (JB) "My husband passed away in the middle of the night a few years ago & I am living on a tenth of what he brought in. I've lived in this home since I was 16 years old & do not wan to leave it b/c of rate increases. We never received gov't assistant & worked hard for this home. I cannot afford another utility increase. Please consider us when making a decision on this case." |
P202100680 | 5/24/2021 12:05 PM | This is ridiculous. Do not want the increase. Retired and can't afford an increase. |
P202100681 | 5/24/2021 1:10 PM | (DF)Hello, I am a resident of St Peters, MO. I received an informational letter about a proposed rate increase by Spire. When I searched to see what the increase is for I found multiple news articles that Spire lost a lawsuit, and is using the increase to cover the lawsuit costs. See attached for complete Public Comment. |
P202100682 | 5/24/2021 1:18 PM | (DF) To The Missouri Public Service Commission : A quick calculation 1.7 million customers 3 $ raise Why does the gas company need 5.1 million more a year ? These numbers I got from google . I’m sure the number for customers is higher and I only calculated 3 dollars not the $3.28 or the 5.6 % . Stop being so dang greedy . I do not agree to this raise . Not sure why you think anyone needs 900,000 bonus . Care to explain why ? Jennifer Fisher |
P202100683 | 5/24/2021 1:35 PM | (DF)I do not believe rate payers should pay for the bad behaviour of management or owners of Spire, especially in cases of discrimination. That cost should fall on the investors and management alone -- Shawn Tolivar Kansas City. MO |
P202100684 | 5/24/2021 1:49 PM | (DF)Having just received notice of the public hearings on this matter and read the related news coverage, I would request that you not grant Spire's requested rate increase. The hearings notice seems to be deliberately vague, if not misleading, about the reasons a rate increase is needed. From today’s KCStar article: “Ratepayers should not be charged for Spire officers and managers to go to sporting events, 14 concerts. See attached for complete Public Comment. |
P202100685 | 5/24/2021 2:17 PM | (DF)Mr. Counts would like the commission to know, he disagrees with the proposed Spire rate increase. He is a senior citizen and is on a fixed income. |
P202100686 | 5/24/2021 2:17 PM | (tb) Lois called & is opposed to the rate. This increase is more than the increase you get from social security. This would be a hardship on her. |
P202100687 | 5/24/2021 2:20 PM | (co) Customer called indicating he is very strongly opposed. He is on disability, and this is a fairly large increase. This is more than he has got in the last 3 years for an entire amount. He cannot afford something like this. |
P202100688 | 5/24/2021 3:17 PM | (DF)Currently there is an infrastructure bill awaiting Congressional action. I do not believe now is the time to ask for a rate increase until this bill Is considered and people are still in financial difficulties due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Also, to justify this increase as a way to recover money already spent on infrastructure is just the cost of business. See attached for complete Public Comment. |
P202100689 | 5/24/2021 4:23 PM | (JB) "A 5.6% proposed increase is very steep & I do not agree with that amount. She would be okay with someone reaching out to her for further comment. |
P202100690 | 5/24/2021 4:48 PM | (co) Customer called indicating the Utility Company deserves the raise, with everything going on in the world, like everyone else. |
P202100691 | 5/24/2021 4:59 PM | (JB) I am on disability & on a fixed income. These increases are running me out of my home. I cannot afford another increase. I don't even have central air b/c I can't afford it. I am blind & do not have the means/ability to attend LPH via phone/internet/in person & would like to be contacted regarding this matter. |
P202100693 | 5/25/2021 7:33 AM | (DF)I oppose this request to increase due to not only the Covid impact on our economy but also to the following questions. What happened to the last increase money that was for this ISRS improvement? Now they’re saying they’ve already spent almost a billion. Well, logic should tell me that if you’re paid in advance, then you don’t collect in arrears. And secondly, why should the consumer be liable for non-ISRS investments? See attached. |
P202100694 | 5/25/2021 7:43 AM | (DF)Ron S. is against Spire's proposed rate increase. It is his opinion that this proposed increase is due to "poor management as well as the greed of the CEO's". See attached for complete Public Comment. |
P202100695 | 5/25/2021 7:57 AM | (DF)Good Morning, I will be unable to attend the virtual meeting, but this increase should not fall on resident's shoulders. Spire makes profit and because their shareholders made millions, even during a pandemic, it is normal to reinvest their profits for improvements- not charge us more. I own a business and would never be able to add a charge on my customer's bill for improvements in my shop; I see this as no difference. Updating your systems comes from your millions of dollars. |
P202100696 | 5/25/2021 8:06 AM | (DF)Mr. Strickler vehemently objects to Spires proposed rate increase. He believes the shareholders should absorb the money lost due to the discrimination lawsuit filed against them, not the consumers. |
P202100697 | 5/25/2021 8:10 AM | (DF)Do not raise rates! Mr. Covington's subject line on email contained the phrase "Discrimination loss". |
P202100698 | 5/25/2021 10:20 AM | (DF)Mr. Hake states, "I have NEVER seen a more egregious proposal in my lifetime." "If this case concludes successfully, this will make Missouri a model for regulated utilities to apply for rate cases without merit. Please stand up for your constituents and stop this lunacy." See attached for complete Public Comment. |
P202100699 | 5/25/2021 10:58 AM | (DF)I will be brief, I don't want to ramble on & take up too much time....I am urging the Commission to decline the proposed rate increase that Spire is requesting. According to my information, 97% of this increase is for recovery of money that they have already spent on upgrades & improvements...Who spends money AND then asks for help paying off that debt after the fact? I live in Kansas City, MO & Spire is my only option for natural gas. See attached for complete Public Comment. |
P202100700 | 5/25/2021 11:21 AM | (DF)Mr. Seymour is against any rate increase proposed by Spire. He believes the company should buckle down and stop asking their customers for more money. |
P202100701 | 5/25/2021 11:37 AM | (DF)Customer from Kansas City does not believe Spire should be able to recoup money lost due to a discrimination lawsuit, off the backs of their customers. |
P202100702 | 5/25/2021 11:54 AM | (DF)No customers shouldn't have to pay more because Spire paid out $8.5 mil in a discrimination lawsuit. Maybe your executives need to take home less money. |
P202100703 | 5/25/2021 12:00 PM | (JB) I am disabled & on a fixed income & hope this increase doesn't get approved. It is the company's fault for any errors they make and they should not expect the customers to pay for them. They don't need to create more problems for customers than they already have. It should not be the customers burden to fix the mistakes. |
P202100704 | 5/25/2021 1:59 PM | (DF)Ms. Avery believes this is the worst time possible for Spire to be requesting a rate increase. People are still reeling from the pandemic and job loss because of it. |
P202100705 | 5/25/2021 2:29 PM | (DF)I am writing as a small business owner and a Spire customer. I recently received notice that they are requesting to raise rates on residents and small businesses following their loss of a major lawsuit. If they were routinely following discriminatory practices, that’s on them, not the public! If there were any other options to provide my natural gas, I would switch companies. As a privately owned company, their malfeasance should bring consequences to THEIR profits, See attached |
P202100706 | 5/25/2021 2:45 PM | (DF) I would oppose any rate increase. When I pay $30.00 or more per month for just having a meter and $5 of gas usage 7 months of the year. I pay for infrastructure. Thank You |
P202100707 | 5/26/2021 7:30 AM | (DF)I'm writing to urge you not to approve the rate increase from Spire. It is unreasonable to put the burden of poor money allocation on the customer. Salary freezes or decreases on the highest paid employees of Spire would be a far more palatable solution to Missouri. To some, $100 a year can mean the difference between a week's worth of food. It should not be decided by Spire employees making hundreds of thousands of dollars a year or millions after inexplicable bonuses. |
P202100708 | 5/26/2021 7:37 AM | (DF) I am concerned about the proposed rate increase not for myself but for my Mother who is 93 years old. She is a widow on a set income of $2100 a month. She pays $45 a month on the level pay plan. She allocates a set amount for utilities each month and a set amount for food, Insurance and Medical. By the end of the month there isn't much left over. She pays on time. The letter she received states the increase will average $3.28 more a month. See attached for complete Public Comment. |
P202100709 | 5/26/2021 1:00 PM | (DF)Some of us are on Social Security & we can't afford rate increases, we are struggling as it is to keep our utilities paid......consider the senior citizens that don't have the money for increases in our utilities. Thank you, Lorie Zuba |
P202100710 | 5/26/2021 1:06 PM | (DF)Hello, My name is Christian Horn, I live at 1109 Westlake Village Dr., in Pacific, MO 63069-3665. I was notified by Spire Natural Gas Co. that they are requesting a rate increase of approximately 5.6%, with hearings to begin at the end of July. I am against a rate increase by Spire Natural Gas Company. Currently, the company pays out a 3.6% dividend to it’s shareholders (listed on the NYSE as the ticker symbol “SR”). See attached for complete PC. |
P202100711 | 5/26/2021 1:09 PM | (DF)Please do not allow Spire to increase their rates. The last year and a half has been extremely difficult on all of us. Everything is increasing in price which only causes more struggles for customers. I and many are on fixed security. I for one absolutely cannot afford to pay any more than I am already. PLEASE don’t cause us even more stress by increasing our Spire Rates. |
P202100712 | 5/26/2021 1:38 PM | (DF) I do NOT want it to increase- first of all, it's high enough as it is. Second, apparently the MO gas tax is increasing as well, and third, gas in general has gone up too high too. Not to mention food prices soaring- we can not afford all these price increases!!! It's not possible. We barely make ends meet as is and are already have tight budget. If you raise prices; we are going to have to get third and fourth jobs just to stay above water!! STOP this NOW!!! DO NOT RAISE RATES |
P202100713 | 5/26/2021 1:45 PM | See attached - opc |
P202100715 | 5/26/2021 2:09 PM | I am a senior citizen on a restricted income. Everything is going up: Gasoline is up $1 a gallon in the last year, construction materials have been rising and are extremely expensive. I'm 77 and my husband is 83. Our income doesn't go up, but everything else is going up. Please do not raise our Spire gas rates. |
P202100716 | 5/26/2021 2:34 PM | (DF)Ms. Caldwell strongly opposes Spires proposed rate increase. She states that due to Covid related issues, she as well as other customers, do not have the extra money for a rate increase. |
P202100717 | 5/26/2021 2:43 PM | (JB) "I am against this increase. There are people in this area who are disabled & cannot afford another increase. Also, I see all of the Spire employees in their own company vehicles that are provided for them which means the consumers pay for those vehicles & the insurance on those. Also, every time I drive past Spire workers, theres always only 1 person actually working & several others just standing around. Spire needs competition b/c this is ridiculous. MO Natural Gas never charged this muc |
P202100718 | 5/26/2021 2:56 PM | (DF)Hi! Regarding proposed rate increases, the public is not served by raising residential rates at all - ONLY commercial rates should be increased to meet any alleged shortfalls. |
P202100719 | 5/26/2021 3:02 PM | I am on a fixed income (social security only) and can't afford the increase, can't afford to pay for Spire's attoneys. |
P202100720 | 5/26/2021 3:39 PM | (JB) "I don't understand why they want to increase their rates; especially the area I am in. We are retired & low income. We don't make enough as it is on a fixed income so I would appreciate they would take the elderly & low income into consideration. Especially w/ how behind everyone became due to COVID-19 pandemic. The elderly are barely making it now. |
P202100721 | 5/26/2021 4:07 PM | (DF)Kayla would like the commission to know that she is against Spire's proposed rate increase. She states the amount of increase per month can "make or break her monthly budget." |
P202100722 | 5/27/2021 7:11 AM | (DF)I am writing to request the Missouri Public Service Commission deny the request of Spire to raise rates based on "infrastructure improvements". This private company should be held accountable to invest in infrastructure as they are their shareholders deem appropriate, and manage other costs of business, without drastic 5-6% rate increases. The letter to the public I received did not outline the reasons prior estimates of costs factored in to prior rates were inaccurate. See attached. |
P202100723 | 5/27/2021 7:14 AM | (DF)Great, another hike among many others since this country went to shit in 2020. I'm sure all these "infrastructure" bills coming from Spire, local governments, state governments, the Chinese in Chief himself in the White House are all good natured with well intentions. Do these people think customers don't notice such blatant "infrastructure" hike collusion? Well, they're right actually, customers typically don't because most customers are borderline room temp IQ lol. |
P202100724 | 5/27/2021 8:04 AM | (DF)PSC needs to do a better job to keep MO utilities affordable. This increase is 3X the rate of inflation. |
P202100725 | 5/27/2021 8:14 AM | (DF)Mr. Raymor does not believe Spire should be allowed to raise their rates. He believes the PSC is a "joke" and will allow any rate increase requested. He also believes a rate increase will put people out of their homes. |
P202100726 | 5/27/2021 9:32 AM | (DF)Hello I would like this on record. I do not approve of the rate increase , due to inflation & loss of employment due to Covid-19 . American are already struggling to stay above & keep up with your current rates. |
P202100727 | 5/27/2021 9:52 AM | A lot of good it does to make comments or show up - spire will get the go ahead for increases anyway. My brother is disabled - I/ve been hurt & not able to get unemployment - (not fit for work) yet increases go on & on & on. Thanks |
P202100728 | 5/27/2021 9:58 AM | See attached for full comments - opc |
P202100729 | 5/27/2021 10:01 AM | I am against the increase. I am on a fixed income, social security only, barely getting by. |
P202100730 | 5/27/2021 10:06 AM | See Attached |
P202100731 | 5/27/2021 10:07 AM | Can't afford an increase in service with everything else going up but not wages. |
P202100732 | 5/27/2021 10:09 AM | See Attached |
P202100733 | 5/27/2021 11:55 AM | Spire, your clients are not responsible for your illegal activities. You and your shareholders hold that responsibility. I was not living in your coverage area when you did this. Why should I have to pay because I now live here? Explain the morality of that! |
P202100734 | 5/27/2021 12:01 PM | (co) Customer called indicating he lives alone. His mother passed away on 11/23/2020. Bills are getting to where he can't afford. Hard to keep up. Gets $794.00. By the time you pay every month, it's ridiculous. Hard on someone getting disability. People think get a million dollars, it doesn't work that way. Can't do nothing, or buy clothes and groceries. |
P202100735 | 5/27/2021 12:58 PM | (JB) "I am on a fixed income & my husband died last year. Everything else is going up and we cannot afford another increase. At this point, Ill just have to go outside and die or live in the woods if these rates increase. Things have been going up for years but our pay hasn't. I am against this increase." |
P202100736 | 5/27/2021 1:02 PM | (DF)I’m trying to figure what my bill will be after/if the rate increase is implemented. It seems very odd that I’m billed in CCF’s and Spire changes the conversation to Therms. Why not let the customers know what the new rate will be in CCF’s? If you can do that, each customer can plan and forget about averages. The people of K.C. got sold a $600 Million Go Bond on the concept of averages. I believe we all deserve so straight talk. |
P202100737 | 5/27/2021 2:04 PM | (DF)Ms. Warren would like Spire to consider senior citizens when asking for rate increases. She believes they deserve a break as their Social Security checks are not increasing. |
P202100738 | 5/27/2021 2:24 PM | (co) Customer called indicating her and her husband are old. Computers are too new for them. Growing up all her life, she was always told to put away a small amount for a rainy day. A lot of olders can't pay their bills. She doesn't understand the mentality of todays generation, need every lousy cent can get. She can't go to one of these meetings. |
P202100739 | 5/27/2021 2:43 PM | See attached for full comment - opc |
P202100740 | 5/27/2021 3:18 PM | See attached for full comments - opc |
P202100741 | 5/27/2021 3:21 PM | see attached for full comments - opc |
P202100742 | 5/28/2021 11:01 AM | (tb) is opposed to the Spire increase, they just need to leave it alone |
P202100743 | 6/1/2021 7:40 AM | (DF)I oppose and reject any increase. You don’t need to make more profits at a time like this and should think of ways to reduce gas bills instead of increase during a time like this when people are struggling to pay their bills. Use your profits or get a loan to for your infrastructure upgrades or ask the government for help since we already pay tax for infrastructure. |
P202100744 | 6/1/2021 7:57 AM | (DF)To whom it may concern, I do not approve of a rate increase at this time for Missouri Customers, due to we are slowly coming out of a pandemic. Some customers lost jobs and have started looking for other jobs. Some of us are not were we was before the pandemic started in 2020. To my knowledge Spire has not loss any revenue and I’m sure they should have been compensated with Covid Relief Funding. |
P202100745 | 6/1/2021 8:18 AM | (DF)I understand Spire has spent nearly 1 billion in infrastructure upgrades and the costs for supplying and distributing are significant. What I do not understand is how much money is paid to and on the executive branch of the company. I do not read about or hear about the CEO or any other people in the executive branch taking pay cuts or benefit cuts to assist the company in its rising costs of doing business. See attached for details. |
P202100746 | 6/1/2021 8:23 AM | (DF)Regarding Spire filing a request for a rate increase, as a residential customer my wife and I oppose the increase. Natural gas prices have decreased in general over the past decade, and from 2019 to the present the price highs have been less than the price lows from 2016-2018, according to Nasdaq data. See attached for details. |
P202100747 | 6/1/2021 9:16 AM | (JB) "When the senior citizens of this country get appropriate increase in their SSI or Cost of Living, then I could maybe agree to an increase. As of now we can't afford this. I'm sure Spire is not hurting for money right now. But the senior citizens are suffering & you want to make them suffer more w/ this increase. Utilities should be held to the same standard as citizens to cover their own costs w/o putting it on the tax payers. Tax payers should not have to pick up the slack." |
P202100748 | 6/1/2021 9:21 AM | (DF)Upon reviewing the notification of a proposed rate increase by Spire, we find it unconscionable to even consider such an increase due to Spire’s efforts to hide in this increase their attempt to pass along the court ordered penalties for sexual misconduct to their customers. See attached for details. |
P202100749 | 6/1/2021 9:25 AM | (DF)I oppose the requested price increase by Spire energy. This is a Covid-19 year and not appropriate for price increase. |
P202100751 | 6/1/2021 10:15 AM | (JB) "I don't see why they need this increase. Everything seems to be going up. It is hard on seniors. We get an increase on SSI but then bills or other things increase. I can't keep affording everything going up. I wish they would be more thoughtful of the seniors & what we have to go through to keep up with these increases." |
P202100752 | 6/1/2021 10:20 AM | (DF)I had a front-row seat, as it were, to some of Spire's "infrastructure upgrades and improvements." For most of 2020, they were working on replacing a pipe on Pacific Street in Columbus Park, where I lived until a few months ago. I am requesting that you do not grant approval for this rate increase because they did not make the "upgrades and improvements" in a fiscally responsible, or timely, manner. See attached for details. |
P202100753 | 6/1/2021 10:23 AM | (DF)This is in regards to the proposed rate gas increase with Spire. I am sending this comment because I can’t attend the local public hearing on June 22 regarding rate increase in the St. Louis County. I understand my bill impact will vary based upon my gas usage with Spire. I am asking that you please consider current costumer who are on a fixed income like myself who are still struggling with economic and financial repercussions of the current pandemic. See attached for details. |
P202100754 | 6/1/2021 10:25 AM | See Attached |
P202100755 | 6/1/2021 10:34 AM | see attached - opc |
P202100756 | 6/1/2021 10:39 AM | (DF)I received a notice that spire wants to increase rates on gas service. I have some fundemental issues with this rate increase. 1.) Private companies should not be allowed to increase rates every 2-3 years. They have chosen to provide gas service and know that it is something every resident/rate payer depends on for heating and cooking. Private companies need to double down and spend some of their profits to maintain and invest in the infrastructure system. See attached for details. |
P202100757 | 6/1/2021 10:42 AM | (DF)I received a letter recently about Spire wanting to increase their rates $3.28 or 5.6% per month. I disagree that we their customers should be paying an increase in rates after what has been a very hard year not only for us here in Missouri but as a nation. See attached for details. |
P202100758 | 6/1/2021 10:46 AM | I strongly object to the proposed rate increase by Spire. Their customer service is not deserving of a rate increase. They are difficult to deal with and make things hard for their customers. They should not have a rate increase. Thuan Tammy Fadler |
P202100759 | 6/1/2021 10:47 AM | I object strenuously to the proposed rate increase. We handle a large number of foreclosure listings for the Secretary of Veterans and have to put utilities in our name. There have been several instances where Spire expected us to travel long distances to gather their meter number so they could turn on gas service and be paid for it. Spire expects customers to do their job for them. They do not deserve a rate increase. Tracey Smart |
P202100760 | 6/1/2021 10:48 AM | Spire does not deserve a rate increase; their customer service does not warrant them receiving any more money. They expect the customer to do their work for them and then they get paid for it. The customers deserve a rate decrease and better service. Tracey Smart |
P202100761 | 6/1/2021 10:49 AM | Dear Reader, Spire does not deserve a rate increase. Their service is not worthy of more money. I changed my furnace over from gas to electric because of their already high rates and poor service. They are the most difficult company to deal with. Gary Naucke |
P202100762 | 6/1/2021 10:50 AM | Please say no. Senior citizens are having a difficult time already. |
P202100763 | 6/1/2021 10:53 AM | see attached for full comment - opc |
P202100764 | 6/1/2021 10:56 AM | see attached for full comment - opc |
P202100765 | 6/1/2021 10:58 AM | see attached for full comment - opc |
P202100766 | 6/1/2021 11:00 AM | see attached for full comment - opc |
P202100767 | 6/1/2021 11:03 AM | see attached for full comment - opc |
P202100768 | 6/1/2021 11:06 AM | (DF)I am emailing in protest of a rate increase. Our gas bills have been ridiculous, our incomes have gone down with Covid, and that just doesn’t make much sense to increase utility rates after a pandemic. I don’t know what consumer power I have, but I read their notice about the rate change, and I need to make my feelings heard somehow. |
P202100769 | 6/1/2021 11:08 AM | see attached for full comment - opc |
P202100770 | 6/1/2021 11:11 AM | see attached for full comment - opc |
P202100771 | 6/1/2021 11:15 AM | see attached for full comment - opc |
P202100772 | 6/1/2021 11:17 AM | (DF)I am writing to express my objection to the ISRS reassignment to the base rate. Once the “replacement” is complete there is no reason that the base rate should continue to collect for this effort. By assigning those charges to the base rate now it will have no visibility to the consumer and Spire will have no reason to reduce the cost when the program is ended. See attached for details. |
P202100774 | 6/1/2021 11:20 AM | see attached for full comment - opc |
P202100775 | 6/1/2021 11:32 AM | (DF)Mr. Pick is against Spire's proposed rate increase. He believes the PSC should scrutinize Spire's intentions as he believes they are truly wanting more than what they are asking for. |
P202100776 | 6/1/2021 12:25 PM | see attached for full comment - opc |
P202100777 | 6/1/2021 2:04 PM | (DF)Our email to your commission as consumers is clear. WE ARE IN OBJECTION to any rate increase, period! For the past 18 months our country has been in a pandemic that isn't over yet. The financial recuperations have been astronomical for many people of which we are included. We urge you to please deny this request as the economic situation hasn't approved for such a request. See attached from complete P.C. |
P202100778 | 6/1/2021 2:13 PM | (DF)To whom it may concern the proposal of the bill rate increasing to the customer is ridiculous. Our bills are already super high and with the pandemic how are people going to be able to keep their gas on? This is an insane proposal and should be eliminated immediately. See attached for complete P.C. |
P202100779 | 6/1/2021 2:15 PM | (DF) Senior citizens are having a difficult time enough time without an increase in their gas bill. Please do not allow it. |
P202100780 | 6/1/2021 2:19 PM | (DF)As you are aware, Spire has requested a rate increase. This is unfair and must be rejected for the following reasons: 1. It is incumbent on businesses to make improvements in a prudent manner. This should be done on an ongoing basis, not just waiting until a crisis develops and then jacking up prices to cover it. 2. With ripple effects, this causes inflation which is a sinister robbing result, especially coming from a monopoly company. See attached for complete P.C. |
P202100781 | 6/1/2021 2:58 PM | (DF)To Whom It May Concern: We are not in favor of the proposed rate increase. |
P202100782 | 6/1/2021 3:01 PM | (DF)My husband and I are senior citizens. We are on a fixed income. Our social security colas are small if we get one and our pension stays the same. With the economy the way it is everything is going up. Our real estate taxes, our food, gas for cars, medical insurance and medical bills and other utilities. Increases 3.28 to 5.6 per cent a month along with gas price increases will affect people on fixed incomes or the poor badly. See attached for entire P.C. |
P202100783 | 6/1/2021 3:03 PM | (DF)Gentlemen, I am objecting to a rate increase by Spire, especially at this time. They always tell us that they need the money for infrastructure upgrade and improvements. They should be putting funds aside for this anyway. People, who are on a fixed income, have a hard time paying an additional 5.6% per month. This is just to much. Thank you, Doris Lloyd |
P202100784 | 6/1/2021 3:09 PM | (DF)Dear Reader, Spire does not deserve a rate increase. Their service is not worthy of more money. I changed my furnace over from gas to electric because of their already high rates and poor service. They are the most difficult company to deal with. |
P202100785 | 6/1/2021 3:31 PM | (DF)I am writing in regard to the proposed rate increase by Spire Gas Company and to express an objection to this proposal. I understand there will be public hearings in June, but I prefer to put my comments in writing. My reasons for objecting to a rate increase at this time are as follows. See attached for complete P.C. |
P202100786 | 6/1/2021 3:35 PM | (DF)To whom it may concern I object strenuously to the proposed rate increase. We handle a large number of foreclosure listings for the Secretary of Veterans and have to put utilities in our name. See attached for complete P.C. |
P202100787 | 6/1/2021 3:38 PM | (DF)In the same mailing I received from Spire a foldout described how generous Spire has been during the pandemic giving 740,000 here 250,000 there etc. Then they ask for an increase from me. I feel like it is my job to donate to organizations that are helping people in need. When Spire does it I wind up paying for their generosity. I vote no increase until I feel the money needed is for extraction, processing or delivery of natural gas. |
P202100788 | 6/1/2021 3:41 PM | (DF)Spire is highly profitable. I am poor and your rate increase is burdensome and not needed. Please reject Spire’s rate increase request. |
P202100789 | 6/1/2021 3:44 PM | (DF)To Whom It May Concern: I am 87 and live on a fixed income and was recently told by KCWater that my bill would go up by almost $4.00 a month. Now Spire tells me they want an increase in my gas usage of 5.6% per month which might be $3.28. Now I want to know just how we that are living on fixed income are suppose to make out with all cost rising, groceries etc. See attached for entire P.C. |
P202100790 | 6/1/2021 3:48 PM | (DF)I wanted to register my opposition to the proposed rate increase for Spire customers. After a year of drastic income decreases due to the pandemic for small-business owners like myself, it is disheartening to discover that Spire seeks to increase their customer billing rates, even as we are still struggling with the effects of the pandemic. At some point, one wonders when "enough is enough"? See attached. |
P202100792 | 6/1/2021 3:55 PM | (DF)Hello: I am not available on the day of the Zoom meeting for my area (6/23/21) so it said to write here for my input. One, gasoline prices are eating us alive and going up steadily. Two, electric bills are becoming almost undoable for many of us. I am on a fixed income of Social Security and it is hard to pay all these high utility bills. See attached for complete P.C. |
P202100793 | 6/1/2021 3:58 PM | (DF)To whom it may concern, I strongly object to the proposed rate increase; Spire Energy is very difficult to work with and does not provide customer service that is worthy of an increase. It took me over 3 weeks to get service established in my name, during the winter and in the middle of the pandemic. Spire requested ridiculous amounts of documentation multiple times to prove I own the house I own. Spire does not deserve an increase in rates. |
P202100794 | 6/2/2021 7:36 AM | (DF)Hello. I wanted to make public written comments regarding gas rate increases. While I understand the importance of system and transportation upgrades and the costs incurred, I still find that most of the bill is not the actual gas, but the system itself. I don’t own the meter, but I pay for it. I don’t own the system, but Spire wants me (and others) to pay for the upgrades. See attached for complete P.C. |
P202100795 | 6/2/2021 7:41 AM | (DF)I recently received a letter regarding a proposed rate increase for Spire. According to the letter, the majority of the increase covers infrastructure spending. it is very likely that the federal government will pass an infrastructure spending bill. In light of this, the infrastructure bill should be considered when determining the final rate increase. It seems to me that to some degree, the rate increase is double dipping. A rate increase should not be approved |
P202100796 | 6/2/2021 7:44 AM | (DF)This request is based on infrastructure improvements- and no doubt these are critical to any businesses future. However it seems to be the norm that every year we see yet another request for price increases. As this is a monopoly business we depend on your oversight to ensure the requests are reasonable and not just an effort to increase profits. I am not against a company making profits, I just expect them to be reasonable. See attached for complete P.C. |
P202100797 | 6/2/2021 7:47 AM | (DF)One thing is for sure; these public hearings and requests for comments are nothing but smoke and mirrors. I believe the PSC is anything BUT a public service commission but I do think utility officials and regulatory officials have a very cozy relationship much like the insurance industry and Mo. Dept of insurance. See attached for complete P.C. |
P202100798 | 6/2/2021 7:58 AM | (DF)I am writing to object to the proposed rate increase to Spire customer bills. I find it hard to believe that a company that pays its CEO so much needs more money. Yes, the CEO may have taken a 2% cut last year during the pandemic as many did, however, the 12% increase the previous year should have softened that loss. I also believe that the money marked for infrastructure improvements should stay as allocated. See attached for complete P.C. |
P202100799 | 6/2/2021 8:05 AM | (DF)Now I know that death, taxes and utility increase are things you know will happen. I think Spire is crazy, the economy is being held up by the government sending checks out to people like it is candy. The unemployed are getting an additional $300 a week. The pandemic has caused massive problems for businesses and people. This is like kicking people when they are down and as consumer I can't let that happen. I wish I could request a salary increase every year See attached for complete. |
P202100800 | 6/2/2021 8:08 AM | (DF) My wife and I are against yet another rate increase. We have received numerous letters regarding proposed $$$ increases this year and we aren’t even halfway through! Property taxes, auto insurance, health insurance, home-owners association, ect. What is going on? Can we cease all of these proposed rate increases? Can we have some REAL representation? I propose doing more with less; efficiency. Do more with the money that is already in the “pot”. See attached for complete P.C. |
P202100802 | 6/2/2021 8:12 AM | (DF)I currently have two appliances that consume gas. Back up heat and water heater. I consume only a small amount of gas and pay 75% of my bill to just be connected. If prices increase after government bailout, I will switch to all electric and drop gas. I imagine my electric will increase too because gas increase. So I won't pay both. |
P202100804 | 6/2/2021 9:16 AM | It's this type of jacking up bills that cause people to go solar & electric for the whole house. You're cutting your own throat. It'll be nice to think of the people instead of your deep pockets. Try living on $150.00/72 years old/can't get help. |
P202100805 | 6/2/2021 9:25 AM | See Attached |
P202100806 | 6/2/2021 9:28 AM | See attached |
P202100807 | 6/2/2021 9:33 AM | see attached for comment |
P202100808 | 6/2/2021 10:12 AM | See attached for comment |
P202100809 | 6/2/2021 10:19 AM | (DF)Ladies & Gentlemen, I am writing in regard to the proposed rate increase by Spire Missouri Inc. Please note from the outset that I am emphatically opposed to such an increase!! See attached for entire Public Comment. |
P202100810 | 6/2/2021 10:52 AM | will the hearing on the 22nd regarding Spire's request to increase rates just apply to residential customers or will it also apply to commercial customers? |
P202100811 | 6/2/2021 10:52 AM | will the hearing on the 22nd regarding Spire's request to increase rates just apply to residential customers or will it also apply to commercial customers? |
P202100812 | 6/2/2021 11:37 AM | (DF)Spire customer from Lees Summit is strongly against Spire's proposed rate increase. She believes Spire is using the popular "buzz words" infrastructure improvements, to urge those involved to approve rate increase. She believes the proposed rate increase to be ludicrous and unnecessary at this time. |
P202100817 | 6/2/2021 12:44 PM | Against the rate increase!. If they would spend their money wisely they wouldn't need the increase. |
P202100819 | 6/2/2021 12:46 PM | Against. They have a monopoly and we should stop it. no customer wants it. |
P202100820 | 6/2/2021 12:51 PM | Against increase. Living on Social Security only and struggling. This is absurd! Not long since the last increase. Can't afford an increase every 2 years! |
P202100821 | 6/2/2021 1:23 PM | (DF)MO Public Service Commission, I am unable to attend the meeting scheduled for the Kansas City Area on 6/23. But I would like to submit my objection to the rate increase now. Tyler Behrens |
P202100822 | 6/3/2021 7:37 AM | (DF)I’m so against this due to this time in everyones life is so financially a problem. I think that increasing people’s gas bill would be a problem for everyone, with Covid happening and still going on, it’s not the right time to increase everyone’s bill |
P202100823 | 6/3/2021 9:42 AM | (DF)Regarding the proposed increase to annual distribution rates of approximately $65 million; my comments are the following: The PSC should disapprove the rate increase, or only approve after a thorough audit and justifications are presented to the public. A nearly 6% rate increase surpasses the inflation rate from the previous year and inadequate information has been presented to amortize this rate increase over a defined time period. See attached for complete P.C. |
P202100824 | 6/3/2021 10:44 AM | (DF)Ms. Dryer called and left voice mail in regards to Spires proposed rate increase. She believes Spire should not be asking for a rate increase. She believes Spire should take from the rich and not the poor. She is 74 years old and does not accept assistance for living expenses and believes companies like Spire that ask for rate increases are driving people off grid. Not sure of correct spelling of last name. |
P202100825 | 6/3/2021 2:20 PM | (DF)I understand your wish for a rate increase. COL increases are generally no larger than 2%. Your user fees...utility fees and more should cover any and all costs for improvements. Covid has increased costs for everyone. I cannot afford an increase. Too many are getting free rides on rent...utilities and other areas that end up costing the individual who lowers thermostats, pays their bills and works hard to get ahead. Don't add to my burden. See attached for complete P.C. |
P202100826 | 6/3/2021 3:19 PM | (DF)Mr. Hejnal believes that Spire should "Live within their means, as he does." He would like the PSC to "shut this attempt at a rate increase down." He believes this is a horrible time to propose a rate increase. |
P202100828 | 6/4/2021 7:37 AM | (DF) Increasing rates for customers who are already financially challenged when the company is doing really well seems unnecessary at best, and cruel at worst. I hope Spire will rethink their role as a valuable utility service and prioritize their customers over profit in this season. I hope the Missouri PSC will see that this decision, especially at this time, is not in the best interest of the public. See attached for complete P.C. |
P202100829 | 6/4/2021 7:44 AM | (DF)Hello. I am a resident of St. Louis County and I vehemently oppose the rate increase proposed by Spire. In a time of great struggle for many and rents rates going up exponentially, I find it hard to imagine affording a price hike from a company that makes millions of dollars annually. See attached for entire P.C. |
P202100830 | 6/4/2021 7:51 AM | (DF)I'm sure this email won't make a difference, but I just wanted to say that I think it is in poor taste to ask for a rate increase in the middle of a pandemic. My husband lost his job of 18 years. He was luckily able to find another job after searching for 6 months. However, he only makes 2/3 of what he made before. I know he is not alone. This is the story of many of your customers. See attached for entire P.C. |
P202100835 | 6/4/2021 9:46 AM | see attached for full comment |
P202100836 | 6/4/2021 9:51 AM | see attached for full comment |
P202100839 | 6/4/2021 10:04 AM | See Attached |
P202100840 | 6/4/2021 10:06 AM | See Attached |
P202100841 | 6/4/2021 10:07 AM | See Attached |
P202100842 | 6/4/2021 10:12 AM | (DF)Grocery/gasoline prices are climbing weekly. I have a real concern when a monopoly utility has figurehead multi-millionaires that seemingly cannot manage their businesses efficiently. This isn’t right to put their wants on the consumers that have no choice in taking their business elsewhere. Please weigh this decision carefully. |
P202100843 | 6/4/2021 10:34 AM | Can barely afford to pay her bills as it is and don't think it's right that the gas bill gets increased especially for people on a fixed income. |
P202100844 | 6/4/2021 2:19 PM | (DF)Mr. Shelley is against Spires proposed rate increase. |
P202100847 | 6/4/2021 3:11 PM | (DF) As it stands, I see no benefit to working with Spire, customer service has deteriorated and do not see why Missouri consumers should shoulder the weight of another basic service cost increase. See attached for entire comment. |
P202100848 | 6/4/2021 3:54 PM | (DF)Mr. Booker does not believe Spire should be granted a rate increase. He has not seen a Social Security increase so therefore does not believe Spire should be able to increase rates. He thinks at some point in time he should actually see a refund from Spire. |
P202100849 | 6/7/2021 7:34 AM | (DF)Hello, I cannot attend the virtual meeting regarding the Spire rate increase but would like to add my comments. Many productive, hard-working, tax-paying citizens cannot keep affording these frequent rate increases See attached for entire P.C. |
P202100850 | 6/7/2021 7:44 AM | (DF)I'm opposed to the rate increase unless you can tell me more about the salary structure of upper management from CEO to project level. -- Thanks Jeff Wilson |
P202100851 | 6/7/2021 7:51 AM | (DF)To whom it might concern: I am not in favor of any increases to fund Spire. I am a rehabber and constantly have to add/delete accounts and the service is terrible. Usually the transfer is messed up, bills go to wrong addresses etc. See attached for entire P.C. |
P202100852 | 6/7/2021 7:54 AM | (DF)Hello, I am writing to you as I have received communication from Spire that they will be requesting PSC to approve a rate increase in customer bills. I am a Spire customer, a single mother and I know I am already stressed with the bills I have to pay each month therefore I am requesting you to please not allow any increase in Spire rates. Some of us Missourians are not fortunate enough to not be affected by even a slight rate increase in monthly bills. See attached for entire P.C. |
P202100853 | 6/7/2021 9:23 AM | (DF)I do not think this is the time for a rate hike. Due to covid, employment is not at the precovid levels. We have much higher prices for food and gasoline. Many families still have college students and extended family living in the same residence. Higher cost of living in general. Again, this is not the right time. |
P202100854 | 6/7/2021 9:52 AM | See Attached |
P202100855 | 6/7/2021 9:55 AM | See Attached |
P202100856 | 6/7/2021 9:57 AM | See Attached |
P202100857 | 6/7/2021 9:58 AM | See Attached |
P202100858 | 6/7/2021 11:08 AM | see attached for full comment |
P202100859 | 6/7/2021 11:19 AM | see attached for full comment |
P202100861 | 6/7/2021 11:39 AM | see attached for comment |
P202100862 | 6/7/2021 12:46 PM | Not interested in an increase. Already has a delivery charge that is higher than my electric. |
P202100863 | 6/7/2021 1:41 PM | (DF)Spire has indeed spent a great deal of money upgrading THEIR system over the past few years. Along with this has come shoddy repairs to streets complete with broken and uneven asphalt patch jobs, metal plates in roads for weeks on end with no work being done, gravel and cinder being left on private property, and ruts and bare spots in peoples yards from their "contractors" doing the work. See attached for entire P.C. |
P202100864 | 6/7/2021 2:49 PM | (co) Customer called indicating she don't think it ought to raise. Pretty high on people with low income. Getting ridiculous. Barely making ends meet. |
P202100866 | 6/8/2021 10:06 AM | See Attached |
P202100867 | 6/8/2021 10:08 AM | See Attached |
P202100868 | 6/8/2021 10:09 AM | See Attached |
P202100869 | 6/8/2021 11:19 AM | (co) Customer called indicating the economy is already struggling for years. She doesn't agree with the increases. She can't see the benefit when request all of these increases. People are already struggling to make ends meet. The business itself is always wanting to increase something. We are not getting any better service. |
P202100873 | 6/9/2021 9:36 AM | See Attached |
P202100874 | 6/9/2021 9:37 AM | See Attached |
P202100875 | 6/9/2021 10:17 AM | see attached |
P202100876 | 6/9/2021 11:35 AM | I would like to notify you of my opposition to the rate increase requested by Spire which would allow currently collected Infrastructure system replacement surcharge program fees to be converted to base rates. I also oppose the request by Spire for a 5.6% increase to residential customers. |
P202100877 | 6/9/2021 3:03 PM | DF)A rate increase for residential customers of 5.6% per month is unreasonable and inflationary. See attached. |
P202100880 | 6/10/2021 12:51 PM | (opc) Platte Co. Resident for 30 years. 84 years old. This is ridiculous. Either 5.6% or $3.28/month. This is discrimination against people that don't use much gas. Want actual facts as to what they are going to charge. |
P202100883 | 6/11/2021 9:55 AM | See Attached |
P202100884 | 6/11/2021 9:57 AM | See Attached |
P202100885 | 6/11/2021 10:23 AM | (DF)No I am not in favor of an increase for Spire gas co. What did they spend the last increase on. & before that's even paid they are asking for more. If you ask me they're been very much overpaid. See attached P.C. |
P202100887 | 6/11/2021 3:40 PM | It should not be necessary to move ISRS funds to base rates to pay for infrastructure. Leave the ISRS account as it is. See attached comments. |
P202100888 | 6/12/2021 8:24 AM | As a Spire customer, I am 100% AGAINST this rate increase. Spire has continually posted a positive balance sheet, but, chose to buy back stock from their generous tax break from the previous administration. Why do companies raise rates when things are out of control of the consumer? Now is the time to LOWER rates to help everyone succeed. Simply.. DO NOT approve this rate increase. * please see my attachment Thanks. |
P202100891 | 6/14/2021 7:27 AM | (DF)I can not believe Spire Gas has the nerve to raise our gas rates. Their service charges and fees are already outrageously high. See attached for entire P.C. |
P202100892 | 6/14/2021 7:33 AM | (DF)Dear Missouri Public Service Commission and Office of the Public Counsel, I would like to register a public comment in favor of the requested rate increase. I approve of the requested rate increase on the basis that it allows the utility to make infrastructure and safety improvements to the provision of natural gas. |
P202100894 | 6/14/2021 10:30 AM | (DF)I am pastor of Fellowship Baptist Church of Aurora, Missouri, a customer of Spire Energy. We have recently received notice of a proposed rate increase by Spire. As a Spire customer with no other gas purchasing option we would be opposed to a rate increase. There seems to be a greater supply of natural gas than ever before in the history of the industry. We would like to see a rate decrease. |
P202100895 | 6/14/2021 1:06 PM | (co) Customer called objecting stating Spire should pay for up keep of own equipment. Already buying their part. Every time turn around want more money. |
P202100897 | 6/15/2021 9:12 AM | (DF)I am writing to oppose Spire Missouri Inc.’s 5.6% gas use increase rate and ISRS (Pipeline Upgrade Charge) Surge reassignment into base rate. See attached for entire P.C. |
P202100900 | 6/16/2021 9:49 AM | 74 years old on social security & a small pension, disabled with COPD and diabetes. I can't afford an increase. This is infuriating what are we supposed to do? I am unable to work for supplemental income. We are captive customers. There is no competition. They have a monopoly. We just got out of COVID and this is the worst case scenario to start increasing rates. |
P202100901 | 6/16/2021 11:02 AM | (DF)I reside in Saint Louis County and oppose the proposed rate increase. Every day workers should not have to pay for the legal fees of of a company worth billions. If Spire needs cash to pay the fees, they should look no further than the salaries and compensation packages of their CEO and other executives. They're all highly compensated - some have benefits worth millions - and it was their decision to accrue the legal fees in the first place. |
P202100902 | 6/16/2021 1:44 PM | On a fixed budget and can't afford to pay anymore. I try not to use much energy and I used to get letters stating how well I was doing then all of a sudden I'm one of the highest users. Doesn't make sense. |
P202100906 | 6/17/2021 1:44 PM | As a spire customer, I feel this is unfair, particularly at this time. With the pandemic and loss of jobs, people are struggling to pay their bills as it is, why should they have to try to pay more. Also, since Spire has a monopoly on the "gas" that is available to us consumers, they feel they can hike the rates anytime they want and we have to just "suck it up" and pay and pay and pay. When is this going to stop.? Thanks for considering my comments. An unhappy Spire customer |
P202100907 | 6/17/2021 1:47 PM | On a fixed income. Pay $20 for the meter, pay for the gas usage and for the pipeline upgrades. They charge us for everything. I paid $43 for only 30ccf usage. Charge us for everything (even moving the meter up by the house) which is plenty! |
P202100908 | 6/17/2021 1:59 PM | see attached for comment |
P202100909 | 6/17/2021 2:00 PM | see attached for comment |
P202100910 | 6/21/2021 9:42 AM | (DF)Simply rolling the ISRS in to our bills PLUS the requested rate increase is asking the PSC to approve the enduring addition of nearly $100 per year per customer. Spire’s request is ill-timed, excessive, unnecessary, appears to be disingenuous and SHOULD NOT BE approved. See attached for entire P.C. |
P202100911 | 6/21/2021 10:22 AM | See Attached |
P202100912 | 6/21/2021 2:20 PM | (DF)I am somewhat confused: There is NO other gas service in the St. Louis Metro area. Why is Spire and Ameran allowed entertainment budgets? They simply charge me to take out and entertain people who cannot even if they wanted to buy the service from someone else. It would seem that it is well past time to do away with this part of the budget. Jack |
P202100913 | 6/21/2021 2:20 PM | See attached comments from the Local Investment Commission |
P202100914 | 6/21/2021 2:25 PM | i can not afford the additional amount spire wants eatch month due to having a fixed income every month of almost 900.00 a month and have other utility bills to pay as well and also a mortgage payment to make every month so i ask that you deny spire their request for an increase in their rate hike thanks |
P202100915 | 6/21/2021 6:21 PM | Spire is asking for customers to pay more yet their share price rose more than $25 per share from Sept. 2020 to May 2021. The company announced an INCREASE in shareholder dividends paid in Nov. 2020, then in Dec. 2020 filed for a rate increase. Why is the company expecting customers to fund the payouts to their shareholders? |
P202100916 | 6/22/2021 7:41 AM | (DF)I am unable to attend the virtual town hall tonight and wanted to express my opinion. I am not opposed to rate increases, but my desire is for careful usage of the monies received. Our electrical/gas infrastructure is below standard and these increases will likely not improve the service (to a state of the art) nor improve the environmental impact of electrical/gas service (more solar and wind power please…). See attached. |
P202100917 | 6/22/2021 9:00 AM | (DF)since I can't make it to any of the meetings about Spire gas' proposed rate increase, I am notifying you of my feelings on the subject. I am adamantly opposed to any rate increases, we are all struggling enough without having to worry about being able to afford the gas bill. thank you Glenda D. Rice |
P202100921 | 6/22/2021 12:06 PM | (JB) "As a MO voter & someone who has to use Liberty, I am objecting to the rate increase. It is going to hit the poor and middle class very hard. The increase is ridiculous and should be denied." |
P202100924 | 6/22/2021 1:28 PM | (DF)Ms. Liao does not believe Spire should be allowed to raise their rates. She thinks corporations like Spire are too big. Utility companies should be divided into smaller entities creating more competition. |
P202100926 | 6/22/2021 1:58 PM | I am a widow and cannot handle an increase. |
P202100927 | 6/23/2021 8:03 AM | (DF)This proposal is outrageous! They even state in their notice that “97% is for recovery of money already spent”. That is a clear sign that they have sufficient funding to operate on the current rates. Please don’t allow this outrageous increase of an additional 65 million annually that will hurt residents that are already hurting in a poor economic situation. When paychecks are already stretched too thin, you can’t cut out basic utilities for heat or hot water. |
P202100928 | 6/23/2021 9:24 AM | This proposal is outrageous! They even state in their notice that “97% is for recovery of money already spent”. That is a clear sign that they have sufficient funding to operate on the current rates. see attached for full comment |
P202100929 | 6/23/2021 9:48 AM | See attached for comment |
P202100934 | 6/24/2021 7:29 AM | (DF)I couldn't attend the virtual meeting tonight because I was at work. I would like to go on the record as saying that I do not want to pay more for Natural Gas. I am sure there are some people there that make a lot of money that could absorb the increase without passing it on to hardworking businesses like mine. The proposed 5.6% increase could cost me hundreds of dollars a month in an economy that we are already struggling in. |
P202100935 | 6/24/2021 7:32 AM | (DF)I am writing as a concerned resident of Liberty, MO to express my opposition to the proposed Spire rate increase. Gas bills are already high enough as it is. If the company is having a hard time squaring their budget, they need to get their own house in order instead of passing the costs on the us, the customers, who really don't have any other options, as Spire has a monopoly on gas here. Please vote this proposal down. |
P202100936 | 6/24/2021 7:34 AM | (DF)I am writing as a concerned resident of Liberty, MO to express my opposition to the proposed Spire rate increase. Gas bills are already high enough as it is. If the company is having a hard time squaring their budget, they need to get their own house in order instead of passing the costs on the us, the customers, who really don't have any other options, as Spire has a monopoly on gas here. Please vote this proposal down. |
P202100937 | 6/24/2021 9:05 AM | Economic Security Corporation of Southwest Area (ESCSWA) would like to thank Spire Energy for their support of the Low Income Weatherization Assistance Program in the State of Missouri. ESC understands that the rise in the cost to conduct business results in increased rates to consumers. We would ask that the funding for the Low Income Weatherization Program be maintained or increased to help offset the costs of this increase to our most vulnerable populations. |
P202100938 | 6/24/2021 11:24 AM | (DF)I think that when Spire purchased the company they either knew or should have known the infrastructure costs they would be assuming with their purchase. The public shouldn’t have to pay them back for their own investments. I’m am not I favor of a rate hike for this reason. |
P202100939 | 6/24/2021 1:58 PM | I think that when Spire purchased the company they either knew or should have known the infrastructure costs they would be assuming with their purchase. The public shouldn’t have to pay them back for their own investments. I’m am not I favor of a rate hike for this reason. |
P202100940 | 6/25/2021 7:41 AM | (DF)This company has plenty of money to offset their own rate increase instead of passing it down to the litle guy. How about the CEO or some of the other higher ups take a pay cut? |
P202100941 | 6/28/2021 7:36 AM | (DF)I missed the virtual session for my area. I am concerned that these rate increases are on top of the previous rate increases approved within the last several years not completed. It seems unfair to continually add more increases on top, for the same reasons, such as research and development, improvements and investments. The previous approved items have not been presented to show actual results from them yet. |
P202100942 | 6/28/2021 2:31 PM | Very, very, very much against the rate increase! Not our problem to pay back the stockholders that is Spire's responsibility. I would sign a petition to stop this increase if I could. |
P202100943 | 6/29/2021 9:31 AM | See Attached |
P202100944 | 6/30/2021 11:58 AM | (DF)When Spire changed their name they parked their newly painted vans in the middle of streets, put up the orange cones and left them there. They ran print, mail and TV ads. See attached for entire P.C. And the whole time I was thinking they are a regulated monopoly / utility, why are they spending money to advertise? They were spending money needlessly. All they had to do was put a notice on the bill that their name changed. But their egos got the best of them. |
P202100945 | 6/30/2021 2:15 PM | (co) Customer called stating during the summer he only uses a water heater; however, in the winter he uses more than that. Gets bills for $33.00, and $29.00 of that is for the hook up. Thinks it's absurd. All of that money divided by households, and they come back to the table complaining wanting more money for infrastructure. What are they doing with the other dollars taken from us? Wish they had competition here in MO. Don't get to come in here, and throw their weight around. Get it everytime. |
P202200000 | 7/6/2021 2:43 PM | (DF)Spire needs to work on their internal problems, by way of customer service in their call center and their technicians. Spire will not provide a credit for services lost even when they turn your service off to do work in the area. They are not even intelligent enough to leave a door tag when they cut your service off for their OWN reasons. They charge TWO fees! One fee for simply HAVING the service and another for actual usage that changes due to the season. Why am I paying twice? |
P202200001 | 7/7/2021 9:52 AM | See Attached |
P202200003 | 7/9/2021 8:28 AM | (JB) "This company is making money hand over foot and they don't need anymore money. I only used $4 worth of gas on my recent bill but my bill is over $30 because of the customer charge. This is ridiculous. Please do not approve this increase." |
P202200004 | 7/9/2021 8:36 AM | Talked to Spire about my upcoming bill that is $30! It's summer and my usage was only $4. That's what I should be charged. Spire charges $26 fee each month for each customer just to get the gas from the street to the house! They are making money hand over fist on all their customers. They don't need any more money! Please, please, please, please do not approve this increase!! |
P202200009 | 7/20/2021 11:24 AM | I've been dealing with a job loss and COVID 19. While being a single, widowed mother and now jobless, I am unable to afford any increases to my electric or gas utilities. |
P202200014 | 7/23/2021 10:16 AM | See Attached |
P202200017 | 8/2/2021 7:35 AM | (DF)I’ll make this simple: We’re in a pandemic. Wages are flat. As a family, be have begun the process of cutting back expenses so that we can meet our needs, paying for medical bills for the family, while also battling inflation from every sector. Missouri energy customers don’t need this right now. I’m sorry but c’mon, don’t do this to Missouri customers. Unless it isn’t clear, I am against a proposed rate increase for Spire Energy. |
P202200018 | 8/2/2021 9:27 AM | (DF)Another utility rate increase(GR-2021-0108) – really?? Interest rates on bank accounts have been ZERO for 13 years because the government says there is NO INFALTION! HA HA!! How are people on fixed incomes supposed to live with these rate increases. See attached for entire P.C |
P202200028 | 8/3/2021 9:43 AM | See Attached |
P202200031 | 8/9/2021 10:27 AM | (DF)Until Spire can transform itself to become more customer oriented, teach/train their staff to take the initiative, empower their employees to access and learn what agreements are available and/or on certain accounts; and follow through or follow-up to ensure resolution on issues for their customers, Spire should not receive any rate increase. See attached for entire P.C. |
P202200163 | 9/28/2021 9:22 AM | (DF)For actual usage, over those 3 months, the Natural Gas Cost - Usage = $9.83. By comparison, the "Customer Charge" = $66.00 or more than six (6) times the Natural Gas Cost - Usage. When adding all the surcharges and tax, the comparison is far more lopsided. See attached for entire P.C. |
P202200336 | 10/29/2021 3:53 PM | Ms. Jassen is highly opposed to the rate increase, she is a senior citizen. The increase is killing the senior citizens |
P202200337 | 10/30/2021 8:29 AM | Nat Gas rates are going up almost double, why do Spires profits also go up ,if they are just passing the cost thru ? Also, you approved Gas rate increase, and we are waiting to hear on how much our ele rate is going up, do you realize this ? YOU hiked the rates on both, really ? Who's side are you on ? or did you figure COLA was going up so you want to reward your masters. I have yet to see the profits of these monopolies go down ,like OUR wallets do. Why is that ? |
P202200345 | 11/4/2021 6:26 PM | We do not want or need Spires pipeline. They have multi yr contracts for their supply , if they need more, then they can contract more. This is nothing but a needless $$ grab on the backs of us rate payers. IF it's so great and needed, THEY should pay for it.They are the ones that will PROFIT ,not us. |
P202200351 | 11/9/2021 10:17 AM | (JB) "I have been informed that my rate will be reverted back to regular commercial rate which will include a rate increase of 10-20%. You would like to stay at the current rate. |
P202200365 | 11/16/2021 9:08 AM | I would like the PSC to consider changing regulations regarding billing for Spire Gas. Winter rates run from Nov-April. When the November statement comes out, I have October usage billed at winter rates. When Spire can read my meter automatically, why aren't they splitting the rates on the November bill for October and November usage? The company should have to either pro-rate the bills or bill everyone from the start to the end of each month. |
P202200385 | 11/23/2021 8:25 AM | (JE) Annette does not agree with having to pay a customer charges and believes that the charge is too high. |
P202200388 | 12/1/2021 6:12 AM | I just learned Spire Gas will be doubling rates effective immediately. We were hit hard last year with the increased electric, sewer, and water bills and would like to find a way to contest this. Without another company to choose service from this leaves us in the same boat as the other utilities we use, including internet with Sparklight, with constant increases. |
P202200390 | 12/1/2021 8:53 AM | Just saw we are getting hit with Spires rate increase, I sure hope the PSC tripled checked to make sure it's justified. Texas was caught gouging for more days than needed. I don't see how a week of increased costs = the amount they are collecting. Also, if they are just passing on the costs their profits should NOT RISE. |
P202200391 | 12/1/2021 9:28 AM | I find it nearly impossible to imagine how this organization was able to approve a rate hike that doubled the cost of natural gas overnight for residents of Joplin, MO and surrounding communities. This was dramatic malpractice by Spire and yourselves as their oversight in the eyes of SW Missouri residents. Legal options for recourse are being explored by residents against yourselves and Spire. |
P202200392 | 12/1/2021 5:05 PM | Spire is price gouging their services provided right before winter. I have a small family including a special needs child. This hike in prices will only continue to drive our cost of living higher and higher. While my salary does not increase to compensate. You are allowing Spire to destroy working middle class MISSOURI families. Please fix this. |
P202200396 | 12/5/2021 10:38 PM | Hello, I would like to say that the rate hike on Missourians is ridiculous as it is insane. How can someone justify a rate hike when Ameren and Spire both record sales growth and making profits? If there are repairs that need to be made then they need to dip into the money they pay share holders and not tax the people when they are already making a profit. If these companies cannot afford to stay afloat then let them sink and have someone else in the market emerge. |
P202200397 | 12/5/2021 10:40 PM | I am a disabled senior citizen and survive on a fixed income. My utilities, which are Spire, Ameren and the City of St. Charles Water and Sewer, have each raised their monthly rates by $10-20/month, as of October usage. The monthly rent of the Town West Mobile Home Park has increased by $47/month in 2021. My income, SSI, was increased by $11/month in 2021. Tell me what is unacceptable rate gouging? All of it. |
P202200401 | 12/6/2021 1:52 PM | We already pay for the natural gas to be delivered to our homes in pipes that have existed for over 65 years. om top of the cost of the usage. The rate hike is uneccasry and will end up costing families that are already on a tight budget. This will force families to decide between heat, groceries or medicine. Totally a false increase. |
P202200419 | 1/6/2022 4:24 PM | (co) Customer called stating when you go to Spire's website to learn more about it, it says 2/8% increase by $1.72. There is different terminology on their website vs the bill. The way they're communicating is going to cause people not to realize that it's the hit they're taking. |
P202200424 | 1/13/2022 1:01 PM | As a resident of Western Missouri my rates with Spire have nearly doubled. This is totally unacceptable if you are indeed working for the public. I am upset and feel that the Public Service Commission is out of touch with the people your allegedly serve/ |
P202200427 | 1/18/2022 11:31 AM | This is what your rubber stamping rate increases looks like in the real world. 12/10-1/12 2021,107 units = $96.00 12/12-1/12 2022 ,92 units = $109.00 2 less days, 15 less units = + $13.00 So much on trying to conserve to save $ and the planet And you have the gall to approve of the CEO's 26% pay raise.? How do you people sleep at night . |
P202200428 | 1/20/2022 11:00 AM | (JE) Lelar submitted comments about Spire's rate increase (SEE ATTACHED). She is unhappy with rate increase. Confirmed she is being charged correct rates |
P202200429 | 1/21/2022 9:26 AM | (JE) Ken sent public comment via email (SEE ATTACHED). Ken is upset over the rate increase & believes that the rate increase is too high & bad timing with winter. |
P202200434 | 1/25/2022 1:55 PM | I am new on here and am looking for information relating to the recent approval of the SPIRE gas utility rate increase! |
P202200439 | 1/26/2022 10:22 AM | (co) Customer called stating gas varies in heat value. Cubic feet is not a very good measurement. You don't know what you're getting. |
P202200442 | 1/27/2022 3:11 PM | Our rate has more than doubled since last year, this is a literal crime. |
P202200443 | 1/28/2022 1:41 PM | (co) Customer called stating his winter usage line on his bill increased from 0.15637 to 0/27073. How can they double the price and be happy with it? Very disappointed. Budget for $100 and then all of a sudden get a bill for $220. |
P202200445 | 1/31/2022 9:22 AM | See Attached |
P202200446 | 1/31/2022 9:24 AM | See Attached |
P202200447 | 1/31/2022 9:25 AM | See Attached |
P202200448 | 1/31/2022 9:26 AM | See Attached |
P202200449 | 1/31/2022 9:28 AM | See Attached |
P202200450 | 1/31/2022 9:29 AM | See Attached |
P202200451 | 1/31/2022 9:29 AM | See Attached |
P202200452 | 1/31/2022 9:30 AM | See Attached |
P202200453 | 1/31/2022 9:31 AM | See Attached |
P202200454 | 1/31/2022 9:32 AM | See Attached |
P202200455 | 1/31/2022 9:34 AM | See Attached |
P202200456 | 1/31/2022 9:35 AM | See Attached |
P202200458 | 1/31/2022 3:03 PM | See Attached |
P202200459 | 2/1/2022 12:52 PM | See Attached |
P202200460 | 2/1/2022 4:02 PM | (JE) Charlotte called the PSC unhappy with Spire's recent rate increase. She understands increase in PGA but is also unhappy with the increase the PSC approved. She also believes there are too many line items being charged to her and the rates are too high for those charges. |
P202200461 | 2/4/2022 1:18 PM | It is outrageous that our energy costs doubled! The announcements about this didn’t not address this massive cost increase honestly. |
P202200462 | 2/4/2022 4:53 PM | Spires recent rate increase is a huge bait and switch. What was communicated to the public via notice was an average of $2. Spire mentions the following statement where in fact it was actually closer to 200% increase in that fee. New PSC-approved rate changes for natural gas use go into effect 12/23/2021. The typical residential bill for Missouri customers is increasing by around 2.8%, or about $1.72 per month. Similarly, spire uses different terminology when disclosing the PGA Increase. |
P202200463 | 2/7/2022 8:01 AM | See Attached |
P202200464 | 2/7/2022 8:07 AM | See Attached |
P202200471 | 2/10/2022 11:28 AM | I think you all should be ashamed for the increased gas bills approved for Missourians. The CEO of Spire Energy received over $4.1 million in incentives due to increasing revenues for the company. How is this acceptable? |
P202200472 | 2/10/2022 12:53 PM | See Attached |
P202200474 | 2/14/2022 7:55 AM | See Attached |
P202200476 | 2/14/2022 5:13 PM | Please see attached sheet complaining about the "minimal" increase from Spire. My bill has increased each of the past two months $50 more. |
P202200477 | 2/15/2022 12:08 PM | The Commission's attack on Spire's pipeline communication is misaligned. The New York based radical green energy firm trying shutdown an existing pipeline to advance their climate change agenda is the important issue. Our area's natural gas dependability and price stability will diminish if the suit succeeds. Shouldn't that be Commission's primary focus? |
P202200478 | 2/16/2022 11:57 AM | See attached. |
P202200489 | 2/22/2022 1:12 PM | (JE) Sharon called regarding Spire's rate increase. She believes that the delivery charge & customer charge was already too high & should not have been increased. Would like charges lowered in next rate case & wants the PSC to not increase them any higher |
P202200506 | 2/24/2022 2:42 PM | (LK) Rodney called concerning his extremely high Spire gas bill. He believes the commission needs to have more jurisdiction and authority over Gas charges regarding supply and demand and believes that the rate increases should not be allowed as it is very difficult for consumers to afford. |
P202300621 | 9/22/2022 12:49 PM | See Attached |
P202301296 | 1/10/2023 11:04 AM | See Attached |